All Swift Packages

Repository Description
LocationProvider A Combine-based CoreLocation Provider as a Swift Package
NCA Neural Cognitive Architectures
Cdirent dirent module for Swift
Switch 💊 An iOS switch control implemented in Swift with full Interface Builder support
Extension A collection of extensions of Cocoa, for quick developing
Leash Network Abstraction Layer in Swift - Powered by Alamofire
swift-tqdm Swift port of tqdm: A Fast, Extensible Progress Bar for Swift
ConfigCop A Swift command line application that verifies xcconfig files against a template.
MotionProvider A Combine-based CoreMotion data provider as a Swift Package
EditableColor A mutable color representation with automatic, dead-simple bridging to SwiftUI, UIKit, and AppKit.
Timers ⏲️ Intuitive Swift timers with automatic memory management
Network A network request tool based on URLSession
swift-typeid Implementation of the typeid type in Swift.
Progress :hourglass: Add beautiful progress bars to your loops.
swiftui-simple-table SwiftUI table view for iOS and macOS
Erbium Light weight tool for detecting the current device's capabilities
SLTools Tools for Kitura
Gloss [Deprecated] A shiny JSON parsing library in Swift :sparkles: Loved by many from 2015-2021
ios-accessibility-text-snapshot Textual snapshot tests for your app's VoiceOver support
librlottie A wrapper for librlottie + Xcode project. Support Carthage && CocoaPods && SwiftPM.
AKLog 簡単に詳細なログを出力するためのライブラリです。
Gestalt An unintrusive & light-weight iOS app-theming library with support for animated theme switching.
StubKit A smart stubbing system.
PianoRoll Touch oriented piano roll for iOS and macOS
Playbook 📘A library for isolated developing UI components and automatically taking snapshots of them.
SwiftSnmpKit A Swift package for performing native SNMP queries. Also includes some ASN.1 decoders.
GetExtensions Common extensions for Get library.
SwiftSyntax SwiftPM package for SwiftSyntax library.
libvmaf A wrapper for libvmaf + Xcode project. Support Carthage && CocoaPods.
TypedNotificationCenter Typed version of Apple's NotificationCenter to avoid forgetting setting parameters in the userInfo dictionary and needing to handle not having those parameters.
StoryUI Create stories with just single-line code written in SwiftUI
Cache A type-safe swifty wrapper around NSCache.
libwebp A wrapper for libwebp + Xcode project. Support Carthage && CocoaPods && SwiftPM.
SSpec Behavior Driven Development in Swift
BJOTPViewController Entering OTP made simpler.
iFixFloat This fixed float math library provides an efficient and deterministic solution for arithmetic and geometric operations.
SourceKitten An adorable little framework and command line tool for interacting with SourceKit.
ComposableKeychain A composable keychain wrapper around
reflective-equality Compare anything for value equality in Swift
ColorSet Change theme color of your apps without Reactive extension.
Iatheto A simple JSON framework
KuwaharaFilter Project focused on Implementing the KuwaharaFilter in Swift for iOS and macOS
Deeplink A library to parse deeplinks and their arguments using String interpolation.
TweetNacl XCFramework version of TweetNacl (
Datadog Datadog SDK for iOS - Swift and Objective-C.
GPEngine iOS entity-base game engine written in Swift
RollView RollView is an iOS implementation of ListView on Android
StoreKitExtensions :rocket: Collection of useful StoreKit extensions
TTESwift My favourite things
TrustKit Easy SSL pinning validation and reporting for iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS.
ItemsDataSource :recycle: Generic datasource for UICollectionView
JelloSwift Swift soft body physics engine
MiniFuture A monadic Future design pattern implementation in Swift
CocoaFob A set of registration code generation and verification helpers for Obj-C, Ruby (Potion Store), PHP and FastSpring
SwiftStringObfuscator Swift String Obfuscator
deferred A lock-free, asynchronous Result: a future Result, a promised Result, a deferred Result.
Forms A collection of reusable form components designed to simplify the integration of forms into iOS apps.
Thrift Apache Thrift native Swift library
NavigationRouter An alternative for SwiftUI NavigationStack. While using the NavigationStack for performance, NavigationRouter gives more control to navigating. It also gives easy access for programatic navigation.
SDWebImageLinkPlugin A SDWebImage loader plugin, to support load rich link image with LinkPresentation framework
NFCReader Scan and decode NFC tags on iOS
Dkst 👨🏽‍🏫 CLI app for controlling Deckset
BetterSlider A custom SwiftUI slider control that allows for more customization than the standard `Slider`
Branch The Branch SDK for Mac OS X - Docs:
Log Logging to console and file
StripeKit A pure Swift implementation of the Stripe API.
B9AssociatedObject Objective-C associated value wrapper in Swift.
PexelsSwift Pexels API client library for the Swift programming language.
Nappa Adaptable HTTP client
Sqlite Simple sqlite3 wrapper.
KVObserver A Safer KVO
SBQuickLook Quickly preview local and remote files and their content using Apple's QuickLook Framework
w3w-swift-core what3words types definitions for swift libraries
LocMapper Map localizations from a reference to your code.
Stackdriver 💬 Helper for logging and error logging to Google Cloud Stackdriver
CountryKit A μlibrary in Swift containing all the countries with their localized name, ISO code, phone code, country code, flag image and emoji.
WSTagsField An iOS text field that represents tags, hashtags, tokens in general.
RNGExtension Swift extension for RandomNumberGenerator
msgraph-sdk-objc-models Generated Models for Objective C SDK
LBBottomSheet LBBottomSheet gives you the ability to present a controller in a kind of "modal" for which you can choose the height you want.
CSAuthSample Swift and ObjC-based library to assist with implementing a privileged helper tool in a macOS application.
swiftui-niche-pieces Provides niche APIs that you would like to see provided when developing with SwiftUI
InvestingInMeAPI An API for our application
Chalk ✏️Expressive styling on terminal string. (chalk for swift)
swift-secrecy A simple package to help you avoid accidentally exposing secrets
FlowStacks FlowStacks allows you to hoist SwiftUI navigation and presentation state into a Coordinator
LogDog user-friendly logging
FloatingLabelTextField Swift package to add floating placeholder to TextField and SecureField in SwiftUI
LogicKit A Prolog-like language as a Swift Embedded Domain Specific Language.
CDRCodable An OMG Common Data Representation (CDR) encoder and decoder for Swift `Codable` types.
swiftui-mail-view Send mail from SwiftUI!
Emit Simple signals library for Swift
BPFormatted Backport of iOS 15 formatting api
SourceKit Swift Package Manager package for SourceKit
SwiftOracleAutonomous Driver for connecting Swift to an Oracle Autonomous Database
libpq C module import for libpq.
SwiftGodot New Godot bindings for Swift
Once Minimalist library to manage one-off operations.
Common Basic data structures, protocols and utilities for Swift
POViewController Pio's Awesome Customizable ViewController
Metron Geometry, simplified.
BLEDiscovery BLE advertising/publishing utility with ability to exchange info between iOS devices
JSONSchema JSON Schema validator in Swift
swift-screenshot-scribbler A command line tool `scrscr` and a library that decorates screenshots with nice backgrounds and captions.
swift-dom taylor’s (not so) famous HTML DSL 👠
Mechanica A cross-platform library of Swift utils to ease your iOS | macOS | watchOS | tvOS and Linux development.
Steam A Swift package to interact directly with Steam.
Blessed Swift friendly SMJobBless implementation with excellent error messages
SwiftWebAssembly Load WebAssembly modules from Swift
swiftui-matched-inline-title Transition from any SwiftUI Text view into an inline navigation bar title when the view is scrolled off-screen, as seen in Apple's TV & TestFlight iOS apps.
Rainbow 🌈 Color conversion and manipulation library for Swift with no dependence on UIKit/AppKit.
CodableX Make Swift's Codable easier using Property Wrappers.
CPango A wrapper around pango-1.x for Swift
Drops A µFramework for showing alerts like the one used when copying from pasteboard or connecting Apple pencil
HyperHooks-Core HyperHooks Core for usage with HyperHooks DOM and HyperSwift
ScrollViewSectionKit A SwiftUI library that allows you to add native (plain, grouped, insetGrouped) or custom section styles within the ScrollView SwiftUI component.
MockSix Mocking microframework for Swift
NimbleMockSix Nimble matchers for MockSix
SwiftCompactor Formatters for the concise display of Numbers, Currency, and Time Intervals
Website 🌐
BCrypt Swift implementation of the BCrypt password hashing function
northwind-SQLite3 SQLite3 version of Microsoft's Northwind Database
Performance Performance measuring utilities
Hammer iOS touch synthesis library
Time Robust and type-safe date and time calculations for Swift
OSCCore A tiny OSC module implementation in Swift
swift-blocks 🧱 A collection of my Swift building blocks.
SwiftHttpServer Swift HTTP Server
SwiftString A comprehensive, lightweight string extension for Swift 3.x & 4.0
EnigmaKit Enigma encryption in Swift
HelperKit 🛎 A set of useful extensions & helpers for UIKit and swift development.
SQLite.swift A type-safe, Swift-language layer over SQLite3.
ReSwiftSaga Redux Saga for Swift using ReSwift
Runtime A Swift Runtime library for viewing type info, and the dynamic getting and setting of properties.
CountryPickerAKS Streamline country selection with ease. Customize themes, add countries, optimize lists – all tailored to your app. A simple, powerful choice for an enhanced user experience. 🌐✨
sModel sModel is a Swift framework written on top of FMDB to provide simple but powerful ORM tools for managing data in a SQLite database.
OhMyLog Simple Logging Package in Swift 📋
markdown-webview A performant SwiftUI Markdown view.
DurationPicker ⏰ A customizable picker for selecting time values with hours, minutes, and/or seconds
IBLinter A linter tool for Interface Builder
RollbarSDK Objective-C & Swift library for remote crash, exception, error reporting, and logging with Rollbar. It works on all Apple *OS platforms (macOS, iOS, tvOS, watchOS, etc).
AppSyncRealTimeClient A client implementation in Swift for the AWS AppSync service on the iOS platform.
CoreJSON Core JSON data model and utilities
PreviewConsole Show print/log statements in a console on the Xcode Preview
HTInfiniteScrollView An infinitely scrollable `NSScrollView` clip view implementation
Bases ⚾️ Base16 and Base32 encoding in Swift
SPDiffable Wrapper of Apple Diffable Data Source. Including side bar and ready-use models.
SwiftDataTables A Swift Data Table package, display grid-like data sets in a nicely formatted table for iOS. Subclassing UICollectionView that allows ordering, and searching with extensible options.
PackageGeneratorCLI Package Generator CLI is tool used by a Package Generator for extracting imports from code source. It use swift-syntax for the code analysing.
napkin napkin is a reimagining of Uber's RIBs with RXSwift replaced by Combine and the Leak Detector removed (you should use Xcode Instruments instead).
LayoutBob A micro library making writing layout code easier
LoggingKit A micro framework for logging in Swift
SwiftUIAdvancedMap A wrapper around MKMapView with more functionality than Map.
HTTPMethod Just an enum of HTTP request methods.
NDHpple NDHpple is a Swift wrapper on the XMLPathQuery library.
Breeze A Serverless API Template Generator for Server-Side Swift
XCGLogger A debug log framework for use in Swift projects. Allows you to log details to the console (and optionally a file), just like you would have with NSLog() or print(), but with additional information, such as the date, function name, filename and line number.
ably-cocoa iOS, tvOS and macOS Objective-C and Swift client library SDK for Ably realtime messaging service
SwiftExec :rocket: Simple process execution with Swift
Worker Execute async code in the main or background threads. Easily switch between them.
SwiftHexTools Tools for working with hex in Swift
swift-any-value A Swift Codable type that serves as a placeholder for any JSON value
SFSymbols This is an extension to UIImage that provides all of the SF Symbols for you as a UIImage.
PeakOperation PeakOperation is a Swift microframework providing enhancement and conveniences to Operation.
PackageGeneratorPlugin Package Generator is a Swift Package Manager Plugin for simply updating your Package.swift file
Geometry3DValueTypes Useful value types when dealing with 3D geometry
CocoaSprings Interactive spring animations for macOS/iOS
GampKit Google Analytics Measurement Protocol API for Swift
stringray macOS command line tool for manipulating and validating  strings files
AnyAsyncSequence Type-Erased Existential Generic AsyncSequence Values in Swift
PredicateKit 🎯 PredicateKit allows Swift developers to write expressive and type-safe predicates for CoreData using key-paths, comparisons and logical operators, literal values, and functions.
Chalk Terminal colors using Swift 5’s string interpolation extensions.
TLDExtract A pure Swift library to allows you to get the public suffix of a domain name
StandoutJiraKit Jira kit for swift development specialised for Standout AB
ChatGPTSwift Access ChatGPT API using Swift
ArrayBuilderModule A result builder that allows to build arrays with conditions and loops with SwiftUI like syntax.
Shout SSH made easy in Swift. Special supported numeric host & external prebuild Libssh2. Supports nearly all Apple platforms.
Contribute Create content for your site from existing sources.
CodableRequest Structured HTTP URLRequest and API client for Swift
Segment The hassle-free way to integrate analytics into any iOS application.
SwiftUTI A Swift wrapper around Apples Universal Type Identifier functions.
appstoreconnect-cli An easy to use command-line tool for interacting with the Apple AppStore Connect API
CGExtensions Arithmetic operators and utility functions for CGPoint, CGSize and CGRect
SHDateFormatter A date formatter supporting encoding as well as decoding of many different date and time formats including the often used ISO8601 standard.
Snowdrop Networking made easy
FlowingMenu Interactive view transition to display menus with flowing and bouncing effects in Swift
Checkpoint Verify's Amazon Alexa requests
hummingbird-core HTTP server for Hummingbird the lightweight, flexible web application framework written in Swift
HexColor #️⃣ Convert hex strings to NSColor or UIColor
Ashton Converts NSAttributedStrings into HTML (and back)
ReachabilityX Make it easier to observe network connectivity in SwiftUI.
CountryKit Swift library with all continents, regions, subregions & countries of the world according to Standard Country or Area Codes for Statistical Use (UN M94).
SwiftUIPDF SwiftUI views collection to display PDF pages and files
Fuzzy 🔍 simple and fast fuzzy string matching in Swift
Cserd Swift package wrapper for the Serd RDF library
themis Easy to use cryptographic framework for data protection: secure messaging with forward secrecy and secure data storage. Has unified APIs across 14 platforms.
Emitter 🔴-🟢-🔵 A small Reactive Streams implementation. Emitters are thread-safe and annotated for use alongside Swift Concurrency code.
Task A task-management framework built atop Combine.
swift-varint Google Protocol Buffer VarInt
UIPheonix Inspired by game development UIPheonix is a super easy, flexible, dynamic and highly scalable UI framework + concept for building reusable component/control-driven apps for macOS, iOS and tvOS. The same API apply for cross platform development! Think of it as using Lego blocks, you can use similar ones and move them around easy as pie.
Hatch Simplified Swift Parsing
Noise Generate and combine commonly used procedural noises and distributions, in pure Swift
Elementary Experimental, uni-directional and purely functional architecture in Swift.
SystemColors Use standard system colors from SwiftUI on iOS, macOS or tvOS
StateTree 🌳 State management done better.
CDBus Swift C Module for DBus
JustSignals Signals to replace NotificationCenter and delegates, nothing more
StateMachine Swift implamentation of Finite State Machine using Combine & Generics
ODWeakify Fancy header-only weakifying and strongifying for Objective-C 💪
TimesheetSyncApi Timesheet Sync API for Swift
ElementaryEffectBuilder Experimental, uni-directional and purely functional effect builder in Swift.
SVEVideoUI A video component for SwiftUI
M3U8Decoder M3U8 playlist decoder for Swift.
WrappingStack A SwiftUI Views for wrapping HStack elements into multiple lines
BaseAPI BaseAPI is a small Swift library wrapper around URLSession.
SwiftHEXColors HEX color handling as an extension for UIColor.
ManualResume A Swift package for asynchronously pausing and resuming code execution with support for cancellation, using tagged continuations.
ButtonKit Asynchronous and Throwable button implementation for SwiftUI, with animations and progress tracking
OTPublishersHeadlessSDK OTPublishersHeadlessSDK for iOS
swift-sls-adapter Swift serverless.yml adapter. Read and Write a Serverless Framework configuration in Swift.
DPTabBar A Custom TabBar for iOS written in Swift.
XML Swift XML Tree Serialization
SwiftCommand A wrapper around Foundation.Process, inspired by Rust's std::process::Command.
hummingbird-lambda Hummingbird running inside an AWS Lambda
SwiftyChrono A natural language date parser in Swift (ported from chrono.js)
CountedSet Takeover by Codermak
oracle-nio Non-blocking, event-driven Swift client for Oracle DBs. Does not require OCI or ODPI.
AEPAudience Adobe Experience Platform Audience SDK in Swift
SwiftMarkup Parses Swift documentation comments into structured entities
objective-c PubNub Objective-C based APIs for iOS and OS X
Miles A thin wrapper around XCTest Macros to make tests just a bit more readable.
kvSIMD.swift A cross-platform implementation of the SIMD framework on Swift (macOS, iOS, Linux, Windows, etc.)
NutView Amazing template language for web development
HelpfulKit Helpful Extension, Structures and Classes
Agrume 🍋 A lemony fresh iOS image viewer written in Swift.
WWScrollableMaskImageView Implement draggable mask layer function.
Socket Socket framework for Swift using the Swift Package Manager. Works on iOS, macOS, and Linux.
JPFanAppClient JP Fan App Swift Client (iOS, macOS, Linux)
FoggyColors Beautiful randomly generated colored shapes on the background with SwiftUI
Senna a logging engine backend of Apple's swift-log
Introspect Introspect underlying UIKit components from SwiftUI
ActionSheetCard A SwiftUI based custom sheet card to reuse in iOS application.
secp256k1 Optimized C library for EC operations on curve secp256k1
Song Data structure serialization with static typing. Song is to JSON as Swift is to Javascript
smoke-http Specialised HTTP Client for service operations abstracted from the HTTP protocol.
ORSSerialPort Serial port library for Objective-C and Swift macOS apps
macos-wallpaper Manage the desktop wallpaper on macOS
Bloombox Bloombox for Swift - Retail cannabis SDK and tools for iOS
Euler The open-source computational framework for the Swift language
CHDF5 Swift package manager module map for HDF5
SwiftFileStore Lightweight key-value store with Structured Concurrency API
apple-device-information Contains a collection of device identifiers of apple devices
Pathos File management and path analysis for Swift
FTAPIKit Declarative and generic REST API framework using Codable.
PresenterKit ⚠️ Deprecated ⚠️
Unxip A Swift command line tool to extract signed archives (.xip files).
Swiftfall Wrapper for Scryfall API written in Swift
libaom A wrapper for libaom + Xcode project. Support Carthage && CocoaPods && SwiftPM.
Typo (Yet another) Type safe UserDefaults wrapper
WebAPIKit Access the DOM and other Web APIs from Swift! (Very much a WIP)
ScaledToFit Scale up or down a rectangle size so that it fits into another rectangle size.
Upsurge Multi-dimensional Swift math
TraceLog TraceLog is a highly configurable, flexible, portable, and simple to use debug logging system for Swift and Objective-C applications running on Linux, macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS.
RefreshUI RefreshUI provide native refresh control to SwiftUI.
DataDrivenTesting A Swift package that provides data-driven testing functionality for your project.
CJavaVM Allows using `libjvm` in other Swift packages.
examples TensorFlow examples
Cuckoo Boilerplate-free mocking framework for Swift!
HDF5Kit HDF5 for iOS and OS X
FlooidLayout Declarative Autolayout Library
SDWebImageAVIFCoder A SDWebImage coder plugin to support AVIF(AV1 Image File Format) image
SIWA SignIn With Apple Button for SwiftUI
Tracery Powerful extensible content generation library inspired by
DBus Swift library for D-Bus
acho 🍋 Acho is a Swift library to generate interactive CLI prompts
RealFlags 🔧 Feature Flagging for Swift
yes yes command line tool written in Swift. 60+ times faster than macOS built-in yes.
recommender Recommendation library for Vapor
circular-progress Simple and flexible circular progress view in SwiftUI
swift-ast A Swift AST parser and visitor that is written in Swift.
SwiftEventCenter A simple and easy to use event manager
LifeHash A beautiful method of hash visualization based on Conway’s Game of Life.
FDTake Easily take a photo or video or choose from library
EdgeBracketShape SwiftUI shape and ViewModifier to add a customizable bracket on the edge of a View.
WrkstrmLog A versatile and adaptive logging framework designed for seamless integration across various platforms including Linux, Xcode, and macOS terminal.
USearch Fast Open-Source Search & Clustering engine × for Vectors & 🔜 Strings × in C++, C, Python, JavaScript, Rust, Java, Objective-C, Swift, C#, GoLang, and Wolfram 🔍
SMLib SuperMemo SM2 Algorithm in Swift
STARSDK iOS Version for the STAR SDK
GraphViz A Swift package for working with GraphViz
ClampedInteger An Integer type that clamps its value to its minimum and maximum instead of over- or underflowing.
swift-profile-data-manager Project to manage profile data related to the sign up process
java_lang Swift bridge to java.lang.*
TimberSwift A message forwarding framework for sending logs, analytics, performance, network activity, and other messages to the Parent Application
SwiftGen The Swift code generator for your assets, storyboards, Localizable.strings, … — Get rid of all String-based APIs!
PLSwift PostgreSQL Functions in Swift
Swiftfire An extensible HTTP(S) server written in Swift that allows HTML code injection by Swift functions.
StateViewController Stateful view controller containment for iOS and tvOS
SwiftConfettiView Swift Confetti View ! Who doesn't like confetti? 🎉🎉
DuctTape 📦 KeyPath dynamicMemberLookup based syntax sugar for Swift.
debounced-closure Simple and flexible way to debounce closure calls in Swift
XCTest_BlockExpectations A method that creates XTestExpectations that receive code block (( ) -> Bool) and continually evaluates them until it evaluates to true or 'waitForExpectations' times out'
strings-check Lists missing keys from .strings files.
Astral An integration of Stripe Terminal for iOS. (Unofficial).
SDWebImageHEIFCoder A SDWebImage coder plugin to support HEIF image without Apple's Image/IO framework
LocationManagerModule The location manager allows the tracking of user locations and setting of geofences.
ToastSwiftUI A simple way to show a toast message in SwiftUI
Stockroom A persistent store for data including images.
mogif mogif — a command for creating a animated GIF with characters.
swift-async-dns-resolver A Swift library for asynchronous DNS requests, wrapping c-ares with Swift-friendly APIs and data structures.
DataOperation An Operation subclass intended to download data from a network.
OpenAQKit A well written SDK that allows you to interact with the Open AQ API (
java_util Swift bridge to java.util.*
FabulaItemsProvider You can share and communicate with developers around the world through the Fabula app.
Admob-SwiftUI Admob support in SwiftUI
SwiftNodes Concurrency Safe Graph in Swift + Graph Algorithms
WineKit 🍷 Run Wine from Swift
RxSmartThrottle Observable.throttle with custom intervals
tencent-cloud-core Tencent Cloud support for Swift
swift-file-data-manager Project to manage file uploads that need to be done during a sign up process
hackscode A hacky partner for my life with Xcode
SwiftECC Swift Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECIES, ECDSA and ECDH)
CacheX 📦 Mixed cached storage warehouse with disk and memory. Support OC and Swift.
CocoaLumberjack XCFramework version of CocoaLumberjack (
Lingo Swift code generation for Localizable.strings files
Wink A light reactive library written in Swift that makes easy the process of Face Expression Detection on IOS. It detects a default set of user face expressions using the TrueDepth camera of the iPhone, and notifies you on real time using Combine.
SwiftTUI SwiftUI for terminal applications
CoreDataPlus CoreData utils
Hydra ⚡️ Lightweight full-featured Promises, Async & Await Library in Swift
VaporCSRF Easy CSRF protection for your Vapor websites
ActionOver A custom SwiftUI modifier to present an ActionSheet or a Popover menu
GoogleAuthentication Swift wrapper around OAuthSwift and KeychainAccess to call Google APIs while saving the tokens into keychain
RxSwift Reactive Programming in Swift
ReplayLatest A publisher to share the most recent received values upon subscription.
GraceLanguage Grace provides a Turning-Complete scripting language can be used in applications such as spreadsheet calculations, database manipulations or game engines.
DSFActionBar An editable, draggable bar of buttons and menus similar to Safari's Favorites bar with overflow support for macOS (10.11 and later).
LinkPlay A Swift Package for discovering and handling of LinkPlay devices found in your local network.
VIPER A lightweight VIPER software architecture framework for Swift.
FisherYates Example package for use with the Swift Package Manager
device-input Processes inputs read from /dev/input device streams
XFormatter XFormatter creates localized strings from numbers, currencies, dates and more.
SwiftUIContactPicker Native SwiftUI contact picker
ProtocolMatcher For Swift: Get a list of classes in your app that conform to a specified protocol. (It uses ObjcC Reflection, since Swift Mirror can only report on instantiated classes )
CombineExpectations Utilities for tests that wait for Combine publishers
FuncKeyPath Operator for creating functions out of KePath.
swift-perception Observable tools, backported.
XCEPipeline Custom pipeline operators for easy chaining in Swift.
Fastlane 🚀 The easiest way to automate building and releasing your iOS and Android apps
leveldb LevelDB is a fast key-value storage library written at Google that provides an ordered mapping from string keys to string values.
FZQuicklook Framework For Quicklook Previews
Updeto ✅ Update checker for iOS Apps
WWCameraPickerController The enhanced version of UIImagePickerController made by AVFoundation, with higher customization functions, is more convenient when using the camera to take photos.
URLEmbeddedView URLEmbeddedView automatically caches the object that is confirmed the Open Graph Protocol.
NeumorphicView Neumorphic View
Creamy3D Integrate 3D objects effortlessly into SwiftUI
secp256k1 secp256k1 bindings for swift with SPM support
Just Swift HTTP for Humans
Advance Physics-based animations for iOS, tvOS, and macOS.
WWCapsuleTabBarController Based on UITabBarController, implement a TabBarController that can display more than six Tabs.
RxSwift Reactive Programming in Swift
Raster Rasterize SwiftUI views into bitmap images.
BluetoothDarwin Low Level Swift Bluetooth library for the Darwin kernel
AHDownloadButton Customizable download button with progress and transition animations. It is based on Apple's App Store download button.
Runtime A Swift Runtime library for viewing type info, and the dynamic getting and setting of properties.
TreeSitter An incremental parsing system for programming tools
PathPresenter Pure SwiftUI state-driven library to present view sequences and hierarchies.
MoyaAPIClient APIClient based on Moya
LMGeocoderSwift Simple wrapper for geocoding and reverse geocoding, using both Google Geocoding API and Apple iOS Geocoding Framework.
COpenSSL 🔒 OpenSSL module map for SPM.
ReadingTimePublishPlugin Reading time estimation plugin for Publish.
SDWebImageLottieCoder A Lottie animation coder which use SDAnimatedImageView instead of LOTAnimationView for bitmap rendering
MangopayiOSSDK Mangopay Checkout iOS SDK
Kommander-iOS A lightweight, pure-Swift library for manage the task execution in different threads. Through the definition a simple but powerful concept, Kommand.
msgraph-sdk-objc-auth MSAL Authentication Provider for Objective C
Unboxing Set of extension and custom classes to efficiently decode heterogeneous collections.
swift-travis A Travis v3 API client written in Swift
SES Standalone Repository of AWS email Client from soto-project/soto
Gherkin A Swift package for working with Gherkin (Cucumber) feature files.
UnwrapOrThrow 🎁 Unwrap an optional or throw an error if nil (or crash the program).
AdminPanel Build easy customizable admin features for your app ✍️
PactConsumerSwift A Swift / ObjeciveC DSL for creating pacts.
CTLS LibreSSL / OpenSSL module map for Swift
zstd Zstandard - Fast real-time compression algorithm
FlipperClientSwift Facebook Flipper iOS client side reimplementation with simpler dependencies.
SDWebImagePDFCoder A PDF coder plugin for SDWebImage, using Apple's built-in framework
DotNetMetadata A Swift library for reading .NET metadata files, including WinMD files.
LNBitsKit A Swift Package for interacting with LNBits.
DFSearchKit Swift/Objective-C framework for macOS around Apple's SearchKit
ICY ICY / Essent e-thermostaat client in Swift
Stellar A fantastic Physical animation library for swift
QLoop Declarative asynchronous operation loops in pure Swift
WWCountdownButton A countdown button.
CopilotForXcodeKit Build extensions for Copilot for Xcode.
YandexMobileAdsPackage Yandex Mobile Ads SDK iOS
BRBON A binary JSON-like object notation for fast memory mapped access.
MangopayVaultSDK Mangopay VaultSDK for iOS
GrowingAnalytics GrowingIO Analytics SDK for iOS/macOS/tvOS/watchOS/visionOS.
DeviceKit DeviceKit is a value-type replacement of UIDevice.
SDWebImagePhotosPlugin A SDWebImage plugin to support Photos framework image loading
WithValueless A Swift macro to generate a copy of the enum with no associated values.
my-home My DIY Homekit setup in Swift
zxcvbn A fully Swift implementation of the zxcvbn password strength package
DelaunayTriangulation Delaunay Triangulation implementation written in swift
SwiftUIFlow SwiftUI views that arrange their children in a flow layout.
Coquille A simple, modern Swift class for running shell commands
swift-filestreamer A file streaming library
Intercom A Swift Package for the Intercom iOS SDK.
YouTubeKit YouTube video and audio extractor for iOS, watchOS, visionOS, tvOS and macOS
WWExpandableCell Can be folded to use Cell.
ARDeepLinkButton #UIButton subclass that handle deep links, shows in-app #SKStoreProductViewController or redirects to the #AppStore. Written in #Swift 2.1.1
RxDataSources-Texture ASTable and ASCollection Data Sources for RxSwift (Texture)
JSONConfig JSON Configuration reader for server side swift
SwiftBase32 Base32 for Swift
FileSystemEventPublisher A publisher that emits events in the file system.
KeyPathMapper Swift KeyPath Mapper
SwiftRandom A tiny generator of random data for swift
FMDB A Cocoa / Objective-C wrapper around SQLite
SwiftyBeagle Server-Side-Swift API monitoring based on your iOS client apps code
DirectedGraph SwiftUI package for displaying directed graphs
Helm A graph-based SwiftUI router
LoadingView Easy to use, highly customisable, animated view to display a loading
Alamofire Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift
Shell 🧪 Shell is a µ-library written in Swift to run system commands
Sunday Sunday 🙏 The framework of REST for Swift
CodyFire 🌸 Powerful Codable API requests builder and manager for iOS.
HTMLString Escape and unescape HTML entities in Swift
TwilioSwift Server Side Swift API for Twilio
VersionFilePlugin SwiftPM command plugin to maintain a Version type with a semantic version.
SRP Secure Remote Password (SRP) for Swift
static-libgit2 Exposes a static XCFramework of libgit2 as a Swift package
Sliders-SwiftUI Collection of unique fully customizable SwiftUI sliders, joysticks, trackpads and more!
HistoricalQuotations Parser for Bovespa (B3) historical quotations files as a Swift Library
swift-aws-extras Swifty helpers for working with the AWS SDK.
DynamicCodable Swift PropertyWrappers that use Codable to decode and encode types that are determined at runtime based on JSON data.
Inject A lightweight dependency injection library for Swift and SwiftUI projects.
UnsplashSwiftUI This SwiftUI package makes using the Unsplash API in an app simple and easy.
Sprinter A library for formatting strings on iOS and macOS
FieldValidatorLibrary SwiftUI Package supporting "Form Validation"
Colorizer A Swift package that helps adding colors to strings written to the terminal.
swift-notifier Observes all notification events and sends them to a front-end via APNs
SplashScreen A little package that allows you to create an automatically fading splash screen
GPTEncoder Swift BPE Encoder/Decoder for OpenAI GPT Models. A programmatic interface for tokenizing text for OpenAI ChatGPT API.
SimpleCLI *Deprecated* simple Swift CLI library (mostly to turn arguments into a dictionary and generating the usage string right now)
BLAS-LAPACK-AppStore-Workaround Workaround for "ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage - The app references non-public symbols in Example: _lsame_, _sgemm_."
SwiftUITriangle Triangles in SwiftUI
MicrotonalAudioKit Microtonal Tuning Tables
HandyJSON A handy swift json-object serialization/deserialization library
KeyedCodable Easy nested key mappings for swift Codable
MempoolKit A Swift Package that enables to get Bitcoin data through a mempool instance.
bow-openapi 🌐 Functional HTTP client generator from an OpenAPI/Swagger specification.
WWFortuneWheelView A scroll wheel that can be customized.
AdvancedCollectionTableView Extended NSCollectionView & NSTableView: Cell- & ItemRegistration, SwiftUI table cells/collection view items,…
Onfido A Swift client for the Onfido API and a collection of UI elements to capture photos of documents.
Telescope A SwiftUI-oriented remote image caching system.
Reusable A Swift mixin for reusing views easily and in a type-safe way (UITableViewCells, UICollectionViewCells, custom UIViews, ViewControllers, Storyboards…)
ImageSizeFetcher Finds the type/size of an image given its URL by fetching as little data as needed
RxNimble Nimble extensions making unit testing with RxSwift easier :tada:
FileUtils Easy way to work with files, directories and paths in swift on macOS and linux.
iCalendarParser iCalendar (RFC5545) parser in Swift
Bruynet This is the network layer implemented in Swift using Combine framework.
Authomatek Authomatek is a Swift package for Vapor that provides pre-configured authentication for relational databases. It automates the process of creating all the necessary routes, controllers, and models, allowing you to quickly and easily set up authentication for your Vapor application.
AsyncSequenceReader Building blocks to easily consume Swift's `AsyncSequence`.
SourceKit Swift Package Manager package for SourceKit
AppKid UI toolkit for Linux in Swift. Powered by Vulkan
FlexSeal A lifecycle tracking tool to find potential memory leaks during development and testing.
ModalPresentationView Remove the boilerplate of modal presentations in SwiftUI
SPConfetti Show the confetti only when the user is having fun, and if not having fun, don't show it.
CGExtender Frequently reused helpers and functions for coregraphics types
FlowStack A grid layout view for SwiftUI
DevoloopAudioKit Guitar processors for AudioKit
FileSmith A strongly typed Swift library for working with local files and directories.
swift-confidential-plugin Swift Package Manager build tool plugin for Swift Confidential.
chaqmoq-routing An HTTP Routing package in Swift and powered by SwiftNIO
AnyCoding Coding `Any` using Codable in Swift
KL Access my info from Swift
GISLib Swift 5.0:提供地图经纬度距离计算及在一个圆(以地图上的经纬度坐标为圆心)内随机生成一个点
RealmSwiftMacro swift macro that aims to produce crud methods on Realm Object
MAImage Easy iOS image caching library
HCExtension extension of swift
DRLSetlistFM A API Swift Package
IQDropDownTextFieldSwift TextField with DropDown support using UIPickerView
ShuffleIt A UI library for SwiftUI custom stack views with a wide range of elegant and unique shuffling, sliding and swiping behaviors.
ConnectableKit ConnectableKit is a Swift package for the Vapor framework that simplifies the response DTOs and JSON structures for API projects.
Scintillate A UIKit+AppKit-friendly way to either mask content, or show a loading state. Think: SwiftUI's 'redacted' modifier, for non-SwiftUI applications.
SWCompression A Swift framework for working with compression, archives and containers.
CollectionAndTableViewUpdateConveniences A group of conveniences for UITableView and UICollectionView to allow easier updates in coordination with NSFetchedResultsController
ProfileSwiftUI InstrumentSwiftUI
SquirrelConnector Squirrel ORM connector
ElasticsearchVapor A Swift elasticsearch client using SwiftNIO
swift-log-syslog 📋 Syslog logging for Swift
OSInfo Cross-platform Swift Package to determine OS name and version on which the app is running
IQListKit Model driven UITableView/UICollectionView
SwiftLazy Classes (Lazy, Provider) is intended for late initialization.
Carlo Monte Carlo Tree Search Library
InterposeKit A modern library to swizzle elegantly in Swift.
MetalCompilerPlugin Swift Package Manager plug-in to compile Metal files that can be debugged in Xcode Metal Debugger.
OrderedSet A simple, static Ordered Set collection type for Swift. Doesn't depend on Foundation.
InputStepper SwiftUI library to create fully customizable input stepper.
Carthage A simple, decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa
IQPullToRefresh Easy Pull to refresh and Load more handling on a UIScrollView subclass
DSFDockTile Easily display images, animations, badges and alerts to your macOS application's dock icon
Reflection Construct any value type. No protocol conformance required.
SeafileAPI Seafile's API wrapper written in Swift.
ExtSwift Extensions for Swift
LongPressButton A SwiftUI button that initiates action on tap or long press.
Plinth Hardware-accelerated matrix/numeric programming library for Swift
RequestSwift A tiny HTTP client written in swift. URLSession alternative
AST Annotation based parser generator
URLNavigator ⛵️ Elegant URL Routing for Swift
Composed Composable DataSources
UnsplashFramework Lightweight framework for Unsplash in Swift
URLCompatibilityKit Compatible backports of commonly used type properties for `URL` that are only available from iOS 16.0+ / macOS 13.0+ / tvOS 16.0+ / watchOS 9.0+.
Erik Erik is an headless browser based on WebKit. An headless browser allow to run functional tests, to access and manipulate webpages using javascript.
Plotly Interactive data visualization library for Swift
ITunesFeedGenerator Provide Swiftly API to fetch top music, apps, books from iTunes Store
PlayDocs Command line tool for converting Swift Playgrounds to Markdown and HTML.
JNI Swift JNI helpers
LinkHeaderParser Parser for the “Link” HTTP header (tries to be RFC 8288 compliant)
XCAppTest Utilities for easier interaction with XCUITest methods
SendbirdChatSDK Sendbird Chat SDK for iOS for enablement of a rich, engaging, scalable, and real-time chat service.
IBDecodable A tool to translate xib and storyboard XML into Swift models.
ModernRIBs Uber's RIBs with Combine.
plfile File Management Library
TranslateView Call iOS system translate in you SwiftUI
PerfectSysInfo This project provides a Swift library to monitor system performance in essential metrics.
SpeziFileFormats A collection of reusable file format implementations.
DiasporaNodeInfo NodeInfo protocol implementation in Swift
argparser A minimalist argument-parsing library for Swift.
Gorush Vapor service to easily integrate push notifications via Gorush
UIPilot The missing typesafe SwiftUI navigation library
AStar A* path finding library in Swift
ReactiveCocoa Cocoa framework and Obj-C dynamism bindings for ReactiveSwift.
SendbirdUIKit Sendbird UIKit for iOS is a development kit with a user interface, offering a simplified integration into chat.
FocusNode FocusSquare class taken straight from Apple's ARKit examples and packed up for anyone to use with ease.
ColorPaletteCodable A color palette/gradient reader/writer for a growing set of file formats. Swift (macOS, iOS, tvOS, watchoOS, macCatalyst, Linux)
icu-swift Swift APIs for ICU
Dysprosium Deallocation helper for runtime objects
DSFSparkline A lightweight sparkline component for macOS, iOS and tvOS
RxCocoaNetworking A Moya-inspired, RxTest-testable networking framework built on top of RxCocoa
Plot A DSL for writing type-safe HTML, XML and RSS in Swift.
SafeDI Compile-time safe dependency injection in Swift
BluetoothConnector Simple macOS CLI to connect/disconnect a Bluetooth device. Useful for AirPods or other Bluetooth headphones.
swift-validations Build validations with result builder syntax.
ActionSheetPicker Quickly reproduce the dropdown UIPickerView / ActionSheet functionality from Safari on iPhone/ iOS / CocoaTouch.
SkeletonUI ☠️ Elegant skeleton loading animation in lightweight SwiftUI
SFFocusViewLayout UICollectionViewLayout with focused content
MightyCombine We build powerful and convenient features using Combine and Swift. Support Network, Log, Functional, Asynchronous, Endpoint and more
HostRouter A Vapor middleware for including domains in routing
HashKit HashKit is wrapped C style library CommonCrypt in Swift.
ScryfallKit A Swift SDK for the Scryfall API
MenuBarExtraAccess Show/hide SwiftUI MenuBarExtra menu using Bindings
RedisConnection A Swift Concurrency based implementation of the Redis Protocol
SwiftMAC Look up a MAC address using an IP address (port of MacFinder)
NMapsGeometry NMapsGeometry
PwnedPasswords Package for testing a password against Pwned Passwords V2 API in Vapor
swift-backtrace 💥 Backtraces for Swift on Linux and Windows
CardsSDK The iOS Cards Alviere SDK.
twitter-text Swift implementation of twitter-text library
Gestures Enhanced gesture API for SwiftUI
NMapsMap NMapsMap
Francium A small library to use for your file system.
Odeum Odeum is a simple iOS Video player library with basic control
EthereumABI Ethereum ABI parser in vanilla Swift. Supports ABIv2 spec for Solidity 0.5
Mappable flexible JSON to Model converter, specially optimized for immutable properties
UpgradeAlert 🔔 Easily update your app
URLSessionBackport Backward compatible async/await for URLSession!
BarChartKit UIKit / SwiftUI library for creating Bar Chart similar to chart used in iOS Health app.
CurrencyText Currency text field formatter available for UIKit and SwiftUI 💶✏️
AlCore The core iOS Alviere framework.
WWLocationManager Find location-related settings on your phone. (Region / Language / SIM / GPS)
secp256k1_swift secp256k1 library from Bitcoin core wrapped in Swift class
MMBannerLayout Custom Banner CollectionView Layout
Regex 🔤 Swifty regular expressions
EnvironmentVariationPreview EnvironmentVariationPreview is a SwiftUI library designed to simplify the process of previewing your SwiftUI views in a variety of environments.
PerfectQiniu Swift Perfect 服务器上传文件到七牛云
RemittancesSDK The iOS Remittances Alviere SDK.
FWFramework iOS development framework, mainly solves the routine and pain points in native development, and builds a modular project structure to facilitate iOS development. iOS开发框架,主要解决原生开发中的常规和痛点问题,搭建模块化项目架构,方便iOS开发。
async-http-client HTTP client library built on SwiftNIO
ParallaxSwiftUI Add a motion parallax effect to your SwiftUI views to add some depth to your UI
Lithium _The_ E-sites logging framework
ExtraComponents Additional components to incorporate into a Swift Publish site. Add alerts, downloads, reference links all from your markdown document.
CApache Swift Module Maps for Apache, ApachePortableRuntime and APRUtil
Shusky A command-line tool for executing git hooks in Swift :dog2:
Tart macOS and Linux VMs on Apple Silicon to use in CI and other automations
swift-openapi-urlsession URLSession transport for Swift OpenAPI Generator.
SolarSystem An interactive app for visually exploring the solar system.
StorageKit Core services for creating storage providers integrations.
pointfreeco 🎬 The source for, a video series on functional programming and the Swift programming language.
SQLiteStORM SQLite StORM Module
CodeEditorView SwiftUI code editor view for iOS, visionOS, and macOS
SimpleLogger SimpleLogger
SearchField The search input box component can be placed in a non-specific location and is consistent with the default search input box style.
Migrator Helps you migrate your data between versions of your app
ForgeRock-iOS-SDK ForgeRock Mobile iOS SDK
libprisma Code highlighter native for apple platform
ReleaseRadar 📬 ReleaseRadar is a lightweight framework to check release notes after iOS app update.
CustomTabView A SwiftUI component for creating TabView with a custom tab bar.
SwipeSelectingCollectionView A collection view subclass that enables swipe to select multiple cells just like in Photos app.
NextLevel ⬆️ Media Capture in Swift
Stash Cache items in volatile memory for a pre-determined amount of time.
ArArchiveKit A simple, 0-dependency Swift package for reading and writing ar archives. Inspired by ar:
Checkbox Embarrassingly simple UIControl with binary state that appears as a garden-variety checkbox.
Cpcre Swift bridge to PCRE
Freddy A reusable framework for parsing JSON in Swift.
ZEGBot Build your Telegram Bot with Swift! (works on macOS / Ubuntu)
cglm 📽 Highly Optimized 2D / 3D Graphics Math (glm) for C
RestBird 🦉Lightweight, stateless REST network manager over the Codable protocol.
SourceKit Swift Package Manager package for SourceKit
swift-metrics Metrics API for Swift
SwiftImageMetadata A simple image file metadata extraction utility in Swift
TLVCoding TLV8 (Type-Length-Value) Coder library
SLLogKitura SLLogKitura is a provider for SLLog. Indetgrated with Kitura LoggerAPI
XGBoostSwift A Swift interface for XGBoost
DadJokes A command-line utility for macOS to display a dad joke.
URLQueryItemCoder Encoder & decoder for working with Codable types as URLQueryItems.
swift-colorful A library for playing with colors in Swift.
SFSymbolsGenerator Simplifying SF Symbols Enumeration Generation with Swift!
Bridge A modern swift runtime reflection, and modification library.
MaterialDesignSymbol Icon font library for Swift. Currently supports GoogleMaterialDesignIcons
SwiftGumbo A Swift wrapper and CSS like query library for the gumbo-parser HTML library
Object3D A Swift module which lays the foundation for modeling complex 3D objects
Groot From JSON to Core Data and back.
About_App About_App is a drop-in About Page. It displays a single page with a product logo and additional information. It also handles rotation to landscape properly.
Gdk A Swift wrapper around gdk-3.x and gdk-4.x that is largely auto-generated from gobject-introspection
CZlib Module map for Zlib library
KSPlayer A video player for iOS、macOS、tvOS、visionOS , based on AVPlayer and FFmpeg, support the horizontal, vertical screen. support adjust volume, brightness and seek by slide, support subtitles.
JSEN JSEN (JSON Swift Enum Notation) is a lightweight enum representation of a JSON, written in Swift.
multipart-kit 🏞 Parses and serializes multipart-encoded data with Codable support.
DottedVersionVector Swift implementation of a dotted version vector (see
SPMArgumentParser The Package Manager for the Swift Programming Language
AppStoreConnect-Swift-SDK The Swift SDK to work with the App Store Connect API from Apple.
TapticKit Make use of Taptic engine for haptic feedback
FlowLayout A high-performance flow layout that provides global headers, footers, section backgrounds and various configurations.
teco-core Core library of the Teco project.
ZodiacKit ZodiacKit provides a simple way to determine the zodiac sign for a given date.
MarkCodable Swift Codable with human-friendly Markdown storage
SwiftCompressor SwiftCompressor lets you use Compression framework easily
Rainbow Delightful console output for Swift developers.
JSON The fastest Native Swift JSON available
Matft Numpy-like library in swift. (Multi-dimensional Array, ndarray, matrix and vector library)
vorbis-swift Thin wrapper around libvorbis for Swift5+
SwiftSetlistFM A API Swift Package (swift-openapi-generator edition)
TypesafeUserDefaults A type safe extension to UserDefaults
composable-user-notifications A wrapper around UNUserNotificationCenter that makes it easy to use from a reducer, and easy to write tests for how your logic interacts with UNUserNotificationCenter's functionality.
AttributedText AttributedText is a view for displaying some HTML-tagged text using SwiftUI Text View.
LiteNode A Lightweight HTML parsing for basic formatting.
Keychain iOS Keychain Helper
OMPitchAndRoll OMPitchAndRoll is a Swift Pacakge library that displays the Pitch and Roll status of iOS on the vertical and horizontal axes.
BitriseTrace Catch bugs before they reach production — get detailed crash reports and monitor how your app is performing across the entire install base.
WWPerpetualCalendar Use the functions of UIPageViewController to make a simple perpetual calendar.
WebArchiver A Swift package that saves web pages as WKWebView-compatible offline archives.
GTImageFetchable A Swift protocol for fetching, caching and handling remote and local images fast and reliably in iOS apps as a Swift Package.
DirtyCowKit MDC Swift Package
libavif-XCode A wrapper for libavif + Xcode project. Support Carthage && CocoaPods && SwiftPM.
Time 🕰 Type-safe time calculations in Swift
FFmpegKit FFmpegKit is a collection of tools to use FFmpeg mpv library in iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS applications.
SwiftyChat SwiftUI Chat UI (Client) Framework & Documentation to get started!
NWWebSocket A WebSocket client written in Swift, using the Network framework from Apple.
SwiftyImageConverter A simple image file to JPEG or PNG data representation conversion utility in Swift.
MorkAndMIDI Extensions and classes in Swift that make it easy to get an iOS device reading and processing MIDI data
ASMShadowView ShadowView
PKCS12CLI The Command Line Interface (CLI) for applying PKCS #12 file (.p12) 🗝 with its password, automatically to store the extracted identity in the keychain🔓
KeyedCache A key/value based caching mechanism.
dotfiles 👨🏻‍🍳👌 macOS dotfiles
dogstatsd A Swift Dogstatsd client built for the Vapor framework
SkiaKit Swift Bindings to the Skia 2D graphics Library
mongodb-vapor MongoDB + Vapor integration
iOSMcuManagerLibrary A mobile management library for devices supporting nRF Connect Device Manager.
swift-http-error-handling Interpret HTTP responses and handle failures in Swift.
TypeSwift A module providing tools for parsing TypeScript models into swift ones
Sitrep A source code analyzer for Swift projects.
PushNotifications Pusher Beams Swift Server SDK
MixpanelVapor Mixpanel SDK intended for server-side Swift apps using Vapor
SwiftCloudant A native client for direct interaction with Cloudant and CouchDB in Swift.
SimpleFileLogger 📝 A Swift Vapor provider for simple file logging on Vapor sites
nanopb Protocol Buffers with small code size
FSPopoverView An iOS customizable view that displays a popover view.
RealityActions RealityActions
HPOpenWeather Request OpenWeatherMap data with ease in Swift
AppUpdater Automatically update open source macOS apps from GitHub releases.
TwitterTextEditor A standalone, flexible API that provides a full-featured rich text editor for iOS applications.
Pusher Swift library for interacting with the Pusher Channels HTTP API
sebbu-ts-ds Thread safe data structures in plain Swift :)
DummyLinuxOSLog A dummy os_log for Linux.
SwiftSlug A simple package to convert strings to URL slugs.
Cancellor Bind multiple cancellables to the lifetime of another object like a view controller.
ImageViewer_swift An easy to use Image Viewer that is inspired by Facebook
SwiftChatGPT Simple ChatGPT API
tm Time Machine recovery utility for the six-or-so people who still use Time Machine for version control.
xcproj Swift library for parsing Xcode projects
Diagnostics Allow users to easily share Diagnostics with your support team to improve the flow of fixing bugs.
RetroSwift Lightweight REST API Request library.
LiteRoute LiteRoute is easy transition for your app. Written on Swift 4
apns APNs(Apple Push Notification Service) SDK
Narratore A library to create interactive stories
SABlurImageViews You can use blur effect and it's animation easily to call only two methods.
swift-mistral Swift client library for Mistral AI platform
Digest SHA1, SHA2, SHA3, SHAKE, HMAC, HKDF, MGF1 in Swift
ScalingHeaderScrollView A scroll view with a sticky header which shrinks as you scroll. Written with SwiftUI.
ChartUI A pure-SwiftUI lightweight charting library.
TypedFullState Typed fullState collection for AUv3 components
Bazooka An experiment on Swift networking
DecisionTree A Perfect based solution for Decision Tree in Server Side Swift
SwiftPackageKeys Framework for a simple Swift package manager that generates Swift native code from environment, application key-value files.
PerfectINI Swift encoder and decoder for INI files.
BitcoinKit Bitcoin protocol toolkit for Swift
langchain-swift 🚀 LangChain for Swift. Optimized for iOS, macOS, watchOS (part) and visionOS.(beta)
DHDeclarable Declarative UIKit for iOS apps
BinaryCoder An example implementation of Swift.Codable using a simple binary format
PromiseKit Promises for Swift & ObjC.
Kanna Kanna(鉋) is an XML/HTML parser for Swift.
Stella All our utilities bundles into the Stella cocoapod.
TracingActivity TracingActivity provides Apples Activity Tracing as part of Unified Logging for pure Swift applications.
Poppo A simple twitter library for Swift
CEpoll A modulemap file and include to help Swift code use epoll on Linux
CryptoCurrencyKit A Swift crypto-currencies price library for accessing coinmarket APIs
Harbeth 🎨 GPU accelerated image / video and camera filter library based on Metal. Support macOS & iOS. 图像、视频、相机滤镜框架
PencakeUtils Tools for PenCake's articles and stories
MatomoTracker Matomo iOS, tvOS and macOS SDK: a Matomo tracker written in Swift
ElasticsearchService 🔍 Elasticsearch integration for your Vapor apps.
Sublimate A DX improvement layer for Vapor 4
SwipeActions Swipe actions, swipe menu based on SwiftUI
Apollo 📱  A strongly-typed, caching GraphQL client for iOS, written in Swift.
RSKGrowingTextView A light-weight UITextView subclass that automatically grows and shrinks.
JGProgressHUD-SwiftUI Easily show HUDs with SwiftUI! Lightweight SwiftUI wrapper for JGProgressHUD for iOS, tvOS, Catalyst.
SwiftGit2 SwiftGit2 working with SPM, M1 and supports git push and other features
TinkLink Optimise open banking experiences for mobile apps with Tink Link iOS SDK.
WWScanViewController Use AVFoundation Framework to make a simple QRCode / BarCode scanner.
nio-h2 Non-blocking, event-driven HTTP/2 client built on Swift NIO
MusicXML Implementation of the musicXML specification in Swift
swift-package-manager The Package Manager for the Swift Programming Language
swift-corelibs-xctest The XCTest Project, A Swift core library for providing unit test support
Alamofire Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift
ApolloCombine A collection of Combine publishers for the Apollo iOS client
XCOpen A tool to easily open a file of .xcodeproj, .xcworkspace or .playground by Xcode.
JWSETKit A kit to create, sign and verify a JWT or JWS object
Bagbutik Generated Swift code for the App Store Connect API based on the official OpenAPI spec.
Zlib 🗜 A tiny Swift extension to decompress Zlib data.
Shell Sync & async shell API written in Swift with complete test coverage.
swift-corelibs-xctest The XCTest Project, A Swift core library for providing unit test support
SwiftLint A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions.
GeoURI A Swift implementation of the geo URI scheme.
swift-package-manager The Package Manager for the Swift Programming Language
CollaborativeFiltering In-memory recommendation algorithm for Swift apps
swift-cowbox Easy Copy-on-Write Semantics for Structs.
SwiftQ Distributed Task Queue
Regex Regular expressions for swift
Swiftx Functional data types and functions for any project
mujoco Multi-Joint dynamics with Contact. A general purpose physics simulator.
source-editor from [louisdh/source-editor](
AnimationStack A Stack which animates the Views inside it. Create animated ForEach Loops with ForEachAnimation. You can also customise the animation.
NanoID Secure, URL-friendly, flexible and unique string ID generator for Swift
View2Pdf A simple package to convert html to pdf
SDGWeb Tools for Generating Websites
AKLanguageManager AKLanguageManager is a language manager for iOS and tvOS applications.
XMTPProto Shared Protocol Buffers and their associated generated code
BMO Backed Managed Objects – Linking any local database (CoreData, Realm, etc.) to any API (REST, SOAP, etc.)
DevCycle DevCycle iOS Client SDK
swift-inotify A Swift wrapper around inotify on Linux
swift-service-context Minimal type-safe context propagation container
DivKit Divkit ios releases
RichTextView iOS Text View (UIView) that Properly Displays LaTeX, HTML, Markdown, and YouTube/Vimeo Links
smoke-framework A light-weight server-side service framework written in the Swift programming language.
RWLock Read-Write lock in Swift
HapticFeedback Backport of SensoryFeedback API. Supports iOS 14, macOS 11, watchOS 7
WWSignInWith3rd_GitHub Use GitHub third-party login.
MainOffender Utilities for transitioning to Swift Concurrency
Atoms Atoms is a powerful and flexible atomic state management library for Swift, designed to create compact, independent global state components with seamless adaptability and composition.
CommandLineKit Swift framework to create command line interfaces.
chaqmoq-http A non-blocking, event-driven HTTP package in Swift and powered by SwiftNIO
MotoSwift Generates Swift NSManagedObject subclasses
SplitView A flexible way to split SwiftUI views with a draggable splitter
FunctionKit A framework for functional types and operations designed to fit naturally into Swift.
Symbolic A Swift library for dynamically loading shared objects
localized-strings-symbols Generate Swift and SwiftUI symbols for localized strings files.
llbuild2 A fresh take on a low-level build system API.
SwiftyBridgesClient Simple server APIs in Swift
AppStoreConnect-Swift-SDK The Swift SDK to work with the App Store Connect API from Apple.
swift-atomics Low-level atomic operations for Swift
FeaturesKit Add a features list screen to your app in just a few lines of code.
WWSignInWith3rd_Google Use Google third-party login.
MPTimer A port of my fork of Mike Ash's MABGTimer to Swift, done to add the ability to use AnyObject (as opposed to an NSObject instance) as the object in the timer.
SwiftMediator swift路由:Swift组件化解耦,router,Mirror反射,函数调用,SceneDelegate解耦,AppDelegate解耦
Regulate Provides time-based regulation operators like Debounce and Throttle. 100% based on Swift concurrency.
JHTabBarController swift砖块系列:支持Lottie动画的UITabBarController。
SwiftChaChaPoly Swift ChaCha20 / Poly1305 authenticated encryption implementation
MonthYearPicker A UIControl subclass for selecting a date using a month and a year
Boat Swift UPnP library for port forwarding (so far)
Toast iOS application-wide user notification system
AMPopTip An animated popover that pops out a given frame, great for subtle UI tips and onboarding.
Gluey Swift bare-bones unification framework
LLM LLM.swift is a simple, and readable library which lets you locally interact with LLMs with ease for macOS, iOS, visionOS, watchOS, and tvOS.
SwiftGodot SwiftGodot - binaries for ease of consumption
SwiftUICustomTagListView Customizable Tag List View with SwiftUI
HelpKit Add a help screen to your app in just a few lines of code.
BIKCharts SwiftUI Configurable Chart Library
FileExistence A wrapper for Foundation fileExists
FDBarGauge The successor to F3BarGauge
WWSignInWith3rd_LINE Use LINE third-party login
OpenColorKit OpenColor 스위프트 패키지 입니다.
SwiftNIOMock A web server based on SwiftNIO designed to be used as a mock server in UI automation tests
RxMKMapView RxMKMapView is a RxSwift wrapper for MKMapView `delegate`.
SKClient Create a custom SlackKit client
swift-json-testing Specialized tools for testing JSON conversions in Swift
SwiftGD A simple Swift wrapper for libgd
Then ✨ Super sweet syntactic sugar for Swift initializers
CircularSpinner A Swift package for drawing an animated circular spinner in SwiftUI.
BinaryCoder An example implementation of Swift.Codable using a simple binary format
SCNPath Create paths for your Augmented Reality environments using just points to represent the centre of the path.
CCairo Swift C Module Cairo
AsyncBlock Swift package to provide AsyncBlockOperation
Music Structures for the creation, analysis, and performance of music in Swift
SyntaxSparrow Abstraction built on top of Apple's SwiftSyntax library to traverse constituent declaration types for Swift code.
DLKit A rather subscript oriented interface to the dynamic linker.
vipera Project is now called Swift template, check the link ➡️
BSWFoundation What should be in Swift's stdlib, but isn't
ValidatedPropertyKit Easily validate your Properties with Property Wrappers 👮
Astral An HTTP networking library that emphasizes ease of use and ergonomics. Based on Rust's reqwest library
Kitura-CredentialsJWT A plugin for the Kitura-Credentials framework that supports JWT authentication.
SegmentedControl SegmentedControl 스위프트 패키지 입니다.
Script.swift Scripting in Swift with method chaining
MMFoundation Aho
servedocc A small Swift tool/server to serve DocC archives to your browser
WWSignInWith3rd_Weibo Use Weibo third-party login.
SKCore SlackKit model objects
InflectorKit Efficiently Singularize and Pluralize Strings
ThumbnailView ThumbnailView 스위프트 패키지 입니다.
Commandant Type-safe command line argument handling
OCHamcrest Hamcrest for Objective-C: Powerful, combinable, extensible matchers for verification
JWT JWT with ES256 Signer
ISEmojiView Emoji Keyboard for iOS
HaskellSwift A functional library for Swift programmers
INISerialization Swift package for INI file reading and writing
Factory A new approach to Container-Based Dependency Injection for Swift and SwiftUI.
Sankey Sankey diagrams in SwiftUI, powered by Google Charts
Changeset Minimal edits from one collection to another
PolyKit Rounded Polygons in SwiftUI
Beethoven :guitar: A maestro of pitch detection.
InjectionScratch InjectionScratch
Marvin An extendable SlackBot written in Swift and based on Vapor 4 websockets
Yoga-SwiftUI Bridging Yoga Flexbox and SwiftUI using Yoga layout engine
Tabs Tabs in SwiftUI
Web3 A pure swift Ethereum Web3 library
FengNiao A command line tool for cleaning unused resources in Xcode.
Murray Easily add features to your projects by scaffolding new files with Stencil templates
RemotePlugin Control your iPhone from inside Xcode for end-to-end testing.
SwiftRewriter 📝 Swift code formatter using SwiftSyntax.
provide-swift Provide Swift API client
String+Japanese A simple library for converting between Latin and Japanese text Strings
weak A mechanism for safe capturing & weakifying objects in Swift.
AEImage Adaptive image viewer for iOS (with support for zoom, gyro motion and infinite scroll)
StringIndex Sensible indexing into Swift Strings
SQLite3 C module import for sqlite3.
InfomaniakConcurrency Minimalist asynchronous concurrent operations on Collection.
TableKit Type-safe declarative table views.
ConcaveProgressView A curved progress view written in SwiftUI.
AloeStackView A simple class for laying out a collection of views with a convenient API, while leveraging the power of Auto Layout.
HyperSwift SwiftUI apps with React Hooks and HyperScript
LimitedOrderedSet A Swift ordered set implementation that only accepts a limited amount of items.
SharkUtils Swift extensions, handy methods and syntactical sugar
cmark-gfm CommonMark parsing and rendering library and program in C
PositionalDateComponentsFormatter A DateComponentsFormatter implementation that supports milliseconds.
AsyncBluetooth A small library that adds concurrency to CoreBluetooth APIs.
SwiftBelt A macOS enumeration tool inspired by harmjoy's Windows-based Seatbelt enumeration tool. Author: Cedric Owens
Chat2App Live Customer Chat Platform for iOS apps
ScrobbleKit A Swift library for interacting with the API on Apple platforms
Lisk Swift 4 library for Lisk - Including Local Signing for maximum security
SwiftHPKE Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE) in Swift
EFFoundation Swift Extensions.
SwiftRegex 5th incarnation of Swift Regex library using generic subscripts
RxBluetoothKit iOS & OSX Bluetooth library for RxSwift
Lux Open UI Look development framework for SwiftUI, iOS + macOS
Swiftagram A modern Swift wrapper for Instagram Private API.
GL pure swift OpenGL function loading
SKRTMAPI Connect to the Slack Real Time Messaging API
Gitlab 📜 Gitlab Provider for Vapor
ColorKit Advanced color manipulation for iOS.
AssetLib Build and Parse Asset Catalogs in Swift.
LocalStorage A Swift Property Wrapper that allows users to automatically save and load objects in UserDefaults.
Bulk 👨‍💻 Bulk is a library for buffering the objects. Pipeline(Sink) receives the object and emits the object bulked.
ResponseDetective Sherlock Holmes of the networking layer. :male_detective:
Swim Cross platform image library for Swift
SKServer A server module for creating Slack apps in Swift
Vellum Vellum is local persistent data storage for iOS
SeaTouch Easily and elegantly display touches on screen in your iOS app. Taps appear as a subtle ripple effect, while longer presses show continual tracking. Absolutely great for presenting your screen to an audience, either live or in a recording!
SwiftMoment A time and calendar manipulation library for Server Side Swift, SPM, Swift 3.0
GaugeKit GaugeKit is a free-to-use, open source Swift Package. It allows for easy creation of gauges not unlike the circular graphics used in many complications on the Apple Watch. ⌚️
Shapes Commonly Used Shapes and Utilities In SwiftUI
LetSee LetSee makes it easy to provide mock responses for your API requests. The main intention of having a library like this is to have a way to mock the response of requests on runtime in an easy and convenient way to be able to test all available scenarios without the need to rerun or change the code.
swift-se0270-range-set Swift Evolution preview package for SE-0270.
ScriptKit Rewrite your scripts in Swift
MultipeerKit MultipeerConnectivity + Codable = ❤️
Prompt Prompts the user for more information.
CameraKage CameraKage is a simple plug-and-play camera view, with basic camera functionalities.
inquiry-ios Public repository that hosts the Persona Inquiry SDK iOS binaries
SwiftSVG A simple, performant, and lightweight SVG parser
FinnishPIDVerifier Verifies a Finnish personal ID code
Web3swift Elegant Web3js functionality in Swift. Native ABI parsing and smart contract interactions.
xmlwrangler Easily deal with XMLs in Swift
Aperture Record the screen on macOS
ScreenDataUI SwiftUI Views for ScreenData
KeyboardKit The easiest way to add comprehensive hardware keyboard control to an iPad, iPhone, or Mac Catalyst app.
Cairo Swift library for Cairo
HTTPCodable Make a REST call, and get a Codable back, wrapped in a Future.
KittenCTLS CTLS for MongoKitten
SwiftCalc SwiftCalc
Replicate Swift client for Replicate
Clibxml2 libxml2 Wrapper for the Swift Package Manager
Stacked Stack traces for Swift on Mac and Linux 📚
SwiftFields SwiftFields is a collection of SwiftUI widgets for editing data
Goose Swift foundation
Background Background Tasks and Networking
XprobePlugin Live Memory Browser for Apps & Xcode
EfficientAverager Uses exactly two floating-point variables to average indefinitely many numbers with a constant amount of memory usage.
JomloTableView An iOS UITableView with detachable section and row. Use single section with multiple rows, or multiple sections with multiple rows.
Spot Multiple minion function or extension union.
SpotCache Memory and Disk file cache for cacheable network resources.
d3-menu-bar Customizable multi platform menu bar component with the dark and light scheme support - SwiftUI
TwitterClientCLI CLIのツイッタークライアント
SwiftDate Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates, time and timezones in Swift
GridStack A flexible grid layout view for SwiftUI
SwiftFormats SwiftFormats
NPMPublishPlugin A Publish plugin that makes it easy to run npm commands for any Publish website.
Bolt Bolt implementation in Swift
swift-dependencies-extras Libraries that make swift-dependencies even more useful
ChatGPTSDK An easy ChatGPT API wrapper that returns results in Completion handler, Swift concurrency async and Combine publisher fasions.
Vexil Vexil (named for Vexillology) is a Swift package for managing feature flags (also called feature toggles) in a flexible, multi-provider way.
swift-access-macro Swift macro for granular access to types
SwiftCloudDrive An easy to use Swift wrapper around iCloud Drive.
UniYAML Na(t)ive YAML/JSON (de)serializer for Swift
ParseCertificateAuthority Send CSR's and retreive certificates to/from ca-server's from your own Swift based client and server apps.
SwiftMacros A practical collection of Swift Macros that help code correctly and swiftly.
swift-parsing A library for turning nebulous data into well-structured data, with a focus on composition, performance, generality, and ergonomics.
SwiftLinkPreview It makes a preview from an URL, grabbing all the information such as title, relevant texts and images.
AccessibilitySnapshotColorBlindness Colour blindness simulation and testing for iOS
Eval Eval for Swift
HName Swift package to deal with name strings.
SquirrelCore Squirrel core
SwiftPowerAssert Power Assert in Swift. Provides descriptive assertion messages.
CWRateKit Swift library for creating "Rate Us" popup
SwiftFoundationCompression Foundation-oriented Swift wrapper for zlib
Repeat 🕦 Modern Timer in Swift, Debouncer and Throttler (alternative to NSTimer) made with GCD
SwiftRichString 👩‍🎨 Elegant Attributed String composition in Swift sauce
WWTypewriterLabel Mimics the display function of a typewriter.
EasyFirebaseSwift Helping me use Firebase features with ease
FastDDS Prebuilt Fast-DDS (formerly FastRTPS) library for Apple platforms
Clavier Clavier is Keyboard Layout Guide for iOS. It using an intersection frame to calculate the Layout Guide.
MKBlockQueue MKBlockQueue allows you to create a chain of blocks and execute them one after the other in a queue.
SWXMLHash Simple XML parsing in Swift
NanoID Secure, URL-friendly, flexible and unique string ID generator for Swift
LanguageServerProtocol Swift library for working with Language Server Protocol (LSP)
SwiftSyntax SwiftPM package for SwiftSyntax library.
Ed25519 Ed25519 for Swift 3.x
CSQLite C module map for SQLite
SwiftyExpat Simple wrapper for the Expat XML parser.
Codedeck WIP: A Swift library for interfacing with the Elgato Stream Deck
Zoomable It is a container that allows you to zoom in and out of an image using only SwiftUI.
LazyCollectionView A modest attempt to port UICollectionView to SwiftUI.
Zipper 🗳A library to create, read and modify ZIP archive files, written in Swift.
PGNParser A Parser for Portable Game Notation including Portable Draughts Notation
MagazineLayout A collection view layout capable of laying out views in vertically scrolling grids and lists.
Kyu Kyu is persistent queue system in Swift.
ExExpress A simple, synchronous, Express-like web/middleware framework for Swift
SpanGrid An enhanced SwiftUI grid.
Ergo Ergo is a Swift framework for concurrent programming based on promise pipelining. It could help to avoid callback hell in complex asynchronous task
Arena A command line tool to create Swift Playground projects with SPM package dependencies
SwiftUIPullToRefresh 'pull to refresh' feature in SwiftUI
LLVS Low-Level Versioned Store
Weak Weak and Unowned as native Swift types
SPM Helpful commands to compliment Swift Package Manager
SwiftyESBuild ⭐️ A Swift Package to integrate ESBuild into Swift projects
RxSwiftExt A collection of Rx operators & tools not found in the core RxSwift distribution
AEPAnalytics Adobe Experience Platform Analytics SDK in Swift
tca-composer A swift macro framework for generating boiler-plate code in TCA-based applications.
music-notation-import-guitarpro music-notation import code specific to Guitar Pro 7 +
swiftly A Swift toolchain installer and manager, written in Swift.
Bodega A simple store for all your basic needs, and a foundational data layer primitive for iOS and Mac apps. 🐱
DangerSwiftCommitLint A Danger-Swift plugin to check commit messages.
FeatureToggles A novel approach to feature toggles for Swift programmers.
SCountLabel SCountLabel is an easy to use Swift extension counter for UILabel
FirebaseDependencies Dependencies support for Firebase.
SegmentAppcues The Appcues iOS SDK integration with Segment
SLazeCoreData iOS CoreData serializer for SLazeKit
Meter Library for interacting with MetricKit
TermKit Terminal Kit - Console UI toolkit for Swift applications
CBtls btls SwiftPM system package.
UICKeyChainStore UICKeyChainStore is a simple wrapper for Keychain on iOS, watchOS, tvOS and macOS. Makes using Keychain APIs as easy as NSUserDefaults.
openai-kit A community Swift package used to interact with the OpenAI API
SOSwiftVocabulary DEPRECATED: The structured data vocabulary defined as a series of swift protocols.
Capriccio Reads gherkin feature files and generates UI Tests
Dynatrace Swift Package Manger repository of the Dynatrace OneAgent for mobile (iOS, tvOS)
Communicado A simpler way to share on iOS.
Skribent Skribent is an easy zero config logger which still can be extended and is typesafe.
MockingJ HTTP Stubs for swift
Commands Execute commands from within your application and capture their output and exit codes
NetworkDebugger A Swift package designed to view your App's networking activity with minimal setup.
IsoCountryCodes Provides ISO codes, names and currencies for countries.
SwiftPM The Package Manager for the Swift Programming Language
LegibleError Beating `Error.localizedDescription` at its own game.
SwiftDiff Diff text in Swift
MockableMacros Mocking package for swift using macros
KSCrash The Ultimate iOS Crash Reporter
pkl-swift Pkl bindings for the Swift programming language
UIView-Shimmer Easy way to apply fancy Shimmer effect to any UIView element for iOS applications using Core Animation.
OpenAPIKit Codable Swift OpenAPI implementation.
Recombine Unidirectional data flow with Combine
swift-snapshot-testing 📸 Delightful Swift snapshot testing.
Sublimation Fetch and Save Dynamic Server URLs for Full Stack Swift Development
DSFAppKitBuilder A SwiftUI-style DSL for AppKit (macOS)
Localize_Swift Swift friendly localization and i18n with in-app language switching
LetterCase 𝐓 String letter case conversion and JSON decoding / encoding strategies
FrenchRepublicanCalendarCore Converter for the french republican calendar, as a swift package
CaseAnything 🐫 Swift Case Conversions — camelCase PascalCase UpperCamelCase kebab-case snake_case CONSTANT_CASE Train-Case Ada_Case COBOL-CASE Dot.notation Path/case Space case Capital Case lower case UPPER CASE
SwiftLayout A swifty way to use UIKit
Jobs A job system for Swift backends.
UniversalCharsetDetection A Swift wrapper around the `uchardet` library to detect the character encoding of a sequence of bytes.
HTTPCoders Some Swift Coders for HTTP requests
SwiftyStringScore Swift string fuzzy ranking. Score of 0 for no match; up to 1 for perfect. "String".score(word:"str"); //=> 0.825
swift-test-codecov Simple executable to produce code coverage numbers from the output of `swift test --enable-code-coverage`
DocCMiddleware DocC middleware for Vapor.
StringScanner A string scanner (similar to NSScanner) implementation purely implemented in Swift
ViewControllerPresentationSpy Unit test presented and dismissed iOS view controllers, including alerts and action sheets
PCD8544 A Swift library for the Nokia3310/5110 PCD8544 Monochrome LCD display
DiscordBM A Multiplatform Swift Discord Library, Primarily For Making Bots
spa-template 🥎 Single page application template for SwifWeb
BinaryEncoding Encoding/decoding of numbers, strings and arrays into binary buffer
swiftver Easily Manage Versioning in MacOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS projects.
DyteMobileCoreiOS Dyte Mobile Core SDK for iOS
ComboPicker A SwiftUI implementation of a picker that also allows direct input.
SettingsIconGenerator Generator of settings icon by SF Symbols. Customisable background color and ready-use in table cell.
SwiftyJSON The better way to deal with JSON data in Swift.
INIParser A lightweight INI file parser in Server Side Swift
InputBarAccessoryView A simple and easily customizable InputAccessoryView for making powerful input bars with autocomplete and attachments
AwesomeWS 🍬 An elegant way to use websockets with Vapor
SlideOverCard A SwiftUI card view, made great for setup interactions.
Alamofire Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift
AlertController 💬 A tiny extension for UIAlertController that makes working with it very simple. Only 150 lines of code.
MultiplatformTabBar A cross platform Tab Bar that run and looks the same across iOS, iPadOS, macOS & tvOS. for SwiftUI
Service 📦 Dependency injection / inversion of control framework.
GraphQL The Swift GraphQL implementation for macOS and Linux
MCP3008 A Swift library for the MCP3008 (and MCP3002,MCP3004) 10 bits SPI ADC
SynchronousNetworking Simple synchronous cross-platform networking for Swift CLI apps.
CustomAlert 🔔 Custom Alert for SwiftUI
TikiSdk TIKI SDK (iOS) - Consumer Data Licensing
Swifty360Player iOS 360-degree video player streaming from an AVPlayer.
Passport Simple, unobtrusive authentication for Vapor
LabelKit A UILabel that does true animation of attributed text.
SwiftUIVisualEffects View modifiers that wrap UIVisualEffectView, with environment integration.
OPGGTestAPIKit OP.GG Test API 입니다.
Aoxiang A lightweight HTTP server library written in Swift for iOS/macOS/tvOS.
DeviceHardware get iPhone, iPad and Mac model names and hardware information, such as SoC name.
KeyValueCoding Key-value coding (KVC) for pure Swift.
ByteBackpacker ByteBackpacker is a small utility written in Swift to pack value types into a Byte array and unpack them back.
HttpRequest 🌐 A tiny http client for iOS and macOS. Only 80 lines of code.
SimpleDownloader Simple downloader
SwiftWhois SwiftWhois is a Swift library for retrieving WHOIS information of domains.
Arrows Arrows is an animated custom view to give feedback about your UI sliding panels.
Blake2 Swift wrapper for reference C implementation of Blake2b hash
Measure ⏲ A tiny package to measure code execution time. Only 20 lines of code.
ThirtyTo Encode, Decode and Generate Random String in Base32Crockford Format
AcmeSwift A Let's encrypt (Acmev2) Swift client library
FoundationPreview The Foundation project
Persistent ⚙️ A tiny property wrapper for UserDefaults. Only 60 lines of code.
xml2json A Swift wrapper for C++ library that converts XML to JSON
Cooking Cook classes/structs with the taste you love. Naming your extensions in the Swifty way people love.
WaterfallGrid A waterfall grid layout view for SwiftUI.
SwiftCSVEncoder A Swift package to allow easy encoding of data to CSV format
RCWL0516Radar A Swift library for the RCWL-0516 Microwave Radar
IterableView Iterable View
Macaroni Swift Dependency Injection Framework "Macaroni"
wishkit-ios-shared Shared package between ios sdk and api
SwiftZip Swift wrapper for libzip — library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives.
iTriangle A fast and efficient library for Delaunay triangulation and converting complex polygons into convex shapes, including advanced self-intersection resolution.
ASN1Parser Minimalistic Swift parser for ASN.1 data. Currently supports DER and therefore also BER binary format
BetterTabBar A better TabBar for your iOS App
AsyncImageView UIImageView for rendering data asynchronously, with composable renderers and caches
SG90Servo Swift library for the SG90 Servo Motor, adaptable for other servos (9g ES08A, SM-S4303R, S3003, etc...).
NatParkSwiftKit Swift library for the US National Park Service application program interface (NPS API)
Guitar A Cross-Platform String and Regular Expression Library written in Swift.
SundialKit Communications library across Apple platforms.
SolidScroll A liberated _ScrollView and _PagingView of SwiftUI.
Swift-Common Common code used by various Uber open source projects
SwiftBeanCountRogersBankMapper Swift library to convert download Rogers Bank data to the SwiftBeanCount model
spmgen Resources boilerplate code generator for Swift
WrappingHStack WrappingHStack (FlowLayout) is a SwiftUI component similar to HStack that wraps horizontally overflowing subviews onto the next lines.
CredentialsMicrosoft Kitura plugin to enable Microsoft authentication
PasscodeKit 🔐 Easily add a passcode to your iOS app
AirAware A Swift (macOS/iOS) framework for interacting with Awair air monitoring devices.
MessagePacker MessagePack serializer implementation for Swift.[Swift]
WS281x A Swift library for WS281x (WS2811,WS2812*,WS2813*) RGB led strips, rings, sticks, matrices and more.
Sourcery Meta-programming for Swift, stop writing boilerplate code.
ShitLib The only library you hope to remove!
UIKitAnimations Provide a few helpers for animating common UIKit operations, such as setting text
Fretboard Guitar & Ukulele chords with SwiftUI 🎸🎵🎶
SunCalc Swift package to calculate the Sun and Moon positions
AFNetworks Make Rest Apis calls easy while using MVVM patterns and DI architecture
AppDependency 🧠 Effortless Dependency Injection for Swift Applications. Dependency only mirror of AppState
SwiftBeanCountSheetSync Library to help Sync shared Expenses between a Google Sheet and a Beancount file
SwiftScriptRunner Swift Script Runner
Auth Auth client library for Swift command-line tools and cloud services. Supports OAuth1, OAuth2, and Google Application Default Credentials.
SwiftBeanCountWealthsimpleMapper Swift library to convert download Wealthsimple data to the SwiftBeanCount model
CSourceKit SourceKit C API module map for Swift
NextBusKit A simple Swift API wrapper for NextBus transit information
Networker Type-safe, API-agnostic networking.
CancelForPromiseKit CancelForPromiseKit provides clear and concise cancellation abilities for PromiseKit and for the PromiseKit Extensions. While PromiseKit includes basic support for cancellation, CancelForPromiseKit extends this to make cancelling promises and their associated tasks simple and straightforward.
Geohash Native Swift geohash package supporting binary and character encoding
GroupWork Easy, concurrent, asynchronous tasks in Swift.
Feedback Familiar, easy state-driven haptics, audio and more
RVS_GeneralObserver A General-Purpose Observer/Observable Infrastructure
swift-webdriver A Swift library for communicating with WebDriver (Appium/WinAppDriver) endpoints
SagaSwimRenderer A renderer for Saga that uses Swim to turn a RenderingContext into a String
BigInt Arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic in Swift
HTMLAttributor Attribute string from HTML
SlamMacOSKit Fast Closure based Swift Package for MacOS Development
WealthsimpleDownloader Swift library to download data from Wealthsimple using the API
SourceKit Swift Package Manager package for SourceKit
Nats Nats client implemented in swift
Logr Dead simple logging library for iOS
swift-markdown A Swift package for parsing, building, editing, and analyzing Markdown documents.
FluentQuery 🗃 Powerful and easy to use Swift Query Builder for Vapor 3.
Skull Swift SQLite
Squirrel Web framework in swift
NDHpple NDHpple is a Swift wrapper on the XMLPathQuery library.
MongoKitten Native MongoDB driver for Swift, written in Swift
CGtk-Linux Gtk+ 3.0 package for Linux for Swift.
Dep Framework that implements a dependency injection using the Service Locator pattern and provides a convenient way to use these dependencies using @Dependency property wrapper
FancyScrollView A SwiftUI ScrollView Designed to imitate the App Store and Apple Music ScrollViews (with or without a Parallax Header)
ListDiff Swift port of IGListKit's IGListDiff
Usage A (mac|watch|i|tv)OS Information Swift Wrapper Library
SwiftyUtils All the reusable code that we need in each project
HealthKitToFhir The HealthKitToFhir Swift Library provides a simple way to create FHIR Resources from HKObjects.
QuickConstraint Extension functions for making layout programmatically easier and faster
BitWiser A simple library to help you in dealing with bytes, bits and nibbles :-)
Dir Working with directories in a nice way using Swift.
swift-dns-service-discovery DNS-SD (Bonjour/Zeroconf/Avahi) implementation of the Swift Service Discovery API
HPDarkSky Swift library to communicate with the DarkSky weather API
MLAudioPlayer AudioPlayer for Swift projects
PLCrashReporter Reliable, open-source crash reporting for iOS, macOS and tvOS
SVGView SVG parser and renderer written in SwiftUI
SwiftEliza A Swift + iOS implementation of the ELIZA chatbot.
Utilities Miscellaneous functions, subscripts, and infix operators
Debugging A library to aid Vapor users with better debugging around the framework
Machismo Mach-O Parser
Syllables Swift package for counting Syllables in sentences.
CloudEnvironment Convenience Swift package for accessing environment variables, credentials.
Environment Type-safe environment variables in Swift.
WatsonDeveloperCloud :iphone: The Watson Swift SDK enables developers to quickly add Watson Cognitive Computing services to their Swift applications.
RichEditorView This is the Swift 5 version of cjwirth/RichEditorView using WKWebView that added several awesome functionalities.
AsyncMultiplexImage Async image loading for SwiftUI with support for multiple resolutions and efficient handling using Swift concurrency features.
SwiftGen The Swift code generator for your assets, storyboards, Localizable.strings, … — Get rid of all String-based APIs!
swift-utils General-purpose utility library for Swift
swift-driver Swift compiler driver reimplementation in Swift
MLQuestionCheck A check component for Swift projects
HolidayJp :crossed_flags: Japanese holiday for Swift
EmbeddedPropertyList Read property lists embedded inside of Mach-O executables (commonly Command Line Tools)
elasticsearch-nio-client A Swift Elasticsearch Client built on top of SwiftNIO
BigUIPaging A collection of SwiftUI views for handling pages of content
Elephant Elegant SVG animation kit for swift
SimpleSwiftServer A Swift executable equivalent to Python's SimpleHTTPServer — plus more!
SSCommonCrypto common crypto headers provided for the Swift Package Manager
MLStarRating Star Ratings for swift projects
DSFToolbar A SwiftUI-style declarative NSToolbar wrapper for macOS.
Atlas Country codes to emoji flags
Finch A configurable command line tool to easily create and format version changelogs
swift-numerics Advanced mathematical types and functions for Swift
ColorMatchTabs This is a Review posting app that let user find interesting places near them
SimpleMatrixKit A Swift package for working with matrices
Occurrence A swift logging library that integrates with `SwiftLog`
swift-collections Commonly used data structures for Swift
network_ios Extension to ios_system, doing network-based commands
SwiftCluster A Swift package for conducting k-means cluster analysis
SwiftNetSwitch swift砖块系列:网络环境变量切换工具,方便APP内迅速切换各种接口Host
DRLSetlistFM A API Swift Package (Swagger-spec generated edition)
BigDecimal Arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic in Swift with full math functions and fixed-precision Decimal 32-, 64-, and 128-bit types.
DifferenceKit 💻 A fast and flexible O(n) difference algorithm framework for Swift collection.
SwiftGLFW A Swift library that makes GLFW a bit more manageable.
MLTontiatorView A Simple Custom Activity indicator view
swift-url-routing A bidirectional router with more type safety and less fuss.
SPPageController Mimicrate to UIPageViewController. Has native system and scroll view paging. Support scroll to page and layout margins from container.
Adhan High precision Islamic prayer time library for Swift
Watchdog Class for logging excessive blocking on the main thread
SwiftUI-Shimmer Shimmer is a super-light modifier that adds a shimmering effect to any SwiftUI View, for example, to show that an operation is in progress. It works well on light and dark modes, and across iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS and visionOS.
Delegated 👷‍♀️ Closure-based delegation without memory leaks
SwiftAge Swift drive for Apache AGE
Ferno Vapor Firebase Realtime database provider
HTTPMediaTypes HTTP media types
Periphery A tool to identify unused code in Swift projects.
AlecrimAsyncKit async and await for Swift.
swiftui-stack Yet another Navigation Stack + Transition
UUSwift Useful Utilities is a collection of helper classes that extend or complement existing UIKit framework classes.
TigaseSwift (M) Martin - XMPP client library for Swift
XcodeProject Xcode Project manipulation from Swift
JSONFragmentDecoding A JSONDecoder extension to allow decoding JSON fragments
SwiftSignatureView A lightweight, fast and customizable option for capturing fluid, variable-stroke-width signatures within your app.
SwiftEntitlements A simple Swift package that extracts application's entitlements
BoostBLEKit Bluetooth LE protocols for LEGO® Boost in Swift
LNInterpolation An interpolation framework for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch.
Accounting An implementation of Martin Fowlers accounting pattern
FlyingFox Lightweight, HTTP server written in Swift using async/await.
AETransition Custom transitions for iOS - simple yet powerful
swift-se0288-is-power Preview package for Swift Evolution proposal SE-0288
IdensicMobileSDK-iOS IdensicMobileSDK for iOS
SquirrelConfig Configuration manager used in Swift Squirrel web framework
SSStoryStatus SSStoryStatus: Elevate your SwiftUI projects with seamless user list integration and captivating story displays. Empowering developers with effortless integration and complete UI customization, this versatile library makes showcasing stories a breeze.
Braintree 💰Not official Swift Braintree provider for Vapor 3
swift-package-collection-generator A collection of packages and tooling for generating and consuming package feeds.
Verge 🟣 A robust Swift state-management framework designed for complex applications, featuring an integrated ORM for efficient data handling.
ExtensibleEnumeratedName Swift protocol for creating names that are type-safe, statically-bound, and extendible at compile time.
CenteredCollectionView A lightweight UICollectionViewLayout that 'pages' and centers its cells 🎡 written in Swift
Succinct UI tests at the speed of unit tests. Proper encapsulation. Architecture agnostic. Freedom to refactor.
swift-aws-lambda-events Swift implementation of AWS Lambda Events
NIOErrorKit Extension of WebErrorKit for Apple NIO
AppMetricaPush AppMetrica Push SDK for iOS
swift-tools-support-async Common infrastructural helpers on top of NIO for llbuild2 and swiftpm-on-llbuild2 projects. This is NOT a general purpose package and is unlikely to ever become stable.
RxFlow RxFlow is a navigation framework for iOS applications based on a Reactive Flow Coordinator pattern
Rimuru 🧊Rimuru is a tool that converts text into a different naming convention
TODO For when you know you're gonna get to something, but right now you have other priorities.
ApolloExtensions Helpful extensions to the apollo-ios package.
SwiftUIGamepad SwiftUIGamepad makes it easy to add Gamepad support to any SwiftUI View.
BuildABuddyKit Learning material guiding the reader through documenting their project using Apple's DocC tool.
CardStackView Inifinite swipeable stacked UIViews.
WolfConcurrency Swift tools and conveniences for concurrency, including Dispatch and an implementation of promises.
VaporErrorKit WebError handling library for Vapor 4
didcomm-swift Swift library for DIDComm V2 protocol with message encryption/decryption, signing, DID authentication, and advanced routing for secure, decentralized communication.
FormStateKit A Swift package for simple management of forms and their fields. Focused on SwiftUI.
ScanBarcodes ScanBarcodes is a SwiftUI view that scans barcodes using an iPhone or iPad camera.
GoogleSignIn Enables iOS and macOS apps to sign in with Google.
DangerSwiftPeriphery Danger Swift plugin to run Periphery on CI.
MathLib A simple math library written in Swift 🧮
Restore Take a snapshot of an object and restore from it.
SwiftUIKit SwiftUIKit provides a collection of controls for use with `SwiftUI`.
crud-kit CRUD for Vapor 4. We all write CRUD (Create-Read-Update-Delete) routes all the time. The intention of this package is to reduce repeating code and to provide a fast start for an API.
MollieKit Mollie API client for Apple SwiftNIO.
JikanSwift Jikan Swift wrapper
WebError Web optimised Error protocol and tools for Swift
AWS4 AWS4 implementation in Swift for usage in MacOS >= 10.15 or iOS >= 13
ILikeToMoveIt Accessible move actions for SwiftUI Lists and easy custom drag and drop for older iOS
WolfFoundation A variety of types and conveniences built on or extending Foundation.
Regex A delightful and expressive regular expression type for Swift.
SwiftCBOR A CBOR implementation for Swift
FuncBot BearyChat FP(functional-programming) hubot SDK.
Clibqrencode a Swift Package wrapping of libqrencode
WolfGeometry Swift methods, types, and extensions for doing geometrical calculations.
Fakery :alien: Swift fake data generator
WolfNesting An operator for easily and visually creating nested object hierarchies, such as UIViews, NSViews, or SpriteKit or SceneKit nodes.
nostr-kit the fastest way to do nostr stuff in swift. period.
swift-nio-imap A Swift project that provides an implementation of the IMAP4rev1 protocol, built upon SwiftNIO.
Milepost 🚥 SwiftPM Build Plugin to show Git info on your app
FioriSwiftUI SwiftUI implementation of the SAP Fiori for iOS Design Language.
xcprojectlint A security blanket for Xcode project files
AdaptiveController :octocat: AdaptiveController is a 'Progressive Reduction' Swift UI module for adding custom states to Native or Custom iOS UI elements. Swift UI component by @Ramotion
swift-architecture-toolkit ART - A minimalist toolkit for architecting Swift(UI) apps
WolfNumerics Some useful numeric types and methods for Swift.
Mailjet ✉️ Mailjet provider for Vapor
Pure Pure DI in Swift
Cancellable Cancellable Protocol Extension
GoatHerb Cross-platform Swift library for accessing the public GitHub API.
Axiomatic Swift unification framework for logic programming
NetDiagnosis Provide swift developers with a bunch of network diagnostic tools that support both IPv4 and IPv6
LNPropertyListEditor A property list editor for AppKit, similar to the editor in Xcode.
Voyager Framework for navigation & routing in SwiftUI
LNSwiftUIUtils An assorted collection of SwiftUI utilities.
llama.swift Fork of llama.cpp, supporting Facebook's LLaMA model in Swift
RapidLMDB Fast and efficient LMDB wrapper for Swift.
WolfPipe A simple implementation of the forward pipe operator |> for Swift.
EEStackLayout A structured vertical/horizontal stack layout
FuturaLog Swift log system
FlagsmithClient iOS Client written in Swift for Flagsmith. Ship features with confidence using feature flags and remote config. Host yourself or use our hosted version at
universalis-swift simple swift client to easily work with the api
SwiftCodePatterns Swift code patterns automation
AirKit AirPlay SwiftUI Views
GlobalDependencies A minimalistic API for global dependency injection in small to medium apps.
ESTabBarController :octocat: ESTabBarController is a Swift model for customize UI, badge and adding animation to tabbar items. Support lottie!
BRYXBanner A lightweight dropdown notification for iOS 7+, in Swift.
LiveKit LiveKit Swift Client SDK. Easily build live audio or video experiences into your mobile app, game or website.
EFIconFont A better way to operate icon font in Swift, support iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS.
Boost.swift Bindings for Boost C++ modules.
hummingbird-auth Authentication framework and extensions for Hummingbird
KippleDiagnostics A collection of common diagnostics and debugging utilities.
FootlessParser A simple parser combinator written in Swift
QuickAuth QuickAuth - A swift OAuth2 authentication library designed for seamless integration and ease of use in modern applications.
TwitterAPIKit Swift library for the Twitter API v1 and v2 🍷
swift-playdate-examples A technical demonstration of Embedded Swift running on Playdate by Panic
Lottie An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations
SwiftWebview Multi platform webview implementation for swift
LazyContainers A few lazy-initialization container types for Swift 5.1
SwiftUX A set of controller types in Swift.
WolfStrings A library of conveniences for working with Swift strings and NSAttributed strings.
LifeHash A beautiful method of hash visualization based on Conway’s Game of Life: reference library in Swift
SwiftBeanCountCompassCardMapper Library to Convert downloaded Compass Card transaction into BeanCount format
SofarKit Access Sofar admin data with Swift [WIP]
MijickTimer Modern API for Timer
Highlightr iOS & macOS Syntax Highlighter using Highlight.js as a driver. SPM version.
AdvancedList Advanced List View for SwiftUI with pagination & different states
ChangeMenuBarColor Simple utility to change macOS Big Sur and Monterey menu bar color by appending a solid color or gradient rectangle to a wallpaper image
SafariServicesUI 🧭 SafariServices for SwiftUI
FloatingBottomSheet An easy way to present a bottom sheet with a floating effect
SwiftUI Apple Watch Decimal Pad A dirty fix for Apple's missing decimal pad for watchOS
TelegraphKit 📜 The ultimate solution for showing ad hoc, server-editable web content (FAQs, Tutorials, Privacy Policy, etc.) in your iOS apps
hummingbird-redis Hummingbird integration with Redis driver RediStack
Server Asynchronous Swift dynamically configurable network layer.
meilisearch-vapor Vapor wrapper for Meilisearch Swift client
Structure Algebraic and data structures
HybridCrypto Swift HybridCrypto is simple customizable implementation of hybrid cryptography (AES+RSA+Hash) recommended by OWASP.
barzo Share the code with your colleagues
MungoHealer Error Handler based on localized & healable (recoverable) errors without the overhead of NSError.
ChatGPTUI This repository is a repository to prepare UI for chat GPT.
CameraPreview SwiftUI adaption of AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer
SwiftyProvisioningProfile Parse iOS mobile provisioning files into Swift models
PrettyLog A small Swift Package that makes logging in the Xcode Console a little bit more beautiful
swiftui-cached-async-image CachedAsyncImage is the simplest way to add cache to your AsyncImage.
Rockstar A high level iOS framework with a swifty API
StateMachine State machine creation framework written in Swift inspired by GKStateMachine from Apple GameplayKit
HTTPClientModule The HTTPClient serves a clean and modern api for http requests. It takes care of main thread dispatching, can take codable objects in as JSON body and provides life-cycle-hooks. It also comes with support for form-data-requests.
Refreshable Pull to refresh, refreshable based on SwiftUI
Wormhole 🐛 Wormhole invites you to the fastest trip to AppStore Connect. (NOT STABLE)
SwimpleAudio Simple audio playback in Swift
ExceptionCatcher Catch Objective-C exceptions in Swift
TPInAppReceipt Reading and Validating In App Purchase Receipt Locally.
KipplePlugins A collection of Swift Package Manager plugins.
DocCArchive Swift package to read and process "DocC" archives
SwiftSimpleCloudStore An open source library that provides a wrapper around NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore to access cloud synched simple storage
SwiftEmailValidator Proper international email validation in Swift
QRCodeReader A simple SwiftUI QR Code reader
StarRateView StarRateView is a star rating library created in SwiftUI.
NWHTTPProtocol An HTTP protocol implementation (an `NWProtocolFramer`) and a tiny HTTP server for Network.framework
NMapsGeometry NAVER에서 SPM 지원 안 해줘서 내가 쓸려고 만든 패키지
CSRF A package to add protection to Vapor against CSRF attacks.
ControlledChaos A Swift package for working with probability-driven randomness
IsCameraOn Check if the built-in Mac camera is on
SLazeKit SLazeKit is a framework providing models mapper and CoreData serializer for RESTful resources.
HomeKitExtensions :rocket: Collection of useful HomeKit extensions
ExtendedAttributes Working with file's extended attributes easily
CXML2 Swift C Bindings for libxml2
Autobahn CLI tool written in Swift heavily inspired by
SLChat Chat server component built using Kitura-WebSocket.
TurtleBuilder Turtle graphics library built on Swift function builders
Parchment A paging view with a highly customizable menu ✨
SListView SListView is a view group that displays a list of scrollable items.
stream-reader A simple stream protocol in Swift with concrete implementations
HankoSwift A Swift Client for
SwiftArg A stupid simple command line argument parser for Swift.
OrderedDictionary A Swift OrderedDictionary implementation based off of a Dictionary and an Array
PathKit Effortless path operations in Swift
Java Java swift module
Srt2BilibiliKit 把字幕文件作为弹幕发到B站;A swift solution for uploading SubRip file as danmaku to Bilibili
Greebler A Swift package for generating 2D greebles
Euclid Great-circle mathematics helper library for platforms using Swift -
WebPackMiniS A super simple mini version of WebPack written in Swift
MessagePack A MessagePack encoder and decoder for Codable types
AgroAPI Swift Agro API library for satellite imagery
CLCMS Swift C module for Little CMS 2
PersonalityKit A Swift package for generating and managing simulated human-like personalities
PlotVapor A library for easily bridging Plot-generated HTML into Vapor.
NeedleFoundation Compile-time safe Swift dependency injection framework
MIDIWebView WebMIDI API integration into WKWebView
SongSprout A Swift package for generating music using style definition genotypes
SDWebImageWebPCoder A WebP coder plugin for SDWebImage, use libwebp
MnemonicSwift MnemonicSwift provides a Swift implementation of BIP39 using CriptoKit
ySwiftExtensions YOCKOW's extensions of Swift.
RSTabBar 📱 TabBar – Hideable tab bar for your SwiftUI application
StringBooster A Swift package that adds handy functions to String and NSMutableAttributedString
ClockTimePicker ClockTimePicker is a SwiftUI view of a clock with draggable hour and minutes hands for selecting the time of a date.
java_lang Swift bridge to java.lang.*
Engine The engine that powers all my packages, tools and apps.
SwagGen OpenAPI/Swagger 3.0 Parser and Swift code generator
ChatLayout ChatLayout is an alternative solution to MessageKit. It uses custom UICollectionViewLayout to provide you full control over the presentation as well as all the tools available in UICollectionView. It supports dynamic cells and supplementary view sizes.
wren-swift The wren scripting language as a Swift package, w/ some Swift API wrappers
google-cloud Access GoogleCloud APIs using Vapor
Workspace Automated Management of Swift Projects
SwiftConnection Library for making network requests
JWKTransform Library to convert keys of JWK format to more popular formats such as PEM.
AlertToast Create Apple-like alerts & toasts using SwiftUI
Moya-ObjectMapper ObjectMapper bindings for Moya and RxSwift
WalletConnectSwift WalletConnect Swift SDK
CircularProgress SwiftUI package that creates an animated circular progress bar
ProcessService Host an executable within an XPC service
Siren Notify users when a new version of your app is available and prompt them to upgrade.
LoggerKit A logger for Xcode
Appfigurate Appfigurate provides the ability to change configuration properties in iOS and watchOS, apps and app extensions, securely, at runtime.
Down Blazing fast Markdown / CommonMark rendering in Swift, built upon cmark.
SettingsBundleBuilder An easy way to build iOS settings bundles with a SwiftUI style syntax.
swift-tca-custom-alert Custom modals and alerts using SwiftUI and TCA!
JBits A collection of useful decorators and custom classes written in Swift 5.
ZcashLightClientKit iOS light client Framework proof-of-concept
PackStream PackStream implementation in Swift
Protected Make any variable thread safe.
ActionBuilderCore Swift code to build Github Action workflows to test Swift packages
msgraph-sdk-objc Microsoft Graph SDK for Objective-C
ModernAVPlayer ModernAVPlayer is a persistence AVPlayer wrapper
Builder Experimental build system on top of spm.
Money Money is a package that facilitates the handling and display of currencies and monetary amounts.
Seagull Swift web framework
SwiftGtk SwiftGtk is an experimental Gtk+ binding for Swift that tries to make usage of Gtk+ pleasant and "Swifty" as much as possible.
Grebe Simplifies the gRPC-Swift development workflow.
SwiftLibrary 🔍 Search for swift packages right from your command line
SkiaKit Swift Bindings to the Skia 2D graphics Library
AEPCore Adobe Experience Platform Mobile Core SDK in Swift
mailgun 📧 Service to assist with sending emails from Vapor apps
IceCreamSandwich Identify Ice Cream Sandwich patterns within strings, collections, and integers
LNViewHierarchyDumper Dump your view hierarchies programmatically to Xcode 12 and above compatible view hierarchy file archives.
Yaml Load YAML and JSON documents using Swift
R.swift.Library Library containing types used by the R.swift project
RxGRDB Reactive extensions for SQLite
SwiftUIColorConstants A package that ports UIColor/NSColor constants over to SwiftUI.
CollisionHash standalone implementation of collisions hash algorithm
AmplifyUIAuthenticator The Amplify UI Authenticator is a component that supports several authentiation flows using Amplify Authentication.
Validation ✅ Extensible data validation library (name, email, etc)
documentation Documentation for the PureScript language, compiler, and tools.
Swift-ISO8601-DurationParser Swift ISO8601 Parser
ZipArchive ZipArchive is a simple utility class for zipping and unzipping files on iOS, macOS and tvOS.
FSCheckoutSheet A WKWebView wrapper that handles interaction w/ a FastSpring checkout form
UnifiedLoggingPlus Micro-framework for making OSLog more pleasant
SwiftColorWheel Delightful color picker wheel for iOS in Swift.
Fetch A resource based network abstraction based on Alamofire.
Authenticator Local Authenticator Helper
FlexibleRowHeightGridLayout A UICollectionView grid layout designed to support Dynamic Type by allowing the height of each row to size to fit content.
SimpleCheckbox A simple Checkbox
Hume Hungarian method solver
queues-mongo-driver A MongoDB implementation for
Kuery A type-safe Core Data query API using Swift 4's Smart KeyPaths
AAA An Any Accessory.
ColorPickerRing Simple color picker. Looks like a wheel. Plain SwiftUI.
TerraProxy-CLI Terraria Proxy Server
Starscream Websockets in swift for iOS and OSX
ChimeKit Framework for building Chime extensions
SwinjectAutoregistration Swinject extension to automatically register your services
ElsevierKit Elsevier API client written in Swift
swiftGopher Gopher server / client implementation written in Swift (RFC 1436 and More)
Email Set emails in my projects as data type
ECTimelineView An horizontal or vertical infinitely scrolling UICollectionView implementation. Loads data synchrounously and asynchronously.
Reachability XCFramework version of Reachability.swift (
sendgrid SendGrid-powered mail backend for Vapor
ToastUI A simple way to show toast in SwiftUI.
gRPC The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
swift-mustache Mustache templating engine
TerrariaWorldParser Terraria .WLD File Parser written in Swift
CJavaVM Allows using `libjvm` in other Swift packages.
Queue A queue for Swift concurrency
Cheats 🎮 Console video game-style cheat codes for iOS apps.
BlackLabsSwiftUIColor SwiftUI Color support for hex, web color constants, random, and UIColor constants.
SwiftChecksDangerPlugin A Danger Swift plugin to aid with checking a Swift projects for inconsistencies
WordleHelper A macOS interactive command line program to help solve Wordle, written in Swift.
FLEX An in-app debugging and exploration tool for iOS
Auth3Sdk The official Identity Platform swift SDK library.
ILocalizer A localizations in application
Sight A spatial search μlibrary powered by GameplayKit 👾
URLRequestOperation Using OperationQueue for your URL requests (with a built-in retry mechanism)
appicon-generator A tool to quickly generate snazzy iOS placeholder appicons!
FlameGraph A simple tool to generate FlameGraphs from Xcode Instruments traces 🔥📊
DBXCResultParser XCResult parser
LiquidKit Liquid template language parser engine in Swift.
KineticSensors Objective C / C libraries for Kinetic Trainers and Sensors
open-weather-kit An open implementation of Apple's WeatherKit for Swift.
xcodeproj-modify Adds a Run Script phase to an Xcode project.
GeoMonitor iOS library for background monitoring of a user's movement
TemporaryFile SwiftTemporaryFile provides functions related to temporary files.
pbba-merchant-button-library-ios PBBA Merchant Button Library - iOS
SlidersExamples A companion project to explore the Sliders SwiftUI Library
Idioms Swift idioms
SwiftUIImageViewer Image viewer built in SwiftUI for both local and remote images.
StringsLint 📱Ensure your localized strings are complete and never unused 👍
CocoaImageHashing Perceptual Image Hashing for macOS, iOS, tvOS and watchOS
smoke-dynamodb SmokeDynamoDB is a library to make it easy to use DynamoDB from Swift-based applications, with a particular focus on usage with polymorphic database tables (tables that do not have a single schema for all rows).
Payment A modern digital payments framework.
CachedImage Asynchronous Image Loading from URL in SwiftUI
swift-composable-architecture A library for building applications in a consistent and understandable way, with composition, testing, and ergonomics in mind.
Name New swift data type to validate user names
stripe-kit A Swift on Server SDK for the Stripe API
QRoute Declarative *walking* router for UI navigation in pure Swift.
HttpServer Simple HTTP Server built on SwiftNIO.
SwiftWinRT Swift Projections for WinRT
RegexMatcher NSRegularExpression wrapper
SwiftXGBoost Swift wrapper for XGBoost gradient boosting machine learning framework with Numpy and TensorFlow support.
GitignoreIO Create useful .gitignore files for your project
ocmock Mock objects for Objective-C
LoginItemKit Add non-sandboxed macOS applications to user login items
APIErrorMiddleware Vapor middleware for converting thrown errors to JSON responses
IPAUploader 👨🏼‍💻 Uploads your apps to TestFlight & App Store.
ListPlaceholder A library to present a customizable placeholder view when a SwiftUI List is empty.
PackageConfig A Swift Package that allows you to define configuration settings inside a Package.swift
BAData Bryan Andersons API layer
PhoneNumber Add phone numbers as a type in my projects
LinuxBridge C module Linux compatibility import for Perfect
Failable Property validation for constraining the valid values of a type
iap-pure-client Implement iOS IAP with a client-only client
Arguments Swift argument processing, using Docopt.
soto-cognito-authentication Authenticating with AWS Cognito for Vapor
CGPathIntersection :curly_loop: A library that identifies points where two CGPaths intersect
tinkoff-concurrency A toolset that makes Swift Concurrency a bit easier
SwiftPolymurHash Wrap Polymur-Hash for Swift
swift-utils Collection of Utilities in Swift
Viperit Viper Framework for iOS using Swift
DataCompression Swift libcompression wrapper as an extension for the Data type (GZIP, ZLIB, LZFSE, LZMA, LZ4, deflate, RFC-1950, RFC-1951, RFC-1952)
tca-swiftui-navigation Navigation helpers for ComposableArchitecture to be used in SwiftUI applications
Sauce Mapping various keyboard layout sources and key codes in macOS. (e.g.: QWERTY, Dvorak)
HexavilleAuth A pluggable framework for providing various authentication methods(OAuth, simple password based etc.) for Hexaville
telesign-kit A Swift package used to communicate with the Telesign API
RetroSwift Retrofit-like API contract definition in Swift.
Firebase Firebase SDK for Apple App Development
swift-deque A double-ended queue collection for Swift
SwiftAlgorithmClub A swift package of the code in
sciv Simple Cocoa Image Viewer
Ambassador Super lightweight web framework in Swift based on SWSGI
Stores Typed key-value storage solution to store Codable types in various persistence layers with few lines of code!
WrkstrmFoundation A collection of Swift extensions and utilities tailored for efficient handling of Foundation data types.
Manual Manual generates unit test fixtures and Go model objects from an OpenAPI 2.0 spec.
BorderedTextField SwiftUI custom bordered text field with placeholder text in border
JSON Convenience wrapper for Foundation JSON.
ncryptf-swift ncryptf for Swift 4+ - Secure API authentication and end to end encryption
swift-log-SwiftyBeaver A logging backend for SwiftLog that sends log messages to SwiftyBeaver.
Tokamak SwiftUI-compatible framework for building browser apps with WebAssembly and native apps for other platforms
Conf Config made easy
ImageIOPlus ImageIOPlus Swift Package
FeatureFlags 🚩 Allows developers to configure feature flags, run multiple A/B tests or phase feature roll out using a JSON configuration file.
MetalNanoVG The Metal port of NanoVG.
StreamDeckKit Swift library for controlling Stream Deck hardware from an iPadOS application.
StatusItemController A "view controller" for menu bar Mac apps
SCNBezier Create animations over Bezier curves of any number of points
QREncode Vapor 4 library for create QR codes into image files using qrencode
RetryingOperation Retrying operations with no persistence, wrapped in a single Foundation Operation, in Swift
WeatherGround Weather Underground Swift API wrapper.
JWTProvider (Deprecated) Adds conveniences for using JWTs in Vapor 2.
Telesign A Telesign provider for Vapor.
Genything Generate Anything
cyborg Display Android Vectordrawables on iOS.
Swish MOVED to Who wants to use a Ruby script to upload your iOS project? Not me. Let's use Swift.
BetterSheet A powerful SwiftUI sheet replacement
Logger Swift logging service
JWTVapor An integration between the Vapor and vapor/jwt packages
Attabench Microbenchmarking app for Swift with nice log-log plots
MultiPicker A Picker for iOS that can be used to choose from one, one or none, or multiple options.
ExtendedAttributes Manage extended attributes in Swift
Imgurr A CLI tool to upload and delete from Imgur
CocoaCompose Collection of Cocoa controls that look just right, offer modern Swift APIs, and nicely compose together.
PayPal A PayPal Provider for the Vapor Server-Side Swift Framework
vapor-aws-lambda-runtime Run your Vapor api server on AWS Lambda using the official Swift Server runtime.
CleanroomDataTransactions A protocol-independent and format-agnostic Swift library for performing one-way and two-way data transactions
AccessibilitySnapshot Easy regression testing for iOS accessibility
VGASimulatorKit Swift framework and tool to parse and render frames from VGA simulations.
wkhtmltopdf Generate and return PDFs from Vapor views
Emoji-Logger Light weight Swift logger with severity levels and built in emojis
ETTrace Easily and accurately profile iOS apps
Youi A little helper UI library for creating UI for prototyping with Satin's Parameters
swiftpress Super simple swift and markdown blog...thing
S3Storage A skelpo/Storage implementation for Amazon S3
SkelpoMiddleware Random Vapor Middlewares that Might be Useful
Popover Custom macOS Popover 💬
DSWaveformImage Generate waveform images from audio files on iOS, macOS & visionOS in Swift. Native SwiftUI & UIKit views.
VDKit This repository contains useful extensions on Foundation, UIKit and SwiftUI
Colors Library of pre-defined colors for SwiftUIs Color paradigm
NetService Swift NetService (Bonjour / Zeroconf / mDNS) implementation for Linux
ElementaryCombine Experimental, uni-directional and purely functional architecture for SwiftUI.
TCJSON Simple utility wrapper for Swift 4 Codable
PhoneNumberKit A Swift framework for parsing, formatting and validating international phone numbers. Inspired by Google's libphonenumber.
mujoco Multi-Joint dynamics with Contact. A general purpose physics simulator.
Incrementer Incrementer allows for the use of `++` and `--` postfix operators on Swift `Int` variables.
ProjectNavigator SwiftUI project navigation view for macOS and iOS
swift-tools-support-core Contains common infrastructural code for both SwiftPM and llbuild.
HParallaxHeader Custom parallax header for scrollView using gesture
SwiftOxfordAPI A framework to use Oxford Dictionaries API written in Swift
FTLinearActivityIndicator Add the missing network activity indicator on notched iPhones
swift-web-semantics mime definitions, cache-control, and http semantics for server applications
CocoaMQTT MQTT 5.0 client library for iOS and macOS written in Swift
SwiftBlocksUI Develop interactive Slack messages and modals using a SwiftUI like declarative style
JRPCSwiftNio JSON RPC Server stack implemented on top of Apple Swift-Nio library
AutoAPI 📱 AutoAPI Swift lib - the parsing library for the Auto API vehicle data model
Reader function wrapper ⚔
DelayedJob Run a task at a later time. But only run once if it's already scheduled.
SwiftRewriter 📝 Swift code formatter using SwiftSyntax.
VaporCountries Generic Vapour Package to add Country data to ant database
swift-cmark-gfm A minimal wrapper around cmark-gfm
TrailerJson A feather-weight JSON decoder in Swift
MapboxMaps Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps for iOS powered by vector tiles and Metal
HMUtilities Common extensions and other utilities
WithSpecializedGeneric A peer macro expanding generic struct or class to a specialized type
xsys Basic cross Linux/Darwin/Win(?) Posix aliases for Swift
PHDiff Swift implementation of Paul Heckel's diff technique.
Logboard Simple logging framework for your framework project.
Validator Drop in user input validation for your iOS apps.
vapor-apns Helpful extensions and abstractions for using APNSwift
Logic Parser A Swift library for parsing formal-logic expressions
WebRequest Declarative proxy for decoupling web requests from their delivery. Similar to js `fetch()`; helpful in unit-tests.
SCRecorder iOS camera engine with Vine-like tap to record, animatable filters, slow motion, segments editing
AssociatedObject 🔗 Swift Macro for allowing variable declarations even in class extensions
Stencil Stencil is a simple and powerful template language for Swift.
makata Foundations for writing iOS apps in the least amount of time
VaporSpices Vapor 3 Package for pre-populating any database with Spice related data.
SwiftAsk Command Line Input reading for Swift
ChessEngine A simple chess engine in swift
Lokalise Lokalise iOS SDK
SwiftSerialization A package used for serializing and restoring Swift objects.
Branch API wrapper for Vapor4
SwiftCurrent A library for managing complex workflows in Swift
Stripes SwiftUI background stripes and other texture patterns
ImagePickerModule The image picker allow to take pictures with the devices camera or select pictures from the library. It takes care of state management and handles the case of no camera access.
CucumberSwift A lightweight swift Cucumber implementation
FunctionalTableData Declarative UITableViewDataSource implementation
PitchSpeller Pitch speller tools for use with the dn-m ecosystem and beyond
StringComposition `SwiftStringComposition` provides some features that handles `String` as a collection of lines.
JSONEquality A Swift library for comparing JSON.
Arrow 🏹 Parse JSON with style
BuilderConfiguration Configuration support for Builder
PascalCaseKit Convert enum rawValues to Pascal Case
FreshPlanAPI API in swift
app-store-reviews Swift Package to download user reviews from the Apple App Store.
IPAddress_v4 IPAddress_v4 is a Swift library for doing basic handling of IPv4 Addresses expressed as single addresses, ranges, or CIDRs.
SwiftExt Some Common Swift Extentions
Danger Firefox for iOS
Clibsodium Swift Package Manager package for libsodium
TabBarPageController A container view controller for iOS that manages navigation between pages of content using a tab bar.
UserDefaults This is very easy API to use to easily access and set userDefaults value in Swift and it supports the new privacy rules from apple.
SimpleSwiftLogger A minimal Swift logging class with multiple levels and color coding
PlaygroundTools A command line tool for managing Swift Playground projects on your Mac.
swift-log-testing A thread safe swift-log LogHandler for use in application testing
Lightning A Swift Multiplatform Single-threaded Non-blocking Web and Networking Framework
WXKDarkSky A pure-Swift Codable layer over the Dark Sky API.
ColorCode NSColor extension adding ability to handle HSL color space and CSS3 style color codes
Eventitic Dispatching and listening events
EzPopup EzPopup will help you to show popup in the simplest way
AzooKeyKanakanjiConverter Kana-Kanji Conversion Module written in Swift
SwiftXcodeProj 📝 Read, update and write your Xcode projects
Hondana CLI tool to manage your bookmarklets
TrefleSwiftSDK TrefleSwiftSDK is a Swift wrapper around the Trefle API.
Sdifft using the Myers's Difference Algorithm to compare differences between two equatable element
ios-dropbox-auth A simple library for authorising Dropbox API requests on iOS.
UpgradeManager progress data when upgrade app
RVS_BasicGCDTimer Basic GCD Timer Class
CloudflareDomainsEmailKit Send Emails From Your Cloudflare Domains Email using Swift
Bundles Swift Bundle utilities.
ReverseJson Generate Swift and Objective-C data models from json data
AsyncStateMachine Async State Machine aims to provide a way to structure an application thanks to state machines. The goal is to identify the states and the side effects involved in each feature and to model them in a consistent and scalable way.
swift-sysctl A Swift interface for `sysctl`
SwiftRichString Elegant & Painless Attributed Strings Management Library in Swift
Coercion Swift type coercion support.
ZIPFoundation Effortless ZIP Handling in Swift
ScopeKit ScopeKit scaffolds reactive applications, simplifies managing Combine subscriptions, and makes [weak self] a thing of the past.
KeyWindow Share values provided by views in the Key window to all other parts of your SwiftUI application including the commands block.
CommandCougar Simple & Elegant Command Line Interfaces in Swift
HPStorage Read and write Codable types from and to disk with ease
SwiftyXcActivityLog Swift Package to parse .xcactivitylog file to provide information about the build time of methods.
emu A fun little collaborative library for data structures and algorithms written in Swift.
CSVCoding CSV Coding support for Swift
JustifiableFlowLayout Configurable flow layout for SwiftUI
SwiftyXMLParser Simple XML Parser implemented in Swift
Localizer 🇮🇸🇩🇪🇯🇵🇲🇽 Swift localization helper
Gtk A Swift wrapper around gtk-3.x and gtk-4.x that is largely auto-generated from gobject-introspection
IPAddress A tiny, well-tested Swift library for handling IP Addresses.
DataFetcher Swift resource fetching abstraction. Mockable for testing purposes.
SwipyCell Easy to use UITableViewCell implementing swiping to trigger actions.
ColorToolbox Swift color utilities
swift-app-store-receipt-validation Small wrapper around AsyncHTTPClient to verify App Store Receipts.
Templator API for template management for Vapor
Mqtt Pure swift MQTT client
SwiftKeyExchange Swift Diffie–Hellman key exchange (DHKE) library built using the Apple CryptoKit Framework.
Datastore Generic entity key/value datastore. Core-data backed (for now)
HealthKitCombine Combine extensions for HealthKit.
JOSESwift A framework for the JOSE standards JWS, JWE, and JWK written in Swift.
ruminant Swift persistent vectors à la Clojure
Clova-CEK-SDK-Swift SDK of the Clova CEK for Swift
opentelemetry-swift-jaeger Jaeger support for OpenTelemetry Swift
CryptorECC Elliptic-curve cryptography for Swift
SRCircleProgress Customizable circle progress bar written in Swift.
CrashReporter Lightweight macOS Crash Reporter Setup
SmoothGradient A SwiftUI package for creating smooth gradients using easing functions.
web3.swift Web3 and Geth wrapper utility in swift
Redux Manage iOS App state with Redux and Async/Await :)
Core 🌎 Utility package containing tools for byte manipulation, Codable, OS APIs, and debugging.
JVFloatLabeledTextField UITextField subclass with floating labels - inspired by Matt D. Smith's design:
RxCoreLocation RxCoreLocation is a reactive abstraction to manage Core Location.
secp256k1 Elliptic Curve public key, ECDSA, and Schnorr for Bitcoin. Supports iOS macOS tvOS watchOS + Linux.
SwiftParser Experimental swift parser generator
PrettyColors Styles and colors text in the Terminal with ANSI escape codes. Conforms to ECMA Standard 48.
FontBlaster Programmatically load custom fonts into your iOS, macOS and tvOS app.
Euler Swift Custom Operators for Mathematical Notation
Telegraph Secure Web Server for iOS, tvOS and macOS
SwiftKeccak Keccak256 for Swift Package Manager
StackedItemsCarousel A carousel of stacked items as seen in iMessage for photos
lua_ios Lua language, patched so it can be called from iOS apps
NIOCronScheduler ⌚️Swift cron scheduler based on Swift NIO (both v1 and v2)
ContentstackUtils Contentstack Utils SDK for JSON RTE and RTE content
Starscream Websockets in swift for iOS and OSX
arcgis-runtime-toolkit-ios Toolkit components that will simplify your iOS app development with ArcGIS Runtime
SwifCron ⏱Simple pure swift cron expression parser
UIXKit An extension to UIKit.
ErrorAssertions Wrappers for Swift assertions that take Error instances instead of strings, and the means to test them in XCTest.
SwiftUIWPArticleLoader A Wordpress Article Loader for SwiftUI.
JSONAPI-OpenAPI A library that adds support for generating OpenAPI compliant documentation from JSON API compliant models.
GithubAPI Swift implementation of Github REST API v3
Cgetargv Swift bindings to libgetargv
xctest-dynamic-overlay Define XCTest assertion helpers directly in your application and library code.
QuickSearch QuickSearch is a SwiftUI SDK that lets you type into a searchable text field without first having to focus on it.
SnapshotTestingHEIC An extension to SnapshotTesting which allows you to create HEIC images
slox Swift implementation of a Lox interpreter
console-kit 💻 APIs for creating interactive CLI tools.
IBMPushNotifications IBM Cloud Mobile Services - Server side Swift SDK for IBM Cloud Push Notifications Service
Ed25519 Ed25519 for Swift 3.x
RNAJSON Experiments with async JSON and other stuff
LibHoney-Cocoa A library for sending events Honeycomb written in Swift.
ShortcutsKit Easily run shortcuts
teco-cls-logging Experimental logging backend for Cloud Log Service.
rest-client A REST client implementation for Vapor in Swift
fluent-kit Swift ORM (queries, models, and relations) for NoSQL and SQL databases
VaporCron ⏲ Swift cron scheduler for Vapor
fluent-mysql-driver 🖋🐬 Swift ORM (queries, models, relations, etc) built on MySQL.
Persist Extensible typesafe storage utilising property wrappers. Supports transformers such as Codable. Built in support for UserDefaults, NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore, FileManager, and in memory storage.
xivapi-swift simple swift client to easily work with xivapi
OctavKit Swift toolkit for the Octav( API
swift-interception Package for interception of objc selectors in Swift.
Chronicle 🪵 Simple Swift Logger in under 90 loc
CollectionViewSlantedLayout A CollectionView Layout displaying a slanted cells
IBMSwiftSDKCore Core networking services for the Watson Swift SDK
XCEUniFlow Unidirectional data flow & finite state machine merged together - app architecture done right.
DSFRegex A Swift regex class abstracting away the complexities of NSRegularExpression and Swift Strings
SwiftOracle OCILIB wrapper for Swift, linux compatible
SwimpleInjection Simple dependency injection in Swift
JWTAuth Provides custom model authentication and authorization through JWT tokens.
Stubby A little URLSession response stubbing library.
soto-kinesis Standalone Repository of AWS Kinesis Client from soto-project/soto
LittleBlueTooth A simple library that helps you in connecting with BLE devices
Capable Unified accessibility API for iOS, macOS, tvOS & watchOS.
SideMenu Simple side/slide menu control for iOS, no code necessary! Lots of customization. Add it to your project in 5 minutes or less.
Scroller You can animate in individual views based on scroll position. Developed with SwiftUI. This library supports iOS/macOS.
SwiftParse A small parser combinator library written in Swift 5
MNISTKit The better way to deal with MNIST model and Core ML in iOS
EAnalytics iOS tracking library for Eulerian Technologies Analytics.
CGLFW3 Swift bindings for GLFW.
DangerSwiftHammer "Everything can be fixed with a hammer." - Jeremy Clarkson
SwiftMQTT MQTT Client in pure swift ❤️
AsyncTesting Testing async code with Swift Concurrency
CompoundPredicate A library for combining swift predicates
CompassCardDownloader Swift library to download Compass Card transactions
KZPeselValidator Validator for Polish national identification number PESEL
XcodeReleases The data generator that powers
Defines A collection of runtime checks written in Swift.
DictionaryCoding Swift Decoder/Encoder which converts to/from dictionaries.
OSet Fast, idiomatic Ordered Set data structure for Swift
arm64-to-sim Transmogrify native iOS frameworks to run in iOS Simulator on Apple silicon.
RVS_MaskButton A Special UIButton Variant That Allows "See-Through" Masking
ConnectivityKit Modern networking support to monitor network connectivity
CanonicalPackageURL A package to canonicalise package URLs
AnimatedTabBar A tabbar with a number of preset animations written in pure SwiftUI
Iconoir Swift package containing Iconoir icons.
IconSelector A drop-in UI component to allow easy selection of alternate icons on iOS.
RKAPIService RKAPIService is a simple and handy API Service utilizes swift concurrency aka async/await
Diomede LMDB-based RDF Quadstore implemented in Swift
SwiftyPython Swift Package Manager package for embedding Python in Swift app
ios-sherpa A drop-in view controller for displaying a User Guide or FAQ.
ConcentricOnboarding SwiftUI library for a walkthrough or onboarding flow with tap actions
AliasWonderland Common type aliases useful in many projects.
JSONAPIViz JSONAPI support for generating a GraphViz DOT format string.
AutomaticSettings Data driven settings UI generation.
ExyteGrid The most powerful Grid container missed in SwiftUI
SwiftDDP A Meteor client, written in Swift
SwiftyUploader A web based uploader powered by SwiftNIO.
Stripe Stripe iOS SDK
CFoundationdb Swift modulemap for foundationdb libfdb_c
Pappe An embedded interpreted synchronous DSL for Swift.
SwiftKit Start your next Open-Source Swift Framework 📦
messagepack Moved to:
XcodeSelectiveTesting Xcode selective testing: Run only tests relevant to the changeset.
DataStream Swift data stream that lets you read bytes.
WebOSClient WebOSClient is a lightweight Swift framework that allows you to communicate with an LG Smart TV running WebOS.
Tempry Get a random temporary directory path
yason A Swift Package with yaml to json and vice versa conversion cli
ActiveLabel UILabel drop-in replacement supporting Hashtags (#), Mentions (@) and URLs (http://) written in Swift
swift-nio-extras Useful code around SwiftNIO.
DocTest An experimental tool for testing Swift example code in documentation.
Macaw Powerful and easy-to-use vector graphics Swift library with SVG support
macro-codable-kit Efficient, flexible Codable with Swift Macros
Fuzi A fast & lightweight XML & HTML parser in Swift with XPath & CSS support
MLLineChart A simple Line Chart Lib
Omnibar Text field component that supports term auto-completion and keyboard navigation
ActionBuilderPlugin Swift Package Manager plugin which runs ActionBuilder to create a Github Actions workflow for a swift package.
Branch iOS SDK with SPM support (cleaned from `framework` files)
Actions Swift / AppKit action abstraction
SwiftFoundationExtensions An open source library with some useful extensions and utilities for the core Foundation Swift libraries
Argo Functional JSON parsing library for Swift
swift-cid Self-describing content-addressed identifiers for distributed systems
SKVersion App Store Version Checker
Foundation-XAttr Extended Attribute handlers for Foundation's NSURL and NSFileHandle objects, for iOS, macOS, and tvOS. Written in Swift!
neo4j-ios Open Source Neo4j driver for iOS, Linux and macOS
Curry Swift implementations for function currying
Expressions Swift regular expression capture support.
EitherSwift Adds either monad to Swift.
Degu 🐭 Degu is debug utility for iOS, tvOS and macOS.
HaishinKit Camera and Microphone streaming library via RTMP and SRT for iOS, macOS, tvOS and visionOS.
AveCommonHelperViews Commonly used helpers views for UIKit (ShapeView, GradientView, ContentTextView, RoundRectView)
Argon2 A Swift wrapper for the Argon2 C implementation
Algebra Abstract Algebraic Structures in Swift
SwiftUIGrid An open source library that provides extensions to SwiftUI libraries to enable spacing/font grids and other advanced utilities
YYCache High performance cache framework for iOS.
ProgressIndicatorView An iOS progress indicator view library written in SwiftUI
MapboxMobileEvents Mapbox Events Framework for iOS
Easing Easing functions in Swift.
XMLParsing XMLEncoder & XMLDecoder using the codable protocol in Swift 4.2
ObjectUI Create SwiftUI Views with any data; Prefer using
Prism Colored text for Swift command line tools.
Open3D-iOS Swift package for using Open3D in iOS apps
Prelude Swift µframework of simple functional programming tools
Kafka Swift Apacha Kafka (real-time data pipelines and streaming apps)
hcitool Bluetooth Host Controller Interface Command Line Tool for for sending HCI commands on macOS and Linux
SwiftCrypto A simple wrapper in Swift around the CommonCrypto framework
raygun4apple Raygun4Apple provider supporting iOS, tvOS and macOS.
CoreGraphicsGeometrySupport A micro-package to make working with CGPoint/Size/Rect somewhat nicer.
Reachability Replacement for Apple's Reachability re-written in Swift with closures
Siren Notify users when a new version of your app is available and prompt them to upgrade.
Python3 Swift Package Manager wrapper for Python 3 C API
swift-typed-date Library for enhancing Swift's Date handling by enabling type-level customization of date components
Python-iOS Swift package to use python modules in iOS apps
AveDataSource Update TableViews and CollectionViews with ease
SpeedManagerModule Simple Speedometer class to iOS and WatchOS.
BitField Package for defining bit fields in Swift.
Button A UIButton subclass that let's you use UIColor as the background and border color.
Adyen Adyen iOS Drop-in and Components
AveFontHelpers A few helpers that make working with Dynamic Type easier
WhirlpoolSwift The WHIRLPOOL hash function implemented in Swift.
SwiftyGFX A Swift graphics library useful when working with dot matrix displays.
Runtime WebAssembly-compatible fork of wickwirew/Runtime: Swift Runtime library for viewing type info, and the dynamic getting and setting of properties.
Nextbike 🚲 Minimal wrapper for the Nextbike API listing all bike racks and available bike counts
SCRecorder iOS camera engine with Vine-like tap to record, animatable filters, slow motion, segments editing
Task Combine Tasks
RFC3339DateFormatter DateFormatter conforming to RFC3339
SwiftMarkdown Swift cmark wrapper for SwiftPM
Deluge A Combine powered Deluge JSON-RPC API client.
MiniDOM Minimal XML DOM for Swift
Lunch Lunch is helper of UI Test with Swift.
SystemKit macOS system library in Swift
SwiftWebSocketManager Swift websocket client and binary manager.
WeakMapTable A weak-to-strong map table
UPLogs lightweight logger library for swift
Files Some extra bits for Swift Foundation's URL class.
SwiftUIHaptics An open source library that provides a common service to use in projects that require haptics feedback
XCResource A Xcode resources CLI
Version-Control A Version Control Kit that allows Aurora Editor to do everything git related.
Datable Swift convenience functions to convert between various different types and Data
iOS-GPX-Framework This is an iOS framework for parsing/generating GPX files.
KMBFormatter A number formatter that adds K for thousands, M for millions and B for billions
RingSig Implementation of a ring signature scheme in Swift
Hardware Abstraction of various hardware interfaces and device properties on macOS/iOS/tvOS/watchOS.
EasyNotificationBadge UIView extension that adds a notification badge.
LHxHub Useful Swift extensions make developer great again !!! ⚠️
ContributorUI A UI library for iOS and macOS applications to showcase all contributors of public or private repositories.
meilisearch-swift Swift client for the Meilisearch API
MyNameIsURL URL Matching in Swift
GraphViz A Swift package for working with GraphViz
CKB Swift toolkit for Nervos CKB
SwiftUITextView UITextView wrapped for use with SwiftUI
Appboy_iOS_SDK Public repo for the Braze iOS SDK
Lingo Powerful Swift string localization library with support for pluralization and string interpolation.
Queuer Queuer is a queue manager, built on top of OperationQueue and Dispatch (aka GCD).
MapboxDirections Traffic-aware directions and map matching in Swift on iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS, and Linux
State Swift @State
SwifterSwift A handy collection of more than 500 native Swift extensions to boost your productivity.
Palau NSUserDefaults with Wings!
Stimpak Swift Dependency Injection Container
SwiftPlusPlus Library for common enhancements to the Swift language developed by Apple
OpenCombine Open source implementation of Apple's Combine framework for processing values over time.
Recaptcha :key: Google recaptcha library for Vapor
CKit Friendly Pointer and Object-Oriented System API.
AsyncCompatibilityKit iOS 13-compatible backports of commonly used async/await-based system APIs that are only available from iOS 15 by default.
Carte 🍴 Open source license notice view generator for Swift
NavigationBarBackgroundHider Helper to easily hide the navigation bar background on scrolling
PerfectMongoDB A stand-alone Swift wrapper around the mongo-c client library, enabling access to MongoDB servers.
BiSON Library for converting a map to and from BSON format
KeyHolder Record shortcuts in macOS, like
mongo-swift-driver The official MongoDB driver for Swift
CocoaLumberjack A fast & simple, yet powerful & flexible logging framework for macOS, iOS, tvOS and watchOS
Balam Swift NoSQL functional database
jungle Complexity metrics for Cocoapods and SwiftPM
Shout SSH made easy in Swift
IMGLYEngine Fully customizable, simple-to-use design editor
SlideKit A library which helps you make presentation slides by SwiftUI
submissions Provides a common structure to deal with data based API requests
GRDBCombine GRDB ❤️ Combine
ImglyKit Swift Package for ImglyKit
ButtonKit A button kit for both Sketch and Swift.
AppState 🧠 Effortless State Management and Dependency Injection for Swift Applications
Smartlook Analytics Smartlook Analytics Swift Package
SwiftAWSS3 Standalone Repository of AWS S3 Client from soto-project/soto
Swiftification Swift extensions to make life more pleasant
SwiperYesSwiping Add a floating left/right page action in Swift.
CodableDatastore An ACID-compliant database written in pure-swift enabling on-disk persistence for apps and services.
NautilusTelemetry An iOS implementation of OpenTelemetry
Starscream Websockets in swift for iOS and OSX
NumberTextField A powerful SwiftUI text field that handles formatting and retaining number values.
postgres-nio 🐘 Non-blocking, event-driven Swift client for PostgreSQL.
CUID A swift port of the javascript cuid library
color CLI to convert HEX and RGB colors
Promises Promises is a modern framework that provides a synchronization construct for Swift and Objective-C.
AudioKit Audio synthesis, processing, & analysis platform for iOS, macOS and tvOS
Manual Manual generates unit test fixtures and Go model objects from an OpenAPI 2.0 spec.
SafeURL [DEPRECATED by Swift Macros and Xcode 15] Compile-time-checked URLs
Swiftgger OpenAPI support for server side Swift projects.
DieKit 💀 Comprehensive error printer for Swift
SwiftDjot Swift wrapper for djot C library interface (
SwiftUIKit 📱 UIKit code that is fun to write
Ink A fast and flexible Markdown parser written in Swift.
Keychain Swift Keychain utilities.
ScaledFont ScaledFont - Using custom fonts with dynamic type
Refreshable ✳️ SwiftUI Pull to Refresh (for iOS 13 and iOS 14) package.
OEVoice Old English text-to-speech using AVSpeechSynthesis and IPA pronunciations.
queues-redis-driver A Redis implementation for
Typesense Swift Client for Typesense ⚡️🔎
Vuckt A Swift Vector Library That Doesn't Suck
CIconv Libiconv wrapper for Swift
mysql-swift A type safe MySQL client for Swift
SwiftlySearch A small, lightweight UISearchController wrapper for SwiftUI
Sodium Safe and easy to use crypto for iOS and macOS
swift-quic Swift implementation of the quic protocol.
XMTPRust Initial test repository to host a Swift package that wraps Rust native libraries for iOS
PublicSuffix Converted Public Suffix List in Swift.
Ditto A lightweight routing system written in Swift.
color-components A color component calculation library
Logger Configurable logging for Swift.
TreeSitter An incremental parsing system for programming tools
Shout SSH made easy in Swift
ProgressSpinnerKit A library to display an ActivityIndicator for CLI.
KeyVine A Keychain access wrapper in Swift, because the world needs more of these
Matchable Item matching protocol for Swift
ScreenCaptureRedaction Redact content when screen is recorded, or app is inactive
WKCodable Well-Known Binary & Text Encoding/Decoding for Swift
Validations Validations framework for Swift
example-package-deckofplayingcards Example package for use with the Swift Package Manager
msgraph-sdk-objc Microsoft Graph SDK for Objective-C
ScrollViewObserver Observer any UIScrollView without setting a delegate
SwiftlierUIKit UIKit helpers and improvements
c 📦 Micro Composition using Transformations and Cache
Guardian Service Side Swift:Vapor 3 based API Guardian Middleware. 🦁
swift-capture A mechanism for safe capturing & weakifying objects in Swift.
CloudStorage Swift property wrapper to sync settings through iCloud key-value storage
SwiftCoroutine Swift coroutines for iOS, macOS and Linux.
UUSwiftNetworking Useful Utilities is a collection of helper classes that extend or complement existing UIKit framework classes.
SelfSizingScroller Fixes scrollToRow/ItemAtIndexPath: for Self Sizing Cells
La A library for linear algebra with type-safety written in Swift.
SavannaKit A high-performance, protocol oriented, framework for creating native IDEs for iOS and macOS, written in Swift
CFreeGLUT A quickie Swift module for the freeglut library
llama LLM inference in C/C++
Bolt Bolt implementation in Swift
CoreDataKit Core Data for a Type Safe Swift
Atributika Convert text with HTML tags, links, hashtags, mentions into NSAttributedString. Make them clickable with UILabel drop-in replacement.
ReviewKit Request reviews only from users with enough recent positive activity and only at appropriate times.
Steem Hive client library for iOS, macOS and Linux written in Swift
SDSMealAPI SDSMealAPI 스위프트 패키지 입니다.
ParserCombinator A simple Parser Combinator written in Swift
swift-foundation-extensions Standard extensions for Foundation framework
NetworkKit A reactive HTTP Networking in Swift using PublisherKit
Koreaniga A Korean postpositions processing package for *new-age*.
PinLayout Fast Swift Views layouting without auto layout. No magic, pure code, full control and blazing fast. Concise syntax, intuitive, readable & chainable. [iOS/macOS/tvOS/CALayer]
SwiftUIPolygon An animatable SwiftUI Polygon Shape with support for mesh rendering
fswift A Swift package/framework that provides a functional API with a set of types, extensions and utilities
GPUImage GPUImage 2 is a BSD-licensed Swift framework for GPU-accelerated video and image processing.
Squircle iOS Squircle rounding corner for UIView
AsyncSwiftGit Provides Swift bindings to libgit2 that use the Swift 5.5 concurrency model
SwiftyRelativePath Swift equivalent of Ruby's "Pathname.relative_path_from()"
FLet Micro Framework Collection
Clangler A Swift package for parsing Clang module map files
BigInt Arbitrary-precision arithmetic in pure Swift
NFCReader Scan and decode NFC tags on iOS
Chroma A command line tool to generate .swift extensions or structs files from .xcassets on your UIKit, AppKIt or SwiftUI projects.
Cache 📦 A simple, lightweight caching library for Swift.
SwiftyChrono A natural language date parser in Swift (ported from chrono.js)
Markup A Swift package for working with HTML, XML, and other markup languages, based on libxml2.
Snappable A set of SwiftUI custom modifiers to make the ScrollView snappable.
swift-driver Swift compiler driver reimplementation in Swift
JunoUI A visionOS slider view to mimic Apple's expanding sliders
Stream A simple data processing library for Swift
SwiftHeroProtocol Swift HeroProtocol is a cross platform native Swift port of Blizzard Entertainment's heroprotocol python library for extracting component files of a Heroes of the Storm replay file and decoding them
sql-kit *️⃣ Build SQL queries in Swift. Extensible, protocol-based design that supports DQL, DML, and DDL.
ListableProperties ListableProperties macro allows to list all the properties of a struct, class and other types
HTMLEntities HTML5 spec-compliant character encoder/decoder for Swift
aws-sdk-ios AWS SDK for iOS. For more information, see our web site:
EventSource A simple Swift client library for the Server Sent Events (SSE)
TimeSpecification Get `timespec` in Swift.
PulsrMarkdown A simple markdown parser, with support for ||spoilers|| (or >!spoilers!<)
SwiftKeyPathSortingRetrofit convenient extension to the Sequence protocol that allows you to sort elements in a Swift-like way
Genesis Templating, scaffolding and generation tool
SwiftNetrc Parse .netrc in (server-side) Swift
WebRTC Universal WebRTC XCFramework for iOS/macOS
ReactantUI Reactant extension for UI declaration in XML
Semver Semantic versioning framework in Swift
AsyncView AsyncView is a SwiftUI View for handling in-progress and error states when loading data asynchronously using async/await. It's like AsyncImage but for data.
AudioKitUI Controls and Visualization for AudioKit apps
HPFoundationUtils A collection of Foundation extensions to make your life a little easier
JustinKaufman Website of Justin Kaufman
SkeletonView An elegant way to show users that something is happening and also prepare them to which contents he is waiting
SwiftDI SwiftDI the new way to use your dependency in Swift 5.1
exact-math A Swift package for exact computation.
LNPopupController A framework for presenting view controllers as popups of other view controllers, much like the Apple Music and Podcasts apps.
Network 🕸️ Output and Input for remote URLs using REST
MultiLogging Logging utility package for Vapor 3
AsyncLocationKit 📍async/await CoreLocation
CryptoOffice Office Open XML (OOXML) formats (.xlsx, .docx, .pptx) decryption for Swift
Flow Generic node graph editor
OctoKit A Swift API Client for GitHub and GitHub Enterprise
Exhibition A framework and generator for displaying SwiftUI component libraries
KoalaActivityIndicator 🐨 KoalaActivityIndicator is created for people who loves koala and wants to add a non boring version of activity indicator.
BinarySearch Swift module for binary search in sorted collections.
HLSCore A collection of Swift packages for working with HLS
decamelize Convert a camelized string into a lowercase one
Fork 🍴 Parallelize two or more async functions
GitDiffSwift A Git diff parser written in Swift
KeyValueView A Color and String KeyValue SwiftUI View
DevBoard A board with parameters during development & testing 📺Goodbye console logging!
SwiftyWeatherKit A swift package to support multiple weather APIs
msgraph-sdk-objc-models Generated Models for Objective C SDK
SagaInkMarkdownReader A Markdown reader for Saga, which uses Ink and Splash.
MagicKit An Advanced and Flexible Framework for Building Engaging Transitions.
RxComposableArchitecture RxComposableArchitecture is a forked of Composable Architecture with adjustment to make it work with UIKit.
IPAddress IP address library for swift
MacroExpress An unopinionated SwiftNIO based web framework, Express.js/Connect like.
Base58Swift A pure swift implementation of base58 string encoding and decoding
Runner Swift helper for launching subprocesses and capturing their output.
ZComNet Swift Library for Network calls async/await
WebKitUserAgent Conveniently getting the User Agent through WKWebView
SwiftGoogleTranslate Lightweight framework for using Cloud Translation API by Google
siteify Build web site from a project’s Swift sources.
MuJoCo Swift Binding for MuJoCo:
JSONX Parse JSON data, simple, lightweight & without noise.
Keyboard SwiftUI music keyboard
o Output and Input for File, URL, and Console
Raylib A Swift package for Raylib. Builds Raylib from source so no need to fiddle with libraries. Just add as a dependency in you game package and go!
OptionParser Option parsing for command line tools written in Swift
SoundpipeAudioKit C-based instruments and effects for AudioKit
swift-pkce Commonly used methods in OAuth 2.0 PKCE protocol
STKAudioKit Physical models of instruments to use with AudioKit-powered applications
HotKey Simple global shortcuts in macOS
AttributedStringBuilder A DSL for creating NSAttributedStrings
CLIKit Swift package for writing command line tools.
SPM SPM is a Swift wrapper around the official Swift Package Manager.
SUICoordinator Navigation coordinators for SWiftUI. Simple, powerful and elegant.
MessageBox-Concept MessageBox is a simple concept for decoupling entities. Think of it as notifications but the opposite.
BeaconFinder Beacon Finder in Swift
APIWrapper 🍯 Use @propertyWrapper to provide the necessary data for network requests in a more aggregated form.
LeanSDK Lean's LinkSDK for iOS
Manual Manual generates unit test fixtures and Go model objects from an OpenAPI 2.0 spec.
SlamKit Fast Closure based Swift Package for Cross-platform OSes
SymbolKit A Swift package for encoding and decoding Swift Symbol Graph files.
FailableSequence FailableSequence support for Swift
Node A formatted data encapsulation meant to facilitate the transformation from one object to another
Sh1Password 1Password CLI v2 wrapper for Swift, built with
ACBTokenField A swift extension on NSTokenField which makes it highly customizable and removes a lot of boilerplate code from implementation
CoreEngine 🌪️ Simple and light-weighted unidirectional architecture in Swift which independent of Reactive framework
NSAttributedStringBuilder An easy to use NSAttributedString builder with extended modifier support (bold, italic, image, custom spacings etc.)
CypherPoetNetStack A Combine-based networking stack for modern iOS projects.
swift-argument-encoding Swift library for encoding structured types into argument arrays
ResponderChain Cross-platform first responder handling without subclassing views or making custom ViewRepresentables in SwiftUI. Similar to FocusState but for iOS 13+
CombineMIDI Connect MIDI using async-await to SwiftUI (or UIKit)
documentation Documentation for the PureScript language, compiler, and tools.
HtmlKituraSupport ☁️ Kitura plugin for type-safe, transformable HTML views.
BuilderMacro Reduce boilerplate by generating Builders for your Models using swift macros.
Sight Generate search query urls via a convenience initializer on URL
SDGCornerstone The Foundation of the SDG Module Family
swiftredunda Swift library for Redunda
AWSLambdaSwift A custom AWS Lambda Runtime for Swift
DragonService Swift package to fetch data from DataDragon
CircularProgress Circular progress indicator for your macOS app
Processed Automated loading states in SwiftUI
Grape A Swift library for graph visualization and efficient force simulation.
ElevenlabsSwift ElevenlabsSwift is an open-source Swift package that provides an easy-to-use API for managing and utilizing voices in the VoiceLab
MapboxNavigation Turn-by-turn navigation logic and UI in Swift on iOS
EasyCodable Easy failable properties in Swift Codable.
DSFDropFilesView A Swift NSView class for nicely supporting drag/drop files.
LibrusAPI Wrapper for Librus' API written in Swift.
CustomButton Customizable button for your macOS app
DataDrivenRxDatasources DataDrivenRxDatasources - MVVM abstraction boilerplate code over RxDataSources.
Pooling Pooling is an interface for classes that implement object pool design pattern
CAtomics C11 atomics for Swift
CFontConfig Swift C module for FontConfig
DiffableWithReload Automated reloadItems for diffable datasources
SDGKeyboardDesign Tools for Generating Keyboard Layouts
SwiftPackageList A command-line tool to get all used SPM-dependencies of an Xcode project or workspace.
TicTacToe TicTacToe written in pure Swift, playable in your favourite shell! (ascii graphics)
Configure Manages resources, local or remote, for your app or server-side framework.
graphql-syntax GraphQL Parser written in Syntax
Telegrammer Telegram Bot - written with Swift 5.2 / NIO, supports Linux, macOS
SpeziFoundation Spezi Foundation provides a base layer of functionality useful in many applications, including fundamental types, algorithms, extensions, and data structures.
Queenfisher Cross-platform Google APIs for Swift built on Codable & NIO
OdinKit Swift package providing an object-oriented wrapper for 4Players ODIN
ESGists This is a small set of Gists API client for EZ-NET CodePiece.
StreamDeckKitMacros Macros for the Stream Deck Kit library.
LeafProvider Add leaf templating into your vapor app
SwiftCompressor SwiftCompressor lets you use Compression framework easily
SwiftCSV CSV parser for Swift
MKJIcons Vector iOS icons animated using code
Bivrost :fire: :rainbow: Bridge between Solidity Contracts and Swift
swift-sdk-generator Generate Swift SDKs for cross-compilation
CampusDualKit 🏫 Swift package to connect to Campus Dual at Berufsakademie Sachsen
SavannaKit A high-performance, protocol oriented, framework for creating native IDEs for iOS and macOS, written in Swift
CarBode CarBode : Free & Opensource barcode scanner & generator for SwiftUI
RogersBankDownloader Swift Package to download Transactions for Rogers Bank Credit Cards
SpeziViews A common set of SwiftUI views and related functionality used in Spezi modules
TigaseSwiftOMEMO (M) OMEMO support for Martin XMPP Library
SwiftLog swift砖块系列:Swift Log输出工具,可分级别打印log,方便排查日志,添加unicode转码,持续输出中文,支持swift4以上,支持log到本地文件中,添加淘汰算法默认七天淘汰一次log日志文件
Tabman ™️ A powerful paging view controller with interactive indicator bars
SwiftChatSE A Swift framework for creating chatbots for Stack Exchange.
Alpaca Alpaca Swift Client
swift-nonempty 🎁 A compile-time guarantee that a collection contains a value.
AlgoBrain A very simple Swift Package with implemented Data Structure and Algorithms for direct use to project.
Yarn 🧶 Boolean Expectations
CloudKitFeatureFlags A library that lets you setup feature flagging for your iOS app using CloudKit
ThreadExtensions Swift thread and queue extensions
StaticMemberIterable Confidently iterate through static members with this Swift Macro
lefthook Fast and powerful Git hooks manager for any type of projects.
OpenSwiftUI [WIP] Open source implementation of Apple's SwiftUI.
TokenView Minimalist UITextView for editing tokens (like a much-simplified NSTokenField)
XCTAssertNoLeak Provides assert function that check memory leak in Swift.
Slate Data Model Middleware
Patterns A lightweight, pure-Swift library for drawing patterns in iOS
xcc A CLI for Xcode Cloud
TwilioVerifySDK Twilio Verify Push SDK helps you verify users by adding a low-friction, secure, cost-effective, "push verification" factor into your own apps. This project provides an SDK to implement Verify Push for your iOS app.
Chain ⛓ Enum to chain functions together
ZIPFoundation XCFramework version of ZIPFoundation (
UserDefaultsExtensions Swift support and utilities for Foundation's UserDefaults class.
EllipticCurve An elliptic curve library written in Swift 4
Commandant Type-safe command line argument handling
UInt256 An UInt256 library written in Swift 4
FluentTestTools Test tools for Vapor 3's Fluent
NoopKit Short for No-operation Kit. Set of functions making work with empty closures a breeze.
swift-index Proof of concept of a (sort of) centralized SwiftPM package index
Freedom The Freedom to Open URLs in Third-Party Browsers on iOS with Custom UIActivity Subclasses.
finch tiny todos as a Swift CLI tool
DL4S Accelerated tensor operations and dynamic neural networks based on reverse mode automatic differentiation for every device that can run Swift - from watchOS to Linux
SwiftUIRippleEffect Ripple effect on SwiftUI
Genius Scan SDK Swift Package for the Genius Scan SDK
VanMoofKit A Swift Package to communicate with a VanMoof S3 & X3 Bike 🚲
LGNLog A custom logger implementation and Task Local helper for swift-log
ScheduleView A library for presenting schedules and timetables in an iOS app.
BigNumber A lightweight, Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic Library for Swift!
FirebladeTime Time utilities for Fireblade
ZPopupPresenter Easily to present different popups from any subview over fullscreen on SwiftUI
Maraca Maraca establishes connections between your iOS application using our iOS CaptureSDK and a web application using our CaptureJS SDK. This enables the web application to connect with our scanners and NFC readers with the same flexibilty that our iOS SDK provides
Noted Notifications made even easier
Dunesailer Utilities A Swift package featuring various useful utilities
AdaptiveCardUI Snippets of UI, authored in JSON and rendered with SwiftUI
Markdown A small and fast Markdown parser library for Swift.
swift-msgpack swift-msgpack is a library of MessagePack encoder & decoder for Swift based on Codable.
IsScrolling As the name suggests, IsScrolling provides a ViewModifier to get the current scrolling state of a ScrollView or List in SwiftUI. IsScrolling has good backward and forward compatibility since it is fully implemented natively in SwiftUI. 正如名称所示,IsScrolling 提供了一个 ViewModifier ,用来获取 SwiftUI 中 ScrollView 或 List 当前的滚动状态。由于完全采用了 SwiftUI 原生的方式实现此功能,因此 IsScrolling 具备了很好的前后兼容性。
mvt-tools Mapnik vector tiles (mvt) reader/writer for Swift
Moya-ObjectMapper ObjectMapper bindings for Moya and RxSwift
VaporTestTools Make testing Vapor 3 apps easy
abseil-cpp Abseil Common Libraries (C++)
DateBuilder 📆 Create dates and date components easily (e.g. "first Thursday of the next month")
Stencil Stencil is a simple and powerful template language for Swift.
FluentProvider A provider for including Fluent in Vapor applications
SerializedSwift A significant enhancement to the current Codable protocol for better and easier Serializing and Deserializing of JSON
MetalUI 🤘 Metal with SwiftUI
UIImage-SFSymbols Category on UIImage to use SFSymbols
Observation 🔭 Observable variable project using E.num and Chain
CombineReachability Combine publishers for Reachability
ColorKit SwiftUI Color Pickers, Gradient Pickers And All The Utilities Needed To Make Your Own!
ResourcePackage Manage resources for iOS application
OSLogClient Utility class that polls OSLogStore and sends any valid logs to subscribed log drivers
Auth0 Auth0 SDK for Apple platforms
PythonBridge Swift Python Bridge
WARangeSlider A simple range slider made in Swift
big-num Swift interface BIGNUM functions in BoringSSL
MonetaryAmount 💵 A Swift representation of money / monetary amounts and ISO 4217 currency designations - Swift Micro Package
mapbox-search-ios Search SDK for iOS with preconfigured UI in Swift
syntax-highlight-publish-plugin Plugin to add syntax highlighting (for multiple languages) to your Publish Site, with the least amount of effort.
LaunchScreenSnapshot Protects sensitive data in your app snapshot.
swift-srp Swift Secure Remote Password
SwiftFu ➕ Swift Function Upgrades
DSClickableURLTextField DSClickableURLTextField allow links to be clicked on and opened.
SlideButton SwiftUI package that provides a customizable slide button that can be swiped to unlock or perform an action
TextFormater a pod to convert String to NSAttributedString
BMHCrypto BMHCrypto is a pure Swift packages built on CryptoKit, adds useful extensions and ready to use.
FileSelectorView A small Swift UI Package with one View to select a file
AcknowKit AcknowKit
Syntax Write value-driven parsers quickly in Swift with an intuitive SwiftUI-like DSL
Automerge Swift language bindings presenting Automerge
GICS A Swift library to parse and retrieve relevant information about the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS).
Sliders-SwiftUI Collection of unique fully customizable SwiftUI sliders, joysticks, trackpads and more!
AsyncXPCConnection Concurrency support for NSXPCConnection
Shuttle Swift package heavily inspired by
MachKit Swift framework to inspect, write and patch processes virtual memory.
ProcedureKit Advanced Operations in Swift
SpritePencilKit Swift package for a pixel-art drawing canvas.
KYImageProcessor The image processing foundation of KYPhotoPicker.
Keychain Swift module for interacting with Keychain via property wrapper
SwiftUIJoystick An Open Source Joystick library for SwiftUI, Swift, iOS apps
Slugify Convenience for sluggifying your strings.
StronglyTypedID Simple, easy to use strongly typed unique IDs for all your model needs.
SwiftyForm swift砖块系列:快速集成表单
OperatingSystem Retrieves information about the host device, such as its type (iPhone, iPad, TV, etc) and OS version.
fswift A Swift package/framework that provides a functional API with a set of types, extensions and utilities
Roadmap Publish your roadmap inside your app and allow users to vote for upcoming features
ASCollectionView A SwiftUI collection view with support for custom layouts, preloading, and more.
FlutterSwift Flutter and Swift integration for embedded platforms
MachOKit 🔬 A Swift library for parsing MachO files to obtain various information.
Juice Lightweight dependency injection container with simple fluent interface.
VisibilityTrackingScrollView A SwiftUI ScrollView that runs a callback when subviews are scrolled in and out of view.
BottomPopup BottomPopup provides a popup-like presentation style to any view controller
SwiftFinancial A collection of elementary financial functions written in Swift inspired by numpy-financial
ContainedDocument Nested NSDocuments
LSSLibrary Swift Package Manager 로 다루는 라이브러리
UPicCore uPic 核心上传部分
Rye A framework for displaying non intrusive alerts to your users
NumberKit Advanced numeric data types for Swift 5, including BigInt, Rational, and Complex numbers.
Dusk Micro-framework to aid in supporting Dark Mode on macOS
AxisSheet It is a library that handles the sheet view in 4 directions (.top, .bottom, .leading, .trailing) according to the axis mode. It supports iOS and macOS.
Quickie Tired of creating all the boilerplate code from scratch every time you start a new project? Here is the solution. A Swift package that provides extensions to the most common functionality in the iOS and macOS world to significantly speed up development process.
CAAudioHardware The Swift-friendly Core Audio HAL
SwiftBeanCountCLI Command line tool for SwiftBeanCount
CoronaMath Mathematical structures for Swift
SwiftProcessing A Processing Environment for Swift
Lift Lift is a Swift library for generating and extracting values into and out of JSON-like data structures.
Mantis An iOS Image cropping library, which mimics the Photo App written in Swift.
glTFSceneKit GLTF extension for SceneKit
XcodeEdit Swift library for reading and writing Xcode project files in OpenStep format
Markup Lightweight markup text formatting in Swift
codableRequest Swift 4.1 library that executes an HTTP Request and returns the data formatted in the supplied Codable object type.
Unboxing An extension for KeyedDecodingContainer class to decode a collection of heterogeneous types.
URL+Extensions 🔗 A collection of Swift.URL Extensions
MapItemPicker A simple, yet highly customizable and powerful location picker for SwiftUI.
ANSITerminal A Swift library to access features of ANSI terminal on Unixes console (Linux and Mac).
Tribute A command-line tool for tracking Swift project licenses
SourceMapper Create and edit Source Maps in Swift
EventSource Server-sent events in Swift
GMCalendar GMCalendar is a customizable Calendar Pod written in swift.
MTFloatingView Periscope-Like floating animation
KochavaEnhancement An optional module which extends the Kochava SDK suite
ShellOut Easily run shell commands from a Swift script or command line tool
Camera-SwiftUI A lightweight camera library for quick integration with SwiftUI - iOS/iPadOS only
AlertViewCustom With AlertViewCustom you can create your own customised UIAlertView instead of using the default one from Apple, which doesn't always fit in with the style of your app.
Half Swift Half-Precision Floating Point
ThriftSwiftNio Thrift RPC Server stack implemented on top of Apple Swift-Nio library
JsonProtection 處理後端提供各種神奇 Json 資料,而做的解析保護
SecurePropertyStorage Helps you define secure storages for your properties using Swift property wrappers.
Rugby 🏈 Cache CocoaPods for faster rebuild and indexing Xcode project.
Diff The fastest Diff and patch library in Swift. Includes UICollectionView/UITableView utils.
SQLite SQLite Swift package that does not rely on system-provided SQLite and builds on Linux
StoreHelper Implementing In-App Purchases with StoreKit2 in Xcode 13 - 15 using SwiftUI, Swift 5.7 - 5.9, iOS 15 - 17 and macOS 12 - 14. Also supports tvOS and visionOS.
ibuild Build multi-architecture iOS libraries from build systems like CMake, Make, and Xcode.
Subviews 🧩 @​Subview and other ways of making UIKit more fun to use
SwiftyOLED A Swift library for OLED displays based on SSD1306 and SSD1305 drivers.
ImageFetcher Fetch images from the Web.
MegaUIKit Mega-Evolved UIKit
InflectorKit Efficiently Singularize and Pluralize Strings
SongPro A Swift package to convert SongPro songs to a Swift struct used to generate various output formats.
HyperSwift A Swift DSL for generating HTML and CSS documents
MIDIKit 🎹 Modern multi-platform Swift CoreMIDI wrapper with MIDI 2.0 support.
semver A Swift implementation of a semantic Version as described at
swift-lambda-extras Swifty helpers for working with AWS Lambda.
RxReachability RxSwift bindings for Reachability
Cubby 🗄 A Swift wrapper around the API
Texture Smooth asynchronous user interfaces for iOS apps.
Glyph Make life with TextKit better
RAGTextField Subclass of UITextField that adds an animated placeholder and an optional hint label below the text.
MonthYearWheelPicker A UIPickerView subclass that allows you to quickly add a picker for just month and year; in most cases it can be used as a drop-in replacement for UIDatePicker.
cujira 🐳 cujira is a command line tool that makes easy to show issue list from Jira.
ViewState ViewState is a library written in Swift for iOS, tvOS & macOS. It returns the results for each state
LoaderUI NVActivityIndicatorView implemented in SwiftUI
XCTestExtensions Utilities and extensions for XCTest
MMBAlertsPickers Advanced usage of UIAlertController with TextField, DatePicker, PickerView, TableView and CollectionView.
Git A Swift wrapper around the git command line interface.
BowArch 🏛 Functional Architecture in Swift using Bow
RxCodable RxSwift wrapper for Codable
Gate Swift Concurrency 'gate' type to control forward progress of async tasks.
DependencyGraph 🕸️ dependency-graph is a command-line tool that can visualize the dependencies of packages.
DifferenceKit 💻 A fast and flexible O(n) difference algorithm framework for Swift collection.
SwiftDownloadManager A download manager for screens, handles cache and resumes downloads
LoaderUI NVActivityIndicatorView implemented in SwiftUI
Croc Swift emoji string parsing library
WiremockClient An HTTP client for Wiremock standalone instances
SwiftGen The Swift code generator for your assets, storyboards, Localizable.strings, … — Get rid of all String-based APIs!
SwifQLNIO Helper library for SwifQL and SwiftNIO
InstrumentsFYI Provides API access to localized musical instruments and their tunings.
Apache A Swift wrapper for CApache. Make Apache GREAT again!
FloatingLabelTextFieldSwiftUI Floating Label TextField for SwiftUI. FloatingLabelTextFieldSwiftUI
PublisherExpectations XCTestExpectation subclasses to simplify Publisher testing and improve test readability
KochavaNetworking Networking with Dynamic Runtime Configuration
Substrate A cross-platform render-graph based rendering system written in Swift
AboutKit Add an about screen to your app in just a few lines of code.
PerfectSlackAPIClient A Slack API Client for the Perfect Server-Side Swift Framework
Antlr4 A mirror of the ANTLR v4 Swift runtime suitable for use from Swift Package Manager
CSV.swift CSV reading and writing library written in Swift.
SwiftDiff Diff text in Swift
MetalCanvas [WIP]このフレームワークは、processingにおけるOpenGLのように、Metalを少ない手続き・インターフェースで使えることを目指しています。
Pagination Simple Vapor 3 Pagination
DVR Network testing for Swift
AnyCodable Type-erased wrappers for Encodable, Decodable, and Codable values
AppCenter Development repository for the App Center SDK for iOS, macOS and tvOS.
RxStoreKit Reactive extensions of StoreKit(In-App purchase)
swift-concurrency-task-manager Managing concurrency tasks in queueing or switching
Ignite A static site generator for Swift developers.
WikipediaKit Wikipedia API Client Framework for Swift on macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS
Gramophone Swift library for working with Extended Backus–Naur Form (EBNF) notation and grammars.
AlamofireNetworkActivityLogger Network request logger for Alamofire
XcodeGen A Swift command line tool for generating your Xcode project
ExtensionProperty 🗜The utility interface for Associated Object
apnswift 📱HTTP/2 Apple Push Notification Service built with swift - send push notifications to iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS, watchOS, visionOS, and Safari!
Vercel Swift runtime for Vercel Serverless Functions
Resistance A Swift library for creating and manipulating resistors and their values.
SwiftPackageManifest A package for decoding the output of `swift package dump-package`
CSQLite System module for sqlite3
nabla-ios Nabla iOS SDK
LeakDetect A Tool to Detect Potential Leaks
danthorpe-swiftlint-plugin SwiftLint Plugin
CareKitUtilities A number of cards and extensions to help develop apps with CareKit
Ginny 💧 File-based routing for Vapor apps
SwiftyNats A swift client for interacting with NATS servers
Plug A lightweight Swift iOS networking library
FRadioPlayer A simple radio player framework for iOS, macOS, tvOS.
Vulkan Vulkan bindings for Swift
Structure A collection of common utilities used across my Vapor (Server-side Swift) websites.
AdvancedOperation AdvancedOperation
Bytes Swift Library for working with sequences of Bytes (aka [UInt8])
Require Require optional values to be non-nil, or crash gracefully
ActivityNavigationItem Indicate loading on UINavigationItem
Health A framework unifying HealthKit, CareKit & ResearchKit.
ColorWellKit A versatile alternative to NSColorWell for Cocoa and ColorPicker for SwiftUI
GRPCClient :repeat: Client-side library that depends on SwiftGRPC which is a library of gRPC written in Swift.
LJTool 开发中常用的工具方法
ObjectsFactory The framework that helps you create objects for unit tests with ease
animate 🎨 Just-add-water CSS animations for SwifWeb
StencilSwiftKit A framework bringing additional nodes & filters to Stencil dedicated to Swift code generation
MediaUtilities For all your common image and video importation and editing needs
LaunchAtLogin Add “Launch at Login” functionality to your macOS app in seconds
Ross 🧼 Remove all comments from Swift code
GTNetMon Integrate network monitoring capabilities in Swift projects using the GTNetMon Swift Package!
FZMetadata File Metadata & File Query similar to Spotlight
BSONSerialization BSON Serialization in Swift
swift-networking A delightfully flexible and composable Swift networking library.
RevenueCat In-app purchases and subscriptions made easy. Support for iOS, watchOS, tvOS, macOS, and visionOS.
WeakableSelf A Swift micro-framework to easily deal with weak references to self inside closures
Sqlable Swift library for making storing data in a SQLite database simple and magic-free
CCurl Modulemap for the libcurl library
DynamicCodable Easily preserve arbitrary Codable data structures when unarchiving
RxAppState RxSwift extensions for UIApplicationDelegate methods to observe changes in your app's state
mariadbclient C module import for MariaDB client Linux.
Postman Postman Provider for Vapor
ParseServerSwift Write Server-Side Parse Cloud Code in Swift!
ListDiffUI A descriptive, diffable data source for UICollectionView
VirtualTimeScheduler A Combine Scheduler that executes actions based on a virtual clock.
XCTAsync Swift library to more easily test async code
Cohere A complete Cohere package for swift
AFBilling In App Purchase
CommandLineKit A pure Swift library for creating command-line interfaces
PovioKit A modular library collection
CDKOraccInterface A simple interface to Oracc open data on the internet
SwiftyTimber Logger as it meant to be
FZSwiftUtils Swift Foundation extensions, classes and utilities
queues-database-hooks A package for tracking queue job statuses in your database via Queue Hooks
Publish A static site generator for Swift developers
Beethoven :guitar: A maestro of pitch detection.
TGCardViewController Card-based view controller for apps that display content cards with accompanying maps, similar to Apple Maps.
DigicertSwift Digicert Client in Swift
Ice ❄️ A developer friendly package manager for Swift; 100% compatible with Swift Package Manager
RotatingCounter A view to display number counting up and down with rotating animation
SafeBrowsing Protect your users against malware and phishing threats using Google Safe Browsing
Disposable 🗑️ Disposable lifecycle handlers. 'Disposables' are source-agnostic and can represent custom handlers or wrap Swift Tasks, Combine Cancellable, RxSwift Disposables, etc.
Networking Dependency based HTTP Networking Framework in Swift by CELLULAR.
BetterSafariView A better way to present a SFSafariViewController or start a ASWebAuthenticationSession in SwiftUI.
MarkdownKit A framework for parsing and transforming text in Markdown format written in Swift 5 for macOS, iOS, and Linux. The syntax is based on the CommonMark specification. The framework defines an abstract syntax for Markdown, provides a parser for parsing strings into abstract syntax trees, and comes with generators for HTML and attributed strings.
TimecodeKit The definitive SMPTE timecode library for Swift.
RxSwiftForms A powerful Form Management, Binding, and Data Validation system for iOS using RxSwift.
opentelemetry-swift OpenTelemetry API for Swift
Shout SSH made easy in Swift
Outlaw JSON mapper for macOS, iOS, tvOS, and watchOS
JGProgressHUD An elegant and simple progress HUD for iOS and tvOS, compatible with Swift and ObjC.
DangerIBLinter [WIP] Automated IB linting on pull requests
TILogger TILogger is a simple logger for swift.
Mcrich23-Toolkit A toolkit for all the qualities of life I love
IBGraph Generate a graph by reading storyboard connections.
fluent-dynamodb Fluent ORM for DynamoDB
Typist Swift UIKit keyboard manager for iOS apps.
MoneyKit MoneyKit iOS
TDLibFramework TDLib for iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS and visionOS packed in XCFramework and SPM.
SDWebImage Asynchronous image downloader with cache support as a UIImageView category
swift-bson pure Swift BSON library
Brightroom 📷 A composable image editor using Core Image and Metal.
Shout SSH made easy in Swift
ResolverContainer Swift resolver container implementation
AgoraRtcKit iOS Package for Agora Video RTE SDK. Perfect for video calls and live streaming.
filemaker-nio A Swift FileMaker Data API wrapper built on top of SwiftNIO and Async HTTP Client
PackageKit Get the swift packages in your xcode project in real time.
Base32 Base32 for Swift
FluidInterfaceKit 🌧 A framework that provides the advanced infrastructure for your iPhone apps
OpenConnectivity 🌐 Use Publishers to observe Internet connectivity changes using OpenCombine.
Menkyo OpenSSL wrapper for parsing x509 certificates in Swift
PaversFRP A framework that tends to support functional programming in Swift
whisperkit Swift native on-device speech recognition with Whisper for Apple Silicon
ImageCoordinateSpace UICoordinateSpace for UIImageView image
SwiftMessages A very flexible message bar for UIKit and SwiftUI.
EmailComposer A custom view modifier in order to present the system email composer in SwiftUI based iOS apps shipped as a Swift package. For Xcode 13 and above.
Stilleben Modern snapshotting
QSH 🔍 Quiz shell for creating & playing quizzes using the macOS Terminal.
AnylinePackage Anyline SDK as a Swift Package
BlockchainSwift 🔗 Simple Blockchain, written in Swift.
xml2json A header-only C++ library converts XML to JSON
Menkyo OpenSSL wrapper for parsing x509 certificates in Swift
SwiftkubeClient Swift client for Kubernetes
UIColor-Hex-Swift Convenience methods for creating color using RGBA hex string.
MondrianLayout 🏗 A way to build AutoLayout rapidly than using InterfaceBuilder(XIB, Storyboard) in iOS.
rsa-public-key-importer-exporter An importer and exporter for the ASN.1 DER encoding of an RSA public key
CaptureSDK CaptureSDK is the easiest solution for adding barcode scanning and RFID/NFC reading capability to an iOS application
Draco Swift package for Google's Draco static library with C interface for encode and decode.
Cluster Easy Map Annotation Clustering 📍
Swort Swift Ascii Art Generator Logic
GTBlurView Add blur effect to any view in iOS based projects using a simple, modern and declarative way. Available as a Swift package.
Sweep Fast and powerful Swift string scanning made simple
SimpleHttpClient SimpleHttpClient
Marshmellow A simple networking SDK for DevRev assignment.
xcconfig-extractor Refactor BuildSettings into xcconfigs
ThrowPublisher A Swift Macro which extends throwing functions to AnyPublisher.
CEPCombine Complex Event Processing powered by Combine for Swift.
WebViewKit WebViewKit is a Swift SDK that adds a WebView & SafariWebView to SwiftUI.
CSV A simple CSV file parser and serializer
SwiftyNats A swift client for interacting with NATS servers
SwiftTreeSitter Swift bindings for the tree-sitter parsing library
SelfSignedCert A framework for iOS that allows creating self-signed certificates, implemented in Swift.
LGV_UICleantime An iOS Widget that Displays Keytags and Medallions.
AudioKit iOS player implementation with AVPlayer or AVAudioEngine. Using callbacks for current time, total time and tracking progress
SemanticVersion Represent semantic versions like "1.0.0" or "1.2.3-beta1" (SemVer) in Swift
Toaster SwiftUI Toast library
CombineProperty Get the current value of Combine Publishers with Reactive-Swift-style Properties
SwiftyRanged SwiftyRanged is a simple and lightweight way for creating constricted range variables
SwiftyDates Dealing with different date formats is always painful. This little library should help you do it a little better. Especially with ISO8601.
Promise A simpler Promise implementation
Kodable A supercharged extension of Codable
BasketballJerseyNumber Custom data type for representing basketball player numbers with additional validation rules.
SFSymbolEnum A swift package to have SF Symbols available as enum instead of verbatim strings.
CPcap Swift modulemap for libpcap
Texture Smooth asynchronous user interfaces for iOS apps.
SwiftAWSS3 Amazon AWS S3 convenience
LocalizedDeviceModel Apple devices model names localized.
Sentry The official Sentry SDK for iOS, tvOS, macOS, watchOS.
HPParallaxHeader Simple parallax header for UIScrollView.
SwiftUICharts A simple line and bar charting library that supports accessibility written using SwiftUI.
SwiftLoggedPrint Swift Library for logged and better prints.
Annotated Annotate your Strings
omr-agentcore Provides core monitoring functionality for building runtime monitoring agents
SwiftAWSSignatureV4 AWS's signature version 4 in cross-platform Swift
TextTable Swift package for easily rendering text tables. Inspired by the Python tabulate library.
Adapty iOS SDK for growing mobile in-app purchases
SwiftSerial A Swift Linux and Mac library for reading and writing to serial ports.
GraphQLLanguage A simple GraphQL language parser library for Swift.
GTOverlayView Show a customizable overlay view on top of any other view in iOS based projects. Available as a Swift Package.
RichStringKit A declarative DSL for building rich text in Swift
ChouTi 🗄 ChouTi (抽屉) - a framework for Swift development.
ASN1Kit ASN.1 Encoder\Decoder for Swift
async-kit Sugary extensions for the SwiftNIO library
SwiftLogger Tiny Swift logger
CoffeeCraft A collection of frequently used Swift functions and SwiftUI views
LiteSupport A test runner for compiler-like Swift projects
CardStack A SwiftUI package that lets you implement swipable cards in your project.
AdaptiveTabView An adaptive SwiftUI TabView that switches between TabView and NavigationSplitView.
Steem Steem client library for iOS, macOS and Linux written in Swift
CJavaVM Allows using `libjvm` in other Swift packages.
DS1307 A Swift library for the DS1307 (DS1302, DS3231) I2C Real-Time Clock
ChatGPTSwift Access ChatGPT API using Swift
deep-codable Encode and decode deeply-nested data into flat Swift objects
PrettyStackTrace A Swift library for printing a breadcrumb trace on a fatal signal.
Localizability 🌐 Swifty and modern NSLocalizedString
BuildableMacro BuildableMacro is a Swift package, simplifying property modification in Swift through automated setter function generation.
Table CLI tables in Swift
FirebaseKitura Kitura Firebase token verifier
SimplyCoreAudio 🔊 A Swift framework that aims to make Core Audio use less tedious in macOS
CSVKit CSVKit is a very simple CSV parsing library for Swift programming
URLEncodedForm Parse and serialize url-encoded form data with Codable support.
Bells BLS12-381 in pure Swift
SourceDocs Generate Markdown documentation from source code
OperationPlus NSOperation's missing pieces
FLCharts Easy to use and highly customizable charts library for iOS
SwiftSerial A Swift Linux and Mac library for reading and writing to serial ports.
AEAppVersion Simple and Lightweight App Version Tracking for iOS written in Swift
SwiftMXL Implementation of the MusicXML specification in Swift
swift-composable-environment A library to derive and compose Environment's in The Composable Architecture.
PangoCairo A Swift wrapper around pangocairo-1.x that is largely auto-generated from gobject-introspection
SwiftUIX An exhaustive expansion of the standard SwiftUI library.
powerups cli for dynamic XML includes
Rideau 🎪 Rideau is a drawer UI similar to what Apple's apps use. (e.g Maps, Shortcuts) Supports multiple snap points
SelectableStackView SelectableStackView is a customizable and easy to use UI element for showing and managing selectable elements in a stack written in Swift
LittleSDK This is an SDK for the Little App iOS that offers services such as Ride Hailing, Payments, Online orders for food and many more!
RTree An on-disk, Codable R*-Tree for Swift
grpc-vapor gRPC Vapor is a Vapor middleware framework that enables Vapor servers to support, route, encode and decode gRPC requests.
ClusterMap High performance map annotation clustering
BlissfulBinding Make you SwiftUI coding experience more joyful with an extended Binding class
RxTimelane Timelane + RxSwift
WhatsNew This package is a simple way of adding What's New pages to your app.
iColor Quickly implement modern colors
path-wrangler A path library written in Swift
Directory A means of accessing the file system conveniently in a SwiftUI environment.
Semaphore A Synchronization Primitive for Swift Concurrency
KituraHTTPTest Swift package to make testing handlers in the Kitura framework super easy
RNLoadingButton-Swift An easy-to-use UIButton subclass with an activity indicator
Superstring NSAttributedStrings on iOS using Swift @_functionBuilder
CasperishTheme A Publish port of Ghost's Casper theme
TimelaneCombine Timelane + Combine
Netswift A type-safe, high-level networking solution for Swift apps
EFSafeArray EFSafeArray is an extension to make array subscript safe, support iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS.
FSEventsWrapper Easily use FSEvents in Swift
TerrariaWorldParser Terraria .WLD File Parser written in Swift
PortfolioKit Show your portfolio in your ios app
swift-collections Commonly used data structures for Swift
danger-swift ⚠️ Stop saying "you forgot to …" in code review
Beak A command line interface for your Swift scripts
MediaType This is a general purpose Swift library for a concept of typed treatment for Media Types. We use this library on clients and servers to speak the same dialect and to enjoy all the comfort strong types provide over raw strings.
timeui Profile apps from the command line — duration, cpu & memory usage.
Popovers A library to present popovers. Simple, modern, and highly customizable. Not boring!
PopPullDown PopPullDown in Swift
SwiftTweaks Tweak your iOS app without recompiling!
swift-rational Swift package for working with rational numbers
swift-algorithms Commonly used sequence and collection algorithms for Swift
Signals A micro-library for creating and observing events.
docs 📖 Documentation markdown for all Vapor packages.
DirectJSON Makes it intuitive to work with JSON in Swift by providing JS-Like API
AerisWeather A developer SDK for iOS that integrates with AerisWeather data and mapping services and products.
privacy_scanner scan your Xcode Swift project for required reason API usage
RDXVM Redux like ViewModel?
Semver Parser and evaluator for Semantic Versioning.
Sh `sh("echo 'Easily call shell commands with Sh'")`
iShape iShape is a compact and efficient library specifically designed for representing 2D data structures using FixVec
MulticastDelegate An elegant multicast delegate written in swift
RuleKit TipKit style API to call a closure, or trigger a NSNotification based on events and condition.
DateToolsObjC Package for Objective-C DateTools library. Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates, time and timezones
SnapCarouselView Carousel View that snaps made purely in SwiftUI.
CSCodeSignature A library providing a Swifty interface for reading macOS code signatures.
Autostat Server-side Swift library for
wallet-core Cross-platform, cross-blockchain wallet library.
PerfectAPIClient An API Client based on a network abstraction layer for the Perfect Server-Side Swift Framework
BrightFutures Write great asynchronous code in Swift using futures and promises
NaiveDate Naive date and time
swift-sh Easily script with third-party Swift dependencies.
Random Module for generating random bytes and numbers.
BigDecimal DEPRECATED - will not be maintained
swift-otel-xray AWS X-Ray support for Swift OTel
core-data-publisher Combine Publisher for your Core Data entities.
LicensePlist A license list generator of all your dependencies for iOS applications
DSFQuickActionBar A spotlight-inspired quick action bar for macOS. AppKit/SwiftUI
OpenAI Swift community driven package for OpenAI public API
Taylor Taylor makes beautiful words happen, a Lorem Ipsum generator for Swift.
XcodeGen A Swift command line tool for generating your Xcode project
AirbnbSwift Airbnb's Swift Style Guide
NetworkReachabilityRxSwift RxSwift Bindings for NetworkReachability
GameCenterKit Game Center package wrapper for UIKIt and SwiftUI
LodePNG SwiftPM package for LodePNG (
OptionalAssign Custom assign operator that safely unwraps and assigns non-nil optionals.
Codability Useful helpers for working with Codable types in Swift
Assimp Swift wrapper around Open Asset Import Library (aka assimp) for macOS and Linux
Puma Puma
XCStudio-Swift-Package-collection XCStudio Common used Swift Packages Collection
Cassowary A Swift port of the Cassowary linear constraint solver
RxRealm RxSwift extension for RealmSwift's types
ckb-blake2b A Swift package wrapping the modified blake2b C lib for CKB.
PlatformModifier Modifiers for specific platform.
SwiftyMessenger Swift toolkit for passing messages between iOS apps and extensions.
Command A Swift Library to launch, execute, and get the output of, executables and terminal commands/scripts in a simple and quick way.
Cnanovg Swift wrapper package for NanoVG
AttributedText Render attributed strings in SwiftUI
SwiftDux Predictable state management for SwiftUI applications.
PBMediaSlider PBMediaSlider is a small Swift Package aiming to recreate volume and track sliders found in Apple Music on iOS 16 and later.
UBloxGPS A Swift library for boards with the u-Blox 6/7/8 family of A-GPS receivers
Terminus A Swift package for developing command line applications.
Stem 这是一个app开发的加速库。This is an accelerated library for app development
JSONConfig A JSON configuration utility for Perfect Swift
ZeeQL3 The ZeeQL (EOF/CoreData/AR like) Database Toolkit for Swift
Stitch Stitch is a swift library to sync a CoreData store to CloudKit
SwizzleSwift This fork has a 1.0.0 tag rather than 1.0 to fix SPM complaining.
GTSheetMenuView A customizable menu presented as a sheet that can be integrated in iOS projects. Available as a Swift Package.
CameraManager Simple Swift class to provide all the configurations you need to create custom camera view in your app
K1 Swift wrapper around libsecp256k1 with API's like CryptoKit.
userinfo-representable userinfo-representable helps a conversion from userInfo to your types.
AsyncNinja A complete set of primitives for concurrency and reactive programming on Swift
NamiSDK-SwiftPackageManager Swift Package Manager installation for the Nami Subscription & IAP platform.
PlusNightMode Add Night Mode appearance, a black and red color scheme designed to minimize sleep deprivation.
PBPopupController A framework for presenting bars and view controllers as popup, much like the look and feel of Apple Music App.
xcframework A simple tool to create an XCFramework
Concurrency Concurrency utilities for Swift
QuickLayout Written in pure Swift, QuickLayout offers a simple and easy way to manage Auto Layout in code.
BilibiliKit bilibili APIs in Swift. docs:
Evotor Swift клиент к облаку Evotor
swift-prometheus Prometheus client library for Swift
swift-package-catalog SPM plugin for generating symbolgraphs and cataloging DocC documentation
StupidNSWindow With StupidNSWindow, you can easily adjust the height of the titlebar, reposition the close, minimize, and maximize buttons. macOS 不希望程序员随便动它的标题栏,我做了这个。
TypographyKitPalette 🎨 Makes your TypographyKit color palette available in Xcode Interface Builder.
Himotoki A type-safe JSON decoding library purely written in Swift
ViewAnimator ViewAnimator brings your UI to life with just one line
CloudUserDefaults User defaults stored in the cloud, automatically syncs `UserDefaults` values that use a key with a specified prefix to the cloud.
TextFormation Rules system for live typing completions
MisoDispatchWorkItemKeeper Swift package to cancel async operations on class/struct deletion
weak A mechanism for safe capturing & weakifying objects in Swift.
ScrollViewRTL A SwiftUI package providing seamless support for right-to-left (RTL) scrolling behavior.
Starscream Websockets in swift for iOS and OSX
SwiftOutline SwiftOutline is a tool to generate relationship graph of iOS ViewControllers
Sugar A package of sugar for Vapor 🍬
DataStructure Data structures in Swift for fun
Inflect Swift implementation of PERL library Inflect, Convert english words into their Singular or Plural Form 📚
SwordRPC A Discord Rich Presence Library for Swift
Predicate Pure Swift Predicate implementation
HashGenerator Generate hash digests using commonly available hash algorithms
ipp-nio Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) implementation for Swift based on swift-nio.
KituraManager API Management inspired by Django REST framework
MSAL Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for iOS and macOS
StreamChat 💬 iOS Chat SDK in Swift - Build your own app chat experience for iOS using the official Stream Chat API
SwiftGodot New Godot bindings for Swift
SwiftUIRouter Path-based routing in SwiftUI
SafariUI SafariServices in SwiftUI
Pappe An embedded interpreted synchronous DSL for Swift.
Waveform An interactive audio waveform made with SwiftUI.
swift-sass Embed the Dart Sass compiler in Swift with custom importers and functions
WeakReference An existential weak reference wrapper for Swift
HapticFeedback haptic-feedback defines different types of haptic feedback
LiquidKit Liquid template language parser engine in Swift.
Meter Library for interacting with MetricKit
FeedbackBulb Feedback form and SDK for iOS and other Apple platforms
Markdown Render Markdown text in SwiftUI.
Appetizer Generate images and icons for iOS and Android
Motion Animation engine for gesturally-driven user interfaces, animations, and interactions on iOS, macOS, and tvOS.
CodableValue Decode UIColor and UIImage (UIKit) and NSColor and NSImage (AppKit) by utilizing Swift's Property Wrappers included in Swift 5.1
Punycode PunycodeSwift is a pure Swift library to allows you to encode and decode punycoded strings
Log Log is a lightweight logging framework written in Swift.
hex-grid HexGrid library provides easy and intuitive way of working with hexagonal grids.
LCLabel LCLabel is a TextKit 2 based UILabel that mimics a the behaviour of UITextView
AESCryptable AES encryption/decryption with random iv 🔒
rage-ios Pragmatic network abstraction layer for iOS applications
Trace Get geocode, calling code, IP, etc. from trace info.
AlpacaChat A Swift library that runs Alpaca-LoRA prediction locally to implement ChatGPT like app on Apple platform devices.
CLIKit Swift package for writing command line tools.
SwiftGraphics SwiftGraphics is a library for creative coding and generative art tailored towards rendering SVGs meant for pen plotting.
PDFAuthor A pure Swift library for generating PDF documents on iOS and MacOS
bootstrap 🎨 Bootstrap wrapper for SwifWeb
OpenMeteoSdk Open-Meteo schema files
Cfork A Swift package wrapping the fork() system call.
Zlib Module map for Zlib library
Pageboy 📖 A simple, highly informative page view controller
Markin Swift library for parsing a Markdown-like text format.
CoreTensor Dynamic and ranked tensor data structures
WordpressReader A simple asynchronous way to download and decode public Wordpress content.
Curly Server Side Swift - HTTP Client (WIP)
NetworkLayer Network communication made easy
Grain A data serialization template language in Swift
DSBridge DSBridge-iOS in Swift. Allows developers to send synchronous/asynchronous method calls between Swift and JavaScript code.
Stringly Manage and generate localization files
GameCenterUI The easiest way to integrate GameCenter with SwiftUI
AlCamera The iOS Alviere Camera SDK.
ByteArrayCodable Swift Codable to/from flat byte arrays.
MagickPublishPlugin An ImageMagick plugin for the Publish static site generator
InteractiveCapsuleOverlay A Swift Package for presenting an interactive capsule over all other content (including sheets).
KeyboardAdjuster A Swift library that automatically resizes and adjusts views to scroll when a keyboard appears.
AppLogger Wrapper around Apple's Swift logging APIs (OSLog/Unified Logging/Logger) 📒
FFCLog i 💗 log
Carthage A simple, decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa
Afluent An async/await library that exposes reactive style operators
AnimatedImage SwiftUI AnimatedImage View
Cron Cron for Swift
landmarks Simple app built with SwiftPM.
URI Swift implementation of a URI in accordance with RFC3986
CombineRx Helpful bridging functions between RxSwift and Combine frameworks
Facebook Used to integrate the Facebook Platform with your iOS & tvOS apps.
ReactBridge Swift Macros for React Native
EnvironmentOverrides QA assistant for a SwiftUI app: change the color scheme, accessibility settings, and localization on the fly!
RuleKit RuleKit is a small framework for creating predicate rules that can be evaluated and used to e.g. filter arrays in a data driven way, without adding explicit if or switch statements to the code.
RichTextKit RichTextKit is a Swift SDK that helps you use rich text in Swift and SwiftUI.
DSFDragSlider A macOS 2d virtual trackpad control
CryptoSwift CryptoSwift is a growing collection of standard and secure cryptographic algorithms implemented in Swift
SwiftBeanCountParser Parser to parse plain text into a ledger model
LinuxMainGen [deprecated] A tool to automatically generate LinuxMain.swift
veteran vapor 4 app 分发平台
TensorFlowModels Models and examples built with Swift for TensorFlow
URLFormat Type safe url pattern matching without regular expressions and arguments type mismatches based on parser combinators.
Typhoon Typhoon is a service for retry policies
GCCountryPicker A localized, searchable country picker view controller with optional calling codes for iOS 9+ written in Swift.
CombineGRPC Combine framework integration for Swift gRPC
SwiftyRemoteConfig SwiftyRemoteConfig makes Firebase Remote Config enjoyable to use by combining expressive Swifty API with the benefits of static typing.
Swifty-LLVM Swifty interface for the LLVM compiler infrastructure.
UniSocket Sockets for Swift
SwiftMoment A time and calendar manipulation library for iOS 9+, macOS 10.11+, tvOS 9+, watchOS 2+ written in Swift 4.
CurlyClient Embrace the power of curl in Vapor 3 apps
AsyncDownSamplingImage Extended AsyncImage to perform down sampling when downloading image
BookKit Swift APIs for getting book information from popular web services
SimpleSalesforceSDK Simple Salesforce SDK for iOS Swift
SwiftFileSystemEvents A thin Swift wrapper for a subset of the File System Events API
ShellOut Easily run shell commands from a Swift script or command line tool
swift-otel OpenTelemetry client built for server-side Swift
XcodeIssueReporting Tool that makes easier reporting warnings and errors to Xcode
Validator Validator is a framework written in Swift that provides functions that can be used to validate the contents of an input value.
Kraken Kraken, is the free and open source metaversal creation suite.
UserDefaultsEditor A SwiftUI View for Easily Modifying UserDefaults Values for Debugging
ActionSheetPicker-3.0 Quickly reproduce the dropdown UIPickerView / ActionSheet functionality on iOS.
TIM iOS framework for Trifork Identity Manager: SaaS Identity and Consent Management solution based on OpenID Connect standard that allows easy integration into all your applications.
Sockets 🔌 Non-blocking TCP socket layer, with event-driven server and client.
Numberick An arithmagick overhaul in Swift
SwiftUSD Pixar's universal scene description for swift and the open source metaverse.
CodablePersist Store and Cache Anything Codable
Grid :rocket: SwiftUI Grid layout with custom styles
UUIDShortener UUID shortening to any base, for usage in urls
SwiftMarkdown A Swift wrapper for Python-Markdown
AmuseKit A swift package to facilitate Apple Music API integration for iOS, MacOS, tvOS & watchOS projects.
EventHub Simple typesafe EventHub in Swift using callbacks/listeners defined by generic types.
MetaverseKit Monolithic dependency encapsulating the ASWF landscape to swiftly architect the metaverse.
Kronos Elegant NTP date library in Swift
PostgreSQL Robust PostgreSQL interface for Swift
SwiftyWeatherKit A swift package to support multiple weather APIs
GradientProgressBar 📊 A customizable gradient progress bar (UIProgressView).
Commander Compose beautiful command line interfaces in Swift
NavigationStack An alternative SwiftUI NavigationView implementing classic stack-based navigation giving also some more control on animations and programmatic navigation.
OHHTTPStubs Stub your network requests easily! Test your apps with fake network data and custom response time, response code and headers!
SubtleVolume Replace the system volume popup with a more subtle indicator.
SQLite.swift A type-safe, Swift-language layer over SQLite3.
HPImageResizer A light-weight Swift package to resize images with ease on iOS and macOS
SymbolKit A Swift package for encoding and decoding Swift Symbol Graph files.
ConcurrencyPlus Utilities for working with Swift Concurrency
CLibreSSL LibreSSL wrapped in a Swift package.
swift-glob A native Swift implementation of glob match patterns.
swift-web-page 📄 A Swift DSL for writing type-safe HTML/CSS in SwiftUI way
SwiftObjCBridge A Swift Objective-C Bridge implemented using @dynamicCallable
Toast Customizable Swift Toast view built with UIKit. 🍞
EPUBKit 📚 Simple EPUB Parser in Swift
LocalizedTimeAgo Swift time ago framework localized in 42 languages.
ErrorHierarchy Error handling using using a Responder Chain built on the SwiftUI View Hierarchy
Punycode PunycodeSwift is a pure Swift library to allows you to encode and decode punycoded strings
VinContent Main content extraction
Rocket Define your release steps 🚀
HorizonCalendar A declarative, performant, iOS calendar UI component that supports use cases ranging from simple date pickers all the way up to fully-featured calendar apps.
FranticApparatus Promises framework for Swift 5
Clerk Clerk helps developers build user management. We provide streamlined user experiences for your users to sign up, sign in, and manage their profile.
Eureka Elegant iOS form builder in Swift
opentracing-objc OpenTracing API for Objective-C. 🛑 This library is DEPRECATED!
AlamofireNetworkActivityIndicator Controls the visibility of the network activity indicator on iOS using Alamofire.
GTFS GTFS and GTFS-RT structures for Swift
TIMEncryptedStorage iOS framework for KeyService feature of Trifork Identity Manager. The purpose of this framework is to encrypt and decrypt data based on a user provided secret or with biometrics. The framework exchanges secrets for encryption keys in safe way and stores encrypted data in the Keychain.
swift-crypto Open-source implementation of a substantial portion of the API of Apple CryptoKit suitable for use on Linux platforms.
amatino-swift [Under Construction] Swift binding library for the Amatino API
InAppSettingsKit This iOS framework allows settings to be in-app in addition to or instead of being in the Settings app.
Malline Templating engine for Swift, similar to Handlebars & Mustache.
ReplicatingTypes Code for the tutorial series on Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) at
Nifty Dice Roller Dice roller that can be used from the command line.
Threadcrumb Swift no-nonsense dependency-free breadcrumb logger.
Curses Curses provides a Swift object wrapper for the curses programming library for Linux (tested on Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04)
Log Logging protocol
java_util Swift bridge to java.util.*
d3-color Useful extensions and functions used with SwiftUI Color rgb ios macos Get rgb from Color Do brighter Do darker SwiftUI color
Swallow A complement to the Swift standard library.
Toaster Deadly simple but highly customizable Toast for SwiftUI
BigIntCompress An algorithm for compressing collections containing elements that can be represented by a simple enum
EasyPeasy Auto Layout made easy
DRLSetlistFM A API Swift Package (Swagger-spec generated edition)
RxShell Launch bash shell in Reactive way, and also provide DSL Interface
SPIManifest Swift package to read `.spi.yml` files
phalanx Cassandra migration tool written in Swift
SafeCollectionAccess Ever wonder why Swift crashes if you access a collection the wrong way? Me too here's some extensions
lapack-pre-github-historical-releases LAPACK official release branches
GradientLoadingBar ⌛️A customizable animated gradient loading bar.
SwiftPing ICMP Ping in swift
AgileDB Easy way to save and retrieve full object graphs from a SQLite Database in Swift
Minimalist Observable Property and Signal for building data-driven UI without Rx
SweetBool Sugar for working and using Bool type in Swift.
LibPNG Swift API for libpng
Pocket Pocket API for Swift
IBAnimatable Design and prototype customized UI, interaction, navigation, transition and animation for App Store ready Apps in Interface Builder with IBAnimatable.
xc Open your xcode project with Xcode of specific version
swiftui-shared-object A new property wrapper for SwiftUI ObservableObject.
SnapKit A Swift Autolayout DSL for iOS & OS X
PerfectCloudFormation Support for CloudFormation server instances.
GRDBQuery The SwiftUI companion for GRDB
Frames Swift package that exposes fastlane's frameit frame images.
CLLocationSimulator iOS CLLocationManager simulator
SImage Multiplatform Core Graphics wrapper 🖼
Everything Everything
PlaygroundTester PlaygroundTester enables you to easily run tests for your iPad Playgrounds 4 project.
StepperView SwiftUI iOS component for Step Indications.
TriforkSwiftExtensions Generic Trifork Swift Extensions
ScrollViewWithScrollOffset SwiftUI ScrollView with content offset
x11-example A simple example that shows how to write a X11 app on Linux in Swift using the new package manager
FunOptics 🔍Simple functional Optics in Swift
Jar jar runner for macos
KDTree Swift implementation of a k-dimensional binary space partitioning tree.
NVActivityIndicatorView A collection of awesome loading animations
SwiftSecurity Modern Swift framework for Keychain API. Supports iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS and visionOS
flock Object graph in Swift
VImage Image processing framework
SwiftFSM Simple Finite State Machine Package for Swift
XcodeGen A Swift command line tool for generating your Xcode project
Flywheel A simple and predictable state management library inspired by Redux for Kotlin Multiplatform using the concepts of actors.
AddressURL Useful extension for URL to support IP and email addresses
RangeSeekSlider RangeSeedSlider provides a customizable range slider like a UISlider.
SwiftExpression Swift Implementation of Regex built on NSRegularExpression
Ogra A companion project for the Argo library that facilitates converting back from model objects into JSON
Hedera Hedera™ SDK for Swift
ably-asset-tracking-swift iOS client SDKs for the Ably Asset Tracking service.
IdentifiableContinuation Swift continuation that conforms to Identifiable and includes a cancellation handler.
ScreamURITemplate Robust and performant Swift implementation of RFC6570 URI Template
IotaC A Swift wrapper for Iota C implementation.
BRBON The specification of the Balancing Rock Binary Object Notation; a JSON-like binary format.
SwiftyHYGDB Swift structs representing astronexus HYG star database
Compute Swift runtime for Fastly Compute@Edge
Cdns_sd Swift C modulemap for dns_sd.h
SuperCache 🚀 [Suspended] Extremely fast memory cache, written in Swift.
EmojiKit A lightweight Swift package that gives you access to all available emojis for each iOS version. Additionally, this repository includes a script to fetch all emojis for a specific release from
AuthField AuthField is customizable pin code field like apple 2-factor authentication (自作Libraryの練習1)
CRToastSwift Porting CRToast in Swift, with some new features
SwiftyCache SwiftyCache is a dynamic and auto-managed cache written in Swift. Unlike a simple cache system, it allows you to keep some data even in different executions. Guaranteeing persistence, when desired, without increasing the time required to save or recover data.
MarkdownText A native SwiftUI view for rendering Markdown text in an iOS or macOS app
yubatake yubatake is simple blogging engine for Swift.
AlecrimCoreData Core Data made simple.
PDFPagePicker Simple to adopt UI to pick pages from a pdf when you intend to import images.
IBMWatsonRestKit Core networking and authentication library for the Watson Swift SDK
RedShot Lightweight & dependency-free Redis client for Swift
GCDWebServer The #1 HTTP server for iOS, macOS & tvOS (also includes web based uploader & WebDAV server)
Wormholy iOS network debugging, like a wizard 🧙‍♂️
AblyDeltaCodec Cocoa VCDiff decoder
PhotoEditorSDK PhotoEditor SDK: A fully customizable photo editor for your app.
WireGuardKit Mirror only. Official repository is at
CombineExt CombineExt provides a collection of operators, publishers and utilities for Combine, that are not provided by Apple themselves, but are common in other Reactive Frameworks and standards.
WatsonDeveloperCloud :iphone: The Watson Swift SDK enables developers to quickly add Watson Cognitive Computing services to their Swift applications.
OysterKit OysterKit is a framework that provides a native Swift scanning, lexical analysis, and parsing capabilities. In addition it provides a language that can be used to rapidly define the rules used by OysterKit called STLR
AXSnapshot Text Formatted Snapshot for Accessibility Experience Testing
CMeCab MeCab module for Swift on Linux
MeowVapor Meow plugin for API generation
Git A high-level swift framework based on the GIT macOS command line utility
BarCodeKit A modern framework for generating 1D barcodes
SnapshotTestingImageRender SnapshotTesting strategy based on SwiftUI's ImageRenderer class
cmark CommonMark parsing and rendering library and program in C
VCore VCore is a Swift collection containing objects, functions, and extensions that I use in my projects
SwiftDiff Diff text in Swift
chime-swift A Chime extension for Swift
MicroPNG Rudimentary implementation of a uncompressed PNG encoder in Swift without any dependencies
SwiftyJSCore Convenient wrapper around JavaScriptCore
IPAddress A tiny, well-tested Swift library for handling IP Addresses.
BFAstral An extension to Astral that uses BrightFutures as the abstraction of asynchronous programming
PlausibleSwift an implementation of Plausible Analytics event tracking for Swift
LoadableImage Lightweight but useful loadable image component for SwiftUI with loading indicator, caching and image placeholder
SSSSOnboarding Simple Swifty Secure Solution for Onboarding
Beacon-iOS The Beacon iOS SDK
Unboxing An extension for KeyedDecodingContainer class to decode a collection of heterogeneous types.
syntax-highlight Syntax Highlighting Extensions to the Syntax Framework
Transformers A framework to transform data like JSON elegantly using the power of Swift programming language.
Ocha Listen to the file system change notifications and raises events when a directory, or file in a directory, changes. 🍵
SQLiteMigrationManager.swift Migration manager for SQLite.swift
RayTracing Raytracing in a weekend, week and life
Options Sometimes there are situations where you want to use an Enum in an OptionSet or you want Enum backed by a RawType of Int but also have String labels as well
XCServerAPI DEPRECATED: A framework that models the Xcode Server REST API
ClosurePublisher 📡 Combine Publisher for closure results
Engine Engine makes it easier to create idiomatic APIs and Views that feel natural in SwiftUI without sacrificing performance
ASCII-Data²JavApi A small Swift library for producing nice looking text-based line-graphs and tables.
SmartDeviceLink Get your app connected to the 🚙, make your users feel like a 🌟
SwiftLintPlugin A Swift Package Manager Plugin for SwiftLint, supporting both the command line and Xcode. The package provides both plugin commands and a build tool command that runs before the build
SpeziSpeech Spezi Module to Support Speech-related Features Including Text-to-Speech and Speech-to-Text
ObjectMapper Simple JSON Object mapping written in Swift
leveldb LevelDB is a fast key-value storage library written at Google that provides an ordered mapping from string keys to string values.
SwiftyHaru A safe cross-platform Swift wrapper for LibHaru — a library for creating PDF documents.
DynamicButtonStack A UIKit view that lays out buttons in either a column or a row to suit the available space.
swift-driver Swift compiler driver reimplementation in Swift
CLLocationWrapper A wrapper for CLLocation for encode and decode CLLocation
TextMarkupKit Pure-Swift tools for understanding and editing text files with simple markup
RedECS Swift Game Engine and Entity Component System inspired by Redux and Composable Architecture
Bunker Straightforward Core Data integration for SwiftUI.
TidyHTMLPublishStep An HTML tidying step for the Publish static site generator
Firework Firework is a wrapper for Alamofire.
Scout Easier, dynamic mocking for Swift.
SagaPythonMarkdownReader A Markdown reader for Saga, which uses Python-Markdown
Kitura-Credentials A pluggable framework for validating user credentials in a Swift server using Kitura
SwiftLEB LEB128 implemented in Swift
SwiftLintPlugin A Swift Package Plugin for SwiftLint
HPNSwizzling A method-swizzling that works.
SlidableImage Fancy slider for before&after images
Box Rust's Box for Swift
Earth A customizable and easy to use framework contains CountryPicker and awesome vector flags.
PropertyWrappers A collection of useful Swift property wrappers. Very much incomplete.
SwiftTimeit A TimeIt function written in swift based loosely after IPython timeit magic.
ExpandableText App Store-like SwiftUI expandable text view with "more" button, iOS 13+, fully customizable
XMLTools Swift XML API with XPath-Like Syntax and Namespaces support
swift-create-xcframework A simple Command Line Tool to create XCFrameworks by wrapping xcodebuild.
NetworkReachability Modern Network Reachability in Swift using Structured Concurrency
ComputeLocation Swift Package zur Standortsbestimmung ohne GPS.
nanopb Protocol Buffers with small code size
CLInterface Elegant @propertyWrapper-based command line argument parser
OreOre Making GraphQL + UITest easier
KeyboardLayoutGuide ⌨️ Backported keyboardLayoutGuide for iOS 13 and 14.
ScreenDataNavigation Handling ScreenData's Destinations
Snap A customizable Snapping Drawer.

 100% in SwiftUI.
LNExtensionExecutor An extension executor for iOS, allowing bypass of UIActivityViewController to execute both UI and non-UI action extensions.
StickyTabBarViewController Sticky and Collapsible View on top of tab bar
ConsoleIO Swift Console Helper for Input and Output
Required Parser and evaluator for Apple's Code Signing Requirement Language
ShaderGraphCoder Write RealityKit shaders using Swift
RxViewBinder RxViewBinder is a one-way architecture framework using Reactive.
RubyGateway Embed Ruby in Swift: load Gems, run scripts, call APIs seamlessly in both directions.
PillboxView A Pillbox Capsule-like informational view for iOS written in UIKit
w3w-swift-components A swift library to use What3words autosuggest
YoutubeDirectLinkExtractor Get the direct link to a YouTube video for AVPlayer
SwiftUIAlert Show System Alerts Easily in SwiftUI
XmlSwift A Foundation.XMLParser wrapper for swift.
SpacedRepetitionScheduler Swift implementation of an Anki-like spaced repetition scheduler
AsyncValue A simple swift package that provides a Swift Concurrency equivalent to `@Published`.
DTFoundation Standard toolset classes and categories
Elapse Elapse is tiny helper library for manipulating TimeInterval.
Bits A bite sized library for dealing with bytes.
Extendable A set of utilities for more pleasant work with ExtensionKit
Kakapos 🌀 High-performance and flexible video edit and export framework.
NFCSupport Support library for NFC NDEF Records
InstrumentKit Provides type-safe access to localized musical instruments and their tunings.
JavaScriptKit Swift framework to interact with JavaScript through WebAssembly.
LNPopupUI A SwiftUI library for presenting views as popups, much like the Apple Music and Podcasts apps.
GhostTypewriter 👻 A UILabel subclass that adds a typewriting animation effect
QGrid 🎛 QGrid: The missing SwiftUI collection view.
SwiftUIMap A better map for SwiftUI
SwiftyBeaverVapor SwiftyBeaver Logging Provider for Vapor, the server-side Swift web framework
Hue 💡 A Philips Hue library written in Swift, using Combine framework
KWStepper A stepper control with flexible UI and tailored UX.
SwiftyBridgesVapor Simple server APIs in Swift
ISAPIKit An API call library written in Swift.
SuperCodable Codable, but with Super power made custom Codable behavior easy.
Tentacle A Swift framework for the GitHub API
CheckBoxSwiftUI customised checkBox package for swiftUI
Turbocharger Turbocharger aims accelerate SwiftUI development by providing commonly desired views and view modifiers
SwiftUIPager Native Pager in SwiftUI
swift-retry Retries in Swift with sensible defaults and powerful flexibility.
SOAPEngine This generic SOAP client allows you to access web services using a your iOS app, Mac OS X app and AppleTV app.
Bauly Display compact banners in your app with ease. Inspired by iOS 13+ stock banners
ValidatableValue Generic value wrapper with built-in validation.
OctopusKit 2D ECS game engine in 100% Swift + SwiftUI for iOS, macOS, tvOS
Typer A Swift package that types the given text using AppleScript
MistKit Swift Package for Server-Side and Command-Line Access to CloudKit Web Services
Ditto Swift package for the DittoSwift framework.
jmespath.swift Swift implementation of JMESPath, the JSON query language
HttpSwift A tiny HTTP server engine written in swift.
SemanticVersion A sligtly off-spec (but better!) implementation of Semantic Version 2.0.0 in Swift
JFLayout A simple way to use Auto Layout
array-heap A Swift Package to use arrays as heaps
SagaParsleyMarkdownReader A Markdown reader for Saga that uses Parsley
ObservableObject to @Observable Converter A SwiftPM command plugin to convert SwiftUI code to Observable
swift-hoods 🏘️ A collection of my Swift building blocks with dependencies.
TextTable Swift package for easily rendering text tables. Inspired by the Python tabulate library.
hummingbird-websocket Websocket upgrade support for Hummingbird
FaviconFinder A small swift library for iOS & macOS to detect favicons used by a website.
MijickPopupView Popups presentation made simple (SwiftUI)
VariableBlur SwiftUI variable blur (progressive blur)
ParallelSwift Simple parallel function executer
FalClient Swift client for the model APIs
SagaStencilRenderer A renderer for Saga that uses Stencil to turn a RenderingContext into a String
axx Encrypt / decrypt files from the command line
swift-cutelog Standard swift-log handler for cutelog
swiftbar I couldn't find a progress bar package, so I created one
BBAlert Ever felt the need to customise the boring default alert provided by iOS using UIAlertController? BBAlert let's you do just that, but not at the cost of loosing functionality of UIAlertController. Since it's build as an typealias of UIAlertController it doesn't require any more of the memory. Package is compiled using Xcode 11.4.1 on MacOS 10.15.4 using Swift 5.2.2 compiler.
SwiftLex A simple extensible lexer inspired by RegexLexer from Rouge.
SPI-Server The Swift Package Index is the place to find Swift packages!
CommandLineToolkit Small swift package to create command line tools faster
WWAppInstallSource Widget to detect where an app was installed from.
SFSymbol SFSymbols 5 through 1.1 at your fingertips!
AccessibilityFocused A SwiftUI implementation of the iOS 15 AccessibilityFocused view modifier for iOS 14
Realm Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for Core Data & SQLite
WWBankBalanceAnimationLabel UILabel text animation.
ShimmeringUiView Cool SwiftUI tool to animate any type of View
GPXKit A library for parsing GPX files, with no dependencies, written in Swift
UserDefault Swifty User Defaults thanks to Property Wrappers
ldk-node A ready-to-go node implementation built using LDK.
Aether-example swift Aether UI framework example
CLibreSSL libressl SwiftPM system package.
WWCompositionalLayout A simple integrated version of iOS 13 Compositional Layout, modified into a way similar to Functional Programming to generate UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout.
Impact Crash capturing library for Apple platforms
Mantle Model framework for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch
WledLib Swift library providing access to the status of a WLED strip.
nats-swift Swift client for NATS, the cloud native messaging system.
RandomPasswordGenerator Customizable Random Password Generator in Swift
SwiftLibModbus Swift wrapper for the libmodbus library (
ImpactMeterAdapter Impact crash reports as a Meter diagnostic source
BottomSheet An iOS library for SwiftUI to create draggable sheet experiences similar to iOS applications like Maps and Stocks.
TPKit A collection of useful classes and categories.
DeviceAuthority Manage feature access using iOS configuration profiles
TUSafariActivity A UIActivity subclass that opens URLs in Safari
BBToast Simple toast with text using BBToast. BBToast is a light-weight minimal looking toast build on top of UIKit for iOS and tvOS. This doesn't obsruct user interaction like while showing a UIAlertController. Package is compiled using Xcode 11.0 on MacOS 10.15 using Swift 5.1.
CJavaVM Allows using `libjvm` in other Swift packages.
SGLOpenGL OpenGL Loader
Kipple A collection of tools and scripts for use across a variety of Swift projects.
Chess A simple Chess game for iOS, written in Swift
WKHTMLTOPDF 📖 PDF render for Swift and Vapor 3.
Deque A double-ended queue type in pure Swift
SwiftAWSLogs Standalone Repository of AWS CloudWatch Client from soto-project/soto
GraphQLer GraphQL generator for Swift
SF2Lib SoundFont synthesizer in C++
DateTemplates A simple way to generate date formatting templates and localized date strings
LFSPointers A Swift library and CLI that allows you to convert a Git repository directory of large files to Git LFS pointers.
XPkg Cross platform package manager.
KippleNetworking A Swift cross-platform (Apple and Linux) networking library.
FioriAR SAP Fiori for iOS AR
WWFloatingViewController A simple hover and drag window.
AddThen 🎨 Adding view sugar for UIKit with SwiftUI style
NetworkKit A networking framework for Swift.
MatchedTransition A primitive stuff to do transition
PonyExpress Type-safe NotificationCenter alternative for Swift
WWHash A small tool for calculating Hash values.
Ink A fast and flexible Markdown parser written in Swift.
KeychainAccess Simple Swift wrapper for Keychain that works on iOS, watchOS, tvOS and macOS.
Texture Smooth asynchronous user interfaces for iOS apps.
SwiftAstro A Swift package for astronomy
WWJavaScriptContext JavaScriptCore Widget
SwiftPasswordValidator Password validator for Swift
SPIRV-Cross Elegant bindings to glslang and SPIRV-Cross
SwiftyBeaverProvider SwiftyBeaver Logging Provider for Vapor, the server-side Swift web framework
Scaletor Generate modal scales in a type-safe way using Swift
swift-distributed-tracing-baggage-core Minimal context propagation container
CustomDynamicType CustomDynamicType is a versatile Swift library designed to seamlessly integrate custom fonts into iOS Dynamic Type.
FetchedResultsPublisher Wraps NSFetchedResultsController from CoreData as Publisher from Combine framework.
COpenSSL C module OpenSSL import for Perfect.
RxECNetworking An extension of ECNetworking.
KippleTools A collection of common tools and commands used throughout the development process, customized for Kipple projects.
WWJavaScriptContext+ChineseConvert Use JavaScript to convert traditional and simplified Chinese text.
SwiftUISineWaveShape An animatable SwiftUI Shape for drawing a sine wave line -- with additional support for modulation styles.
BinaryCookies Read and write Apple's .binarycookies files
StealthyStash A Swifty database interface into the Keychain Services.
Scope Scoping methods in Swift
StreamVideo SwiftUI Video SDK ➡️ Stream Video 📹
GetStream Swift client for Stream API
SafetySynth A symbolic safety game solver written in Swift
FoundationToolz Tools for Swift Programming Based on Foundation
Attributed µframework for Attributed strings.
GottaGoFast A pure Swift benchmarking library that works on Linux
SPARQLSyntax SPARQL 1.1 Parser and Abstract Syntax
WWJavaScriptContext+CSV Use JavaScript to convert CSV text.
UIDeviceComplete UIDevice extensions that fill in the missing pieces.
NicerTouchBar Utilities for a more pleasant NSTouchBar development experience
abseil-cpp Abseil Common Libraries (C++)
SociableWeaver Build declarative GraphQL queries in Swift.
SwiftSH A Swift SSH framework that wraps libssh2.
Masonry Harness the power of AutoLayout NSLayoutConstraints with a simplified, chainable and expressive syntax. Supports iOS and OSX Auto Layout
LUExpandableTableView A subclass of UITableView with expandable and collapsible sections
Symbolic Type-safe wrapper for SF Symbols
XCFrameworks xcframeworks for nested dependencies
fishhook A library that enables dynamically rebinding symbols in Mach-O binaries running on iOS.
SwiftyBase64 Native Swift Base64 Encoding
Whatever Whatever offers you a placeholder when you are not sure what to type in code.
JJLISO8601DateFormatter A 10x+ faster drop-in replacement for NSISO8601DateFormatter
CodableJSON JSON in Swift - the way it should be
Querl A minimal GraphQL client library for iOS
Settings ⚙ Add a settings window to your macOS app in minutes
WWJavaScriptContext+Markdown Use JavaScript to convert Markdown text.
ServiceManager Lightweight, Enumerated and Protocol Oriented Networking Module written in swift 5.0.
Mockolo Efficient Mock Generator for Swift
URLImage A view for instant images on SwiftUI.
UBJSONSerialization UBJSON Serialization in Swift (with the help of Apple’s Foundation)
swift-asn1 An implementation of ASN.1 for Swift
HTTPMock A Swift library for stubbing HTTP requests.
TPGSwift :bus: TPG OpenData Swift Library
SwiftyBeaver Convenient & secure logging during development & release in Swift 3, 4 & 5
MagicIB MagicIB is a CLI tool that quickly and automatically generates Swift code from Interface Builder files
NMapsMap NAVER에서 SPM 지원 안 해줘서 내가 쓸려고 만든 패키지
SwifterSwift A handy collection of more than 500 native Swift extensions to boost your productivity.
Strix A parser combinator library written in Swift.
FlightLog This swift package used to record NSLog()/print() information to file.
Sukari 🍯 Sweet Syntactical Sugar For Swift
WWJavaScriptContext+Pinyin Convert Chinese characters to Hanyu Pinyin.
CVideo4Linux A quickie Swift module for the Video4Linux library
NilCoalescingAssignmentOperators Combo Operators ??= and =?? (a Swift µ-Library)
ResultBuilderKit Set of result builder
TokenField SwiftUI wrapper for NSTokenField
Sass-Swift Sass for Swift Package Manager.
XcodeCloudSnapshotTesting “It’s like swift-snapshot-testing, but for Xcode Cloud.”
Keychain iOS Keychain Helper
Runestone 📝 Performant plain text editor for iOS with syntax highlighting, line numbers, invisible characters and much more.
Witness Monitor file system events using Swift
WWKeyboardShadowView A View that can interact with keyboard events can change simultaneously with the height of the keyboard, simply and effectively solving the problem of the input box being blocked during text input.
PopOverDatePicker PopOverDatePicker is a PopOver style DatePicker view.
ModelAssistant Elegant library to manage the interactions between view and model in Swift
PagerTabStripView 🚀 Elegant Pager View fully written in pure SwiftUI.
DocSlice A library / executable for separating PDF pages into multiple smaller files.
SwiftySensors Bluetooth LE Sensor Manager for iOS and macOS
swift-semver Provides an implementation of Semantic Versioning as a Swift data type
WWLog This is a good helper for iOS engineer Debug.
RxNetworks 🧚 MVP Network Api library. 插件版网络基础架构,支持响应式。
IGIdenticon Swift identicon generator
GLMap Swift package and extensions for GLMap framework
AsyncChannels Channels for Swift concurrency
RefreshableList A Pull down to refresh List. Also supports to perform an action when scrolling to the last row.
emeal 🌯 Scraping Dresden's canteens for juicy meal data
rswift Get strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues in Swift projects
ASCIIActivityIndicatorView ASCIIActivityIndicatorView.
OnscreenController SwiftUI virtual game controller for iOS
WWNetworking-UIImage This is a simple web image downloader, similar to a simple version of SDWebImage or Kingfisher.
ErrorKit 자주 쓰는 오류 타입 모음.
SwiftSyntaxHighlighter A syntax highlighter for Swift code that uses SwiftSyntax to generate Pygments-compatible HTML.
WWOnBoardingViewController Use UIPageViewController to simply implement the function of the guide page.
QGrid 🎛 QGrid: The missing SwiftUI collection view.
SheetyColors An action sheet styled color picker for iOS.
lefthook Fast and powerful Git hooks manager for Swift packages.
PathToRegex A Swift library translating paths with wildcards into regular expressions
WWPrint The number of lines that can be printed + the printing method of the method name => convenient for debugging.
Buildkite A Swift library for the Buildkite REST and GraphQL APIs
TitanLoggingSwiftyBeaver Titan functions that log requests and responses to SwiftyBeaver. Best used with Google Cloud Platform.
Goose Goose
Explorer Swift Elegant File Manager
Glorifier Give your views a shiny spotlight effect
SwiftMesh swift砖块系列:基于Alamofire5的Combine封装,更加快捷的发起网络请求,支持SwiftUI
OAuthSwift Swift based OAuth library for iOS
Citadel SSH Client & Server in Swift
Identity 🆔 Type-safe identifiers in Swift
AndroidNDK Swift package for Android NDK API
SFSymbolsFinder Set of available SF Symbols
Imperial Federated Authentication with OAuth providers
QLThumbnail A SwiftUI view for showing a thumbnail of a file using QuickLook.
ProcessEnv Capture the shell environment of a Foundation app
SwiftTableViewGroup SwiftTableViewGroup 是符合 SwiftUI 设计的 UITableView 和 UICollectionView 数据驱动(SwiftTableViewGroup is a UITableView and UICollectionView data driver compliant with SwiftUI design)
RetryOn RetryOn makes it simple for subscribers to retry and run a stream upon a failure.
WebSocket Cross-platform WebSocket client implementation based on Swift NIO
SafariView Swift Package to use the functionalities of SFSafariViewController inside SwiftUI
Pretendard Pretendard 폰트 스위프트 패키지 입니다.
MarkdownGenerator Swift library to programmatically generate Markdown output and files
PackStream PackStream implementation in Swift
DeckUI Swift DSL for writing slide decks in Xcode
RVS_Generic_Swift_Toolbox A Collection Of Various Swift Tools, Like Extensions and Utilities
VaporExt ⚙️ A collection of Swift extensions for wide range of Vapor data types and classes
SwiftySchwartzianTransform Advanced overkill sort operation for the swift language
swift-webgpu Swift bindings for WebGPU
LeafMarkdown Markdown renderer for Vapor
SwiftyStoreKit Lightweight In App Purchases Swift framework for iOS 8.0+, tvOS 9.0+ and macOS 10.10+ ⛺
SwiftyHTMLBuilder Swift DSL for writing HTML documents
FSCalendar A fully customizable iOS calendar library, compatible with Objective-C and Swift
WWProgressMaskView The progress ring function of the custom background image uses the principle of picture shielding to make the color of the progress ring more diverse...
SoundKit Swift framework to play sounds and haptics in a scalable and simplified way.
ios-sdk-releases Voximplant iOS SDK Releases for Swift Package Manager
RunOnce RunOnce 스위프트 패키지.
ParseSwift The original (OG) Swift SDK for Parse Platform (iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS, visionOS, Linux, Android, Windows). This repo is maintained by Parse-Swift's original developer and all new features and bug fixes will occur here.
AppIconSetGen Tool to generate App Icon set for iOS, macOS, watchOS apps
Clarity Clarity is a logging framework that prints log data referenced from JSON to the console using semantic formatting.
CardVision Library for Reading Apple Card Transaction History Screenshots
WWProgressView A dynamically flowing progress bar.
CoreColor Color modelling and conversion framework in Swift.
secp256k1.swift Elliptic Curve, Schnorr, and ZKP for Bitcoin. Supports iOS macOS tvOS watchOS visionOS + Linux.
Flow A flow view for SwiftUI
swift-css-parser A lightweight CSS parser for parsing and creating CSS stylesheets
AsyncImage Asynchronous Image Loading from URL in SwiftUI
SPIRV-Cross A SwiftPM repository for SPIRV-Cross
URLImage AsyncImage before iOS 15. Lightweight, pure SwiftUI Image view, that displays an image downloaded from URL, with auxiliary views and local cache.
Shark Swift CLI for strong-typing images, colors, storyboards, fonts and localizations
ProcessRunner Execute child processes and system commands from Swift
XcodeGen A Swift command line tool for generating your Xcode project
SwiftlySalesforce The Swift-est way to build native mobile apps that connect to Salesforce.
Cryptex Gemini, GDAX, Bitfinex, Poloniex, Binance, Kraken, Cryptopia, Koinex, BitGrail and CoinMarketCap cryptocurrency exchange API clients in Swift / iOS SDK. Check prices and account balances using Sample iOS app.
SwiftUI > IfLet [DEPRECATED by Xcode 12] if let and if binding let for SwiftUI
JSONDecodeKit A Light weight JSON Mapper
MemberwiseInit Swift Macro for enhanced automatic inits.
Titan The small & modular microframework for server-side Swift 3
PathKit Effortless path operations in Swift
RequestKit The foundation of octokit.swift, TrashCanKit, TanukiKit and VloggerKit
FDTextFieldTableViewCell A UITableViewCell with an editable text field
package-datetime Datetime and clock constructs used
SingleBoard GPIO Library for Single Board Computers (Raspberry Pi / Rock 64)
DSFColorSampler A Swift 5 class that mimics the magnifying glass in color panel of macOSX
Compute Advanced data structures for Swift.
Graphaello A Tool for Writing Declarative, Type-Safe and Data-Driven Applications in SwiftUI using GraphQL
mongo-swift-driver The official MongoDB driver for Swift
gonzales Rendering Disney's Moana in Swift
Connectivity 🌐 Makes Internet connectivity detection more robust by detecting Wi-Fi networks without Internet access.
ASN1Decoder ASN1 DER Decoder for X.509 Certificate
Get Web API client built using async/await
EasyConfetti 🎊 Fancy confetti effects in Swift
SwiftUICoreImage Hundreds of Core Image filters wrapped as CIImage modifiers for easy integration with SwiftUI
TypeFill A cli tool to fill your swift source code's types.
Tesseract-OCR-iOS Tesseract OCR iOS is a Framework for iOS7+, compiled also for armv7s and arm64.
XcodeGen A Swift command line tool for generating your Xcode project
DGCharts Beautiful charts for iOS/tvOS/OSX! The Apple side of the crossplatform MPAndroidChart.
swift-lens The concept of functional Lenses in Swift
Kroma A collection of color helpers for SwiftUI.
ApplicationExtensions iOS/macOS application extensions
AuthProvider Middleware and conveniences for using Auth in Vapor.
NetworkService NetworkService is a small wrapper for Apples NetService classes in Foundation
Vortex High-performance particle effects for SwiftUI.
Lexical Lexical iOS is an extensible text editor framework that integrates the APIs and philosophies from Lexical Web with a Swift API built on top of TextKit.
Runtime An Objective-C & Swift runtime wrapper, written in pure Swift.
CoreSymbolication Headers and package for CoreSymbolication
DSFSparkline A lightweight sparkline component for macOS, iOS and tvOS
Glassfy Open source SDK to quickly integrate subscriptions, stop worring about code maintenance, and getting advanced real-time data. Full support for iOS, iPadOS, WatchOS, MacOS
graphzahl-fluent-support A set of extensions that allow to use Fluent APIs with GraphZahl
CLibPQ A Swift ModuleMap module for PostgreSQL libpq
Serializer Codable serialization to custom formats made easy
TextStory Happier, more flexible NSTextStorage
swift-create-xcframework A simple Command Line Tool to create XCFrameworks by wrapping xcodebuild.
libsignal Modified version of libsignal to use with TigaseSwiftOMEMO
swift-bundler An Xcodeproj-less tool for creating cross-platform Swift apps.
GraphZahl A Framework to implement Declarative, Type-Safe GraphQL Server APIs using Runtime Magic 🎩
UITestingPlus Utilities for working with XCUI testing
MapLibreSwiftMacros Macros that make it easier to develop SwiftUI bindings to MapLibre
Valigator Swift validator library
WWRoundedSegmentedControl Add the rounded corner function to the original UISegmentedControl.
swift-markdown-ui Display and customize Markdown text in SwiftUI
swift-scru128 SCRU128 Swift Implementation
SwiftBackports A collection of Swift backports for earlier versions of iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS
yubikit-ios Yubico Mobile iOS SDK - YubiKit
WWSegmentControlView Enhanced version of UISegmentControl.
ViewPlus Make working with NSView more pleasant
CombineViewModel An implementation of the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern using Combine.
Spinner Powerful Swift CLI Spinners
Lighter Swift APIs for SQLite: Type-safe down to the schema. Very, very, fast. Dependency free.
Wells A lightweight diagnostics report submission system
WWSignInWith3rd_Apple Use native Apple third-party login.
swift-syntax A set of Swift libraries for parsing, inspecting, generating, and transforming Swift source code.
SplitRow A row for Eureka to put two rows side by side into the same UITableViewCell
WWSignInWith3rd_Facebook Use Facebook third-party login.
SwiftDithering Swift package focused on Dithering Images
MovingNumbersView Moving numbers effect in SwiftUI
TelemetryClient Swift SDK for TelemetryDeck, a privacy-conscious analytics service for apps and websites.
gRPC gRPC for iOS
XCResultKit A Swift interface for finding and parsing xcresult files that Xcode generates when running tests.
AEXML Swift minion for simple and lightweight XML parsing
CocoaAsyncSocket Asynchronous socket networking library for Mac and iOS
Split iOS SDK client for Split Software
Prelude A tool belt of common helper functions and extensions used throughout applications
DangerSwiftKantoku DangerSwiftKantoku is a danger-swift plug-in to report xcresult in your PR.
DocumentUI Builder of any text-based document.
Sheeeeeeeeet Sheeeeeeeeet is a Swift library for creating menus, custom action sheets, context menus etc.
EnhancedCircleImageView Simple and useful circle UIImageView.
WWSignInWith3rd_Wechat Use Wechat third-party login.
Smile :smile: Emoji in Swift
SDGCommandLine Tools for Implementing a Command Line Interface
VaporSitemap A dynamic sitemap generator for Vapor.
FontAwesome Use FontAwesome in your Swift projects
SwiftPackagesBase A Swift Library containing useful code for Any Swift project.
MidnightTest Makes writing tests for Kitura-powered sites easy and fun!
swift-collections Commonly used data structures for Swift
CoreXLSX Excel spreadsheet (XLSX) format parser written in pure Swift
swift-distributed-actors Peer-to-peer cluster implementation for Swift Distributed Actors
Drawer A SwiftUI bottom-up controller, like in the Maps app. Drag to expand or minimize.
SFBAudioUtilities Core Audio, Audio Toolbox, and AVFAudio utilities
WWSimpleChatGPT Simply use the functionality of ChatGPT.
swift-markdown A Swift package for parsing, building, editing, and analyzing Markdown documents.
web3swift Elegant Web3js functionality in Swift. Native ABI parsing and smart contract interactions on Ethereum network.
OpenCombine WebAssembly-compatible implementation of Apple's Combine framework
AppStoreConnect App Store Connect API client for Swift, supported on Apple platforms and Linux
Console Barebones-ish CLI module for Swift
Downpour ☔️ Get TV & Movie info from downloaded file names
ErrorUtils Handle errors with less do … try … catch clutter.
DidUpdate SwiftUI inspired state observing, without SwiftUI
KeyboardHelper No more checking for keyboard notifications and parsing keyboard apperance info manually!
CollectionExtensions Swift Foundation Collection class extensions and utilities.
Consolidate 🎳 Consolidates an array of Elements by KeyPath, Closure, or Conformance - Swift Micro Package
tdQVecTool Tool for manipulating Lattice Boltzmann QVec files
SwizzleHelper Swift package for swizzling Objective-C methods in Swift, and for attaching associated values to Objective-C classes and their instances.
WWSimpleGeminiAI Simply use the functionality of Google Gemini AI.
Flatten Flatten method reference that resolved to SE-0042.
Coverage Xcode coverage report analysis tool
Colorful Colorful: iOS color picker built with Swift.
CBORCoding Easy CBOR encoding and decoding for iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS.
NetworkGear `SwiftNetworkGear` will provide various functions about network.
NiceNotifications 🔔 Create rich local notifications experiences on iOS with incredible ease
macos-mac-address Obtain the device's MAC address on macOS. Special feature: get the MAC addr that is used by Mac App Store's receipt validation.
LineChart A simple animated LineChart example.
ShapeUp Make shapes and cut corners in SwiftUI
RxNimble Nimble extensions making unit testing with RxSwift easier :tada:
RealmExtensions Functional extensions for the Realm mobile database
AppCheck Google-internal core components of Firebase App Check.
PorterStemmer2 :snowman: A Swift wrapper over the Porter Stemmer 2 / libstemmer
ParserDescription Models and operators for defining parsers, plus a compiler for translating them into parsers
AWSiOSSDKV2 This repository enables Swift Package Manager support for the AWS Mobile SDK for iOS
Komondor Git Hooks for Swift projects 🐩
ReadWriteLock A Swifty Read/Write lock for iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS
ReCombine A Swift Redux library utilizing Apple's Combine Framework.
SimpleMDM Swift library for SimpleMDM API
CameraControlARView an ARView for macOS that has explicit camera control and the wrappers to use the view with SwiftUI.
FavoritesManager FavoritesManager is a lightweight and easy-to-use package for managing favorite items using iCloud in your Swift project.
CwlDemangle An implementation of Swift mangled symbol parsing and demangled printing in Swift.
SwiftyCast Easy Object to UnsafeRawPointer Casting in Swift
SwiftPlot Swift library for Data Visualization :bar_chart:
Impose Impose is a simple dependency injection library for Swift
UserDefaultsSnapshotLib 💽 A library that enables us to create a snapshot of the values which UserDefaults manages.
Licensable Lightweight Swift API for exporting license information
spawn A small command-line tool to quickly tryout a Swift Package Manager package locally
OverlayContainer Non-intrusive iOS UI library to implement overlay based interfaces
MBProgressHUD MBProgressHUD + Customizations
Elevate Elevate is a JSON parsing framework that leverages Swift to make parsing simple, reliable and composable.
grpc-swift The Swift language implementation of gRPC.
MiniLexer A teeny-tiny-weeny lexer written in Swift available as a Swift Package.
PjangoMySQL 适用于 Pjango 的 MySQL 数据库组件。
ADPhotoKit A library for select photos from album implemented by pure-Swift.
swift-dependencies-macro Macro for convenient use of swift-dependencies
MicroPlaygroundProvider 💧 A Swift Vapor provider for adding Swift Playgrounds to your server
FlatBuffers FlatBuffers: Memory Efficient Serialization Library
ImageSequencer A well-tested iOS framework for producing a video from a sequence of images.
Privacy A wrapper over system privacy APIs
WWSQLite3Manager A small tool for SQLite3 that makes basic CRUD easier to use.
WWToast A small tool imitating Android's Toast function...
KeychainAccess Simple Swift wrapper for Keychain that works on iOS, watchOS, tvOS and macOS.
AsyncExtensions AsyncExtensions aims to mimic Swift Combine operators for async sequences.
GTMSessionFetcher Google Toolbox for Mac - Session Fetcher
SimpleHaptics 👇 Core Haptics convenience wrapper for SwiftUI to make haptic taps simple
Timepiece Intuitive date handling in Swift
LSFileWrapper 📁 A Swift and Objective-C replacement for NSFileWrapper that loads / saves content on-demand with minimal memory footprint. Understands how to save / serialize objects like NSData, UIImage, NSImage, NSDictionary, etc...
BlankSlate A drop-in UIView extension for showing empty datasets whenever the view has no content to display.
PjangoPostman 适用于 Pjango 的向 Postman 代理发出请求的组件。
Ascii Global definitions of ASCII characters
DiscordKit The Discord API implementation behind Swiftcord, implemented completely from scratch in Swift
CHITouchySuperButton Drop-in UIButton subclass designed to make custom animations easy
telnyx-webrtc-ios The Telnyx iOS WebRTC Client SDK provides all the functionality you need to start making voice calls from an iPhone.
Localite Localite is a lightweight localization package for iOS that simplifies the remote management of strings files.
BinaryCoder An example implementation of Swift.Codable using a simple binary format
ConfettiView A view that emits confetti 🎉
ActionCableSwift ActionCable is a WebSocket server being released with Rails 5 which makes it easy to add real-time features to your app. This Swift client inspired by "Swift-ActionCableClient", but it not support now and I created Action-Cable-Swift. Also web sockets are now separate from the client.
Bond A Swift binding framework
swiftui-bottom-sheet-drawer swiftui sheet, sliding sheet, swift botom sheet, ios bottom sheet BottomSheet macos Custom modal popup menu
Poly A light-weight general-purpose library to help represent situations where the type of a value is one of a set of types. An alternative to type erasure.
StreamChatSwiftUI SwiftUI Chat SDK ➜ Stream Chat 💬
BWWalkthrough BWWalkthrough is a simple library that helps you build custom walkthroughs for your iOS App
officectl Tool to manage the directories from multiple sources (LDAP, Google, etc.) from the command line
USBDeviceSwift wrapper for IOKit.usb and IOKit.hid written on pure Swift that allows you convenient work with USB devices
Yams A Sweet and Swifty YAML parser.
SwiftLintPlugin A Swift Package Plugin for SwiftLint
ResearchKit ResearchKit is an open source software framework that makes it easy to create apps for medical research or for other research projects.
HypertextApplicationLanguage What HTML does for web browsers, HAL does for applications
ggml Tensor library for machine learning
Publish A static site generator for Swift developers
WWUserDefaults Use the "property wrapper" to make an enhanced version of UserDefaults.
DirtyJSON A Swift package for automatically fixing invalid JSON data. 超强纠错 JSON 解析器(Swift 版)。
GenericJSON A simple Swift library for working with generic JSON structures
AnyDate Swifty Date & Time API inspired from Java 8 DateTime API.
CryptoSwift CryptoSwift is a growing collection of standard and secure cryptographic algorithms implemented in Swift
git-kit GitKit is a Swift wrapper around the git command line interface.
WWWebSocket Wraps URLSession's iOS 13 webSocketTask() into an easy-to-use widget.
Moya Network abstraction layer written in Swift.
SwiftSky SwiftSky let's you easily integrate the Dark Sky API into your Swift apps.
PinkyPromise A tiny Promises library.
LineBot SDK of the LINE Messaging API for Swift.
Turf A Swift language port of Turf.js.
SwiftUIEKtensions Extensions for SwiftUI
SCrypto Elegant Swift interface to access the CommonCrypto routines
CoreDataUtils A set of helper methods for CoreData
ZippyJSON A much faster version of JSONDecoder
NetUtils Swift library that simplifies getting information about your network interfaces and their properties, both for iOS and OS X.
CustomAlertKit CustomAlertKit provides a customizable bottomsheet, snackbar and alert for any SwiftUI View. Available for CocoaPods and Swift Package Manager.
stripe Stripe library for Vapor
SwiftyJSON The better way to deal with JSON data in Swift.
PostHog PostHog iOS SDK
PhantomKit All Swift & SwiftUI extensions and components in one place.
AsyncPlus Swift library that extends async/await concurrency.
TPPDF TPPDF is a simple-to-use PDF builder for iOS
Antlr4 ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a powerful parser generator for reading, processing, executing, or translating structured text or binary files.
VersionedCodable A wrapper around Swift's Codable that allows versioning of Codable types, and rationalises migrations from older versions of the type.
CollectionTools A bunch of tools I tend to write to make collections easier to use
CodingKeysMacro Swift Macro that automatically generates CodingKeys for converting snake_case to lowerCamelCase.
SwiftyCrop Crop your images easily using SwiftUI
CodeEditTextView A text editor specialized for displaying and editing code documents. Written in pure Swift.
SwiftUIFormattedText A proof-of-concept library for HTML-like formatted text in SwiftUI
Termbox Swift Wrapper for Termbox: A Lightweight TUI Library
TelegramVaporBot 🤖 The wrapper for the Telegram Bot API written in Swift with Vapor. It's not a framework. There is no special syntax here. This is a library that implements all Telegram Bot API methods, which is available to you to work with Vapor.
JSONtoCodable A generating tool from Raw JSON to Codable (Swift4) text written in Swift4.
Boop A scriptable scratchpad for developers. In slow yet steady progress.
QRSwift A Swift framework for generating QR codes
NSResultKit Objective-C compatible wrapper of Swift's Result type
Pjango 一款基于Swift 3.x的服务端框架,使用MVC设计你的服务端软件。
SwiftSH A Swift SSH framework that wraps libssh2.
SwiftFormat A command-line tool and Xcode Extension for formatting Swift code
SimulatorStatusMagic Clean up your status bar for taking screenshots on the iOS simulator.
FoldingCell :octocat: 📃 FoldingCell is an expanding content cell with animation made by @Ramotion
OBSwiftSocket A Swift library for communicating with obs-websocket.
Hero Elegant transition library for iOS & tvOS
OperantKit A tool for operant conditioning experiments for Swift.
ArgParse Pure Swift utility for command-line options and arguments.
DatabaseKit 🗄 Core services for creating database integrations.
EloRatingSystem Elo Rating System written in Swift for Swift Package Manager
Nifty Markdown Formatter A simple markdown formatting library for SwiftUI projects.
AceLayout AceLayout provides a Swifty DSL for Auto Layout.
OrOther A macro for adding a blank "other" case to any enum.
StoreFlowable Repository pattern support library for Swift with Concurrency.
vintage [UNMAINTED] command-line tool to check for outdated Swift Package Manager dependencies
SwiftReorder Easy UITableView drag-and-drop cell reordering
HealthKitOnFhir HealthKitOnFhir is a Swift library that automates the export of Apple HealthKit Data to a FHIR Server.
CollectionLoader Loading collections of objects by page, coming from arbitrary data sources.
A11yoop iOS accessibility tools
Localization Localization utilities
AsyncCompatibilityKit iOS 13-compatible backports of commonly used async/await-based system APIs that are only available from iOS 15 by default.
UILabel+Copyable A simple category to add copy functionality to UILabel.
AxisTooltip A library that displays tooltips in the desired view. Supports iOS and macOS.
HTTPCoders Some Swift Coders for HTTP requests
AsyncCloudKit 🌤 Swift extensions for asynchronous CloudKit record processing
TraceLogAdaptiveWriter An adaptive system log writer for the TraceLog logging system. Logs to Linux systemd Journal & Apple Unified Logging System.
KVObserver A Safer KVO
SwiftNormalization Normalization methods implemented in Swift (MinMax, Max, Mean, L1, L2, ZScore)
RxKeyboard Reactive Keyboard in iOS
OrderedDictionary Ordered dictionary data structure implementation in Swift
LPMapView A SwiftUI wrapper for a MKMapView
CombineCloudKit 🌤 Swift Combine extensions for reactive CloudKit record processing
swift-priority-heap Swift data structure for efficiently accessing min/max elements by priority
SwiftPygments A Swift wrapper for Pygments to generate HTML code from source code.
Papyrus Papyrus aims to hit the sweet spot between saving raw API responses to the file system and a fully fledged database like Realm.
Stencil Stencil is a simple and powerful template language for Swift.
Stevia :leaves: Concise Autolayout code
GLTFSceneKit glTF loader for SceneKit
Boutique ✨ A magical persistence library (and so much more) for state-driven iOS and Mac apps ✨
Localize Localize is a framework writed in swift to localize your projects easier improves i18n, including storyboards and strings.
RecursiveSyncDispatch Implement recursive sync dispatch for private queues
Glide A Swift micro-framework for painless server-side development
Shuffle Shuffle a Collection
xcodes The best command-line tool to install and switch between multiple versions of Xcode.
Appwrite [READ-ONLY] Official Appwrite SDK for Apple Devices 🍎
GrammaticalNumber 1️⃣🔜🔢 Turns singular words to the plural and vice-versa in Swift.
Model3DView Render 3d models with SwiftUI effortlessly
ZeeQL3Combine ZeeQL3 enhanced w/ Combine features
EquallySpacedStack Equally Spaced Stacks for SwiftUI
SwiftUI-UDF UDF (Unidirectional Data Flow) architecture on SwiftUI/Combine
DashDashSwift An unopinionated command line parser for Swift CLI projects.
UIEnvironment A framework that mimics the SwiftUI view's environment to replicate the value distribution thought your UIKit app.
TabBar 📱 TabBar – highly customizable tab bar (i.e. TabView) for your SwiftUI application.
fetch_cli A CLI tool for fetch string contents from a url and copying to clipboard
Auth Auth client library for Swift command-line tools and cloud services. Supports OAuth1, OAuth2, and Google Application Default Credentials.
RedUx A super simple Swift implementation of the redux pattern making use of Swift 5.5's new async await API's.
SwiftyXPC A wrapper for Apple’s XPC interprocess communication library that gives it a type-safe, easy-to-use interface utilizing Codable and Swift Concurrency.
LocMapper Tool to manage the localization of the mobile apps
ScrollViewProxy ScrollViewProxy for SwiftUI on iOS 13 and up
text-to-emoji 🤷‍♂️ Not sure why you'd need this.
swift-statsd-client metrics backend for swift-metrics that uses the statsd protocol
Poes A Swift command-line tool to easily send push notifications to the iOS simulator
SwiftPCAP Packet capture for Swift
SplitTabBar UISplitViewController and UITabBarController in sync
swift-tools-support-core Contains common infrastructural code for both SwiftPM and llbuild.
Menu The most customizable menu for macOS apps.
CountryPicker A simple, customizable Country picker for picking country or dialing code. 🇮🇳 🇯🇵 🇰🇷 🇩🇪 🇨🇳 🇺🇸 🇫🇷 🇪🇸 🇮🇹 🇷🇺 🇬🇧
ZeeQL3Freddy Freddy JSON support for ZeeQL objects
swift-identified-collections A library of data structures for working with collections of identifiable elements in an ergonomic, performant way.
now Times around the world because no brain should have to work out what time it is in NYC or what time it is here when it's 4PM in London or what time 4PM in London is here...
CSQLite3 A Swift ModuleMap module for SQLite3
SwishAppStore Push to the App Store using Swift!
WrkstrmColor A generic implementation of HSLuv.
vapor 💧 A server-side Swift web framework.
Locks NSLock alternatives from
SwiftBox Box implementation for boxing structs or scalars in Swift, to interact with Objective-C APIs
SOSwift A swift implementation of structured data vocabulary.
Mint A package manager that installs and runs Swift command line tools
PageView SwiftUI PageView which takes a custom Index view
VaporAuth A library for authorities assertion in Vapor
WrkstrmMain Extensions to the Swift Main library. Adds functions for string manipulation, collection processing, and more. Tested via GitHub Actions.
swiftui-navigation Tools for making SwiftUI navigation simpler, more ergonomic and more precise.
hummingbird-compression Compression support for Hummingbird server framework
MapLibre Native MapLibre Native for iOS distributed via the Swift Package Manager.
SwiftNotification swift砖块系列:简便通知操作,免移除,易添加
InstructionPack SPM supported version of Instructions
show Show and hide apps from the command line
xcbeautify A little beautifier tool for xcodebuild
swift-markdown A Swift package for parsing, building, editing, and analyzing Markdown documents.
NextLevelSessionExporter 🔄 Export and transcode media in Swift
RecursiveSyncDispatch Implement recursive sync dispatch for private queues
KyuNetworkExtensions Simple network’s related extensions to manage all DTOs mapping and APIs routing based on Moya.
Geometry Basic Swift Geometry
AlertPresenter A Swift package/Cocoapod providing easy alert presentation for iOS and tvOS
swiftui-atom-properties ⚛️ Atomic approach state management and dependency injection for SwiftUI
SwiftMiscUtility Taking the misc out of General Utility so that General only defines the namespace.
Http Simple declarative HTTP API framework
SpeziBluetooth Connect and communicate with Bluetooth devices.
Resourceful A resource type allow network requests to be packaged together with a transform to get some data.
ActivityIndicatorView SwiftUI wrapper for UIActivityIndicatorView
CHDF5 Swift package manager module map for HDF5
AccessibleTool A swift tool to generate UITest helper codes
GRDB A toolkit for SQLite databases, with a focus on application development
RCKML A library for reading and writing KML files in Swift
ArgumentParser 📄 A simple, lightweight Swift command line argument parser library.
EventTracker EventTracker is an open-source Swift library that allows you to easily track and monitor multiple named events and their occurrences.
BlurView SwiftUI wrapper for UIVisualEffectView.
JavaScriptKit Swift framework to interact with JavaScript through WebAssembly.
GRDBSnapshotTesting The snapshot testing library for GRDB
OSCKit The OSCKit package provides the classes needed for your apps to communicate among computers, sound synthesizers, and other multimedia devices via OSC over an IP network.
SpeziStorage Spezi module to store information and credentials encrypted at rest
DVNetwork Framework for making network request in Swift
SwiftDuxNavigation SwiftDux based application routing.
MapLibreSwiftUI DSL and SwiftUI integration for MapLibre
OSCKit Open Sound Control (OSC) library written in Swift.
SwiftyTM1637 A Swift class to drive the TM1637 chipset (i.e. 7-segment LK-Digi Display)
SDGInterface Tools for Implementing a Graphical User Interface
HypertextApplicationLanguage What HTML does for web browsers, HAL does for applications
Asynchrone Extensions and additions to AsyncSequence, AsyncStream and AsyncThrowingStream.
ElementaryCycles Find elementary circuits of a directed graph
GrowthBook-IOS GrowthBook iOS (Swift) SDK
AVCaptureViewModel An ObservableObject view model for capturing photo/video on iOS for SwiftUI and UIKit.
SiriusRating A modern utility that reminds your iOS app's users to review the app in a non-invasive way.
GCDWebServer The #1 HTTP server for iOS, macOS & tvOS (also includes web based uploader & WebDAV server)
SwiftPM The Package Manager for the Swift Programming Language
Burritos A collection of Swift Property Wrappers (formerly "Property Delegates")
UIViewKit UIViewKit is a Swift tool for easy UIKit view design, blending InterfaceBuilder's ease with Swift type checks. It mirrors SwiftUI's look and provides quick methods for attributes, outlets, and constraints. The @resultBuilder makes code faster to write and visually appealing.
PropertyWrappedCodable Nice syntax for defaults and custom keys with Codable using Property Wrappers and Mirror.
ZeeQL3PG PostgreSQL Adaptor for the ZeeQL (EOF/CoreData/AR like) ORM for Swift
LoggerKit 🤖Simple logging framework
swift-argument-parser Straightforward, type-safe argument parsing for Swift
soto-codegenerator Code generation for Soto
CardStack A easy-to-use SwiftUI view for Tinder like cards on iOS, macOS & watchOS.
SocketSwift A POSIX socket wrapper written in swift.
PageSheet Customizable sheets using UISheetPresentationController in SwiftUI
NordicDFU OTA DFU Library for Mac and iOS, compatible with nRF5x SoCs
Geohash Geohash library written in Swift
jsonlogic A native Swift JsonLogic implementation. This parser accepts JsonLogic rules and executes them.
CRDT Convergent and Commutative Replicated Data Types implementation in Swift
Ozzy A domain specific language (or DSL) to create macOS and Linux command line applications (or CLIs) written in Swift.
libde265 A wrapper for libde265 + Xcode project. Support Carthage && CocoaPods && SwiftPM.
CompositionalLayoutBuilder A Result Builder for CollectionView CompositionLayouts!
Judo3DS2_iOS Judopay 3DS2 SDK for iOS
swift-package-info Swift CLI tool that provides information about a Swift Package
SharkCardScan iOS Credit/Debit card scanner, built using Apple's Vision Framework.
ProvisioningProfile A Swift package to read your app’s provisioning profile
CSDL2 Swift wrapper package for SDL2.
OllamaKit Ollama client for Swift
SimpleCheckbox A simple Checkbox
Rooster A Mini Networking Library
YVAnchor Faster and easier layout constraints
SemanticVersion Swift abstraction for a semantic version (of the form major.minor.patch)
Sourcery Meta-programming for Swift, stop writing boilerplate code.
UIKitViews Wrapper for a UIKit views that you use to integrate that view into your SwiftUI view hierarchy.
ProgressView SwiftUI wrapper for UIProgressView
SwiftImageReadWrite A basic microframework of routines for doing basic importing/exporting of `CGImage` and `NSImage`/`UIImage` type images.
NKButton A fully customizable UIButton
webber 👨‍🍳 Web apps cook tool. It helps to debug and release your SwifWeb apps.
LetMeIn Effortlessly perform client certificate authentication in Swift to keep your server secure
Consumer Mac and iOS library for parsing structured text
TinyCSV A tiny Swift CSV decoder/encoder library, conforming to RFC 4180
starter-template A starter template to clone and start your game from
PINCache Fast, non-deadlocking parallel object cache for iOS, tvOS and OS X
Signals Generic Cross Platform Signal Handler
VaporGenerators Command line class generators for Vapor
FilRepSwift A Swift package to find Filecoin miners by reputation, using the API.
swift-async-algorithms Async Algorithms for Swift
SwiftBacktrace Stack traces for Swift on Mac and Linux using `libunwind`.
GPUImage GPUImage 3 is a BSD-licensed Swift framework for GPU-accelerated video and image processing using Metal.
soto-cognito-authentication-kit Authenticating with AWS Cognito
materialize 🎨 MaterializeCSS wrapper for SwifWeb
Swiftilities Swift utilities that help me write expressive, declarative and clear code
SketchX Support for exporting Xcode asset catalogues from Sketch
SwaggerParser Swift library for parsing OpenAPI 2.0 (f.k.a. Swagger) documents into native structures.
Neuron A neural network library for Swift
NetworkImage Asynchronous image loading in SwiftUI
PythonKit Swift framework to interact with Python.
NetworkConnectivity Swift Package designed as an alternative to detecting network connectivity when traditional methods do not work. Designed for iOS and macOS
mecab-swift MeCab(Japanese Morphological Analyzer) wrapper for Swift
Autograph Swift source code generation kit.
CDKSwiftOracc Cuneiform documents for Swift
NumSwift Array arithmetic library for Swift
SwiftScraper Web scraping library for Swift
DeepLink Create type-safe deep links in to iOS apps, macOS apps, and websites using Swift macros.
SwiftyInAppMessaging The easiest way to use your customized view and InAppMessaging default view.
NavigationBackport Backported SwiftUI navigation APIs introduced in WWDC22
QuickLookPreview QuickLook Preview for SwiftUI on Mac Catalyst
soto-core Core framework of Soto the Swift SDK for AWS
CareKit CareKit is an open source software framework for creating apps that help people better understand and manage their health.
Stash Keep images in volatile memory for a pre-determined amount of time.
Keychain Simple keychain wrapper for P256 keys for macOS and iOS.
SwiftGridView Swift based data grid view.
AppStorage A drop-in replacement for the iOS 14 @AppStorage property wrapper compatible with iOS 13
LocationManagerModule The location manager allows the tracking of user locations and setting of geofences.
FDChessboardView An iOS / Mac view controller for chess boards
SmoothOperators A collection of custom operators
Sliders Collection of unique fully customizable SwiftUI sliders, joysticks, trackpads and more!
SwiftEmptyData swift砖块系列:一个Swift语言封装的EmptyView显示库,可作用于UITableView、UICollectionView
TaskTrigger Attach async tasks to SwiftUI views using a trigger mechanism.
SwiftyBytes A binary read/write library written in Swift.
VectorMath A Swift library for Mac and iOS that implements common 2D and 3D vector and matrix functions, useful for games or vector-based graphics
CNTimelineCell Customizable Timeline view implemented by UITableViewCell
swiftui-async-button AsyncButton is the simple way to run concurrent code in your views.
NavigationProgress A simple UIProgressView attachs to top of UINavigationController
ColorHexRGB µ Library for hex-code RGB color conversion to NSColor
Glaip Easy iOS Web3 connection for MetaMask, TrustWallet and Rainbow Wallet
Log a simple logging protocol
AppIconView A SwiftUI view for presenting and changing iOS app icons effortlessly
TypedAppStorage A type-safe way to save and read complex data structures from `@AppStorage`.
KochavaUI Declarative user interface support
SimpleConstraints SimpleConstraints is a Swift library designed to simplify the process of creating and managing constraints in UIKit. It provides a set of utilities that make it easier to align and position UI elements in your iOS applications.
OneFingerRotation One Finger Rotation of a SwiftUI element in a view, complete with Inertia functions and Auto Rotation functions
DocumentScannerView Native document scanning in SwiftUI
AppInfo A utility for accessing application metadata from Info.plist
jose-swift A comprehensive Swift library for JOSE standards implementation, supporting JWA, JWK, JWE, JWS and JWT with robust encryption and signing functionalities.
SwiftUIRtc SwiftUI and Real-time Video Calling with Agora's RTC SDK
AwsDynamoDB Swift library providing easy access to common DynamoDB operations
soto-s3-file-transfer Simplifying upload and download from S3 using Soto the Swift SDK for AWS.
CGLayout Powerful autolayout framework, that can manage UIView(NSView), CALayer and not rendered views. Not Apple Autolayout wrapper. Provides placeholders. Linux support.
THOTP Time-base & HMAC-based one-time password generator for iOS, tvOS, watchOS, and macOS
SwiftToolbox A collection of swift extensions
ChatField A customizable, multiline text field for chat interfaces in SwiftUI
Coordinator A declarative navigation API for SwiftUI.
OCMockito Mockito for Objective-C: creation, verification and stubbing of mock objects
iOS-GPX-Framework This is an iOS framework for parsing/generating GPX files.
tuist 🚀 Create, maintain, and interact with Xcode projects at scale
Valet-THOTP Extensions for Valet to make THOTP persistence easier
JSONRPC Swift library for JSON-RPC
TextAttributes TextAttributes provides type-safe API for setting text attributes for common UIKit components.
UseAutoLayout UseAutoLayout @propertyWrapper for Swift
redi-s A performant Redis server implemented in SwiftNIO.
AwsLambda Swift library which enables you to invoke AWS Lambda programmatically
ViewExtensions iOS/macOS view utilities
TinyConstraints Nothing but sugar.
OpenKit An open kit providing useful functions across iOS, watchOS, macOS and tvOS, taking advantage of Swifts rich feature set.
AwsSign Swift library for signing AWS URLRequests
SelectableText A view that displays one or more lines of read-only selectable text.
Pangu 🌚中文和英文之间没有空格可怎么行?
TextEditorPlus An enhanced version similar to `TextEditor`, aimed at maintaining consistency in its usage across iOS and macOS platforms.
ViewCondition An extension to the `View` protocol that provides conditional view modifiers
Octoid Just enough Github API to do what I need.
Arweave A lightweight Swift client for the Arweave blockchain
MAImage Easy iOS image caching library
RadioButton A RadioButton view written as SwiftUI developer
csv-dialect-swift DialectalCSV: Multi-dialect CSV parser in Swift for handling different separated value formats. Conforms to Frictionless Data's CSV Dialect spec
OrderedSet A mutable random access collection of unique elements, which behaves like a set, but guarantees insertion order
SwiftyBridgesClient Simple server APIs in Swift
Cachy A Caching Library is written in Swift that can cache JSON, Image, Zip or AnyObject with expiry date/TTYL and force refresh.
Template A template for Swift packages on GitHub
swift-nio-irc-server A Internet Relay Chat (IRC) server for SwiftNIO
Cause-Logic-Effect A library for helping conform to the Cause-Logic-Effect Architecture.
Swiftline Swiftline is a set of tools to help you create command line applications.
JWT Swift JWT library.
java_swift Support code for Swift Java Bridge
iPhoneNumberField Elegant SwiftUI phone number textField.
DeclarativeLayoutKit UIKit declarative layout helpers
swift-nio-irc-webclient A very simple IRC web client and WebSocket bridge for SwiftNIO
ViewBoundContextMenu A SwiftUI wrapper view that supports context menus in SwiftUI List rows.
CryptoSwift CryptoSwift is a growing collection of standard and secure cryptographic algorithms implemented in Swift
SquirrelCache :package: Nothing but Cache.
Client Swift Http Client
SwiftGodotKit Embed Godot into Swift apps
BundleInfoVersioning Lightweight package that allows you to observe changes in the Info.plist
JustTime JustTime is a lightweight Swift library that provides types for working with time and duration independently of dates.
Percentage A percentage type for Swift
ProductHunt Product Hunt badge for iOS
SpryKit Spry is a framework that allows spying and stubbing in Apple's Swift language. Also included is a XCTAsserts for the spied objects
RawDog RawDog is a Swift library that extends RawRepresentable types with arithmetic operations
VideoPlayer A SwiftUI based video player, that provides access to the underlying AVPlayerViewController object.
ColorPicker A opensource color picker UI component for iOS
DTPagerController A fully customizable container view controller to display a set of ViewControllers in a horizontal scroll view. Written in Swift.
XCEAPIClient Lightweight URL-based API client
Releases A Swift package for resolving released versions from a Git repository
CutwormBDD A native, lightweight BDD testing library for Swift/XCTest.
SwiftMysql A pure Swift Client implementing the MySQL protocol. Also supports non-blocking I/O
FlipBook A swift package for recording views
OpenWeatherAPI A Swift package for the Open Weather One Call 3.0 API
KeyboardKitPro KeyboardKit Pro helps you create custom keyboards for iOS and iPadOS.
ZendeskChatSDK Zendesk Chat SDK
SwiftFileTools SwiftFileTools is a tool for you to generate Colors, Constants, ViewCode and files for SwiftGen.
LSPService Use Local LSP Servers via WebSockets
RBBJSON Flexible JSON traversal for rapid prototyping.
ReteEngine A Rete-based rule engine
Inject Swift Dependency Injection Package
Peppermint Declarative data validation framework, written in Swift
http-client-module The http client serves a clean and modern api for http requests. It takes care of main thread dispatching, can take codable objects in as JSON body and provides life-cycle-hooks. It also comes with support for form-data-requests.
msgraph-sdk-objc-auth MSAL Authentication Provider for Objective C
ProgressManager An easy way to manage a Progress object that relies on other sub-tasks via child Progress objects.
BigDecimal This package provides arbitrary-precision decimal numbers for Swift.
UTMConversion Convert between latitude/longitude and the UTM coordinate system.
XcodeProjCExt 👩‍💻C extensions for XcodeProj
NumPy-iOS Swift package for using NumPy in iOS apps
OpenCombine Open source implementation of Apple's Combine framework for processing values over time.
ReviewPrompter ReviewPrompter is an open-source library for iOS applications written in Swift that helps you intelligently prompt users for app reviews. It tracks the occurrence of specific events within your app and requests a review prompt when the specified conditions are met.
iCalendar A minimal iCalendar (RFC 5545) parser in Swift
SwiftCoreData An open source library that includes utilities and extensions to help work with CoreData
Starscream Websockets in swift for iOS and OSX
M13Checkbox A customizeable checkbox for iOS
zcash-light-client-ffi Light Client FFI Layer for librustzcash
AgoraUIKit_iOS Swift package and CocoaPod to simply integrate Agora Video Calling or Live Video Streaming to your iOS or macOS app with just a few lines of code.
Introspection Aides in checking information about the current app, system, & device
SLogger Logging tool for swift project
Peertalk iOS and Mac Cocoa library for communicating over USB
RatingControl SwiftUI control for interactive rating values.
Alamofire Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift
Auth 👤 Authentication and Authorization framework for Fluent.
SwiftyPcap++ A swift wrapper of pcapplusplus library
ParserAutograph Object parser generation utility.
PlaydateKit Create games for Playdate using Swift.
LogDistributedNotifications Log distributed notifications on macOS
AdzerkSDK Access Adzerk's ad serving APIs via iOS
PinterestLikeGrid An easy way to create beautiful grid views on SwiftUI :)
Pow Delightful SwiftUI effects for your app
GodotVision Godot in RealityKit / visionOS
TripKit SkedGo's TripKit for iOS (and macOS)
ZPNs 📦 ZEGO ZPNs Swift Package for iOS
MMBAlertsPickers Advanced usage of UIAlertController with TextField, DatePicker, PickerView, TableView and CollectionView.
TootSDK Cross-platform Swift library for Mastodon and the fediverse
100DaysOfSwiftUI Tasks from the 100 Days of SwiftUI course.
Vandelay Vandelay is an iOS importer/exporter, written in Swift.
AgoraUIKit_macOS Swift Package and CocoaPod to simply integrate Agora Video Calling or Live Video Streaming to your macOS app with just a few lines of code.
SettingsAccess Better SwiftUI Settings Scene Access on macOS
AppUniqueIdentifier An ID which is unique to this runtime / save
reactiveswift-composable-architecture A library for building applications in a consistent and understandable way, with composition, testing, and ergonomics in mind.
Pathman Swift type-safe path, file, and directory library using POSIX C APIs
cloud-sdk-ios Get the binary frameworks of the SAP BTP SDK for iOS through SPM and learn about related open-source Swift packages
RepeatCLI A lightweight and user-friendly tool for effortlessly repeating and customizing text.
YAnalytics Y—Analytics: a generic analytics wrapper you can put around most any analytics framework
Sunlight Calculate dawn, dusk, golden and blue hour times by using various algorithms.
locheck Validate iOS, Android, and Mac localizations. Find errors in .strings, .stringsdict, and strings.xml files.
DebugSwift A toolkit to make debugging iOS applications easier 🚀
HTML A DSL for writing HTML in Swift
SwiftFortuneWheel The ultimate spinning wheel view that supports dynamic content and rich customization.
XPkgPackage Package support for XPkg
SwipeCell SwipeCell is a SwiftUI library, used to achieve the left and right sliding menu effect similar to the iOS mail app.
GoSwifty A command line tool for analyzing Swift/Objective-C ratio in codebase
media-manager A Vapor micro-service for resource storage
SyntacticSugar Syntactic Sugar library for Swift language
FastDiff General purpose diffing library with parent/children n-level diffing
swift-mod A tool for Swift code modification intermediating between code generation and formatting.
Base32 Base32 for Swift
SwiftUIWindowBinder Create SwiftUI Views able to access host windows from UIKit (iOS & tvOS) or AppKit (macOS), with zero set up. Works for existing apps, apps with @main/App, and even Playgrounds
Waveform GPU accelerated waveform view
FeedKit Searchable caching feed client
ZLogger Light, magical, easy to use Logger for your swift apps
AwesomeNumbersKit Large number arithmetic in Swift
WhatsNewKit Showcase your awesome new app features 📱
Juicer Juicer is a generic animation / motion library for macOS & iOS & tvOS written in Swift
Baby Create models from a JSON file, even a Baby can do it.
BasicMathTools Some basic tools for doing math in Swift
SHSearchBar The search bar that doesn't suck.
AppIconResizer Renders a png file into the different sizes Xcode needs for App Icons
AgoraRtm [Beta] Agora's Signaling 2.0 SDK Swift Package for iOS, macOS and visionOS 📦
superagent-swift Build, deploy, and manage LLM-powered agents on  platforms.
KatexUtils Katex support for iOS
SimpleChart This is a simple chart library using purely swiftui, enabling support for all platforms from Apple. Most importantly, this could be used in WidgetKit. This library is built by Imposters Limited and main contributed by founder @andywkff . Feel free to contribute and submit pull request. Together we built a better chart for the public.
FeedKit An RSS, Atom and JSON Feed parser written in Swift
ACBTokenField A swift extension on NSTokenField which makes it highly customizable and removes a lot of boilerplate code from implementation
LispKit Interpreter framework for Lisp-based extension and scripting languages on macOS and iOS. LispKit is based on the R7RS standard for Scheme. Its compiler generates bytecode for a virtual machine. LispKit is fully implemented in Swift 5.
RouterX A Ruby on Rails flavoured URL routing engine in Swift.
stenographer An efficient logging library for macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS, written in Swift. Log to console, file, HTTP service, or your own endpoint. Simple to get started, but smartly customizable. A fork of LogKit.
Patterns A Swift PEG parser
swift-log-elk A logging backend for swift-log that sends logging messages to Logstash (eg. the ELK stack)
KangarooStore A very lightweight Core Data framework
Countries An Enum with All the Countries and Their Abbreviations
Resultto A collection of handy result builders
Request Declarative HTTP networking, designed for SwiftUI
Upstash A Upstash client compatible with Swift Cloud and Fastly Compute@Edge
swift-context BaggageContext library, extracted from slashmo/gsoc-swift-tracing
SVGUIView An UIView that displays a single SVG image in your interface.
FDWaveformView Reads an audio file and displays the waveform
SwiftKit Swift开发套件。
libavif A wrapper for libavif + Xcode project. Support Carthage && CocoaPods && SwiftPM.
BitcoinUI The Bitcoin UI Kit for Swift
SwiftyButton Simple and customizable button in Swift
YouTubeKit A way to interact with YouTube's API in Swift (without any API key!)
Fit SwiftUI layout for arranging elements in lines, dynamically adjusting to the available space.
TestCleaner Tidy up repetitive XCTests
YMatterType An opinionated take on Design System Typography for iOS and tvOS.
swift-openapi-runtime API package for code generated by Swift OpenAPI Generator.
RouteComposer Protocol oriented, Cocoa UI abstractions based library that helps to handle view controllers composition, navigation and deep linking tasks in the iOS application. Can be used as the universal replacement for the Coordinator pattern.
Shapes A Swift package to expand the library of usable shapes in SwiftUI projects
JoinedText A SwiftUI library for combining multiple Text views.
swiftui-animate A concept to more easily define simple keyframe / multi-step animations in SwiftUI
AutoLayoutProxy A simple and lightweight Auto-Layout-Kit that makes you feel like playing a fun game laying out views. AutoLayout supports UIKit on iOS & tvOS and AppKit on macOS so you wouldn't have to worry about using different solutions on different platforms. AutoLayoutProxy is compiled on Xcode 14.2 using Swift 5.7 and will be updated for all future releases
MotionToastView A Beautiful Multipurpose Motion Toast Library in iOS using Swift
soto-ec2 Standalone Repository of AWS EC2 Client from soto-project/soto
SwiftUIMessage SwiftUI wrapper of MessageUI framework.
MaterialDesignUIComponents UI Components library for Swift. Currently supports MaterialDesign.
CLibdill libdill SwiftPM system package.
Resource Rewriter for Xcode Xcode 15+ plugin to migrate string-based asset literals to compile-time checked resource literals
Freddy A reusable framework for parsing JSON in Swift.
Symbols A typesafe wrapper around the new system symbols API for UIKit and Swift UI
CombineEx An enhancement work for swift combine, like google/promises
swift-url A new URL type for Swift
DTOnboarding A macOS onboarding component
NumericAnnex Numeric facilities for Swift
GZIP A simple NSData category for gzipping/unzipping data in iOS and Mac OS
ContentFittingWebView A WKWebView subclass which sizes itself to fit its contents
MultipleImageView :framed_picture: Displaying multiple images like 𝕏 (previously know as Twitter).
SoulverStringParsing Learn about how SoulverCore can give Swift "better than regex" data parsing features (for many common tasks)
Kineo A persistent RDF quadstore and SPARQL engine
DTPageControl A PageControl component for macOS
AnyCodable Utils that help encode/decode abstract types via Swift Codable API
KeyboardToolbar A SwiftUI Toolbar that sits on top of the keyboard.
SoulverTextKit Turn your standard NSTextView or UITextView into a Soulver-like notepad calculator
GitignoreIO Create useful .gitignore files for your project
Mapper A JSON deserialization library for Swift
BTree Fast sorted collections for Swift using in-memory B-trees
ActionSheetCustomViewCard A SwiftUI based custom sheet card to show information in iOS application.
AppStoreManager AppStoreManger is an easy to use, StoreKit 2 based, in-App Purchase manager.
Source Tired of implementing the data sources over and over again? Want to use a lightweight solution that does not mess up your view controllers? Then this is for you! The generic data source implementation for all your view controllers, that supports UITableView, UICollectionView and NSFetchedResultsController
LoremSwiftify LoremSwiftify is a Macro that creates lorem ipsum data for your models
TimeZoneIdentifier List of Time Zones Identifiers for Swift 🌍
SwiftUIPHPicker SwiftUI wrapper of PhotoKit's PHPickerViewController.
ConfirmitMobileSDK The Confirmit Digital Feedback Mobile SDK provides seamless in-app feedback for any touch point within your mobile application.
IImagePicker iOS image picker save time and effort in Swift.
CircularProgressGauge Defines a SwiftUI Circular Progress Gause that will show the percent complete (0% to 100%) for a process.
TextViewPlus Make life better with NSTextView+TextKit 1/2
BasicToast basic toast
BottomSheet ⬆️ A SwiftUI view component sliding in from bottom
Endpoint Swift Package for (REST) Endpoint objects
SwiftAvroCore An implementation of Apache Avro in Swift 5
PayPalCheckout Need to add Native Checkout to your iOS Application? We can help!
swiftui-vertical-tab-view VerticalTabView is a native way to display paged vertical content in SwiftUI.
ScalingCarousel A super simple carousel view with scaling transitions written in Swift
SwiftLCS Swift implementation of the longest common subsequence (LCS) algorithm.
swift-geometrize Swift package for recreating images as geometric primitives in form of SVG files
RealmCoder JSON Encoder / Decoder for Realm objects
fugle-realtime-swift Fugle Realtime Swift
swift-mock A package to simplify writing tests by automating the process of creating mock objects.
Differ Swift library to generate differences and patches between collections.
CoreXLSX Excel spreadsheet (XLSX) format support in pure Swift
swift-log-format-and-pipe Swift Logging API Handler that allows for formatting and redirecting log lines
SshConfig An SSH config parser library with a fancy API
NiftyHelpers Swift & SwiftUI extensions and helpers
OAuthSwiftAlamofire Utility method to sign Alamofire request
Manifest A Swift Interface for an SPM Project's Manifest File
DangerSwiftEda A danger-swift plug-in to check if the PR matches a specific workflow (e.g. Git-Flow)
SQLite SQLite.Database is a simple Swift wrapper around SQLite
ConsentViewController The Plug&Play Consent Management Tool for iOS
swift-backtrace 💥 Backtraces for Swift on Linux and Windows
SmartString Powerful Attributed String Framework in Swift
experimental-reparse-html Swift Server Side HTML Only Templating Engine with Super Powers
Antlr4 A heavily modified adaption of ANTLR4's Swift runtime used in SwiftRewriter
NetworkKit Modern networking layer easy to customize and setup
Selenops A Swift Web Crawler 🕷
Keystore Ethereum and ETH2 (BLS) keystore creation / private key extraction for Swift
ExtraEncodable A small Swift package allowing you to customize the encoding behavior of `Encodable` types
Seam3 Cloudkit based persistent store for Core Data
SwiftXattrs Extended file attribute (xattrs) accessor µ-Framework for Swift
TelegramBot A helper tool for creating telegram bots with vapor
SimpleSerializer A simple utility for Serializing a Swift object in the smallest space possible by converting it to a Divider separated String.
OneSignalXCFramework OneSignal is a free push notification service for mobile apps. This plugin makes it easy to integrate your native iOS app with OneSignal. This Repository hosts OneSignal's XCFramework to be used with Swift Package Manager
EinstoreCore Core functionality for Einstore, mobile Enterprise AppStore
attributed-string-builder Attributed String Builders
HypertextApplicationLanguage What HTML does for web browsers, HAL does for applications
JTAppleCalendar The Unofficial Apple iOS Swift Calendar View. Swift calendar Library. iOS calendar Control. 100% Customizable
PassportKit Swift library used for quick and easy authentication using Laravel passport.
Pillarbox A next-generation reactive media playback ecosystem for Apple platforms.
KeychainItem Keychain Item Property Wrapper
LoginServiceKit Easy manage login items for macOS. Not support Sandbox application.
WSPublisher A native Swift WebSocket manager based in Combine.
SystemNotification SystemNotification is a Swift SDK that helps you mimic the native iOS system notification in SwiftUI.
PerfectWebSockets WebSockets support for Perfect.
SwiftRLP RLP encoding in Swift
SwiftEliza A Swift + iOS implementation of the ELIZA chatbot.
Atomic atomic is a Swift property wrapper designed to make values thread-safe.
ZBSimplePluginManager A simple plug-in system by using JavaScriptCore.
Concurrency concurrency is a collection of concurrency primitives which helps increase testability
PerformanceSuite PerformanceSuite: A Swift-based iOS library for monitoring app performance and quality metrics.
DTModelStorage Storage classes for datasource based controls
LoremIpsum Lorem Ipsum generator for Swift
SampleKitura Let's try Server-Side Swift with Kitura by IBM
Libadwaita An imperative UI framework for GNOME
ClearFashionWidget Clear Fashion native iOS SDK for the widgets
plug Plugin management library for Swift.
SoundCloud 📦 Swift Package for making authenticated requests to SoundCloud public API
cclang A Swift package to bind to the clang C API
AvWeather Swift package to process data from
pwdi A Swift Dependency Injection Package. Still in active development.
DTTableViewManager Protocol-oriented UITableView management, powered by generics and associated types.
UCLKit UCL API wrapper in Swift
composable-deep-link Deep Link DSL
String [Merged into Zewo/Axis]
SwiftCloudant A Swift Lang client for Cloudant and CouchDB
Storage An interface for storing files with any API.
swift-xctesting A Swift Macro for generating XCTest compatible scaffolding around tests written for swift-testing
DPCharts A lightweight framework to render charts on iOS written in Swift
FloatingTextField A customizable floating text field written in SwiftUI
Configuration-INIDeserializer Use INI config files with Configuration!
objective-c PubNub Objective-C based APIs for iOS and OS X
Ananda JSON model decoding based on yyjson.
UIViewPreview Mattt's beautiful gist to gain SwiftUI previews for your UIViews turned into Swift Package.
SwiftMVI A lightweight MVI framework for Swift
Kitura-CredentialsLocal Credentials plug-in for authenticating against e.g. a local database of users
SwiftyShell Helper to run sh commands on swift
IHProgressHUD A clean and lightweight progress HUD based on SVProgressHUD, converted to Swift with the help of Swiftify.
SwiftBeanCountParserUtils Reusable utility methods from the SwiftBeanCountParser
INIParser A lightweight INI file parser in Server Side Swift
Sauron 👁‍🗨 gotta see 'em all
ReSwift Unidirectional Data Flow in Swift - Inspired by Redux
GeometryKit Calculating geometry in CoreGraphics
JellyfishKit API Blueprint mocking framework in swift
SwiftAtomics Atomic operations bridged from Clang to Swift
webp Bindings for libwebp in swift for iOS and macOS + catalyst
google-ima-sdk-xc Unofficial Combined iOS & tvOS Google IMA SDK for both SPM & CocoaPods
ShortcutRecorder The best control to record shortcuts on macOS, written in ObjC with Swift in mind
SwiftCSV CSV parser for Swift
Templar Templar - template generator
IBMCloudAppID Swift server SDK for the IBM Cloud App ID service
HPOpenWeather Request OpenWeather data with ease in Swift
Localized Easy-to-use, safe and cross-platform library for localizing Swift code
Shift Light-weight & concurrent EventKit wrapper
Lazy Lazy is a small, handy tool for lazily initializing a value
SwiftCheck QuickCheck for Swift
SheeKit Customize and resize sheets in SwiftUI with SheeKit. Utilise the power of `UISheetPresentationController` and other UIKit features.
Files A nicer way to handle files & folders in Swift
VisualEffectView Dynamic blur background view with tint color (UIVisualEffectView subclass) 📱
TimeLapse Simple Date & Int extension with time lapse description format
JWT JSON Web Token library for Swift
Payments The iOS Payments Alviere SDK.
SwiftKeychainWrapper A simple wrapper for the iOS Keychain to allow you to use it in a similar fashion to User Defaults. Written in Swift.
FHIRModels Swift library for FHIR® resource data models
CombineCocoa Combine publisher bridges for UIKit
ObjectMapper Simple JSON Object mapping written in Swift
TagKit TagKit is a Swift SDK that makes it easy to work with tags and slugification in Swift & SwiftUI.
swift-nio-redis-client A high performance Redis protocol (RESP) implementation for SwiftNIO
Blade Blade is a pagination framework that simplifies the integration of pagination into the application.
QuickTableViewController A simple way to create a UITableView for settings in Swift.
OnboardingKit OnboardingKit is a Swift SDK that helps you create onboarding experiences in Swift and SwiftUI.
AUv3Controls SwiftUI knob and toggle for use with AUv3 components. Uses The Composable Architecture by Point-Free
swift-arithmetics Swift package extending numeric protocols of the Swift programming language.
AtariKit Swift written API to launch and use The Arcade Learning Environment library.
IdentifiedEnumCases Swift Macro to generate IDs for enumeration cases
Ciao Publish and discover services using Bonjour
CALE Swift module for Arcade Learning Environment library.
Example3D A library of example 3D objects which is intended to demonstrate the recommended usage of the Object3D library
NSUI AppKit and UIKit without conditional compilation
ShXcrun Swift wapper around Xcodebuild, Agvtool, and other Xcrun tools, built with
URLImageModule The url image allows you to show graphical content from remote sources via a url. This packe also provides useful http-request-lifecycle-specific content.
YAnalyticsPendo Y—Analytics implementation for Pendo SDK
Currier Super easy FP function currying for Swift
NavigationBarHelper A library that helps to manage the navigation bar style. It helps to remember bar attributes between different VCs and keep the transition smooth.
xcode-simulator-tool Manage root certificates in Xcode simulators
ShellOut Easily run shell commands from a Swift script or command line tool
SwiftHamcrest Hamcrest test assertions for Swift
Themeable Easy, type-safe UI theming in Swift
Shwift Shell scripting in Swift
SVGPath Cross-platform Swift library for parsing SVGPath strings
easyStorage A library for a seamless storage experience with SwiftUI
CBSD Linux Swift module for libbsd
LiveFader @IBDesignable Horizontal or vertical UIControl subclass that can start from bottom or middle of the control.
LaunchAgent Programmatically create and maintain launchd agents and daemons without manually building Property Lists.
ALBNoSQLDB This project has been renamed to AgileDB and can be found here:
Flash Flash messages between views ⚡️
CZlib Simple gzip extension for Data
Setting Compose beautiful preference panels.
API An advanced framework for comprehensively modeling APIs.
MNISTKit MNIST Tools for Swift
SwiftMP Swift wrapper for the GMP library.
RNDeviceName Swift library to get Apple device model name
keychain Easily scaffold a keychain using JWT for Vapor ⛓
Koba Security Headers for Kitura
Unarchiver Simple gzip extension for Data
Stryng Swift strings taken to a whole new syntax level.
RIBsTreeViewerClient Real Time viewing attached RIBs Tree on Browser
swift-to-ten Provide useful Swift function to recognize British english time and try converting it to Date.
StackViewController A controller that uses a UIStackView and view controller composition to display content in a list
SwiftGodotKit Embed Godot into Swift apps
n-meta Enforcing extra information in headers Ⓜ️
RealityGeometries A collection of additional geometries ready for use in RealityKit 2+. 🥽 Vision OS/Vision Pro ready
LGV_Cleantime This is the calculation engine for NA cleantime calculator apps.
SoundManager SoundManager provides a simply way to play sounds in an App.
InstaGallery 📷 Easy way to access your Instagram gallery and medias in Swift
NodesSSO Allow users to login using Nodes SSO 🔑
ExCodable An Extension of Swift Codable - Encode/Decode Model into JSON and back
CombineDataSources Table and collection view data sources for Combine
BJOTPViewController Entering OTP made simpler.
HKDF HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF) in Swift
Panel A SwiftUI panel component similar to the iOS Airpod battery panel or the Share Wi-Fi password panel.
ResolvingContainer IOC resolving container implemented in Swift.
KuriDemo Demonstration for Kuri
SwiftEntryKit SwiftEntryKit is a presentation library for iOS. It can be used to easily display overlays within your iOS apps.
CNAMEPublishPlugin A plugin that generates a CNAME file for the Publish static site generator. 🚀
ActionsKit UI integrations for Actions framework
Dwifft Swift Diff
Marathon [DEPRECATED] Marathon makes it easy to write, run and manage your Swift scripts 🏃
EEJWT Lightweight JSON Web Tokens library for iOS/macOS written in Swift.
STTextView Performant and reusable macOS text view component (TextKit2), with line numbers and more. NSTextView replacement.
Glur Progressive blurs in SwiftUI.
ConfettiSwiftUI SwiftUI Package for Configurable Confetti Animation 🎉
GhostTyping Beautiful view for iOS with typing animation like a ghost.
build-kit A Swift wrapper around common Swift commands.
AddToSiriButton A wrapper around the `UIKit` Add To Siri button so it can be used in SwiftUI.
swift-tts A straightforward package containing version for Swift modern concurrency, Point-Free Swift Dependency compatible with TCA and a Combine wrapper to provide Text to Speech (TTS) over AVFoundation/AVSpeechSynthesizer
YSwift Swift language bindings to Y-CRDT
sqlite-nio Non-blocking wrapper for libsqlite3-dev using SwiftNIO
DynamicOverlay A SwiftUI library that makes easier to develop overlay based interfaces, such as the one presented in the Apple Maps app.
SwiftCheck QuickCheck for Swift
Reset Makes resetting a password a breeze 🏳
SocketRocket A conforming Objective-C WebSocket client library.
YoutubeDL-iOS Swift package of youtube_dl python module for iOS
LiveKnob Yet another knob for iOS but with IBDesignable and Ableton Live style.
TTBaseUIKit Base UIView
YandexMobileMetrica AppMetrica is a free real-time ad tracking and mobile app analytics solution.
KeyboardKit KeyboardKit is a Swift SDK that lets you create fully customizable keyboards with a few lines of code, using SwiftUI.
AppStoreKit Swift package for using the App Store Connect API.
SwiftUIMapView MKMapView in SwiftUI
GlobPattern Swift package to parse and evaluate glob patterns
hmap hmap is a command line tool written in Swift to work with Clang header maps produced by Xcode.
HealthDataSync HealthDataSync is a Swift library that simplifies and automates the export of HealthKit data to an external store.
swift-service-discovery A service discovery API for Swift.
SkeletonUI SkeletonUI provides an easy way to make your views skeletonable
Promise A Promise library for Swift, based partially on Javascript's A+ spec
SocketRocket A conforming Objective-C WebSocket client library.
SwiftCron SwiftCron is meant to make scheduling and repeating functions easy in Swift in macOS and Linux
Strings Swift String extensions to life easier. Integer subscripting, lstrip and rstrip, string validators..
Yakka A Swift toolkit for coordinating the doing of stuff
YMTGetDeviceName Get device name from model number
CLISpinner Swifty Terminal Spinner
EnumProperties 🤝 Struct and enum data access in harmony.
InkSwift Swift wrapper for the Ink narrative scripting language. Based on InkJS. Requires JavaScriptCore (so no Linux support).
SwiftyStringScore Swift string fuzzy ranking. Score of 0 for no match; up to 1 for perfect. "String".score(word:"str"); //=> 0.825
swift-aws-lambda-runtime Swift implementation of AWS Lambda Runtime
SwiftAlfred Build awesome Alfred workflows with Swift!
Spot Simple CoreLocation wrapper
SavannaKit A standalone repo for Boop's fork of Savannakit
UIFontComplete Font management (System & Custom) for iOS and tvOS
CSVData A Swift package for reading and writing CSV using an enum typed format.
LSPServiceKit Talk to LSPService in Swift
TRETJapanNFCReader NFC (FeliCa) Reader for iOS 13 later Core NFC / Japanese e-Money prepaid or identification cards
EthereumAddress Ethereum Address module for other projects
scrypt Scrypt key derivation function for CryptoSwift
DebugAdapterProtocol Debug Adapter Protocol (DAP) SDK for Swift
swift-crypto Open-source implementation of a substantial portion of the API of Apple CryptoKit suitable for use on Linux platforms.
UIWindowTransitions 🏃‍♂️ Animated transitions for UIWindow's rootViewController property
QuickSwiftCheck Interoperability between Quick, Nimble and SwiftCheck.
TrialLicense Swift framework to deal with licensing and time-based trial periods in macOS apps.
Fastis 🗓 Simple date range & date picker / calendar powered by JTAppleCalendar
Deferred Work with values that haven't been determined yet.
SimpleRoulette SwiftUI library to create Roulette with ease.
CNKit 🗺 Campus Navigator API wrapper
EFNavigationBar An ordinary custom navigation bar.
AppSandboxFileAccess A class that wraps up writing and accessing files outside a Mac apps App Sandbox files into a simple interface. The class will request permission from the user with a simple to understand dialog consistent with Apple's documentation and persist permissions across application runs.
EnumKit EnumKit is a library that gives you the ability to simply access an enum associated value, without having to use pattern matching. It also offers many utilities available to other swift types, like updatability of an associated value and transformations.
BBLoader A light-weight minimal looking loading animation popup build on top of UIKit for iOS and tvOS. Provides an immersive loading experience while the contents are being loaded asynchronously.
ThirdPartyMailer Interact with third-party iOS mail clients, using custom URL schemes.
AtomicSwift The atomic qualifier Swift was missing
TTDateFormatter SwiftPackage For formatting date in swift
Corkboard 📌 API wrapper
SwiftRichString 👩‍🎨 Elegant Attributed String composition in Swift sauce
PushNotifications Swift SDK for the Pusher Beams product:
SwiftSH A Swift SSH framework that wraps libssh2.
path-kit Working with files and directories in a nice way using Swift.
Hexaville The modern serverless web application engine and framework for Swift
ManagedModels A SwiftData like `@Model` infrastructure for CoreData.
PluginTask 🧩 A Task that supports plugins
GameCenterManager Removes boilerplate for Turn Based Game Center Games
TinyEvents A tiny event system for Swift (1 source file, 113 lines of code)
CombineTesting A Swift package to allow easy testing of Combine components.
AUv3Support Swift package containing useful code for AUv3 components.
swift-concurrency-extras Useful, testable Swift concurrency.
FoundationCombine Combine extensions that require only the Swift Standard Library and Foundation.
SwiftObserver Easy Elegant Reactive Swift #NoRx
DisjointSet A Swift implementation of a disjoint-set data structure.
TranscodeVideo A Swift wrapper around the transcode-video command
AwaitKit The ES8 Async/Await control flow for Swift
Poste Tiny tiny framework to meet async & await functions for Swift.
Prorsum A Go like concurrent system + networking/http library for Swift that works on Linux and Mac
swift-math-parser Math expression parser built with Point•Free's swift-parsing package
Boat Swift UPnP library for port forwarding (so far)
CoreTempMonitorSwift Free CoreTemp Monitor for iOS devices
XcodeProj 📝 Read, update and write your Xcode projects
DynamicButton Yet another animated flat buttons in Swift
SwiftKnex A Mysql Native Client and Query Builder written in Pure Swift
request-dl Simplifies network requests using SwiftNIO with powerful types like DataTask, DownloadTask, and UploadTask.
arcgis-runtime-ios Swift Package Manager support for ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS
CoreBluetoothMock Mocking library for CoreBluetooth framework.
TimeIntervalFormatStyle Conformance to ParseableFormatStyle for TimeInterval
Logician Logic programming in Swift
Pool A generic object pool implementation for Swift that works on macOS and Linux.
SwiftUITheme Theming system for SwiftUI.
SwiftUIPageView SwiftUI stack views with paged scrolling behaviour.
ObjectEncoder Swift Encoders implementation using `[String: Any]`, `[Any]` or `Any` as payload.
Parade 🚸 OperationQueue Manager
swift-nio Event-driven network application framework for high performance protocol servers & clients, non-blocking.
SwiftUIPlus SwiftUI additions and helpers that are missing from the official implementation.
WWHUD Custom read animation, support custom pictures, GIF animation.
StackdriverLogging Swift (apple/swift-log) LogHandler for logging JSON to GCP Stackdriver
SwiftyGPIO A Swift library for hardware projects on Linux/ARM boards with support for GPIOs/SPI/I2C/PWM/UART/1Wire.
DateGrid A customizable swiftui calendar
IntegirtySwift An unified product for check many topics about integrity & security.
XCTAssertCrash Asserts that an expression crashes by using Mach Exception Handler or POSIX Signal Handler.
officectl Tool to manage the directories from multiple sources (LDAP, Google, etc.) from the command line
MessagePackReferenceImplementation A Swift reference implementation of the MessagePack specification.
shell-kit Shell is a simple package that gives you the ability to call shell commands through Swift.
CoreResolve A framework supporting the development of cross-Apple-platform apps using Swift
fluent-mongo-driver MongoDB support for Fluent built on MongoKittten.
GLibObject A wrapper around gobject-2.x for the Swift Package Manager
JSONDump Dump any value as JSON for debugging
CombineCoreBluetooth A wrapper API for CoreBluetooth using Combine Publishers
lexicon-gen CLI tool written in Swift to generate Swift codes from AT Proto's Lexicon files.
webber-tools 🍴Shared webber tools for other packages e.g. x-livepreview
SaasTemplate A starter template for your SAAS backend using Swift and Vapor
BraintreeDropIn Braintree Drop-in for iOS
DictionaryEncoder Swift Dictionary Encoder, based off the JSON Encoder in Foundation
mailcore2 MailCore 2 provide a simple and asynchronous API to work with e-mail protocols IMAP, POP and SMTP. The API has been redesigned from ground up.
RxCombine Bi-directional type bridging between RxSwift and Apple's Combine framework
SlidingTabView A SwiftUI Sliding Tab library
SFIcons SF Symbols in a easy to use form
TagCommander SDK V5
ZeroMQ A ZeroMQ library created by our folks from Zewo. The original ->
ChangelogKit A Swift package designed to easily show the new features of your app.
Commercetools The e-commerce iOS SDK from commercetools.
Rations A rational number type for Swift.
SwiftPowerStorage Core of SimplyLogger product
Benchmark A swift library to benchmark code snippets.
ProgressHUD ProgressHUD is a lightweight and easy-to-use HUD for iOS. Over 5000+ animations. ‼️
coreml-stable-diffusion-swift Swift CoreML stable diffusion image generation with example in SwiftUI macos ios
SwiftOracle OCILIB wrapper for Swift, linux compatible
TOMLKit A small, simple TOML parser and serializer for Swift. Powered by toml++.
CollectionAndTableViewUpdateConveniences A group of conveniences for UITableView and UICollectionView to allow easier updates in coordination with NSFetchedResultsController
PostgresClientKit A PostgreSQL client library for Swift. Does not require libpq.
LLVM A Swift wrapper for the LLVM C API (version 11.0)
HeadingIndicator SwiftUI view that points towards a specific coordinate
DangerSwiftCoverage Show the coverage of the modified/created files on your PRs.
SafariActivity A UIActivity subclass that opens URLs in Safari
AsyncExtensions 🚰 Async versions of Swift’s map and flatMap APIs on Optional
swift-sls-adapter Swift serverless.yml adapter. Read and Write a Serverless Framework configuration in Swift.
pseudolocalize A simple Swift utility for producing pseudolocalized strings.
SwiftUIPolygonGeofence Draw a geofence similar to how you would use the photoshop pen tool.
SwiftyKeychain Accessing Keychain in Swift for my projects
SwiftyImageIO A swift wrapper around ImageIO framework
Nimble A Matcher Framework for Swift and Objective-C
SwiftSignatureView A lightweight, fast and customizable option for capturing fluid, variable-stroke-width signatures within your app.
PreferencesSpellBook Swift Package to provide standard Preference window functionality for Macintosh App Development (Cocoa).
SwiftyFitsize 📱 Swifty screen adaptation solution (Support Objective-C and Swift)
NumberTicker Robinhood-like Rotating Number View | SwiftUI
RedisClient Redis client generic abstraction module for reswifq.
SwiftSMTP Swift SMTP client
BitcodeFormat LLVM Bitcode File Reader in Swift
swift-commands Swift utilities for running commands.
SwiftPublicSuffixList Public Suffix List domain name checker in Swift
ISO8601DurationFormatter A formatter for converting ISO8601 durations to DateComponents.
gysb Generate your swifty boilerplate
XAttr Extended Attribute handlers for URL and FileHandle objects, for iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS. Written in Swift!
Karte 🗺 Conveniently launch directions in other iOS apps
Swiftish A fully generic Swift vector & matrix library
swift-argument-parser Straightforward, type-safe argument parsing for Swift. Renamed to avoid dependency conflicts.
swift-property-name Swift Macro for automatically generating methods to retrieve property names as strings in a type-safe manner.
faiss-mobile FAISS and OpenMP library compiled for iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS
PixelColor 🎨. Pixel color extension with Swift and SwiftUI.
BinaryCodable A binary encoder for Swift Codable types
Stitch A lightweight, SwiftUI inspired dependency injection (DI) library that is compile time safe without the need for codegen tooling.
ReactiveEmitter Lightweight observable in Swift seen from EventEmitter in JavaScript.
Changelly Changelly API client written in Swift
Path.swift Delightful, robust, cross-platform and chainable file-pathing functions.
Deviice Swift library to easily check the current device and some more info about it.
SwiftFormat A command-line tool and Xcode Extension for formatting Swift code
CoinSwitch CoinSwitch API client written in Swift
XCTRuntimeAssertions XCTest extensions to test runtime assertions and preconditions
QRCodeReader Simple QRCode reader in Swift
ICMPPing Send ICMP Ping requests in Swift!
ECScrollView A SwiftUI ScrollView supporting offset & deceleration callbacks
OracleDriver Pure Swift Oracle client
ParkKit 🚘 ParkAPI wrapper
MaskedFormatter Create fully customizable masks for texts.
libssh2 the SSH library
FakeBundle 🗄 Use Resources in your Swift Package Manager executable
SCNLine Draw a tube or thick line in SceneKit
Mortar A compact but full-featured Auto Layout DSL for Swift
DevicePpi Gets the PPI resolution of the iOS device
SlackKit Build Slack apps, in Swift
NorthwindManagedModels The Northwind Database for Core Data w/ ManagedModels
DesignReviewer An in-app alternative to Xcode view debugging.
ComScore Distribution of Comscore library for Audience measurement on iOS, iPadOS and tvOS through Swift Package Manager
xcbox Create temporary sandbox xcode project quickly.
DotWriter Graphviz .dot file writer in Swift
VaccineDataReader HTML Scrapping for obtain vaccine info
Bitrise An easy to use command-line tool for interacting with the Bitrise API
XPKit XP Library for Swift
universal Tiny zero-dependency cross-platform Swift parsers for JSON, XML, and YAML incl. in-memory interchange formats and Either type
Ward A Swift micro-framework to clean up memory management syntax. Featured in SwiftWeekly!
BubbleTransition A custom modal transition that presents and dismiss a controller with an expanding bubble effect.
SwiftRandom A tiny generator of random data for swift
lefthook Fast and powerful Git hooks manager for any type of projects.
SwiftyMarkdown Converts Markdown files and strings into NSAttributedStrings with lots of customisation options.
Reswifq Simple, reliable, background processing for Swift
swift-http An awesome Swift HTTP library to rapidly create communication layers with API endpoints.
SwiftWinMD Windows Metadata Parser in Swift
NorthwindSwiftData The Northwind Database for SwiftData
Reactor The most advanced state management framework for SwiftUI.
Tips A simple parser from John Sundell's tips and tricks
CRDT Conflict-free Replicated Data Types in Swift
SideMenu This repository shows Side Menu written with SwiftUI
Feedbacks Feedbacks is a tool to build feedback loops within a Swift based application. Feedbacks relies on Combine and is compatible with SwiftUI and UIKit
SwiftAnnouncements Thread-safe and block-based alternative to NSNotifications
CustomFont Convenient work with custom fonts in SwiftUI
StringLocationConverter Converts String index values into their corresponding line & column numbers
RxFeedback The universal system operator and architecture for RxSwift
KVVlive KVV live API bindings written in Swift.
ScClient Native iOS/macOS client written in swift 4/swift 5
KeyboardShortcuts ⌨️ Add user-customizable global keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys) to your macOS app in minutes
Composed A Swift framework for composing data.
Disk Delightful framework for iOS to easily persist structs, images, and data
ShGit Git wrapper for Swift, built with
BigUIUserPreferences A strongly typed SwiftUI wrapper for UserDefaults
SquirrelToolBox Toolbox for Squirrel framework
ContentfulPersistence Simplified persistence for the Contentful Swift Library.
GeoJSON 🌍 Swift types for working with GeoJSON data
RiskifiedBeacon Riskified iOS SDK
XCFrameworkBuild A script program that helps you build XCFramework quickly, and supports conversion of .framework and .a before .xcframework.
Checkout3DSPackages 3D Secure SDK for iOS
Amber An Apple Music API client written in Swift.
SwiftConfettiView Swift Confetti View ! Who doesn't like confetti? 🎉🎉
Calatrava 基于 Pjango 的开源博客。
Sica :deer: Simple Interface Core Animation. Run type-safe animation sequencially or parallelly
Predicate Treat predicates abstractly.
IndexStore Swift library providing a query-based approach for searching for and working with Apple's indexstore-db library
DiffableTextViews As-you-type formatting in SwiftUI
Tablier A micro-framework for Table Driven Tests.
WebBrowser Small Swift Library for opening URLs in default browser
DiffedAssertEqual Assert equality in tests. Get a textual diff for inequality
StorifyMeSnaps Repository holding Swift package for StorifyMe Snaps SDK.
ParserCombinators A parser-combinator library for Swift
StatusBarStyling StatusBarStyling is an iOS library that makes it easy to style the status bar on SwiftUI views.
SwiftScraper Web scraping library for Swift
ZippyJSONCFamily C Family dependencies for ZippyJSON - Do not use directly!
SchemeGeneratorPlugin SPM Plugin that generate Schemes for the selected modules
swift-openapi-compute swift-openapi-compute
User_Agent_iOS Easy to create the User Agent in your device
Bazooka 🔥 Simple networking in Swift
RootCAChallengeResolver A package to support use of URLSession to make SSL request where the service utilizes a self-signed certificate. Using RootCAChallengeResolver encourages less pervasive disabling ATS
TimeZones Strong typed, autocompleted time zones with locations for Swift.
SideMenu An interactive iOS side menu with rich features.
BranchSDK Branch iOS SDK Swift Package Manager distribution
swift-prelude 🎶 A collection of types and functions that enhance the Swift language.
ZipPinch Remote access to files inside a ZIP file for macOS, iOS and watchOS.
SwiftCollections Native Swift Collections
swift-nio-ssh A fork of Apple's NIOSSH, to be archived once Apple reviews and merges 2 year old PRs.
NetworkRequest Swift networking library for easily defining, executing, and mocking network requests
KDCircularProgress A circular progress view with gradients written in Swift
Harvester A Swift interface to the Harvest time tracking API
Cosmic A log reporting framework written in Swift
MHHalfSheet An easy to use ViewModifier for presenting and dismissing a half sheet modal.
vipergen A VIPER module generation tool written in Swift
SwiftUIPolygonGeofence Draw a geofence similar to how you would use the photoshop pen tool.
Predicate A small addition to Swift adding predicate matchers for filtering operators using KeyPaths, it just feels natural™
Mockingbird A Swifty mocking framework for Swift and Objective-C.
swift-nio-irc-eliza A cheap and scalable therapist for SwiftNIO-IRC
SpeziContact Spezi module to display contact information
cariocamenu The fastest zero-tap iOS menu.
Trampoline Trampolining in Swift
TLDExtract Swift package to extract top level domain (TLD) second level domain, subdomain and root domain
Macro An unopinionated SwiftNIO based asynchronous I/O framework, Node.js like.
NeumorphismUI NeumorphismUI is a library that can be used with SwiftUI. Compatible with Swift Package Manager.
DataConvertible Swift code to convert any type to Data and initialise any type from Data
BasicServiceLocator Very BasicServiceLocator for Swift
AsyncOperationResult Asynchronous Operations Results in Swift
Pulse Network Logger for Apple platforms
HypertextLiteral Generate HTML, XML, and other web content using Swift string literal interpolation
swift-fakes Test Doubles for Swift
Wave Wave is a spring-based animation engine for iOS and macOS that makes it easy to create fluid, interruptible animations that feel great.
NavigationSearchBarModifier A clean way to attach a search bar with a scope bar in SwiftUI.
RedditMarkdownView A SwiftUI library to parse and display Reddit's flavour of Snudown (markdown) with automatic subreddit links, tables, spoilers and more
Fluxor Unidirectional Data Flow in Swift 🚀 based on Combine 🚜
SnapshotTestingStitch Combine SnapshotTesting images into a single asset
ViewOnTouch iOS SwiftUI catch touches
Result Swift type modelling the success/failure of arbitrary operations.
SCNViewController The Missing SCNViewController Class (a Swift µ-library)
PasswordRules A Swift library for defining strong password generation rules
GoogleTokenProvider Google token provider for SwiftConnection
BatteryView Simple battery shaped UIView
ios-sdk-releases-bitcode Voximplant iOS SDK Bitcode Releases for Swift Package Manager
Tokamak Development fork of
SwiftLinkPreview It makes a preview from an URL, grabbing all the information such as title, relevant texts and images.
HSHelpers A collection of extensions, protocols, types and views that I use in almost every project
LoggingGitHubActions GitHub Actions workflow logging for Swift
ApplicationRouter Modern library for routing in iOS application
PythonKit Swift framework to interact with Python.
SwiftUIGraphPlotLibrary Graph Plot library build with SwiftUI
swift-tagged 🏷 A wrapper type for safer, expressive code.
GCOverseer Observe and manage game controllers using Combine 🎮
HSObserver Better Notifications for Swift.
SimilaritySearchKit 🔎 SimilaritySearchKit is a Swift package providing on-device text embeddings and semantic search functionality for iOS and macOS applications.
Charts Beautiful charts for iOS/tvOS/OSX! The Apple side of the crossplatform MPAndroidChart.
Promis The easiest Future and Promises framework in Swift. No magic. No boilerplate.
Guaka The smartest and most beautiful (POSIX compliant) Command line framework for Swift 🤖
Tribool Tribool Type with Obj-C Bridging (a Swift µ-Library)
ObjectiveLibModbus Objective-C wrapper for the libmodbus library (
VaporSMTPKit SMTP support in Vapor 4
NSAsyncCachedImage Lightweight way to load and cache images asynchronously in SwiftUI views
CardStack A SwiftUI view that arranges its children in a whimsical interactive deck of cards, as seen in Big News
Magnetic SpriteKit Floating Bubble Picker (inspired by Apple Music) 🧲
FanMenu Menu with a circular layout based on Macaw
swift-spyable Swift macro that simplifies and automates the process of creating spies for testing
AppStoreConnect 🍎 Interact with AppStoreConnect
SwiftIdentifier A lightweight library that helps to define ID types.
Merge An extension to Combine.
JSONValue Simple Swift JSON representation supporting subscripting and pattern matching.
SwiftySandboxFileAccess A class that wraps up writing and accessing files outside a Mac apps App Sandbox files into a simple interface. The class will request permission from the user with a simple to understand dialog consistent with Apple's documentation and persist permissions across application runs.
Errands µ-library for quick and simple running sequential asynchronous tasks
SimpleHTTP Lightweight HTTP framework adding functionalites to URLSession.
PListKit Swift library for easily reading/writing plist (Property List) files.
SmokeAWSGenerate Code generator to generate the SmokeAWS library from service models.
fluent-postgres-driver 🐘 PostgreSQL driver for Fluent.
twitter-text Swift implementation of twitter-text library
SwiftBeanCountTangerineMapper Library to map downloaded data from Tangerine into Beancount format
FlexibleInputStackBar Easiest input bar above the keyboard.
CheckmarkCollectionViewCell UICollectionViewCell with checkbox when it isSelected and empty circle when not - like "Select" mode.
Delaunay Delaunay, CDT and Conforming triangulation
swift-figlet Example package to be used as part of Swift's getting started guides
DebouncedOnChange SwiftUI onChange View extension with debounce time
SwiftUIExtensions Provides extensions and utilities for SwiftUI
HPLayout A simple layout DSL to make your Autolayout life a little easier
TemplateKit 📄 Easy-to-use foundation for building powerful templating languages in Swift.
swift-package-directory Swift Package Directory - Website & Serverless Swift Code
swift-template A template based module generator for Swift projects.
HTTPParserC HTTP message parser written in C
RoughSwift 🎃 Create hand-drawn, sketchy, comic shape in Swift
HistogramView A SwiftUI view for displaying image histograms
SwiftDatePicker swift砖块系列:日期滚轮,可直接添加view,也可弹窗
SwiftAPIClient Simple, flexible, generic and easy to use HTTP API Client written in Swift
RealmSwift XCFramework version of RealmSwift (
ContactsChangeNotifier Which contacts changed outside your iOS app? Better CNContactStoreDidChange notification: Get real changes, without the noise.
CellKit Table View and Collection View data source wrapper
Pushover 📌 Pushover API Wrapper in Swift
SemiSingleton Simple thread-safe uniquing of objects
parsel Create complex parsers by combining simple ones with Parsel!
NavigationSplitTab How navigation should be
PopOverMenu PopOverMenu is a PopOver style menu.
SPMVim SwiftPackageManager.vim makes using Swift with Vim awesome.
FregaderoDeCocina This is a kitchen sink repository of swift utilities.
MimeCam Live streaming SDK for macOS, iOS and later tvOS.
CodeEditSourceEditor A code editor view written in Swift powered by tree-sitter.
Guava A Swift test double library. Guava - looks like an apple but it's not.
JSONRPCKit A type-safe JSON-RPC 2.0 library purely written in Swift
vapor-spec Unit testing Vapor applications through declarative specifications.
Ansi2Html A Swift library to convert text with ANSI escape codes to HTML
Heimdallr.swift Easy to use OAuth 2 library for iOS, written in Swift.
MockImagePicker Mock UIImagePickerController for testing camera based UI in simulator
tigase-logging.swift (M) Tigase Logging for Swift
Hover Async network layer with Combine
AlmostForceUnwrap Throwing force unwrap operator for Swift
TemplatePackage A Template Repository for a Swift Package-based Stanford Byers Center for Biodesign Digital Health Project
EverscaleClientSwift Swift Binding for Everscale, Venom SDK. Library for interacting with Everscale, Venom blockchain.
SwiftNRC Swift Objects without Reference Counting
OpenLocationCode Swift implementation of Open Location Code (Plus Codes). Supports Swift and Objective-C for iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS, and Swift for Linux.
Rocket Define your release steps 🚀
DependencyKit DependencyKit is a typesafe, simple, dependency injection library for Swift.
Restructure A Swift-based wrapper around SQLite.
SweeterSwift Extensions and syntactic sugar to enrich the Swift standard library, iOS frameworks, and SwifterSwift.
jwt-kit 🔑 JSON Web Token (JWT) signing and verification (HMAC, ECDSA, EdDSA, RSA, PSS) with support for JWS and JWK
NBAColors The colors and logos of every NBA team.
Qlift Swift library to use Qt
BeautyChart Charting library
Atk A Swift wrapper around atk-1.x that is largely auto-generated from gobject-introspection
WikiTranslate 📖 Use Wikipedia as a dictionary
ActivityContentSDK The Activity Content SDK is a Swift Package that supports converting DSNP Activity Content data to and from JSON.
Contentful A delightful Swift interface to Contentful's content delivery API.
SpeechManager SpeechManager is a simple utility for adding text-to-speech to your app quickly and easily.
Mint A package manager that installs and runs executable Swift packages
MultiSelectSegmentedControl UISegmentedControl remake that supports selecting multiple segments, vertical stacking, combining text and images.
FuturedKit SwiftUI state management tools, resources and views used by Futured.
StreamDeck A library for creating Stream Deck plugins in Swift.
SeeURL cURL based HTTP(S) Client for Swift
CertificateSigningRequest Generate a certificate signing request (CSR) programmatically on iOS/macOS/watchOS/tvOS devices
Satin A 3D Graphics Framework built on Apple's Metal
ReactiveSwift Our fork of ReactiveSwift that fixes SPM compatibility by removing testing libraries.
WWKeychain Use the "property wrapper" to make an enhanced version of Keychain, so that Keychain can be as convenient as UserDefaults.
Navigattie Easy navigation with SwiftUI
Bootstring An implementation of Bootstring in Swift.
LazyPager A SwiftUI, lazy loaded, paging, panning, and zooming view for images and more
BonaFideCharacterSet Bona fide character set.
KeychainSwift Helper functions for saving text in Keychain securely for iOS, OS X, tvOS and watchOS.
JSONSafeEncoder Encode JSON in a safer way for Swift.
SwiftletRadioButtonPicker Creates a cross-platform Radio Button Picker that allow the user to select from a small group of options.
TheMovieDatabaseSwiftWrapper Swift wrapper for api v3
TinyNetworking Tiny Networking Library
MarkWalkthrough A SwiftUI package to quickly build app walkthroughs
stack-navigation Navigation library for UIKit and SwiftUI that operates based on Path state.
PackAPrefPane Reusable & customizable SwiftUI settings sheet as a Swift package
AsyncHTTP Swift networking with async/await
CancelableCircularProgressView SwiftUI view displaying a circular progress with an integrated cancel functionality.
MockDuck A network mocking layer for iOS, tvOS, and macOS
JKDrawer A Maps like drawer for iOS.
SwiftRX Redux pattern in SwiftUI
ObjectBox Swift database - fast, simple and lightweight (iOS, macOS)
AlertKit Native alert from Apple Music & Feedback. Contains Done, Heart & Message and other presets.
Authorized Swift implementation of the Authorization Services framework
Resty A package for making expressive, intuitive REST calls in Swift.
Spin.Swift Spin aims to provide a versatile Feedback Loop implementation working with the three main reactive frameworks available in the Swift community (RxSwift, ReactiveSwift and Combine)
OpenMeteoApi Free Weather Forecast API for non-commercial use
GIO A wrapper around gio-2.x for the Swift Package Manager
azure-functions-swift Azure Functions in Swift! Purely in Swift!
DoNotDisturbPlugin A plugin for your Xcode project that stops you from working outside work hours
SwiftRLP Recursive Length Prefix encoding written in Swift
MultiToggleButton Multiple state tap-to-toggle UIButton (like old camera flash button)
SwiftletUtilities Open source library of useful common utilities for working with Swift & SwiftUI
Venice Coroutines, structured concurrency and CSP for Swift on macOS and Linux.
ISO8859 🌍⏩📄 Convert ISO8859 1-16 Encoded Text to String in Swift. Supports iOS, tvOS, watchOS and macOS.
SwiftUIModal A sliding sheet from the bottom of the screen that uses UIKit to present true modal view, but the whole animation and UI is driven by the SwiftUI.
FINporter Data transformation tool for investing data
Xcoder Command line tool for manipulating Xcode projects
SoundManager A simple framework to load and play sounds in your app.
OLEKit Swift support for Microsoft OLE2 (also known as Structured Storage or Compound File Binary Format)
SwiftUINavigationHeader Easy navigation bar header with parallax scrolling in SwiftUI
Aiger A lightweight, swifty (and incomplete) wrapper around the AIGER library
GitHubKit GitHub API client written in Swift with the help of Apple NIO
CLFormat Implementation of Common Lisp's `format` procedure from scratch in Swift 5 as a more powerful and complete replacement of `printf`.
RadioGroup The missing iOS radio buttons group.
SwiftSDL2 A Swift wrapper for the SDL2 API
CommandLineKit Framework supporting the development of command-line tools in Swift on macOS and Linux. The framework supports managing command-line arguments, provides lightweight functions to deal with escape sequences, and defines an API for reading strings from the terminal.
Moya-ModelMapper ModelMapper bindings for Moya.
HolidayJp :crossed_flags: Japanese holiday for Swift
replicate-kit-swift It's a swift layer between Replicate API and your swiftui application. Replicate toolkit for running text-to-image model, stable difusion model, ML makeovers, super resolution, diffusion api library for swift, client for using diffusion in real-time applications Integration example
SwipeableTabBarController UITabBarController with swipe interaction between its tabs.
analytics-connector-ios Analytics connector library for seamless integration between Amplitude Analytics and Experiment SDKs
index.php Alas, GitHub does not run on WordPress. Yet.
soto-ecs Standalone Repository of AWS ECS Client from soto-project/soto
UIExtensions Convenience extensions to UIKit and Foundation classes.
PagingKit PagingKit provides customizable menu UI. It has more flexible layout and design than the other libraries.
Baggins 🎒 My personal bag of holding for Swift extensions.
Systemator System information and monitoring for local and remote mac/ubuntu servers
LocationFormatter Formatters for coordinates
SwiftUIBackports A collection of SwiftUI backports for iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS
LibXMTP Swift package wrapping libxmtp
SwiftWebUI A demo implementation of SwiftUI for the Web
StepProgressView Step-by-step progress view with labels and shapes. A good replacement for UIActivityIndicatorView and UIProgressView.
SwiftPCAP Packet capture for Swift
MacroLambda AWS Lambda API Gateway Support for Macro and MacroExpress (and all things built on-top)
PopoverPresenter Demo SwiftUI-project with custom alerts/popovers
iosMath Beautiful math equation rendering on iOS and MacOS
CDCScanner CDCScanner is plastic money aka credit/debit card scanner library which uses in device capabilities to extract card information like card number , card type , expiry date.
XcodeTools Tool to manage Xcode project versions.
UIPiPView This library is a UIView that is capable of Picture-in-Picture (PiP) in iOS.
TaskKit Swift replacement for Operation and OperationQueue
SwiftModifiedDietz A tool for calculating portfolio performance using the Modified Dietz method
Shapes Different shapes on pure SwiftUI
ClassyFlux Simple yet fully-featured Flux pattern implemented in Swift
HyphenationPublishPlugin A Publish plugin to hyphenate text
SwiftNiceScale Generate 'nice' numbers for label ticks over a range, such as for y-axis on a chart
MFEncoder MFEncoder Swift Package
Sourceful A syntax highlighting source editor for iOS and macOS using UITextView and NSTextView.
DockerProcess Use of Process (formerly NSTask) with Docker to run Swift code on Linux from Xcode
AppAuth iOS and macOS SDK for communicating with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect providers.
UIKitPlus 🏰 Declarative UIKit with LivePreview for iOS9+ (best alternative to SwiftUI)
ProcessRunner Run Foundation Process asynchronously and perform easy reads and writes in closures.
Kinvey SDK for native macOS, iOS, tvOS, or watchOS applications
DoWhileDo do-while-do & do-until-do Loops (a Swift µ-Library)
KAPinField Lightweight, highly customizable Pin Code Field library for iOS, written in Swift
functions-swift Swift Client library to interact with Supabase Functions.
SemanticVersioningKit Small library to create and parse Semantic Versioning conforming representations.
api-client Easy HTTP Client for Swift
ConsulSwift Consul Client for Swift
jira-swift Jira Client for Swift
SQLiteExpress SQLiteExpress is a small Swift 5 library implementing a wrapper for the C API of SQLite3 on macOS and iOS.
GeometryHelpers iOS CGSize, CGPoint, CGRect, CGFloat helpers
AWSAppSync iOS SDK for AWS AppSync.
AnsiStyle Simple Swift package to style terminal output
FlowGraph Simple State Machine for Swift
Mustache 🚫 This project is no longer maintained. Flexible Mustache templates for Swift
XCLint Xcode project linting
UserDefaultsStore Why not use UserDefaults to store Codable objects 😉
MathJaxSwift Converts and renders math expressions in Swift using MathJax and the JavaScriptCore framework.
Kinzoku Cross platform graphics in Swift using WGSL. An implementation of wgpu-native
Violet Python VM written in Swift
Quack Easy HTTP Client without HTTP hassle (DEPRECATED)
Disque 📮 Non-blocking, event-driven Swift client for Disque, a distributed job queue.
Perfect-FCM-Server Experimental Firebase Cloud Messaging Server in Server Side Swift
Cgd A small Swift package exposing libgd to Swift.
SwiftLibXML A simple object-oriented Swift API around libxml2
AMKit A set of utilities based on Vapor, by a Vapor contributor
DTOMacro A Swift Macro that generate DTO object.
SkyFloatingLabelTextField A beautiful and flexible text field control implementation of "Float Label Pattern". Written in Swift.
Snap A customizable Snapping Drawer à la Apple Maps.

 100% in SwiftUI.
FTTestingKit Mockups and async extension to XCTestCase
LazyViewSwiftUI Lazy load a SwiftUI view to fix a problem with NavigationLink
XcodeHelperCliKit CLI tools to help in the process of building cross-platform swift through Xcode
SwiftSeriesResampler Transform a series of coordinate values into a new series with uniform intervals
ContainerController 👉↕️📱ContainerController 🧩✨⚙️ is a UI Component Swipe-Panel (Customizable). 💡 The idea is copied from the app: Apple Maps, Stocks. Swift version
FISPT_KIT Custom Tunnel Kit for OpenVPN in iOS customize by ParkJongHa
xlibc swift libc
lns Because no one can remember how to use `ln -s` when it really matters
URITemplate Swift implementation of URI Template (RFC6570)
FuzzCheck Swift package fuzzing engine
PrettyCards Powerful view allowing to create views like iOS 11 AppStore cards or buttons
FirebladeECS A dependency free, lightweight, fast Entity-Component System (ECS) implementation in Swift
CRuby Swift system module for libruby
PacketCaptureLibpcap A high-level Swift interface for capturing network traffic using libpcap
Helpers Some helpful utilities when developing apps in SwiftUI.
GoTrue A Swift client library for GoTrue.
SteamPress A Blogging Engine and Platform written in Swift for use with the Vapor Framework
RelayStore Pointfree's Composable Architecture Relay
Media A beautiful and declarative cross-platform wrapper API for Apple's PhotoKit
Ospuze "Pop. Pour. Perform." | a Swift Package for THE FINALS
Yorkie Yorkie iOS SDK
Uploadcare Swift API client for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS, and Linux handles uploads and further operations with files by wrapping Uploadcare Upload and REST APIs.
swift-standard-clients Client declarations and live implementations for standard iOS managers
CX11.swift Swift Package for X11
Acheron Aepryus Software's iOS Library
QXTCPServer a tcp server for vapor base on swift nio
adaptive-modal A presentation API library for constructing bottom sheet modals on iOS.
PostgREST Swift client for PostgREST
Sectioner Small extension on Collection that groups its elements.
core-video-tools A set of extensions and utilities to work with CoreVideo types.
SegmentedProgress Textual percentage bar progress segmented to specified intervals, useful for console progress output.
PermissionsSwiftUI A SwiftUI package to beautifully display and handle permissions.
pointfreeco 🎬 The source for, a video series on functional programming and the Swift programming language.
Realtime A Swift client for Supabase Realtime server.
SemanticImage A collection of easy-to-use image/video filter.
Avatars Generates urls for remote avatar images.
SimpleKeychain A simple Keychain wrapper for iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS
Libssh2Prebuild Libssh2 prebuilt binaries for Apple platforms.
Romanize Romanies Hangul using Revised Romanisation of Korean
swift-measures Swift package containing measurement types.
ColorizeSwift Terminal string styling for Swift.
sqids Official Swift port of Sqids. Generate short unique IDs from numbers.
UIComponents UIComponents is a Collection of SwiftUI View Components
DKGame Swift 3D Game Engine for Windows, macOS, iOS, Linux
AccessibilitySnapshot Easy regression testing for iOS accessibility
Dip Simple Swift Dependency container. Use protocols to resolve your dependencies and avoid singletons / sharedInstances!
Funky Swifty Functional Library
Kitura A Swift web framework and HTTP server.
SupabaseStorage Swift client library to interact with Supabase Storage
DangerXCodeSummary A Danger-Swift plugin that adds build errors, warnings and unit tests results generated from xcodebuild to your Danger report
Proton Purely native and extensible rich text editor for iOS and macOS Catalyst apps
Lynx The OpenKitten HTTP Framework
CaseAccessors Swift Macros for convenient access to enum case associated values
swiftui-hosting a patched hosting view
swift-numeric-protocols Swift package decomposing numeric protocols.
CSErrors A set of additions to Swift's default error types which provide some handy features. Does not require Foundation.
Echo A complete reflection library for Swift
llmfarm_core Swift library to work with llama and other large language models.
Notus Notus for Swift
AttributedStringTag 🖍 Small framework for easily applying attributes to NSAttributedString
EasyInject A lightweight composition and dependency injection framework for Swift.
Squirrel3 Swift language wrapper around the Squirrel3 hash/noise function from Squirrel Eiserloh
SwiftPlot Swift library for Data Visualization :bar_chart:
Parallel Some primitives for concurrent processing
XCLogParser Tool to parse Xcode and xcodebuild logs stored in the xcactivitylog format
EasierCGRect Making CGRect play nice with data storage and calculations is annoying. Easier CGRect is a straightforward Swift extension that adds critically missing / boilerplate functionality to CGRect..
Primer Assign/Partial/ReadOnly/Proxy/Locks in Swift
GracefulNetworking HTTP Networking in Swift.
CucumberSwiftExpressions A library for parsing Cucumber expressions written in Swift
ParameterizedTesting A Swift library for generating and running parameterized run-time tests
intech-consulting-kit Swift Extnsions
ShellInterface A shell interface built as a thin abstraction layer over Foundation's Process
RijndaelSwift A simple Rijndael implementation in Swift
StableCollectionViewLayout UICollectionViewLayout adjusts a content offset if the collection view is updated
OpenFoundation The package provides CF-like macro for cross-platform SwiftPM C target.
Perfect-RequestLogger SPM module for request logging filters for the Perfect framework for server-side Swift
LocalizableUI This library was created to set the localized key of the UI elements directly in the interface builder of xcode. It supports all kind of UI elements for iOS and offers localized keys for all common text properties.
ResearchKit ResearchKit with Swift Package Manager (SPM), SwiftUi, C++ Interoperability, and visionOS support
Soft A Spotify Web API library built for Swift - including Linux support
YASU Yet Another Swift Utility (Package)
AxisRatingBar This library is a UI control for iOS and macOS developed with SwiftUI. You can display ratings along the horizontal/vertical axis and receive ratings from users. You can use any view that conforms to the View protocol, not just the star shape.
Parsley A Markdown parser for Swift, using Github Flavored Markdown and Metadata
fluent-postgis Swift PostGIS support for FluentPostgreSQL and Vapor
swift-syntax-extras swift-syntax extras for internal use.
remind Schedule a notification-center reminder from the command-line because sometime we just want to use tools already at hand to get on with the rest of our work.
fluent Vapor ORM (queries, models, and relations) for NoSQL and SQL databases
CLIFoundation A collection of helper methods and types to make creating CLI in Swift a breeze.
VonageClientSDKVideo OpenTok iOS SDK Swift Package Manager
Formula1API Swift Package for accessing Formula 1 data from the Ergast API
Swift-Mac-Utility Taking the Mac out of the General Utility and putting it in its own package
SwiftHelpers Use Swift to create some amazing things!
ListPagination Swift package providing extensions of RandomAccessCollection to support List pagination in SwiftUI
EventTracker Declarative tracking events for Swift
LeafErrorMiddleware Serve up custom 404 and server error pages for your Vapor App
Auburn An idiomatic Swift library for using Redis
RxGtk Reactive Swift extensions for gtk
Socket Socket framework for Swift using the Swift Package Manager. Works on iOS, macOS, and Linux.
FZUIKit Swift AppKit/UIKit extensions, classes and utilities
CodablePlus A collection of extensions around the Swift `Codable` implementation.
ws ⚠️ Deprecated - (in favour of Networking) :cloud: Elegantly connect to a JSON api. (Alamofire + Promises + JSON Parsing)
MDText SwiftUI markdown
hcaptcha-swift A lightweight, UI-free implementation of hCaptcha verification for use in server-side Swift applications.
SPPerspective Widgets iOS 14 animation with 3D and dynamic shadow. Customisable transform and duration.
Reachability A new, clean and lean network interface reachability library written in Swift.
MountebankSwift A Swift client library for the Mountebank - open source tool that provides test doubles over the wire. It provides the all api functionality to interact with a Mountebank instance running.
CLMDB Read-only mirror of official repo on Issues and pull requests here are ignored. Use OpenLDAP ITS for issues.
CodeQuickKit A Swift library simplifying some everyday tasks.
Blake2 An Objective-C wrapper for the Blake2 hashing algorithm
YComponentBrowser Easily extend any project to include an intelligent design component browser.
HotSwiftUI Utilities for Hot Reloading SwiftUI apps.
GATT Bluetooth Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) for Swift (Supports Linux)
TangerineDownloader Library to download transactions from Tangerine
TeslaSwift Swift library to access the Tesla API
Secp256k1Swift A well-tested and easy to use secp256k1 wrapper in Swift 5
ViewKit Swift Package to build UIKit in a functional manner
BDUIKnit A Swift Package Manager packed with SwiftUI custom reusable UI components and extensions.
CoordinatorPlus A protocol-oriented approach to the Coordinator app architecture pattern.
GeoProjector Native Swift library for drawing map projections
swift-nio-irc-client A Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol implementation for SwiftNIO
RVS_ParseXMLDuration A Smart parser for xs:duration
GCDWebServer The #1 HTTP server for iOS, macOS & tvOS (also includes web based uploader & WebDAV server)
StringTemplate Quickly and easily apply a template to a target string.
HorizonDefaults Automatically synchronize your app's User Defaults over iCloud.
CombineRextensions Useful extensions for using CombineRex in SwiftUI, such as bindings, Views and gestures
RedisProvider Adds Redis Cache to Vapor
VaporSecurityHeaders Harden Your Security Headers For Vapor
depermaid Effortlessly visualize dependencies in Swift projects. This tool generates Mermaid-format graphs, representing the architecture and connections between modules in your Swift package. Quickly understand your project's structure, dependencies, and gain valuable development insights.
InteropForGoogle Google-internal interfaces that allow Google SDKs to reliably interoperate with one another via weak dependencies.
ProtocolBuffers Google ProtocolBuffers for Apple Swift
SSLService SSL/TLS Add-in for BlueSocket using Secure Transport and OpenSSL
mqtt-nio A Swift NIO MQTT v3.1.1 and v5.0 Client
YPImagePicker 📸 Instagram-like image picker & filters for iOS
FakeUserAgent Up-to-date simple useragent faker with real world database in Swift.
StormGlass A Swift package for interacting with the Storm Glass API
Maker 🍰 A tiny syntactic sugar for Swift initializers. Only 15 lines of codes.
TextTable Swift package for easily rendering text tables. Inspired by the Python tabulate library.
Mixpanel Official iOS (Swift) Tracking Library for Mixpanel Analytics
M3UKit Modern framework for parsing m3u files
EthereumAddress Ethereum Address module in swift
SFSafeSymbols Safely access Apple's SF Symbols using static typing
IPData Swift library to gather information for an IP using
SwiftWidgets Flutter like widgets for SwiftUI
Regex Regular expressions for swift
RxProperty A get-only `BehaviorRelay ` that is (almost) equivalent to ReactiveSwift's `Property`
DebugReflect Debug dump support for Swift
cmark-gfm CommonMark parsing and rendering library and program in C
PasscodeKit PasscodeKit is a lightweight and easy-to-use, in-app Passcode implementation for iOS.
swift-cassandra-client Cassandra client in Swift
CredentialsDropbox Kitura Credentials framework OAuth2 token type authorization validation for Dropbox
swift-bases A collection of encoding and decoding algorithms for various common bases (2, 8, 10, 16, 32, 36, 58, 64)
FineJSON More useful JSONEncoder, Decoder
ServerCrypto Easy Cryptography for Server-Side Swift
SwiftGraphQLServer Vapor and Graphiti based GraphQLServer for Swift
HighlightJS-Swift Highlight.js CSS/JS resources packaged up as a Swift Package Manager Package
CommandShell Swift framework for building command line tools.
SwiftPhoenixClient Connect your Phoenix and iOS applications through WebSockets!
CryptomatorCryptoLib Swift library with cryptographic functions for accessing Cryptomator vaults
ApphudSDK Build, Measure and Grow iOS subscription business
TRETJapanNFCReader NFC (FeliCa) Reader for iOS 13 Core NFC / 日本の NFC、FeliCa カード向けリーダーライブラリ(iOS 13.0 以降 Core NFC)交通系IC(Suica、PASMO など)、楽天Edy、nanaco、WAON など、運転免許証、マイナンバーカードの読み取り
Radon A lightweight commandline tool to automatically generate strong-typed image references.
ObjectiveDropboxOfficial Official Objective-C SDK for the Dropbox API v2.
NMapsGeometry NAVER에서 SPM 지원 안 해줘서 내가 쓸려고 만든 패키지
SwiftXmlRpc An XML-RPC protocol implementation for Swift
w3w-swift-wrapper Swift library for what3words REST API.
CompositionalLayoutViewController Declaretive UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout interface to implement complex collection view layout.
MultilineTextField A lightweight SwiftUI wrapper for UITextView that makes it behave like a multiline TextField.
secp256k1 secp256k1 bindings for swift. Cocoapods, Carthage and SPM support. Linux support.
TabNavigable A useful protocol and its extension when you make custom TabBarViewController
Sparse Sparse is a simple parser-combinator library written in Swift.
KituraCache Kitura cache
DataImage SwiftUI view for drawing images from simple data
ISExtension Convenience written as a Swift Extension
KituraCompression Kitura compression middleware
BonMot Beautiful, easy attributed strings in Swift
SwiftDocC Documentation compiler that produces rich API reference documentation and interactive tutorials for your Swift framework or package.
FluentSeeder The easiest way to seed a database using Fluent.
FloatingBubbles Floating Views that floats inside a view similar to zero gravity
Magic A Swift alternative for Objective-C's DLog macro.
DynamicIslandUtilities A collection of utilities that provides functionality around the Dynamic Island on the iPhone 14 Pro/Max.
URLScission URLSession Log and Mock Framework
KituraCORS Kitura CORS middleware
LCARSDisplayKit A Swift library for developing personal iOS apps with an LCARS© interface.
Gifu High-performance animated GIF support for iOS in Swift
Nexus A watch connectivity wrapper
PacketCaptureBPF A high-level Swift interface to capturing network traffic on macOS using the Berkeley Packet Filter interface
ProfilePlaceholderView Add profile placeholder when there is no image 😎
GrammarKit GrammarKit is a framework that can tokenize, parse, and generate abstract syntax trees for any grammatical language, in particular programming languages but also written languages like English, Spanish, and even custom languages.
leaf-kit 🍃 An expressive, performant, and extensible templating language built for Swift.
Presentation Presentation is an iOS Swift library for working with UI presentations in a more structured way
CodableAlamofire An extension for Alamofire that converts JSON data into Decodable objects.
Glider ✈️ Universal Logging - low overheaded simple & flexible for Swift (iOS, macOS, tvOS)
RAMReel :octocat: 🔍 RAMReel is a UI controller that allows you to choose options from a list. Swift UI library made by @Ramotion
PacketStream A high-level multi-platform Swift interface for capturing network traffic
ProgressReporter Coordinate multiple objects on the progress of a single, complex task. It's like someone gave NSProgress a cup of coffee and an overdue birthday present.
Dots Lightweight Concurrent Networking Framework
swift-prelude 🎶 A collection of types and functions that enhance the Swift language.
Snail An observables framework for Swift
M13Checkbox A customizeable checkbox for iOS
Kitura-Credentials A pluggable framework for validating user credentials in a Swift server using Kitura
SignalRClient Swift SignalR Client for Asp.Net Core SignalR server
swift-package-registry A Swift Package Registry
Kiwi Simple BDD for iOS
Google Use Google APIs via REST in Swift.
With with(…) { … } Statement (a Swift µ-Library)
Kitura-CredentialsFacebook A plugin for the Kitura-Credentials framework that authenticates using the Facebook web login
LocalizeXib Easy XIB and Storyboard localization. Reference translations directly from Interface Builder and resolve them at build time.
Kitura-CredentialsGitHub A plugin for the Kitura-Credentials framework that authenticates using the GitHub web login
XcodeEditor An API for manipulating Xcode project files.
combine-interception Package extending Apple' `Combine` framework for interception of objc selectors.
auth-scope A swift library to deal with authentication scopes
OctoKit A Swift API Client for GitHub and GitHub Enterprise
redis Vapor provider for RediStack
cmark CommonMark parsing and rendering library and program in C
PackageListValidator A tool for validating the SwiftPM Library/Swift Package Index master package list.
WHPlayingCardKit Swift package
XTerraPacket Terraria Packet Library in Swift
LocaleSupport Swift references and extensions for app localization & internationalization.
RemoteImage A drop-in alternative to SwiftUI's AsyncImage, with support for custom URLSessions, caching, and animated phase changes.
EasyNodeEditor Developer-Friendly SwiftUI Node Editor
Commander 🚀The framework to write type-safe and structured command line program easily in Swift.
Operadics Standard Operators for the working Swift Librarian.
mlx-swift Swift API for MLX
DIFlowLayout A SwiftUI Layout where subviews are arranged horizontally and wrapped vertically.
ISPageControl A page control similar to that used in Instagram
Networking ⚡️ Concise networking code leveraging async-await, Decodable & Generics.
SQLeleCoder Serialize/deserialize Codable types into SQLite tables or parameters.
MiseEnPlace A Framework for converting and interpreting common measurements used in cooking.
jwt Vapor JWT provider
OSLogging swift-log + os.log
NetworkInterfaceInfo Lightweight, efficient way to list network interfaces in Swift (i.e. getifaddrs).
CoreGPX A library for parsing and creation of GPX location files. Purely Swift.
PublishedObject A property wrapper that forwards the objectWillChange of the wrapped ObservableObject to the enclosing ObservableObject's objectWillChange.
Segmentio Animated top/bottom segmented control written in Swift.
Pigeon Async state management for SwiftUI (and UIKit) 🐦
SwiftPowerAssert Power Assert in Swift.
Requests Sugar for your HTTP requests
EasyMetalShader Metal Shader! Easy!
PerfectSQLite A stand-alone Swift wrapper around the SQLite 3 client library.
Kitura-CredentialsGoogle A plugin for the Kitura-Credentials framework that authenticates using the Google web login
swift-log-sentry Sentry logging backend for SwiftLog
SwifterSwift A handy collection of more than 500 native Swift extensions to boost your productivity.
Releases A Swift package for resolving released versions from a Git repository
LASwift Linear Algebra library for Swift language
Helper4Swift Helpful extensions and methods to short your coding time.
Zewo Lightweight library for web server applications in Swift on macOS and Linux powered by coroutines.
Daily The Swift Package for the Daily Client on iOS
NetworkScanner Scan a specific network or the local networks for hosts which satisfy an arbitrary condition.
Holmes `Serialize` and `Deserialize` protocols for Sherlock
ConventionalCommitsKit A small library to create and parse Conventional Commit conforming representations.
WebSocketActors A client/server actor system for Swift distributed actors
GeoTrackKit A Cocoapod for Geo Tracking.
swift-ast A Swift AST parser and visitor that is written in Swift.
SessionPlus A swift request & response framework for JSON apis.
FBSnapshotTestCase Snapshot view unit tests for iOS
FlyoverKit 360° flyover on a MKMapView 🚁
RemoteContentView SwiftUI view that makes loading content easy
Kitura-CredentialsHTTP A plugin for the Kitura-Credentials framework that authenticates using HTTP Basic and Digest authentication
Collections Various Collections and Data Structures
NextGrowingTextView 📝 The next in the generations of 'growing textviews' optimized for iOS 8 and above.
MailKit A Swift framework for sending emails
GTMAppAuth Apple platforms SDK for using AppAuth with Google libraries.
KituraMarkdown Templating engine for Kitura that uses Markdown based templates
swift-mod A tool for Swift code modification intermediating between code generation and formatting.
SwiftUIExtras A couple of extra UI elements for SwiftUI
SwiftTestUtils Basic test utils to use across all swift projects.
swiftui-viewmodifierbuilder A result builder for ViewModifiers.
soto-ecr Standalone Repository of AWS ECR Client from soto-project/soto
Kitura-net Kitura networking
ProtocolKit A collection of Swift protocols that I use in all my projects
ScrollViewPlus A more pleasant NSScrollView experience
CommonCrypto Common crypto for Open source Swift on OS X.
ReactiveTask Flexible, stream-based abstraction for launching processes
REPL A simple CLT to prefix any command with a given one
Loadability Powerful, modern networking and caching with SwiftUI support
KituraOpenAPI OpenAPI support for Kitura
Swift2D Swift library for working in two-dimensional coordinate systems.
soto-iam Standalone Repository of AWS IAM Client from soto-project/soto
mysql-nio 🐬 Non-blocking, event-driven Swift client for MySQL.
Base62 A tiny package for Base62 encoding/decoding values.
SwiftRedis Swift Redis library
Kitura-Session-Redis Kitura-Session store using Redis as the backing store
SwiftColor A platform agnostic representation of Color.
CoreGraphicsKit Swift framework with Core Graphics extensions.
swift-speech-recognizer A straightforward Combine wrapper to provide Speech Recognition over SFSpeechRecognition
SGPKit A Swift package to compute satellite positions from two-line elements (TLE).
ImageX 👓 GIFs and images displayed. 动态图像滤镜播放图像框架。
SwiftSpeech A speech recognition framework designed for SwiftUI.
NumericText TextField replacement for SwiftUI that restricts input to numbers
ProcPeek 👀 Find out what TCP ports is opened by a process
soto-lambda Standalone Repository of AWS Lambda Client from soto-project/soto
SwiftyCreatives Creative coding framework for Swift. Built on Apple's Metal. Inspired by Processing. Supports visionOS.
SwiftDemangle SwiftDemangling for Swift, clone from apple/swift/lib/Demangling
Kitura-Session A pluggable framework for managing user sessions in a Swift server using Kitura
WelcomeKit This package is an extremely easy way to recreate the "Welcome" (or "What's New") screen that's native to Apple platforms.
TokenTextView A text view for creating tokenized text.
Animatable Yet another animation modifiers (like fireworks, live comments or explosion) on SwiftUI
KituraStencil Stencil templating for Kitura
SwiftAWSApigateway Standalone Repository of AWS APIGateway Client from soto-project/soto
UICollectionViewLeftAlignedLayout-Swift UICollectionViewLeftAlignedLayout swift version, base on
Geotum Convert Lat/Lon to UTM and vise versa
CLLocationWrapper A simple-to-use wrapper for CLLocation for encoding and decoding CLLocation.
DigitalFeedbackMobileSDK The Forsta Digital Feedback Mobile SDK provides seamless in-app feedback for any touch point within your mobile application.
swift-trapezoid-shapes RoundedTrapezoid and Trapezoid shapes for SwiftUI
SwiftAWSCloudfront Standalone Repository of AWS cloudfront Client from soto-project/soto
LetterAvatarKit 📲 Use this extension 🧩 to create letter-based avatars or placeholders 🎭 to be utilized within your app
SwiftQueue A swift library for a queue data structure.
RetryKit RetryKit is a package that implements a mechanism for retrying work based on strategies and outputs.
iCalendar A minimal iCalendar (RFC 5545) parser in Swift
DataCache Simple disk and memory cache for iOS
KituraContracts A library containing type definitions shared by client and server Kitura code.
LightweightObservable 📬 A lightweight implementation of an observable sequence that you can subscribe to.
MockCloudKitFramework A framework for testing of CloudKit operations. It mocks CloudKit classes to provide a seamless way to test CloudKit operations in your App's code.
DiscreteMathematics Discrete Mathematics algorithms.
ghaw GitHub at work
SwiftRegressor A linear regression tool that’s flexible and easy to use
KituraKit Swift client library for using Codable routes with Kitura
SwiftMsgPack 💬 Fast & Lightweight MsgPack Serializer & Deserializer for Swift
EFStorage Store anything anywhere with ease. Documentation:
TartuWeatherProvider Tartu Weather provider cocoapod for iOS
LazyArray Lazy operations on demande for Swift
SystemKit macOS system library in Swift
Multipart A simple multipart MIME encoder that supports form-data, files and nesting.
IDZSwiftDataTaskPublisher A (probably very naïve) attempt at implementing the `dataTaskPublisher(for: URLRequest)` extension on `URLSession` mentioned in WWDC 2019, Session 712.
swift-lambda-runtime ⚠️ Deprecated AWS Lambda Runtime - please use instead
Pin 📌 A tiny library that makes working with AutoLayout easier. Only 200 lines of code.
RangeUISlider :iphone: :large_blue_circle::heavy_minus_sign::large_blue_circle: An iOS range selection slider compatible with UIKit and SwiftUI. Developed using autolayout and highly customizable using IBDesignabled and IBInspectable or programmatically. It support also RTL (right to left) languages automatically out of the box.
Xgen A Swift package for generating Xcode workspaces & playgrounds
PutioKit A wrapper around api
Fluxus Flux for SwiftUI, inspired by Vuex
MessageKit A community-driven replacement for JSQMessagesViewController
SSToastMessage SSToastMessage is written purely in SwiftUI. It will add toast, alert, and floating message view over the top of any view. It is intended to be simple, lightweight, and easy to use. It will be a popup with a single line of code.
WebSocketKit Small utility around the Network framework and WebSockets
SwiftySweetness Basic extensions to make Swift a little sweeter.
Swinject Dependency injection framework for Swift with iOS/macOS/Linux
UAParserSwift 🗺 User-Agent Parser based upon ua-parser.js
SwiftyReceiptValidator A Swift library to handle App Store receipt validation.
WireGuard A Swift implementation of the client side of the WireGuard VPN protocol
Graph3D A class to create a routing graph for positions in 3D coordinate space
Schrodinger A promise library. But you don't know if the promise will be capt.
SwiftKueryORM An ORM for Swift, built on Codable
MarkdownView Rendering Markdown text natively in SwiftUI.
Ocelot An OpenKitten JWT implementation
SwiftFormat A command-line tool and Xcode Extension for formatting Swift code
DictionaryNestedSubscript Nested subscript for Dictionary.
SwiftBeanCountImporter Library to transform transactions from financial institutions into Beancount files
swift-dotenv Swift micro-package for loading .env environment files
swift-concurrency-primitives Low-level concurrency primitives for Swift
CELLULAR Collection of µ-frameworks and utility classes/extensions used in CELLULAR swift projects.
RPG-card-generator A Swift CLT to interface with
Shapes :rocket: Collection of SwiftUI shapes
PersistentHistoryTrackingKit A library for managing Core Data's Persistent History Tracking
swift-png decode, inspect, edit, and encode png images in pure swift
SwiftKueryPostgreSQL PostgreSQL plugin for Swift-Kuery framework
OpenGraph [WIP] OpenGraph is an open source implementation of Apple's AttributeGraph
UIColour UIColor/Color for English speakers
Fingertips Touch indicators on external displays for iOS applications.
VComponents VComponents is a SwiftUI collection that contains reusable UI components
Prism A lightweight 3D renderer for SwiftUI.
CleverBird A Swift package for seamless integration with OpenAI's API, enabling advanced chat capabilities and token management in your applications
SpeziOnboarding Spezi Onboarding module to inform a user or retrieve consent for a study participation
Base58String An Swift implementation of base 58 string encoding and decoding
SwiftIP A library to help with getting IP addresses in Swift.
Rearrange Swift library for working with ranges types: NSRange, NSTextRange, Range, UITextRange, and String.Index
RealHTTP 🌀swift async http client - fast, lightweight, type-safe
KJPlayerDemo Audio and video player, breakpoint resuming playback, record played time, free watching limit, etc. 🎷多内核多功能播放器
TOMLKit A small, simple TOML parser and serializer for Swift. Powered by toml++.
swift-fatal-test-value This Swift macro auto-injects fatalError() into initializers, streamlining the setup of unit tests for Dependency Injected components.
SwiftyJamfPro Swift interface for the Jamf Classic/Pro API
MariaDB A stand-alone Swift wrapper around the MariaDB client library, enabling access to MariaDB servers.
Vulkan Swift Vulkan SDK bindings for macOS and Linux
Spawn Easily spawn new processes using Swift
SwiftTextFieldPreset A multi-platform SwiftUI component for text input with presets support
BetterCodable Better Codable through Property Wrappers
WKWebViewJavascriptBridge 🌉 A Bridge for Sending Messages between Swift and JavaScript in WKWebViews.
FastList A bare-bones replacement for SwiftUI List, intended to work around some of List's performance issues.
V2exAPI V2ex API 的 Swift 封装,支持 iOS/macOS (A V2ex API wrapper for iOS/macOS, built with Swift)
SwiftUCI A swifty way to parse and write Universal Chess Interface (UCI) commands.
HTTPKit A Swift library containing constructs for interacting with APIs over the HTTP protocol
ConstraintsKit 🏗 Declarative, Chainable & Lightweight Auto Layout constraints framework for iOS.
swifter Tiny http server engine written in Swift programming language.
Time A swift package to simplify calendar, date and time handling.
SwiftASCII Type-safe ASCIIString and ASCIICharacter types for Swift. (ASCII string, character)
RepresentableKit Use UIKit views inside SwiftUI, including Xcode Previews
Docopt A command-line interface description language and parser that will make you smile
AlphabetEncoder A library to encode and decode integers from base alphabets of characters.
MongoORM A mongo ORM using MapCodableKit and MongoKitten
UniqueID Random and time-ordered UUID generation in Swift
EtherWalletKit Ethereum Wallet Toolkit for iOS - You can implement an Ethereum wallet without a server and blockchain knowledge.
CommandRegistry ⚠️DEPRECATED⚠️ Beautifully handle subcommands on your SwiftPM command line tool
CardTabBar This library is for adding animation to iOS tabbar items, which is inherited from UITabBarController.
PureLayout The ultimate API for iOS & OS X Auto Layout — impressively simple, immensely powerful. Objective-C and Swift compatible.
URL-QueryItem Extensions to make working with URLQueryItems & URLs easier
SmartBMSUtility SmartBMS Utility is a multi-platform application that connects with your Bluetooth BMS.
Async Swift Async package that makes creating and using asynchronous tasks easier.
InternetProtocols A Swift library for parsing various Internet protocols
Cglob Swift c glob wrapper
GFGoogleDirection Vapor 3. Google Direction API
SwiftySCADKit A Swift package to allow OpenSCAD work in Swift
RxJSON RxSwift wrapper for JSON
console-kit 💻 APIs for creating interactive CLI tools.
Wordsmith A Swift package for the generation of interesting creative text elements
ACKategories Swift tools, cocoa subclasses and extensions.
JWE Swift implementation of JSON Web Encryption (JWE) RFC7516
InjectableLoggers A nice set of protocols that will help logger(s) at being loosely coupled, injectable and testable.
SystemKit Universal SystemKit is an open-source library that can be used on Apple platforms such as macOS and iOS. It provides common functionality that can be used across different Apple operating systems.
MetaCodable Supercharge Swift's Codable implementations with macros meta-programming.
SwiftHash 🍕 MD5 in pure Swift
GPTSwift An OpenAI GPT interface written in Swift
Kvitto App Store Receipt Validation
SemverBridge The bridging package between semver and SemverSwift
XCTestUtils Useful XCTest extensions for Swift
CypherPoetSwiftUIGeometryUtils Starter utilities for creating magic with geometry and shapes in SwiftUI.
Password New data type written in swift to working with passwords.
Nodes 🌲🌿🌳 Nodes is a class protocol for tree data structures with multiple children. Written in Swift.
CodableDefaults Micro library for UserDefaults with Codable.
TLS 🔒 Non-blocking, event-driven TLS built on OpenSSL & macOS security.
Hyperconnectivity ⚡️ Modern replacement for Apple's Reachability written in Swift and made elegant using Combine.
BiometryTypeBugWorkaround A workaround for iOS 11's bug about LAContext.biometryType.
ScopedDefaults Type-safe and structured UserDefaults in Swift
PreviewResizable View modifier that allows custom resizing in SwiftUI previews. Useful to quickly check how views adapt to different sizes.
Decree Framework for making Declarative HTTP Requests
AboutThisApp A standard, customizable "About This App" panel for any Mac app
Reactor 🔄 Unidirectional data flow in Swift.
SwiftyToolz A Collection of Basic Reusable Tools for Swift
Version semver (Semantic Version) Swift µFramework.
SafeTypesMacros Macros for compile-time SafeTypes initializers from literals
Stripe Swift Package Manager mirror for the Stripe iOS SDK. See for details.
SHList HList for Swift by statically meta-programming.
Reactions Fully customizable Facebook reactions like control
FitFileParser This provide a swift package to parse Fit File and have access to the information in swift.
SwiftParamTest Parameterized test for Swift
SwiftUIMapView MKMapView in SwiftUI
Cachyr A small key-value data cache for iOS, macOS and tvOS, written in Swift.
ToothpasteSqueezer Some SwiftySCAD for a toothpaste squeezer
LocationProvider An ObservableObject wrapper around CLLocation
intech-consulting-kit Swift Extnsions
TimedCache Timed Cache
LoggerKit Swift framework to log messages in a colorful and clear way.
SSCZLib zlib headers provided for the Swift Package Manager
DIKit A statically typed dependency injector for Swift.
ImageWithActivityIndicator SwiftUI view that download and display image from URL and displaying Activity Indicator while loading .
HPURLBuilder A Swift library to construct URLs in a SwiftUI-like style
SunburstDiagram SwiftUI library to easily render diagrams given a tree of objects. Similar to ring chart, sunburst chart, multilevel pie chart.
GoogleAPIClientForREST Google APIs Client Library for Objective-C for REST
OrbitSDK Online Retail Business Info Tech - KMP (KMM) Demo of Kotlin Multiplatform
UserDefaultMacro Several macros can be used to reduce boilerplate code to work with `UserDefaults` as a storage
xcframework-maker macOS utility for converting fat-frameworks to SPM-compatible XCFramework with arm64-simulator support
SBP SBP swift package, СБП
SwiftYFinance The best Yahoo Finance library with the power of Swift
CiNiiKit CiNii API client written in Swift
CohesionKit Single source of truth library
SWindow Easy to use Swift windows manager
SwiftyAlert a lightweight, multiplatform, easy-to-use package that for swiftUI errors handling.
Cheetah A really fast JSON library
VariableFonts Extends UIFont/NSFont (and SwiftUI Font) for easier variable font support
SwiftUIWavyRectangleShape An animatable SwiftUI Shape for drawing a rectangle with curved sine wave along the bottom.
AutoLayoutHelpers A small set of utilities to sand over autolayout's most commonly encountered rough edges.
ModelResponse A simple protocol for converting Vapor models to public facing types
BugfenderPackage Bugfender SDK for iOS, a remote logger tailor-made for mobile
Store Unidirectional, transactional, operation-based Store implementation.
NetworkService An async library for using URLSession
web3.swift Ethereum Swift API with support for smart contracts, ENS & ERC20
Bugsnag BugSnag error monitoring & exception reporter for iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS
KKBOXOpenAPISwift KKBOX Open API Swift Developer SDK for iOS/macOS/watchOS/tvOS
SwagGen OpenAPI/Swagger 3.0 Parser and Swift code generator
SwiftLinkPreview It makes a preview from an URL, grabbing all the information such as title, relevant texts and images.
Surge A Swift library that uses the Accelerate framework to provide high-performance functions for matrix math, digital signal processing, and image manipulation.
ViewController MVC for SwiftUI (yes, seriously)
Liquid Create a playful backsplash in SwiftUI.
Warhol Face Detection Made Easy on iOS
Risk The Risk iOS package helps collect device data for merchants with direct integration (standalone) with the package and those using Checkout's Frames iOS package.
Koloda KolodaView is a class designed to simplify the implementation of Tinder like cards on iOS.
OpenParking 🚗 Utilities for creating data sources for the OpenParking project
dropbox-sdk-obj-c Official Objective-C SDK for the Dropbox API v2.
SafeSFSymbols Safe access SFSymbols. If symbol not available, will show warning.
EasyFirebase 🔥 A Swifty solution for all things Firebase. Quickly implement Firestore and Authentication on iOS + macOS using Swift protocols and methods.
YNetwork A networking layer for iOS and tvOS.
Mobius A functional reactive framework for managing state evolution and side-effects [Swift implementation]
EGTest EGTest - a package for parameterized testing in Swift
Easings Easing functions in Swift
AttributedStringBuilder Makes composing NSAttributedString pleasant by expressing each component within a closure
BadgeSwift A badge view for iOS/tvOS written in Swift
XPaver Make XML navigation by XPath easier
ocmock Mock objects for Objective-C
YSnackbar An easy-to-use UI component to display brief, transient messages to the user.
dealer Example package for use with the Swift Package Manager
RedShot Lightweight & dependency-free Redis client for Swift
CircleView CircleView 입니다.
icu4c-swift Low-level ICU C APIs for Swift
MySQLBridge 🐘 Pure SwifQL+NIO bridge to MySQL
TerminalPaint A project that demonstrates how to build a TUI program in Swift
PoutouPush Swift server side - push notification. APNS and GCM
CareKit CareKit is an open source software framework for creating apps that help people better understand and manage their health.
SwiftUICollection A collection view for SwiftUI
LevenshteinTransformations Transform an array into another array or a string into another string using only basic transformations
SortedArray An array that keeps its elements sorted according to a given sort predicate.
Song Data structure serialization with static typing. Song is to JSON as Swift is to Javascript
Autofixtures Autofixtures can create values of virtually any type without the need for you to explicitly define which values should be used
AzureAuth R package for OAuth 2.0 authentication with Azure Active Directory
SwifQL 💎 A Swift DSL for type-safe, extensible, and transformable SQL queries.
EmojiKit 📚 Ultimate Emoji Generator library for Swift
SwiftAA The most comprehensive collection of accurate astronomical algorithms in (C++, Objective-C and) Swift.
CoreUI Core dependency for any SwiftUI-like library
SwiftHexTools Tools for working with hex in Swift
Ease It's magic.
Progress :hourglass: Add beautiful progress bars to your loops.
slash Slack terminal client.
Bits A library for dealing with bits and sequences of bits inside of bytes and sequences of bytes
Transport Implementation of the Pluggable Transports 2.1 Swift API
Glaip Easy iOS Web3 connection for MetaMask and WalletConnect
MeteoLVProvider observations provider
swiftui-introspect Introspect underlying UIKit/AppKit components from SwiftUI
jemalloc A Swift module map for the jemalloc memory allocator
Bloc The BLoC design pattern implemented for Swift
package-latency-tools Simple latency tools for benchmarking
XMLParsing XMLEncoder & XMLDecoder using the codable protocol in Swift 4
SwiftUITextField A SwiftUI wrapper for UITextField that enables more customizations and behaviors
MarkupEditor WYSIWYG editing for SwiftUI and UIKit apps
Pathspec Swift library for matching file paths with gitignore style patterns
TyperTool An example CLT using my Typer module
swift-quic Original location of swift-quic
swiftui-bloc The state management BLoC design pattern implementation for SwiftUI
InFlightValue Awaits already in-flight calls and their value
QRKit With QRKit you can easily create QR codes in Swift. QRKit supports a simple customization. The QR code you get simply as UIImage.
Csv2Img csv to image / pdf converter using Swift
JSONSession Basic support for JSON/REST sessions with support for Etag polling.
DSFColorPicker A color picker for macOS
Spawn Easily spawn new processes using Swift
swift-log-playground This Swift package is a logging backend for SwiftLog. It can be usable on Swift Playgrounds.
CompactSlider CompactSlider is a SwiftUI control for macOS, iOS and watchOS.
ALCoordinator Coordinators either UIKit or SWiftUI. Simple, powerful and elegant.
ShimmerSwift A swift implementation of Facebooks shimmer effect.
ChatView ChatView is a robust and customizable SwiftUI package, facilitating the implementation of a sleek and user-friendly SwiftUI chat view with support for custom themes and the OpenAI chat API.
SwiftyHUDView A simple activity indicator / HUD implemented using SwiftUI
icalendarkit Lightweight iCalendar (RFC 5545) encoder for Swift
SwiftyXML The most swifty way to deal with XML data in swift 5.
EmptyDataView EmptyDataView enables you to show user-friendly views when table data is empty.
Flow 🌊 Let your code flow. Extension methods for fluent syntax in Swift.
MOCloner A tiny library that implements deep copy of NSManagedObject
swift-music A swift package that provides an easy-to-use API for music related developments.
SwiftUIPreciselyRoundedRectangle An animatable SwiftUI rectangle shape with fine-grained corner rounding configuration.
vcomponentkit Base library for iCalendarKit and vCardKit
SwiftRadix Easily convert integers to binary/hex/octal strings and back again with clean functional syntax.
Spiral Spiral is a SwiftUI shape for macOS, iOS and watchOS.
Turbo iOS framework for making Turbo native apps
JOSESwift A framework for the JOSE standards JWS, JWE, and JWK written in Swift.
Appcast Appcasts are feeds with information about software updates
RVS_AutofillTextField An extension of UITextField that adds an autofill dropdown.
XCTest The XCTest Project, A Swift core library for providing unit test support
swiftreplmadness Example of using your own packages in the Swift REPL
RVS_CalendarInput This is a special native Swift UIKit widget for selecting calendar days.
package-histogram Swift port of HdrHistogram
PlayingCard Example package for use with the Swift Package Manager
Ocean This is a mini toolset that enhance Foundation framework more easily to use.
GCDWebServer The #1 HTTP server for iOS, macOS & tvOS (also includes web based uploader & WebDAV server)
CucumberSwiftExpressions A library for parsing Cucumber expressions written in Swift
EventBottle In app event log recorder/viewer for debugging
PlanetScale Planetscale library compatible with Swift Cloud & Fastly Compute@Edge
Benchmark Swift benchmark runner with many performance metrics and great CI support
UnitIntervalPropertyWrapper A Swift Property Wrapper for automatically clamping floating-point values within a closed range of [0,1].
swift-openapi-request-dl RequestDL (SwiftNIO) transport for Swift OpenAPI Generator.
Web5 Web5 for Swift
SynchronousProcess Adds runTask func to Task to synchronously run a Task and return the output, errors and exitCode as a Tuple
SwiftDate 🐔 Toolkit to parse, validate, manipulate, compare and display dates, time & timezones in Swift.
WWSlider Use UIResponder to imitate an iOS slider.
XCTestStarterKit Lightweight Starter Utilities for Swift project testing with XCTest
DSFLabelledTextField A simple macOS labelled text field using Swift
SplitView Resizable Split View
swift-undefined Nano framework which defines Haskell's undefined in Swift.
PubNub PubNub Objective-C based APIs for iOS and OS X
GemCommonsKit Most common features that are commonly used and/or reusable can be found in this repo. API Documentation:
Cstb Swift Package for Nothings' STB libraries
DSFPasscodeView A passcode entry field for macOS similar to Apple's two-factor authentication field.
IBPCollectionViewCompositionalLayout Backport of UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout to earlier iOS 12
ASCII-Data A small Java library for producing nice looking text-based line-graphs and tables.
package-concurrency-helpers Various tools needed for concurrency (locks, async stream helpers, ...)
Rehatch Delete all your tweets for good
DSFRational A Swift extension for floating point values to return rational components
Pioneer GraphQL for Swift.
GaugeProgressViewStyle GaugeProgressViewStyle adds the Apple Watch gauge view to iOS.
BitcoinKit Bitcoin protocol toolkit for Swift
MockNetworking Apply URLProtocol to XCTests for Mock Networking API's
package-frostflake High performance unique ID generator inspired by Snowflake
ConcurrencyRecipes Practical solutions to problems with Swift Concurrency
VectorPlus A utility & library for converting SVG paths to Core Graphics images.
SwiftErickNetwork A package repository for networking assistance in Swift.
UtilityKit A collection of Swift utilities
SwiftPM-AzureCommunicationChat Swift PM mirror repo for AzureCommunciationChat
IGListKit A data-driven UICollectionView framework for building fast and flexible lists.
METAR A METAR parser written in Swift
IkigaJSON A high performance JSON library in Swift
TestURLProtocol A URLProtocol Subclass for testing purposes
Coinpaprika This library provides convenient way to use API in Swift.
FFmpeg-iOS Swift package of FFmpeg libraries for iOS
SwiftTerm Xterm/VT100 Terminal emulator in Swift
SkeletonView ☠️ An elegant way to show users that something is happening and also prepare them to which contents they are awaiting
Environmentalism Simple package that loads variables from your DotEnv files.
Flexer Lexing library for Swift
InteractiveImageView Image and ImageView with zoom, scroll and rotation
SwiftLSP The Language Server Protocol in Swift
BindBackstop (Binding<T?>, T) -> Binding<T>
vapor-telemetrydeck 📈 Vapor client for posting signals to TelemetryDeck, a privacy-conscious analytics service for apps and websites.
SwiftyBeaver Convenient & secure logging during development & release in Swift 4 & 5
SCNMathExtensions Math extensions for SCNVector3, SCNQuaternion, SCNMatrix4
XcodeEdit Swift library for reading and writing Xcode project files in OpenStep format
iONess iONess is HTTP Request Helper for iOS platform used by HCI iOS App
swift-json-parsing JSON decoding and encoding, using the swift-parsing library
bytes bytes is a set of Swift tools to cover many all-day tasks in iOS development.
RxOptional RxSwift extensions for Swift optionals and "Occupiable" types
CwlCatchException Catch Objective-C exceptions by NSException subtype in a Swift closure/function.
Entwine Testing tools and utilities for Apple's Combine framework.
EffectsLibrary The Effects Library allows developers to create sophisticated and realistic particle systems such as snow, fire, rain, confetti, fireworks, and smoke with no or minimal effort.
LastFM.swift API library for written in Swift
DataSource Simplifies the setup of UITableView data sources using type-safe descriptors for cells and sections. Animated diffing built-in.
Quick The Swift (and Objective-C) testing framework.
RVS_Checkbox A simple, UIKit "three-state" checkbox, written in Swift.
DebugAdapterProtocol Swift library for working with Debug Adapter Protocol (DAP)
SwiftUICharts A simple pizza+donut charting package for SwiftUI.
ExpectToEventuallyEqual XCTest assertion for async code
alerts-and-pickers Advanced usage of UIAlertController and pickers based on it: Telegram, Contacts, Location, PhotoLibrary, Country, Phone Code, Currency, Date...
ZSWTappableLabel UILabel subclass for links which are tappable, long-pressable, 3D Touchable, and VoiceOverable.
Tagging 🏷 Type-safe tags in Swift
EditorConfig A Swift library for working with .editorconfig files
TypedNotification Strongly typed notifications in Swift
Localized 🌍 A tiny wrapper around NSLocalizedString.
XMTPiOS XMTP client SDK for iOS applications written in Swift.
AlamofireImage AlamofireImage is an image component library for Alamofire
llmfarm_core Swift library to work with llama and other large language models.
Highlightr iOS & OSX Syntax Highlighter.
5am-swift-gen Add SwiftGen to your Xcode Project or Swift Package as a Plugin.
SimplyLogger Simply Swift logging
bez Utilities for working with bezier curves in SwiftUI
SwiftMagicHelpers Scalable helpers library for Swift
FMPhotoPicker A modern, simple and zero-dependency photo picker with an elegant and customizable image editor
Marionette 🧸 Swift library which provides a high-level API to control a WKWebView
SwiftUpnpTools Swift UPnP Tool
KeyCodes AppKit Carbon key codes to UIKey-compatible enums
Swifter Tiny http server engine written in Swift programming language.
SwiftPygmentsPublishPlugin SwiftPygments Plug in for Publish
PerformanceBezier A small library to dramatically speed up common operations on UIBezierPath, and also bring its functionality closer to NSBezierPath
TextBuilder Like a SwiftUI ViewBuilder, but for Text
XCTestParametrizedMacro Swift macro for parametrizing unit test methods
5am-swift-lint Add SwiftLint to your Xcode Project or Swift Package as a Plugin.
SLLog Simple yet advanced swift logger
HTMLKit Create and render HTML templates with HTMLKit
swift-highlight memory-efficient attributed text storage for server applications
SwiftPM The Package Manager for the Swift Programming Language
EndpointsRequests A Swift library to manage gets and posts from servers.
swift-psychrometrics Psychrometric calculations in swift.
MajorMinorPatch Implementation of in Swift.
examples Simple Firebase Examples!
swift-dependencies A dependency management library inspired by SwiftUI's "environment."
CEpoll A modulemap file and include to help Swift code use epoll on Linux
sMock Swift mocking framework with flavor of gMock for C++
Carting 🚘 A simple tool for updating Carthage script phase
Confetti Confetti view for SwiftUI
isowords Open source game built in SwiftUI and the Composable Architecture.
carton 📦 Watcher, bundler, and test runner for your SwiftWasm apps
swift-graphql A GraphQL client that lets you forget about GraphQL.
BeaconKit iOS Beacon framework using BTLE
HealthKitOnFHIR Converts HealthKit data to HL7 FHIR resources
Anima Animation framework for iOS, tvOS, and macOS
openai-kit A community Swift package used to interact with the OpenAI API
IOStreams 🚰 Asynchronous I/O Streams for Swift concurrency
SwiftBox SwiftBox is a package that helps building Swift/Vapor microservices.
Bonjour Easy-to-use Bonjour Service for iOS and macOS.
Swiftwood Swift logging
Zephyr Effortlessly synchronize UserDefaults over iCloud.
BigInt Arbitrary-precision arithmetic in pure Swift
HealthKitOnOMH Converts HealthKit data to Open mHealth/IEEE 1752 schemas
LGV_MeetingSDK A Connector for Various Regular Recovery Meetings
AllocData Data Model for Investing Applications
ColorWell A versatile alternative to NSColorWell for Cocoa and ColorPicker for SwiftUI.
Sodium Safe and easy to use crypto for iOS and macOS
MicroExpress A micro web server framework on top of Swift NIO
Abstract Practical Abstract Algebra in Swift
DSFFullTextSearchIndex A simple Swift/Objective-C full text search (FTS) class for iOS/macOS/tvOS
UIImageColors Fetches the most dominant and prominent colors from an image.
LinkifyLabel A swift package to add link inside UILabel
SwiftOutdated A swift subcommand for displaying when your dependencies (SwiftPM or Xcode) are out of date
Teads Teads SDK for iOS - Premium branded "outstream" ads
SwiftSentry Native Swift implementation to log to
grpc The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
DSFInspectorPanes Easily customisable, scrollable, collapsible inspector panels using nested NSView(s)
NavigationSplitTab How navigation should be
vincenty Compute vincenty distance in Swift
RelativeCollections Swift collection types that support efficient storage of order-relative values.
SDWebImageSwiftUI SwiftUI Image loading and Animation framework powered by SDWebImage
COpenSSL C module OpenSSL import for Perfect (Linux).
RVS_Persistent_Prefs A Simple Class For Basic Persistent Storage
CombineBloc An implementation of the ´BLoC´ (Business Logic Component) with Apple's Combine framework
AppLovinSDK AppLovin-MAX-Swift-Package
websocket-kit WebSocket client library built on SwiftNIO
SwifterSwift A handy collection of more than 500 native Swift extensions to boost your productivity.
AppMetrica AppMetrica SDK for iOS
OSLogTrace 📒 OSLogTrace - Apple System Logging, Signposts & Activity Tracing
KVKCalendar A most fully customization calendar for Apple platforms 📅
Shiny Shiny uses your gyroscope to simulate lighting and motion effects on colors. Works on almost every SwiftUI View.
SFSymbolsMacro A Swift Macro for "type-safe" SF Symbols.
SourceView A TextKit 2 `NSTextView` subclass built specifically to work with source code
DiskCache A lightweight local cache lib written in Swift.
XCServerCoreData DEPRECATED: An API and CoreData Storage framework for working with Xcode Server
MQTTKit MQTT Client written in Swift
MetalLibraryArchive Extract Metal functions from .metallib files.
SwiftFlags Get emoji flag from a country name or country code (ISO 3166-1)
Gnuplot Gnuplot for Swift
GeoJSONKit Yet another GeoJSON library in Swift
SwiftNASR Parser for FAA aeronautical data (NASR)
VaporFirestore Firestore REST Client
Bitrise An easy to use command-line tool for interacting with the Bitrise API
set-simulator-location CLI for setting location in the iOS simulator
Logger SwiftPM package for easy logging to standard output and standard error
FirebaseUI-iOS iOS UI bindings for Firebase.
WindowTreatment Tools for happier work with NSWindow
iPages Quickly implement swipable page views.
RVS_RetroLEDDisplay A UIKit Digital Display Module, Crafted to Look Like an Old-Fashioned “Vacuum Fluorescent” Display.
ostkit OST api wrapper for ios
Dflat Structured Data Store for Mobile
stable-diffusion Stable Diffusion with Core ML on Apple Silicon
HueEntertainmentSwift A way to talk to the Hue Entertainment API.
CameraView SwiftUI View for live camera output.
CryptomatorCloudAccess Swift library for accessing various cloud providers incl. Cryptomator vaults
Http A library to create and process Http Requests and Responses. Part of the Swiftfire project.
SwiftOracle OCILIB wrapper for Swift, linux compatible
ShellKit Access local shell as well as remote over SSH
ARHeadsetKit Using $5 Google Cardboard to replicate HoloLens
ignorio command line client written in Swift.
Swift-General-Utility General utility types and functionality
LayoutExtensions iOS/macOS Layout Utilities
xcinfo Install as many Xcodes at once as you can
swift-deeplinking Linking, but deep
Semver Semantic versioning framework in Swift
ZappMerchantLib PBBA Merchant Button Library - iOS
xcman Manage Xcode templates and code snippets using command line
VideoIO Video Input/Output Utilities
Alias 🎭 A Swift macros for defining aliases for types, functions, variables, etc.
kotlin_speech_features This library provides common speech features for ASR including MFCCs and filterbank energies for Android and iOS.
Alchemy Declarative Binary Serialization for Swift Structures
XestiMonitors An extensible monitoring framework written in Swift
MapleBacon 🍁🥓 Lightweight and fast Swift library for image downloading, caching and transformations
GatheredKit Swift Package that provides a consistent API for various data sources offered by macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS.
Path 💻 Types to model file-system paths.
ScrollingPageControl An Instagram-like scrolling page control
Eazy Eazy is the missing piece in your SwiftUI and UIKit application. It aims at harmonizing how your views communicate with the model and vice versa in a clear and consistent way.
CleanroomLogger CleanroomLogger provides an extensible Swift-based logging API that is simple, lightweight and performant
Crypto CryptoSwift is a growing collection of standard and secure cryptographic algorithms implemented in Swift
SwiftyEmail A super simple Swift e-mail composer package. It features sending e-mail from your app using Mail, Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo Mail or Spark.
CocoaUI ☕️ Obtain and customize UIKit/Cocoa objects from SwiftUI components.
XCTestExtension A collection of additional assertion methods for `XCTest` framework.
OversizeUI Yet another component library on SwiftUI
XPCConnectionSession Backwards-compatible implementation of XPCSession
TweaKit Yet another library for adjusting parameters and feature flagging.
Dependency A dependency Injection solution for SwiftUI. Thank you Antoine van der Lee and Vincent Pradeilles for initially showcasing this idea.
SFSymbols All the SFSymbols at your fingertips.
gdpr-swift Swift extension to sanitize user data to be GDPR compliant
LottieExtensions Lottie SwiftUI Extensions
Swack Slack API in Swift
DangerSwiftJira A Danger-Swift plugin to link JIRA issues in a pull request - Supports GitLab and GitHub. Inspired by RestlessThinker/danger-jira.
IQKeyboardManagerSwift Codeless drop-in universal library allows to prevent issues of keyboard sliding up and cover UITextField/UITextView. Neither need to write any code nor any setup required and much more.
HTMLBuilder Generate HTML with result builder
MachOKitSPM Pre-built version of MachOKit
Parser Library to create composable parsers, based on's series on Parsing
NukeFLAnimatedImagePlugin FLAnimatedImage plugin for Nuke
HashableByKeyPath Add `Equatable` and/or `Hashable` conformance with a single function utilising `KeyPath`s.
Rester A command line tool to test (REST) APIs
UInt128 A 128-bit unsigned integer implementation with optimized multiplication, division, and string conversions. This package supports the new StaticBigInt on macOS 13.3+ or iOS 16.4+.
swift-system Low-level system calls and types for Swift
SwiftTypeAdoptionReporter Generate reports on how frequently specified Swift types are being used in your iOS codebase
Refresher A native, customizable SwiftUI refresh control
CustomToolTip Easily add custom tool tips with arbitrary content to your AppKit project!
swift-package-api-diff A tool for automatic Swift Packages API changes check
HashableMacro Swift macro to add Hashable conformance by decorating properties
FoundationX An extension to Foundation.
MapboxAccounts Integration between your account and Mapbox mobile SDKs on iOS
MacMenuBar Bringing the Mac Menu Bar into the SwiftUI age.
Renamed Swift macro to add deprecated symbols, useful when renaming a symbol without introducing a breaking change.
SuperScrollView A ScrollView for SwiftUI that can give you the scroll offset, the scroll content size and if its currently scrolling
EditValueView Library that makes easy to display property edit screens for SwiftUI.
SwiftRegexDSL A Declarative Structured Language for regular expressions in Swift.
CoreANSI A terminal graphics and formatting package.
JOSESwift A framework for the JOSE standards JWS, JWE, and JWK written in Swift.
TrailerQL A GraphQL query generator and response parser in Swift
SupportDocs Generate help centers for your iOS apps. Hosted by GitHub and always up-to-date.
AsyncK An alternative of `async/await` in Swift
Parsable Syntax sugar that makes JSON decoding more elegant.
Bluetooth Pure Swift Bluetooth library
VKPinCodeView VKPinCodeView is simple and elegant UI component for input PIN. You can easily customise appearance and get auto fill (OTP) iOS 12 feature right from the box.
ValueCodable A Value struct to decode arbitrary data
CSSH Swift package manager wrapper for ssh
PromiseK A simple Promise library for Swift
CryptoSecurity 🔒CryptoSecurity - Obsolete - Replaced with
SwiftImage SwiftImage: an image library in Swift with Swifty APIs and value semantics
Parma A SwiftUI view for displaying Markdown with customizable appearances.
KeyPathValue 🔑 Structure for assigning values using keypath
sendbird-chat-ios-spm [v3] Sendbird Chat SDK for SPM
Flock Automated deployment of Swift projects to servers
SwiftUICoordinator SwiftUICoordinator is a package that seamlessly integrates the Coordinator pattern into the SwiftUI framework.
TaskLoadingAggregate Track your Swift Concurrency Tasks activity in an aggregate with ease.
testify Testify converts XCTest output into a proper structure (JSON, JUNIT, MD, GFM), or it'll miserably fail. 😉
Multiaddr Composable and self-describing network addresses as a modern Swift library
ObfuscateMacro 🕵️ Swift macros for obfuscation
Request 一个基于`Alamofire`库支持请求和数据上传的简单网络请求框架。
arcgis-maps-sdk-swift-toolkit Mapping components that will simplify your Swift app development with the ArcGIS Maps SDK for Swift.
Player ▶️ video player in Swift, simple way to play and stream media on iOS/tvOS
CompositionalLayoutDSL CompositionalLayoutDSL, library to simplify the creation of UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout. It wraps the UIKit API and makes the code shorter and easier to read.
JXKit The pure swift interface to JavaScriptCore for iOS, macOS, tvOS, and Linux
Carlos A simple but flexible cache
SceneGen Swift Code Generator for Godot Scenes — renders typed descriptions of each node in a godot project's scene files.
MLVideoPlayer A Simple Video player write in swift
ZegoExpressEngine 📦 ZEGO Express Audio Swift Package for iOS
SwiftImGui Swift wrapper for Dear ImGui
RunScriptPlugin 🏃SwiftPackage Plugin for executing arbitrary ShellScript.
OhhAuth Pure Swift implementation of the OAuth 1.0 protocol as an easy to use extension for the URLRequest type. (RFC-5849)
libheif A wrapper for libheif + Xcode project. Support Carthage && CocoaPods && SwiftPM.
ParseCareKit Securely synchronize any CareKit based app to a Parse Server Cloud. Compatible with parse-hipaa.
NavigationTitle Add a navigation title view to your SwiftUI project
SwiftBoost Collection of Swift-extensions to boost development process.
MultipeerHelper A light swift wrapper around the iOS MultipeerConnectivity framework. Including an example project using RealityKit's MultipeerConnectivityService.
AssetsPickerViewController Powerfully Customizable - Multiple Photo & Video Picker Controller
phase Define and manage your Xcode Build Phases from inside Package.swift
MotionMachine A powerful, elegant, and modular animation library for Swift.
SystemSound 🎶 A Swift Library that makes SystemSound playback easy.
ActivityIndicatorView SwiftUI replacement for UIActivityIndicatorView
MurmurHash-Swift MurmurHash framework in Swift.
AVFoundationCombine Combine extensions for AVFoundation
variable-injector Continuous Integration Tool for Swift Projects
WolfLorem Functions to generate random placeholders in the style of Lorem Ipsum.
AntiFishHook A Swift library to deactivate fishhook. (Anti-FishHook)
ZendeskCommonUISDK Zendesk CommonUI SDK
Cache :package: Nothing but Cache.
leaf 🍃 An expressive, performant, and extensible templating language built for Swift.
ReflectionView SwiftUI View to display property information based on Swift's reflection API for any type of value.
BalloonView A view in the form of a popup balloon. UIBezierPath initializer included!
SwiftPM The Package Manager for the Swift Programming Language
BuildAnalyzer SwiftUI application to analyze Xcode build system graph (Experimental)
Dumpling Customisable and extensible Markdown parser written in Swift
CustomPageableCollectionView A pageable collection view that can use any page size and still uses the standard iOS paging
OrderedDictionary Ordered dictionary data structure implementation in Swift
unxip A fast Xcode unarchiver
JSONValue A container type for generic, untyped JSON data.
SwiftUIWKWebView WKWebView as NSViewRepresentable for usage in macOS environment and UIViewRepresentable for UIKit
Kiwi Simple BDD for iOS
SwiftUIViewInspector Inspect SwiftUI views
CodableXPC Implementation of Encoder and Decoder Protocols targeting libxpc
WriteFreely A Swift package wrapping the WriteFreely / API
Animalese-Swift Swift library that synthesizes an approximation of the villager speech sounds from Animal Crossing. Port of
RNCryptor CCCryptor (AES encryption) wrappers for iOS and Mac in Swift. -- For ObjC, see RNCryptor/RNCryptor-objc
zcash-swift-payment-uri Prototype of Zcash Payment URIs defined on ZIP-321
SupportEmail Pre-populates emails with support information in iOS/iPadOS apps
ZendeskMessagingSDK Zendesk Messaging SDK
SwiftAWSDynamodb A Dynamodb typesafe client for swift (This is part of soto-project/soto)
redis-kit Helpful extensions and abstractions for using RediStack
arcgis-maps-sdk-swift Swift Package Manager support for ArcGIS Maps SDK for Swift
SwiftCOM Swift/COM+
Tuna Pitch detection & utils.
Haversack A Swift library for keychain access on Apple devices
ServiceModelSwiftCodeGenerate Modular code generator to generate Swift applications from service models.
Farcaster A Swift client for the Farcaster network
SwiftKeychain A Keychain wrapper allowing safe interaction with Keychain using strongly typed values and even in Swift concurrency fashion.
mailslurp Official MailSlurp Email API Client for Swift
EncodiaOutlineView An outline view for SwiftUI and macOS
EFQRCode A better way to operate QR Code in Swift, support iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS.
ComposedUI A Swift framework for building User Interfaces with the Composed framework.
PerfectAPIClient An API Client based on a network abstraction layer for the Perfect Server-Side Swift Framework
KeyboardObserving ⌨️A Combine-based way to observe and adjust for Keyboard notifications in SwiftUI
blue-triangle Blue Triangle Performance Monitoring SDK for iOS
Aespa From camera to album, in just 2 lines
ActionSheetController Swift Package mimicking UIKit's ActionSheet with added features
CSwiftV A csv parser written in swift conforming to rfc4180
postmark-swift A Swift package that connects to the Postmark API to reliably send emails.
TransitionableTab TransitionableTab makes it easy to animate when switching between tab.
SMJobKit Swift API for SMJobBless and friends
Restler Make simple API request using functional programming
ColorComponents A lightweight library for convenient accessing of a color's components.
YandexMapsMobile Yandex Maps Mobile full Swift package
ZendeskMessagingAPISDK Zendesk MessagingAPI SDK
composable-core-location A library that bridges the Composable Architecture and Core Location.
Evaluation String evaluation class for swift
CSDL2 Swift C module for SDL2
ParseSwift The Swift SDK for Parse Platform (iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS, Linux, Android, Windows)
Reusable A Swift mixin for UITableViewCells and UICollectionViewCells
XCTestHTMLReport Xcode-like HTML report for Unit and UI Tests
Markdownosaur Leverages Apple's Swift-based Markdown parser to output NSAttributedString.
KochavaMeasurement Industry-leading Install Measurement and Attribution
swift-crypto Open-source implementation of a substantial portion of the API of Apple CryptoKit suitable for use on Linux platforms.
AppKitFocusOverlay Add hotkey(s) to display the key focus path for any window in your AppKit application.
SwiftDraw Swift library and command line tool to convert SVGs into SFSymbol, PNG, PDF and Swift source code.
HTTPClient Communicate via HTTP easily in Swift.
swift-stm An optimistic STM written in Swift
MCEmojiPicker 👻 EmojiPicker. Emoji picker for iOS like on macOS. With SwiftUI support.
gRPC The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
Deferred Work with values that haven't been determined yet.
MirrorDiffKit Graduation from messy XCTAssertEqual messages.
LiteralTypeInference swift-syntax extension to infer types from expressions based on literal information
StringTransform Transform strings easily in Swift.
Gherkin A Swift package for working with Gherkin (Cucumber) feature files.
TakeASelfie An iOS framework that uses the front camera, detects your face and takes a selfie.
ElegantCalendar The elegant full screen calendar missed in SwiftUI.
LDSwiftEventSource Server-sent events (SSE) client implementation in Swift for iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS
DiffMatchPatch Swift package of Diff Match and Patch library
TransitionButton UIButton sublass for loading and transition animation.
Veil A flexible string masking and formatting library
MoyaNC NetworkClient based on Moya
PhotoSelectAndCrop This package integrates a UIImagePickerController into a SwiftUI app. Obtain 1) a copy of the original image, 2) a scaled and / or cropped version of it, 3) a CGFloat and 4) CGPoint. The CGFloat and CGPoint represent the scale and position of the original image used to make the processed version.
RoundedDecimal 🧮 Swift decimals where the number of decimal places can be either compile-time or run-time guaranteed - Swift Micro Package
RenameCommand A ParsableArguments implementation for making minimal rename scripts in Swift
ResultPromises Helps arrange async code like sequance and monades.
MagicMirror Implementation of Mirror not affected by CustomReflectable
HSSwiftUI Hobbyist Software helpers for SwiftUI
HTTP 🚀 Non-blocking, event-driven HTTP built on Swift NIO.
ZendeskSDKConfigurationsSDK Zendesk SDKConfigurations SDK
XCERequirement Describe requirements in a declarative, easy-readable format.
FHConstraints Extension for UIView with useful constraint methodes.
Reusable iOS cell registration and reusing with generics and protocol extensions
KeyboardHost keyboard monitor for swiftui
AECli Swift package for making simple command line tools
SwiftTimeZoneLookup Find timezones or countries for given coordinates
QRScanner A simple QR Code scanner framework for iOS. Provides a similar scan effect to ios13+.
smoke-aws AWS services integration for the Smoke Framework
SwiftCPUDetect Swift Library to detect the current CPU Architecture for the current machine/process (inculing detecting if the current process is running using Rosetta) and additional system info.
ErrorReporter AppKit drop-in error handling and reporting mechanism
OTPublishersHeadlessSDKtvOS OTPublishersHeadlessSDK for tvOS
swift-multicodec Swift implementation of the multicodec specification
HighlightSwift Code syntax highlighting in Swift and SwiftUI
Glob Glob for Swift 5
AECoreDataUI Super awesome Core Data driven UI for iOS written in Swift
PostgresConnectionPool A simple connection pool on top of PostgresNIO written in Swift.
SquirrelJSON JSON wrapper used in Squirrel
NSString_RemoveEmoji A category that extends for detecting and removing Emoji
CacheAdvance A performant cache for logging systems. CacheAdvance persists log events 30x faster than SQLite.
swift-web 🕸 A collection of Swift server-side frameworks for handling HTML, CSS, routing and middleware.
ObjectAssociation 🔗 A swift library for associating objects as properties with reference type objects.
Toggles Toggles is an elegant and powerful solution to feature flagging for Apple platforms.
COpenGL A quickie Swift module map for OpenGL on Linux
Seam3 Cloudkit based persistent store for Core Data
StreamChatVapor Stream Chat Vapor integration libary
JSONFeed JSON Feed ( parser written in Swift 4 using the Codable protocol.
NullCodable Property wrapper that encodes `nil` optional values as `null` when encoded using `JSONEncoder`
AnnounceKit iOS SDK for AnnounceKit
Fileable UNIX command like simple file management library for Swift.
SwiftBinary Binary auto-parsing for Swift.
HandShadows Add shadows to your gestures for better demo videos of your app
golden-key Security framework compatible with CryptoKit
Lighty Easy to use and lightweight logger for iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS and Linux in Swift.
Appliable Appliable makes configuring objects easier and more convenient using closures.
RomanNumerals A swift package for dealing with Roman numerals.
SwiftUIColor 🎨 Make system color defined in UIColor/NSColor available to SwiftUI Color.
PayPal One merchant integration point for all of PayPal's services
Flow Flow is a Swift library for working with asynchronous flows and life cycles
CameraPicker A SwiftUI camera picker.
WaterStates States for the ViewControllers
APJExtensions A Swift util extensions
vger 2D GPU renderer for dynamic UIs
SwiftUseCase SwiftUseCase is library for creating independent & test coverable use-cases with a powerful execution API.
ShellySwift (under construction) File operations for Swift made easier
Inspector Inspector is a debugging library written in Swift.
ProxyResolver macOS proxy resolution
Identifier A Swift package that provides a type-safe identifier for use with Identifiable.
swtws A command line tool for Swift Tweets
AxisTabView A library that allows you to easily create various styles of tab views. Supports iOS and macOS.
EmealKit 🎓 Studentenwerk Dresden
JWTDecode A JWT decoder for iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS
swift-bundler An Xcodeproj-less tool for creating cross-platform Swift apps.
OpenAIStreamingCompletions generate streaming LLM completions using openai in swift
Prefire 🔥 A library based on SwiftUI Preview, for easy generation: Playbook view, Snapshot and Accessibility tests
ExTests Extensions for XCTest framework.
SwiftAPNs :calling: Send push notifications from Swift via APNs
FastSpringStore macOS component for in-app purchases using a FastSpring store
ECNetworking A simple swifty networking layer. Supports custom interceptions.
SubVTData iOS framework to communicate with the SubVT backend.
OpenAIKit Swift Package for OpenAI's API
SearchExpressionParser Parses search strings (as in: what you put into a search engine) into evaluable expressions
DoccGPT 🧹 Self-documenting Swift code with GPT and DocC
AECAudioStream Automatic Echo Cancellation implemented with VoiceProcessingIO audio unit
FloatingFilter Floating window to filter arbitrary lists of stuff. Like the Spotlight finder or VSCode command invocation widget
ASN1Codable ASN.1 support for Swift Codable
BigInt A BigInt library for Swift
Durian A collection of parser combinators
PagedLists Paginated UITableView and UICollectionViews for iOS.
SwiftRewriter A Swift Package Manager console app and library to convert Objective-C code into Swift.
AntMessageProtocol Swift Implementation of the ANT Message Protocol
PassEncoder Simple PassKit (Apple Wallet) encoding and signing in Swift.
msgpack-swift An efficient, full-featured, and compliant MessagePack implementation for Swift. /[Swift]
SwiftSVG A Swift SVG parsing library
Kebab A library to convert text between different cases and formats.
swift-event Classes to ease observer pattern implementation in Swift inspired by C# events
PerfectMosquitto A Swift Class Wrapper of Perfect-libMosquitto, the MQTT client
Life Conway's Game of Life written in Swift 👾
CombineURLSession UrlSession wrapper for combine
Highlightr iOS & OSX Syntax Highlighter.
SwiftNetCDF Read and write NetCDF files in Swift
CSelect Expose some of the <sys/select.h> file descriptor functions for swift
MagicImages Magic Image is a library to facilitate the development of the image in various ways for iOS & tvOS
Swift-AI The Swift machine learning library.
swift-nio-ssh SwiftNIO SSH is a programmatic implementation of SSH using SwiftNIO
LineNoise A pure Swift replacement for readline
ArrowView Simple iOS view that draws a line with an arrow at the end. Uses UIBezierPath for a nice wavy effect.
SwiftyCache A simple and lightweight cache written in Swift
SwiftFormatPlugin Swift Package (Command) Plugin to format source code with nicklockwood/SwiftFormat
SpeziAccessGuard Spezi Module to Protect Views with an Access Code or Biometrics Authentication
DPVersion A data model to store and compare software version numbers
ARCore ARCore SDK for iOS
SwiftConcurrency An open source library with utilities and extensions to support Swift async/await concurrency
SwiftTheming A powerful lightweight theme 🎨 manager for SwiftUI
UIKitComponents Reusable UI components built with UIKit.
Swiftbrew Homebrew for Swift packages
TestSpy Swift Framework for Spy Objects
XCTAssertUnrecoverable Make it possible to test that universal error / logic failure occurs.
Runtime A Swift Runtime library for viewing type info, and the dynamic getting and setting of properties.
COpenBlas A Swift wrapper for C libraries libopenblas-dev and liplapack-dev for Linux
Popover 一款优雅易用的类似QQ和微信消息页面的右上角微型菜单弹窗, 最低支持iOS6.
CTXTutorialEngine Library for quick embedding contextual tutorials in your app.
CoronaErrors Commonly used patterns for error handling in Swift
AnyCodable Generic Any? data encapsulation meant to facilitate the transformation of loosely typed objects using Codable.
RegEx Easy regular expression data extraction in Swift
Maverick Textbundle powered blog engine.
PopupView Toasts and popups library written with SwiftUI
PerfectCrypto Cryptographic Operations
swift-blade A macro powered dependency injection framework for Swift
Voronoi Swift framework for calculating voronoi diagrams using Fortune's Algorithm.
SwiftCharts Easy to use and highly customizable charts library for iOS
textbundleify This app will transform a directory of markdown files into a directory of textbundles.
trash Just because you're at the command line doesn't mean you can't use the safe Mac Trash.
SwiftUIScroll An open source library that provides extensions to SwiftUI libraries that help with scroll views
FHPropertyWrappers Some useful Swift Property Wrappers.
BitByteData Read and write bits and bytes in Swift.
PerfectCURL cURL support for Perfect.
Keybro Keybro - is a quick wrapper for UIKeyCommand. This tool allows easily adding keyboard shortcuts to your app for debugging and testing applications especially in a simulator.
UltivicRash it is demo
Spasibo 🙏 Support your favourite open source projects
TransitionRouter 🚡 Simple custom transition framework
TouchInspector TouchInspector is a drop-in package that helps you visualize and debug touches on iOS and iPadOS.
BQ25703A Swift Package For TI BQ25703A I2C User-Space Driver
RxSwift Reactive Programming in Swift
YandexMapsMobileLite Yandex Lite Maps Mobile Swift package
DataKit Swift µframework for common Data + String operations
SwiftZulipAPI A Zulip library written in Swift.
XCSnippets Swift package to interact with Xcode Code Snippets in a type-safe manner
PersistedProperty A lightweight framework to persist iOS properties written in Swift
DSFStepperView A custom stepper text field for macOS and iOS, supporting Swift, Objective-C, SwiftUI and Catalyst
Thingy A modern device detection and querying library.
Ed25519 Ed25519 for Swift 3.x
Statement Swift DSL for writing SQL statements.
MastodonSwift A Mastodon API client written in Swift for iOS, iPadOS and macOS.
WHPlayingCardImageKit Swift package
PeripheryKit A Swift library for peripheral I/O (GPIO, LED, PWM, SPI, I2C, MMIO, Serial) in Linux.
PcgRandom PCG Random for Swift language
BlockfrostSwiftSDK Swift SDK for API
StringCase 👇👆🐍 Converts String to lowerCamelCase, UpperCamelCase and snake_case. Tested and written in Swift.
YandexMapsMobileNaviKit Yandex Maps Mobile NaviKit SDK Swift package
DateToolsSwift Dates and times made easy in iOS
Test Simple testing
Perfect-GoogleAnalytics-MeasurementProtocol Server side Google Analytics, using Swift / Perfect
SGSL Simple scientific library for Swift based on GNU Scientific Library
TableViewContent Declare tableView row and section header/footer easy way.
PerfectHTTP Base HTTP Support for Perfect.
exceljs Excel Workbook Manager
HighlightedTextEditor A SwiftUI view for dynamically highlighting user input
Covfefe A parser for nondeterministic context free languages
OAuthSwift Swift based OAuth library for iOS
KeyboardNotificationsObserver An observer of `UIKeyboard` notifications.
Natrium A pre-build (Swift) script to alter your Xcode project at pre-build-time per environment, build configuration and target.
DL4STensorboard Pure Swift TensorBoard plugin for DL4S
Kitura-CouchDB CouchDB adapter for Kitura
TaskSequencer Run your code blocks in a specific order within a defined timing.
ZeroMQSwift A simple ZeroMQ layer written in Swift.
Laden SwiftUI loading indicator view
SemanticVersion Represent semantic versions like "1.0.0" or "1.2.3-beta1" (SemVer) in Swift
INIParser A lightweight INI file parser in Server Side Swift
Pailead A palette generating and extraction Swift library for macOS, iOS, and Linux
SwiftyXBee ⚡️ A Swift library for communicating with XBee radios in API mode
Mokka A collection of helpers to make it easier to write testing mocks in Swift.
PerfectLDAP A simple Swift class wrapper of OpenLDAP.
EJDB2 EJDB2 Swift binding for iOS OSX Linux
Storage Eases the use of multiple storage and CDN services 🗄
SwURL Lightweight and customisable async image loading in SwiftUI. Supports on-disk storage, placeholders and more!
Resolver Swift Ultralight Dependency Injection / Service Locator framework
HPNetwork A protocol-based networking stack written in Swift
SwiftMarkdown A library for parsing and formatting strings with markdown tags in swift
GAppAuth Convenient Wrapper for AppAuth with Google Services written in Swift (>= 4).
DataLife DataLife is an observable data storage class written in Swift
LevelLogger A vapor logger provider. With level based configuration.
SwiftyPing ICMP ping client for Swift 5
Git A Swift package for working with Git, built on top of libgit2.
GEOSwift The Swift Geometry Engine.
ApiKit ApiKit is a Swift SDK that helps you integrate with external REST APIs.
FluentMongo Swift ORM (queries, models, relations, etc) built on MongoDB.
RxGesture RxSwift reactive wrapper for view gestures
BetterXC 🔧 Regenerate Xcode project and add optional SwiftLint/Sourcery integrations.
shivalib This Repo is for package and pods i.e how to integrate Cocoapods and spm in iOS project.
YAnalyticsAdobe Y—Analytics implementation for Adobe SDK
BottomSheet-SwiftUI BottomSheet view in SwiftUI
YelpProvider Yelp Vapor Provider
UMUtils iOS Utility Library
Chat A SwiftUI Chat UI framework with fully customizable message cells and a built-in media picker
MockingKit MockingKit is a Swift SDK that lets you easily mock protocols and classes in `Swift`.
Injection Lightweight dependency injection framework
AttributedStringStyledMarkdown AttributedString Markdown initializer with custom styling
PerfectMarkdown A solution to convert markdown text into html presentation in Swift, based on GerHobbelt's "upskirt" project.
SwiftUIOverlayContainer SwiftUI Overlay Container is a view container component for SwiftUI. It is a customizable, efficient and convenient view manager.
Badgy A command line tool that creates variants of your icon by adding badge overlays
SwiftLint A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions.
Otp A basic otp RFC4226 implementation
Sheet 📑 Actionsheet with navigation features such as the Flipboard App
PerfectMustache Mustache template support for Perfect.
navigation-stack-backport SwiftUI NavigationStack for iOS 14 and 15
YCalendarPicker An easy-to-use and highly customizable month calendar.
NamedPoint Giving names to CGPoint values in CGRect
vapor-routing A bidirectional Vapor router with more type safety and less fuss.
YCarousel An easy-to-use carousel that comes in both view and view controller flavors.
PerfectNotifications Apple Push Notifications (APNs) Server-Side library.
PerfectRedis A Swift client for Redis.
CustomOperation Custom async Operation implementation in Swift
CoherentSwift CoherentSwift is a command line tool written in Swift that analyses the cohesion level of your Swift codebase.
IzzyParser IzzyParser is an iOS library for serializing and deserializing JSON:API objects
iCalendar A minimal iCalendar (RFC 5545) parser in Swift
mustache A simple Mustache parser/evaluator for Swift
ApacheExpress3 Write Apache modules in Swift - Express.js style!
STTextView 📝 STTextView is a light-weight library that adds a placeholder to the UITextView.
EVReflection Reflection based (Dictionary, CKRecord, NSManagedObject, Realm, JSON and XML) object mapping with extensions for Alamofire and Moya with RxSwift or ReactiveSwift
web3.swift Web3 and Geth wrapper utility in swift
FloatingButton Easily customizable floating button menu created with SwiftUI
YPersistence A Core Data wrapper that leverages the power of generics to allow you to work with custom model objects.
SwiftDetailer A multi-platform SwiftUI component for editing fielded data
CoreOSC Contains common infrastructural code for apps to communicate among computers, sound synthesizers, and other multimedia devices via OSC.
BSON Native Swift library for BSON (
Saber Dependency injection (DI) & Inversion of Control (IoC) command line tool for Swift based on code generation
swift-html-vapor 💧 Vapor plugin for type-safe, transformable HTML views.
YCoreUI Core components for iOS and tvOS to accelerate building user interfaces in code.
TouchTracker 👆Show a mark at the touched point on the View of SwiftU and UIKit.
PerfectCRUD CRUD is an object-relational mapping (ORM) system for Swift 4+.
YStepper Accessible and customizable shopping cart-style stepper for iOS.
DocumentKit DocumentKit is a Swift SDK that adds more capabilities to DocumentGroup-based apps in SwiftUI.
Weekday Neat Swift library for dealing with week days
MongoQueue MongoDB Job Queue in Swift
PovioKitAuth Social Auth with ease
SDWebImageMockPlugin SDWebImageMockPlugin makes possible the creation of snapshot testing with views using SDWebImage to configure images.
CocoaLumberjackSwift XCFramework version of CocoaLumberjackSwift (
Form Form is an iOS Swift library for building and styling UIs
PSElasticPullToRefresh Elastic pull to refresh for iOS developed in Swift
Janus A Swift wrapper for Janus RESTful API.
PSOperations A framework for advanced NSOperations usage
VertexGUI A framework for creating cross-platform GUI applications with Swift.
OldMoofKit A Swift Package to communicate with older VanMoof bikes, such as SmartBike, SmartS/X, Electrified S/X or S/X2
Ji Ji (戟) is an XML/HTML parser for Swift
CFreeType Swift C module for FreeType 2
DrawerView A drop-in view, to be used as a drawer anywhere in your app
swift-qrcode-generator QR code generator written in pure Swift
MetalPetal A GPU accelerated image and video processing framework built on Metal.
SwiftNumberPad A multi-platform SwiftUI component for basic number input
vapor-wallet Virtual Wallet for Swift Vapor. Adds support for wallets and transactions for `Fluent` models.
RocketBoot Speed up you app's launching when you using Carthage or Punic to manager your Third-Party frameworks
Finite Finite is a simple, pure Swift finite state machine.
SnapKit A Swift Autolayout DSL for iOS & OS X
CallbackURLKit Implementation of x-callback-url (Inter app communication) in swift
swift-composable-presentation Navigation helpers for SwiftUI applications built with ComposableArchitecture
ASN1Kit ASN.1 Encoder\Decoder for Swift
SwiftyButton Simple and customizable button in Swift
StatusAlert Display Apple system-like self-hiding status alerts. It is well suited for notifying user without interrupting user flow in iOS-like way.
Connect The Swift implementation of Connect: Protobuf RPC that works.
hummingbird-fluent Hummingbird integration with Fluent database ORM
Configurate Build stackable configuration objects for Swift applications.
CodableMapper A convenient way of custom mapping properties using Swift Codable and property wrappers
PrintingKit PrintingKit is a Swift SDK that helps you print images, strings, views, PDFs etc. in Swift and SwiftUI.
IntelHex SwiftIntelHex is a parser for the Intel hexadecimal object file format (.hex).
Queryable Asynchronous view presentations in SwiftUI
RandomColor An attractive color generator for Swift. Ported from randomColor.js.
LogKit Swift framework for easy logging
SDGSwift The Swift Compiler As a Package
EmacsSwiftModule Write Emacs packages in Swift!
PerfectSMTP SMTP Client for Perfect.
SwiftEngine Apple Swift based HTTP server. The answer for a Swift based, turn key, crash resilient, high scale, and production grade web server.
PerfectWebRedirects Filter for specified routes (including trailing wildcard routes) and perform redirects as instructed if a match is found.
SwiftyBash Bash scripting & piping in Swift made easy !
AckGen Generate a list of license information for all Swift packages used in your project. For easy *Acknowledgement* views.
SpeziChat Spezi Module to Handle and Display User Interfaces for Chat-based Interactions
Scientist A Swift library for carefully refactoring critical paths.
Inject Effortless modular dependency injection for Swift.
llbuild A low-level build system, used by Xcode and the Swift Package Manager
Transmission Bridges UIKit presentation APIs to a SwiftUI API so you can use presentation controllers, interactive transitions and more.
PerfectXML XML support for Perfect.
MijickCalendarView Calendars made simple (SwiftUI)
MijickGridView Easy Grids with SwiftUI
Perfect-LocalAuthentication-MySQL Local Authentication, MySQL module
Artemis Write GraphQL queries like SwiftUI views - no strings, no dictionaries.
SpeziFHIR The Spezi FHIR Standard & Related Modules
RegularExpressions A regular expressions library for Swift
Parse3339 A fast pure Swift RFC 3339 timestamp parser
NordicDFU Swift Nordic OTA DFU Library, compatible with nRF5x SoCs
CollectionViewCenteredFlowLayout A layout for UICollectionView that aligns the cells to the center.
Perfect-LocalAuthentication-PostgreSQL Local Authentication processes and routes
JacquardSDK Jacquard™ by Google weaves new digital experiences into the things you love, wear, and use every day to give you the power to do more and be more. Jacquard SDK is a way to connect Jacquard interactions within your apps. Create an app and bring it to life with gestures, lights and haptics through the Jacquard SDK.
SwiftPageView swift砖块系列:无限轮播图
AvailableHapticFeedback Unified haptic feedback interface for all subclasses of UIFeedbackGenerator, with availability checks for iOS 9.
yoga Yoga is an embeddable layout engine targeting web standards.
HeliosKit Swift wrapper for Helios, a fast, secure and portable light client for Ethereum
Shout SSH made easy in Swift. Special supported numeric host & external prebuild Libssh2.
web3swift Elegant Web3js functionality in Swift. Native ABI parsing and smart contract interactions.
Charts :rocket: SwiftUI Charts with custom styles
Stagehand Modern, type-safe API for building animations on iOS
DeclarativeUIKit Create descriptive UIKit screens, faster!
BlueprintUI Declarative UI construction for iOS, written in Swift
FlexibleDiff A Swift collection diffing μframework.
fishhook A library that enables dynamically rebinding symbols in Mach-O binaries running on iOS.
PineconeSwift Swift API for Pinecone Vector database access
UIPreview Generate UI catalog from all your views
Haptica Easy Haptic Feedback Generator 📳
UnsplashProvider It is a package that can use the Unsplash API. It was developed as a SwiftUI.
GeoSwift Location-related APIs intended to be used by server-side Swift applications.
Echo A complete reflection library for Swift
RVS_BlueThoth A Native Swift Core Bluetooth LE Central (Client) Abstraction Driver
SwiftfulRecursiveUI Recursive SwiftUI View
NKeys NATS Keys support in Swift
TAP A Swift package for the Test Anything Protocol (v13)
PerfectSessionPostgreSQL PostgreSQL Driver for Perfect Sessions.
InSwifted-Addons InSwifted Adonis is a repo with multiple packages/podspecs to quickly build a modularised app
Billboard a Swift Package that lets you add beautiful and privacy-friendly Ads to your app. These are Advertisements for Indies, by Indies.
ISO9660 Read/write ISO9660 (CD, DVD) images, with a pure Swift API
SwiftSentry Native Swift implementation to log to
Conduit Robust Swift networking for web APIs
PerfectNewRelic This project provides a Swift class wrapper for New Relic Agent SDK.
TextBundle Markdown TextBundle implemented in 100% Swift
GitCommitInfoPlugin Access info about commit directly from Swift code
Valet Valet lets you securely store data in the iOS, tvOS, or macOS Keychain without knowing a thing about how the Keychain works. It’s easy. We promise.
UUSwiftTestCore Common Unit Test Tools for the UU Library
Opentracing OpenTracing API for Objective-C
Draftsman Draftsman is a Layout builder based on AutoLayout with Declarative approach
Instructions Create walkthroughs and guided tours (coach marks) in a simple way, with Swift.
ExyteMediaPicker Customizable media picker written with SwiftUI
Cirrus ☁️ Simple CloudKit sync for Codable Swift models
PerfectSessionRedis Redis Driver for Perfect Sessions
CombinePrintout A Combine micro debugging package
couchdb-vapor CouchDB client in Swift
CameLLM Run your favourite LLMs locally on macOS from Swift
InSwifted Simple dependency injection for swift
Notarize Command line utility to notarize apple application
Maaku The Maaku framework provides a Swift wrapper around cmark with the addition of a Swift friendly representation of the AST
ta-lib-python Python wrapper for TA-Lib (
BoolBuilder A Swift resultBuilder for building a Bool.
ThemingKit Library for theming an iOS application easily
CombineRealm Combine extensions for Realm
UIntX The unsigned integer to rule them all.
java_swift Support code for Swift Java Bridge
SwiftCompilationDatabase SwiftCompilationDatabase produces a CompilationDatabase from the Swift compiler.
VHProgressBar Vartical and Horizontal ProgressBar
swift-json high-performance json parsing and encoding for server applications
ConstraintsOperators Convenient operators for creating constraints
AppIconGenerator A library for creating App Icons from SwiftUI views.
MapboxGeocoder Address search and reverse geocoding in Swift or Objective-C on iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS
S2GeometrySwift Swift port of S2 Geometry.
SwiftWebSocket Fast Websockets in Swift for iOS and OSX
VaporRecaptcha A Vapor 3 library for validating Google reCAPTCHA submissions
AERecord Super awesome Swift minion for Core Data (iOS, macOS, tvOS)
Siesta The civilized way to write REST API clients for iOS / macOS
AppStoreScraper A library to scrape data from the App Store.
AsyncChannelKit Simple implementation of an async channel for use with Swift Concurrency
TextureTransition SwiftUI like transitions for Texture (ASDisplayKit)
SpeziFirebase Google Firebase Spezi Modules
MailCore Emailing wrapper for Vapor 3 apps
TRON Lightweight network abstraction layer, written on top of Alamofire
PLzmaSDK PLzmaSDK is (Portable, Patched, Package, cross-P-latform) Lzma SDK.
UIKeyboardAnimatable Helpers to deal with keyboard animations in iOS.
TaxJar A Vapor client for the TaxJar API
SPMDeveloperInsider Swift Package Manager Demo for
Prephirences Prephirences is a Swift library that provides useful protocols and convenience methods to manage application preferences, configurations and app-state. UserDefaults
FragmentedMP4Parser Parses information in a fragmented MPEG-4 file for use in HLS playlist
geos GEOS packaging for SPM & CocoaPods
Hyperspace An extremely lightweight wrapper around URLSession to make working with APIs a breeze.
FlatMany flatMap --> Publishers.MergeMany --> map --> collect
swift-scrypt Swift bindings for libscrypt
FengNiao A command line tool for cleaning unused resources in Xcode.
Box Box type for Swift, transform any value type into a reference type.
S3SignerAWS Pure Swift AWS S3 Signer, generates V4 Auth Headers and V4 presignedURLs
SwiftBGFX Swift bindings to bgfx – a cross-platform, graphics API agnostic, "Bring Your Own Engine/Framework" style rendering library
ShortcutRecorder A user interface control to record key combinations. For Mac OS X, uses Cocoa.
RadioBrowserKit Radio Streams from all over the world. Free and Open.
LanguageClient Language Server Protocol (LSP) client for Swift
BindingKit A set of handy additions to the basic SwiftUI Binding type.
Axt SwiftUI view testing library
FirebaseHelpers A swift Framework to help send push using firebase.
gRPC Binary distribution of the gRPC library.
OkHttpClient A lightweight HTTP client for Swift with logging and enhanced JSON support.
AdversaryLabClientSwift A port of the Adversary Lab client from Go to Swift
SwiftSoup SwiftSoup: Pure Swift HTML Parser, with best of DOM, CSS, and jquery (Supports Linux, iOS, Mac, tvOS, watchOS)
SwiftUPnP A 100% Swift based UPnP implementation
SwiftMath Cross-platform math library with SIMD support
BillboardSwiftLibrary Swift API for downloading Billboard charts
UnifiedBlurHash BlurHash Implementation for Swift on iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS, macCatalyst and visionOS.
ATProtoKit A straightforward solution for using the AT Protocol and Bluesky, written in Swift.
RemoteImage Swift package for a SwiftUI remote image view
KeyboardSupport Makes dealing with common keyboard tasks simpler and easier.
WelcomeWindow SwiftUI Welcome screen modeled after the 'Welcome to Xcode' window
SwiftIO A Swift framework for microcontrollers abstraction layer.
superagent-swift Build, deploy, and manage LLM-powered agents on  platforms.
CodableProperty Easy transforming of Codable types written in Swift
TVDatePicker The missing SwiftUI DatePicker view for tvOS
CodeEditor Text editors for GNOME apps written in Swift
ResizableController ResizableController is the custom model presentation style written in swift.
Boilerplate Swift boilerplate code library with tons of useful stuff, including Linux compatibility layers
VDTransition `SwiftUI` like transition for `UIKit`
LinkNavigator 🌊 Easy & Powerful navigation library in SwiftUI
Socket Swift async/await based socket
BigNum Arbitrary-precision arithmetic for Swift, in Swift
ContentBlurView Easily get a fancy looking gradient blur as seen on watchOS 10
PathBuilder SwiftUI result builder for Path
PianoKeyboard Piano keyboard view for iOS, in Swift
Supabase A Swift client for Supabase
PerfectSession Session drivers (for use in Perfect projects).
FastRTPSSwift Very basic yet functional Swift wrapper over eProsima Fast-DDS library.
Burst 🎆 Burst interface elements in Swift
AnimateText This library for animating text. Developed with SwiftUI. This library supports iOS/macOS.
cassowary A Swift implementation of the cassowary simplex solver
SwiftNpy Save/Load NumPy array files in Swift
swiftui-hosting-transitions A library to perform matched geometry effect transitions between SwiftUI's UIHostingControllers.
Player ▶️ Play and stream media in Swift
SwiftFirebase Swift Interface for Firebase
InjectKit Proof of concept for a dependency injection framework using function builder DSL and PropertyWrappers of swift 5.1
yyjson The fastest JSON library in C
CollectionView SwiftUI wrapper of UICollectionView.
SwiftWin32 A Windows application framework for Swift
SemanticString String abstraction for easy text localization and stylization
Inspect Access UIKit and AppKit components from within SwiftUI.
FindFaster Quickly find matches in a Swift collection
KeyboardGuide A modern, real iOS keyboard system notifications handler framework that Just Works.
FCUUID iOS UUID / Universally Unique Identifiers library as alternative to UDID and identifierForVendor. :iphone:
StaticLogger A Swift macro for automatically adding Loggers to types
CoreTextSwift CoreText Swift bindings
xctest-resettable A helper to keep your tests lightweight
HSTableView A better UITableView. Rows are managed by objects. Things happen with blocks.
LottieForSwiftUI Lottie Animation Package for SwiftUI
Flash Flash messages for UIKit
OptionallyDecodable Property wrapper for turning decoding failures into optionals instead of errors.
Lurker Abstraction over the iOS BackgroundTask API to make background tasks easy to isolate, maintain and schedule.
OctoKit A Swift API Client for GitHub and GitHub Enterprise
Parchment Logger implementation using Swift Concurrency
smoke-aws-credentials A library to obtain and assume automatically rotating AWS IAM roles written in the Swift programming language.
SwiftAWSSignatureV4 AWS's signature version 4 in cross-platform Swift
GModule A Swift wrapper around gmodule-2.x that is largely auto-generated from gobject-introspection
SwiftyAWSSNS Swift AWS SNS endpoints based on Kitura HTTP client.
ARPersistence AR Persistence with ARKit & RealityKit
XMLMapper A simple way to map XML to Objects written in Swift
SwiftyOpenGraph A swift library that retrieves structured open graph data from webpages.
SwiftFormatterPlugin Plugin that runs SwiftFormatter on a swift package
LibreTranslate LibreTranslate API client for Swift.
EmojiFireworksAndExplosionsPackage Provides APIs to create fireworks and explosions effects for Apple mobile apps using IOS.
SwiftRuleEngine A rule engine written in Swift where rules are defined in JSON format
DSFToggleButton A macOS toggle button (inheriting from NSButton) that mimics iOS's UISwitch
Poly 🦕 Unofficial Google Poly SDK in Swift – search, discover, and download 3D models and scenes
AsyncPreview Preview asynchronous views on Xcode canvas.
PGExtras Commands providing shortcuts to common Postgres introspection queries (Swift port of heroku-pg-extras)
LayoutUI Constraint-based autolayout system written on Swift. Not Autolayout wrapper. Reimplemenation of CGLayout.
BinaryCodable Swift Codable-like interfaces for binary representations.
RealmDatabase Core database component for the Realm Mobile Database SDKs
Twinkle :sparkles: Twinkle interface elements in Swift
VDCodable This repository includes some useful tools for Codable protocol and data decoding.
MarkdownView Markdown View for iOS.
Tiktoken Openai's tiktoken implementation written in Swift
ClukUI ClukUI is a Swift package offering elegant clock visualizations for SwiftUI. Perfect for iOS, macOS, and tvOS apps, it's easy to integrate and customize. Enhance your apps with stylish time displays!
CloudSyncSession Swift package that makes it easier to write CloudKit sync-enabled, offline-capable apps
Toast A Swift extension that adds toast notifications to the UIView object class.
BelarusianLacinka Канвертар беларускай лацінкі | Swift
Causality A simple thread-safe, in-memory bus for Swift that supports fully-typed Events and States.
SwiftUIRefresh Pull To Refresh for SwiftUI lists
CalendarKit 📅 Calendar for Apple platforms in Swift
Realm XCFramework version of Realm (
PacketProcessor A type-safe packet processor framework in Swift
SpeziLLM A module enabling the integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) with the Spezi Ecosystem
HTTPClient 🌐(🚜) Easy to use HTTPClient(s) built on top of URLSession and available for Combine
DLog Modern logger with pipelines for Swift.
wishkit-ios In-App Feature Requests. Made Easy.
BlurView Custom blur radius for your UIKit views
iLineChart ChartView made in SwiftUI
AnimationPlanner Chain multiple UIView animations without endless closure nesting
SwiftkubeModel Swift Kubernetes API objects
AdyenWeChatPayInternal Adyen WeChat Pay SDK Wrapper
PromiseQ Javascript style promises with async/await, suspend/resume and cancel features for Swift.
PCloudSDKSwift The official pCloud Swift SDK for iOS and macOS for integration with the pCloud API.
Hamilton A great way to manipulate vectors and quaternions in Swift
DefaultsKit Simple, Strongly Typed UserDefaults for iOS, macOS and tvOS
t 🧪 Quickly test expectations
CouchbaseClusterManager Docker container for Couchbase Server cluster provisioning and configuration.
Result Swift type modelling the success/failure of arbitrary operations.
PanelPresenter Very simple swipe-to-dismiss, supporting Auto Layout and dynamic heights
MagickBird Swifty wrapper around ImageMagick. Requires ImageMagick.
BowLite 🏹 Bow Lite is a cross-platform library for Typed Functional Programming in Swift
Euclid A Swift library for creating and manipulating 3D geometry
UIScrollView_InfiniteScroll UIScrollView ∞ scroll category
ASCollectionView Lightweight custom collection view inspired by Airbnb.
NukeUI Lazy image loading for Apple platforms: SwiftUI, UIKit, AppKit
GoogleMaps Google Maps SDK for iOS
Extra A collection of useful SwiftUI extensions
DangerSwiftShoki A danger-swift plug-in to manage/post danger checking reports with markdown style
SignInWithApple Utilities to simplify Sign in with Apple for Vapor projects.
RetryingOperation Retrying operations with no persistence, wrapped in a single Foundation Operation, in Swift
OpenInTerminalButton A tiny SwiftPM package that provides a library and a SwiftUI button for opening a folder in macOS or
ContentstackSwift Swift SDK for Contentstack’s Content Delivery API
swift-log-variadic-bootstrap Variadic bootstrapping function for SwiftLog.
swift-nio-redis A high performance Redis protocol (RESP) implementation for SwiftNIO
Thrift Apache Thrift native Swift library
SimpleNetworking Simple networking
QminderAPI Qminder API for iOS, tvOS, macOS, watchOS.
Rapid A host of utilities to make Swift Swiftier
Pinnable Convenient Auto Layout
SwiftUI-UDF UDF (Unidirectional Data Flow) architecture on SwiftUI/Concurrency/Combine
swiftui-simplex-architecture A Library of simple architecture that decouples state changes from SwiftUI's View
Ephemeris Calculate Moon and Sun positions in Swift.
Guigna Prototype of a universal GUI supporting Homebrew, MacPorts, Fink, pkgsrc.
SDEFinitely Parses SDEF files into Swift structures
LogManager A simple library to make it easier to add pretty debugging loggin entries to an App project.
RandomFactory Randomized model generator for Swift.
Networking A super lightweight URLSession wrapper
MCP4725 Swift library for interacting with the MCP4725 I2C 12-bit DAC.
builder Builder Patterns for Flexible Syntax in Swift
MeshGenerator API to generate 3D surface meshes for Apple platforms
Images Swift Image utilities.
Currency Interact with and calculate values of currencies in a type-safe way.
xcopen Because, yes, sometimes I really am so lazy that I want to cd and just open whatever xcproj is in the folder
LaTeXSwiftUI A SwiftUI view that renders LaTeX.
CombineRequest A flexible, Combine-based framework for building API client suites.
PerfectTensorFlow TensorFlow C API Class Wrapper in Server Side Swift.
SwiftyNetworking Simple networking layer inspired by SwiftUI views building style
SwiftSubtitles A Swift package for reading/writing subtitle formats (srt, sbv, sub, vtt, csv)
CleanJSON Swift JSON decoder for Codable
Emissary 💫 Modern, resource-based network abstraction layer with reactive extensions
RxAutomaton 🤖 RxSwift + State Machine, inspired by Redux and Elm.
Match3Kit Library for simple Match3 games.
SwiftButton swift砖块系列:一个样式多变的Button,支持点击时动态改变大小,边框颜色等等
SwiftObjects A demo implementation of the WebObjects API in Swift.
UITextField-Navigation 🏄‍♂️ UITextField-Navigation makes it easier to navigate between UITextFields and UITextViews
swift-generic-color Platform-agnostic color library written in Swift
FluidMenuBarExtra 🖥️ A lightweight tool for building great menu bar extras with SwiftUI.
SwiftObjectsZeeQLBridge Hook up ZeeQL KeyValueCoding w/ SwiftObjects KeyValueCoding
SwiftTabler A multi-platform SwiftUI component for tabular data
PCA9685 PCA9685 I2C Driver for Swift
FileScanKit Scanning file path library for Swift
CPLSwift Swift Module Map for PostgreSQL Server Extensions
Sparkle A software update framework for macOS
Cartography A declarative Auto Layout DSL for Swift :iphone::triangular_ruler:
SpeziQuestionnaire Spezi Questionnaire Module
WZQInstantSearch An Algorithm For Instant Search
ActionBuilder Compose SpriteKit animations quickly in a declarative SwiftUI-style
LZW LZW without pre-populated string table / alphabet
Silica Pure Swift CoreGraphics (Quartz2D) implementation (Supports Linux)
ImGui Swift wrapper around Dear imgui for macOS, iOS, Linux and Windows
Asheron Asheron's Call Data File Parser
UniquelyTypedID UniquelyTypedID Swift Macro. Let the compiler confirm you're passing the right kind of ID
Int2X Int2X made of IntX
DocumentData A data persistence library like SwiftData, and persist all the data into Property List Document.
Wyler Screen Recording Made Easy on iOS
AppsShowcase A tiny opinionated library for retrieving and displaying apps that you want to showcase inside your app.
RPiLight 24-Hour LED Controller for Raspberry Pi. Aimed at Aquarium Use.
DockProgress Show progress in your app's Dock icon
RichEditorSwiftUI RichEditorSwiftUI is swift based library, it is made to make rich text editing easy with SwiftUI.
ViewInspector Runtime introspection and unit testing of SwiftUI views
AITranslate A tool to translate Xcode xcstrings files using ChatGPT AI/LLM
FieryCrucible A minimalist type safe Swift dependency injection library
LicenseKit LicenseKit helps you protect your Swift-based apps and libraries with a commercial license.
SwiftState Elegant state machine for Swift.
JSONDecoder Simple JSON decoder written in swift
OnLaunch-iOS-Client iOS client written in Swift for OnLaunch
UtiliKit All the things you're tired of writing.
JoyStickView A custom UIView in Swift that presents a simple joystick interface.
ApplicationConfiguration A simple and codable way to configure a Perfect Application (WIP)
ImageScout A Swift implementation of fastimage. Supports PNG, GIF, and JPEG.
MacroKit Exploring Swifts new macro system
Diligence SwiftUI About Screens
PerfectValidation A micro library to easily define validation rules for Perfect Framework (WIP)
SessionTools A small library to make dealing with sessions (e.g. login sessions) easier.
EllipticCurve An elliptic curve library written in Swift 4
OAuth2 OAuth2 framework for macOS and iOS, written in Swift.
OrderedSet A Swift collection of unique, ordered objects
vlckit libvlc bindings for OS X, iOS and tvOS in Objective-C, official mirror
OpenWeatherKit :partly_sunny: Swift OpenWeatherMap Kit :partly_sunny:
BezelKit BezelKit is a Swift package designed to simplify the process of accessing device-specific bezel sizes in apps. Knowing the exact bezel size can be crucial for aligning UI elements, creating immersive experiences, or when you need pixel-perfect design layouts.
StreamReader line-by-line file reader
Swifter [DEPRECATED] :bird: A Twitter framework for iOS & OS X written in Swift
WordNetDecoder A Swift decoder for WordNets.
VirtuosoClientDownloadEngine Penthera's Download2Go iOS SDK enables best-in-class video download and playback solutions for a wide variety of content providers.
mvt-postgis Postgis extensions for mvt-tools
SwiftVizScale Scale types usable for visualization, inspired by D3
soto Swift SDK for AWS that works on Linux, macOS and iOS
Skewer 🍡 Automatic support for “kebab-case” in Swift JSON encoders and decoders
SwiftPriorityQueue A Generic Priority Queue in Pure Swift
SwiftKit Start your next Open-Source Swift Framework 📦
GeoJSONKitTurf Geospatial algorithms in pristine Swift
swift-chess Chess represented in swift
CurrencyConverter Utilities for doing currency conversion with the Money library
MongoDBStORM MongoDB Swift ORM
ImageZoom Add a style image zoom for items within the document content.
SwiftColorGenLibrary This repository hosts the core package used by the tool SwiftColorGen
EventHierarchy Event handling using using a Responder Chain built on the SwiftUI View Hierarchy
RelativeUrls Transform relative paths into web compatible urls
JSON For dealing with ambiguous JSON that doesn't connect to a specific type
VaporXFPMiddleware A Vapor middleware to redirect reverse proxy requests originating as http to https.
frameit-frames Hosting the latest frameit frames via GitHub Pages
SwiftMocks Mocking framework for Swift using Macros
FloatingPointApproximation A correct way to determine if two floating-point numbers are approximately equal to one another in Swift
MultipartFormDataKit Simple library for multipart/form-data for Swift.
Swiftification Swift extensions to make life more pleasant
SION SION handler in Swift. also handles / JSON / Property List /[SION,Swift]
AlgoChecker Mad technique to detect algorithm (Time Complexity) of a given function
Lilliput Low overhead file & byte processing for Swift. Has support for little and big endian data.
SwiftQuests An object-oriented, URLSession-based network library.
SwiftyHawk Hawk authentication implementation in Swift
BDDSwift A type-safe, compiler-enforced way of writing BDD steps and scenarios in Swift for XCTest.
PostgresStORM PostgreSQL StORM Module
swift-log-supabase A logging backend for apple/swift-log that sends log entries to Supabase.
PocketSVG Easily convert your SVG files into CGPaths, CAShapeLayers, and UIBezierPaths
swift-digits 🦁 A Swift library for working with integer digits.
GfxMath Adding graphics related functions as I need them. Use at your own risk.
Retry A Swift library for retrying operations that might fail, and getting metrics about retry success rates.
SemanticVersioning This package provides the Swift protocol compatible with Semantic Versioning (2.0.0).
swiftui-frameless-window 🚥 Frameless window Scene for SwiftUI. Just a bare window.
thincloud-ios-sdk The ThinCloud SDK for iOS.
PerfectFastCGI FastCGI server for Perfect.
SwiftKit SwiftKit adds extra functionality to the Swift programming language.
SwiftEndpoint Lightweight library providing higher level of abstraction for implementing networking in iOS and macOS applications
IHProgressHUD A clean and lightweight progress HUD based on SVProgressHUD, converted to Swift with the help of Swiftify.
swiftui-app-icon-creator Create iOS and macOS application icon in Xcode with SwiftUI
PerfectHTTPServer HTTP server for Perfect.
CrystalViewUtilities Utlities that are useful when building with SwiftUI.
ClosureChain Simplifies sequential async completion methods for Swift. It makes no promises and has no futures. ;-)
URLRequestOperation Using OperationQueue for your URL requests (with a built-in retry mechanism)
DataDecoder Swift Data Decoder. Easily Decode Data values
ArchitectureComponents A port of Android Architecture Components to iOS.
swiftui-launcher-window 🚄 Launcher window Scene for SwiftUI. Launch your app with style.
MediaViewer A comfortable media viewer like the iOS standard.
Base58Swift A pure swift implementation of base58 string encoding and decoding
SwiftGuideView swift砖块系列:启动时新手引导
SwiftFormat A command-line tool and Xcode Extension for formatting Swift code
swift-clocks ⏰ A few clocks that make working with Swift concurrency more testable and more versatile.
DateHelper A Swift Date extension helper
OWOneCall SwiftUI OpenWeather One Call API library
FuturaAsync Async tools in Swift
DTCoreText Methods to allow using HTML code with CoreText
FitDataProtocol Swift Implementation the Garmin Flexible and Interoperable Data Transfer Protocol.
SwiftShell Simple Shell Executor with Swift.
peerdid-swift Welcome to peerdid-swift, a Swift package enabling the creation and resolution of Peer DIDs.
cURL C module libcurl import for Perfect.
FuturaFunc Functional helpers for swift
Rate A type-safe ratio of Foundation unit quantities
Swifter Tiny http server engine written in Swift programming language.
swift-conformable-existential Hashable and Codable support for existential types
FDSoundActivatedRecorder Start recording when the user speaks
ZeeQL3Apache Apache APR/mod_dbd adaptors for the ZeeQL Swift ORM
SwiftBytes Collection of helper methods for byte manipulation in Swift
libpq C module import for libpq.
FloatingTabBar Aesthetic floating tab bar – SwiftUI & Combine ⛓️ Importable via Swift Package Manager 📦
Sovran Small, efficient, easy. State Management for Swift
FitnessUnits Units of Measurement for Fitness
EFCountingLabel Adds animated counting support to UILabel.
MacAddress Mac address data type for Swift, also known as EUI-48.
swift-html 🗺 A Swift DSL for type-safe, extensible, and transformable HTML documents.
SSCustomTabbar Simple Animated tabbar with native control
RegularExpressionDecoder A decoder that constructs objects from regular expression matches.
Lasso iOS architectural pattern and framework
Variablur Variable blur effects for SwiftUI, powered by Metal
Alter Alter is framework to make mapping Codable property and key easier.
GraphQL The Swift GraphQL implementation for macOS and Linux
Piz The simplest unzipper just works. (Swift)
SASL SASL C library for Swift.
Hopoate Lightweight Dependency Injection for iOS
Moderator A simple, modular command line argument parser in Swift.
GRPCClient :repeat: Client-side library that depends on SwiftGRPC which is a library of gRPC written in Swift.
compress-nio Compression/Decompression support for Swift NIO ByteBuffer
BlowMindStyle Framework that will help to orginize styles in your app
Logger Really lightweight logger for your CLI app
Footprint Footprint is a Swift library that facilitates dynamic memory management in iOS apps, categorizing memory states and allowing adaptive behavior based on real-time constraints.
HTMLSpecialCharacters Library to escape/unescape HTML special characters in Swift.
BaseMath Basic math functions for float and double in Swift
GitHub Swift Package client for the GitHub GraphQL API V4
TcxDataProtocol Training Center XML Format
PINRemoteImage A thread safe, performant, feature rich image fetcher
libxml2 libxml2 support module for Perfect.
swift-nio-ssl TLS Support for SwiftNIO, based on BoringSSL.
WrappingHStack A SwiftUI HStack with the ability to wrap contained elements
QSChatView A beautiful data-driven chat view.
TransitionPatch Declarative sequence for converting value.
Moxie A spunky mocking library for Swift
Foundation Similar to `import Foundation`, this allows you to `import AppFoundation` to get access to all frameworks you commonly use.
SwiftFM SwiftFM is a Swift framework for the FileMaker Data API
URLQueryEncoder URL query encoder with support for all OpenAPI serialization options
StORM StORM base library
ModulusOperandi Declarative modular arithmetic for Swift Integers and Floating-Point types that supports Euclidean, flooring, and truncating division algorithms.
RomanNumeralKit First-class Roman numeral support for Swift.
DynamicSearchBarPlaceholders A custom searchbar that helps you easily create animated dynamic placeholders.
CLapacke-Linux Swift package for Linux to wrap system library LAPACK
Bind A simple reactive framework for binding values and objects to one another
DiffableDataSources 💾 A library for backporting UITableView/UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource.
ImageIOSwift Swift wrapper around ImageIO
AnyTranslate Translate UI on the fly to any user language
manifestation Parse a Package.swift manifest
Marcel A MIME parser for iOS/Mac
MyTargetSDK ios myTarget sdk for SPM
NetworkKit Powerful network layer seamlessly integrating Combine Framework, Async/Await, and Closures.
GoogleSignIn Minimalistic Google Sign In oAuth 2.0 client written in Swift
NetUtils Swift library that simplifies getting information about your network interfaces and their properties, both for iOS and OS X.
SwiftSQLite SQLite wrapper for swift, nothing more, nothing less
SwiftLMDB Simple & fast key value store in Swift
QuantumQuillSwift Some Swift extensions for a cleaner and better code
geodesic Compute distances in Swift
Corridor Corridor lets you easily match URLs and extract their values
PerfectLogger File-Based Logging.
SQLiteManager To manage a SQLite Database with Swift and Combine
mapsgl-apple-sdk MapsGL is an easy-to-use, highly customizable Swift SDK for visualizing both weather and custom data, powered by Metal
SwiftBrick swift砖块系列:UI基础框架,有各种工具方便快速搭建APP
JSON-DSL A simple JSON DSL for Swift
iTextField Fully-wrapped UITextField made to work entirely in SwiftUI
DataLoader DataLoader is a generic utility to be used as part of your Swift application's data fetching layer to provide a simplified and consistent API over various remote data sources such as databases or web services via batching and caching.
WebRTC Unofficial distribution of up to date WebRTC framework binaries for iOS and macOS
TextFieldStepper A SwiftUI component to make inputting numbers easier than the native stepper component.
nef 💊 steroids for Xcode Playgrounds
Mustache Flexible Mustache templates for Swift
DependencyResolution Support package for SPI-Server, handling dependency resolution
YouTubePlayerKit A Swift Package to easily play YouTube videos 📺
XCoordinator 🎌 Powerful navigation library for iOS based on the coordinator pattern
XMLCoding XMLEncoder & XMLDecoder using the Codable protocol in Swift 4.2
GLSceneLib A simple scene graph renderer for OpenGL written in Swift.
E 🟠 Swift Enum Lang
UIKit-Modifiers SwiftUI-like modifiers for many UIKit views and controls
MacControlCenterUI SwiftUI menu builder DSL & controls that mimic macOS Control Center.
Keyboard Never implement UIKeyboardDidShowNotification ever again. Ever.
ProtoKit ProtoKit is a collection of protocols and extensions that make prototyping faster and easier with Swift programming language.
PerfectMIME Basic MIME type support.
Surge Surge has been moved to its own organization on GitHub (@Jounce)
HKDFKit Simple HKDF utility with Objective-C interface
Benchmarking Support package for writing Attabench benchmarks
Bob Extensible Slack Bot used to communicate with TravisCI and GitHub
swift-fsm Friendly Finite State Machine Syntax for Swift on macOS, iOS, tvOS and watchOS
mysqlclient C module import for MySQL client.
APIKit Type-safe networking abstraction layer that associates request type with response type.
Carbon 🚴 A declarative library for building component-based user interfaces in UITableView and UICollectionView.
VariableBlurImageView Add variable blur to images in UIKit, AppKit and SwiftUI.
Overture 🎼 A library for function composition.
KSTimerView A simple SwiftUI timer view with Background, LocalNotification and Haptic support.
Swiftz Functional programming in Swift
PerfectNet Core asynchronous networking package used in Perfect. Includes support for TCP, SSL, UNIX socket files and IO event handling.
XCResultKit A Swift interface for finding and parsing xcresult files that Xcode generates when running tests.
Bouncer Command line argument parser written in Swift.
swift-builders Result builders for Swift and Foundation types
GPX This is a universal Swift Package for parsing/generating GPX files.
BokenEngine :gear: A Swift framework for creating slides-based, non-linear visual stories and presentations
ReactiveCocoa Reactive extensions to Cocoa frameworks, built on top of ReactiveSwift
ESPullToRefresh #Busy Re-Building....# An easy way to use pull to refresh and infinite scrolling in Swift. Pod 'ESPullToRefresh'
Inject Hot Reloading for Swift applications!
Selfish A tool to automatically insert explicit `self` references in the Swift files in the current directory.
CloseEnough Swift property wrapper to allow fuzzy comparison of structs with floating-point members
MADBike This is the public repository of the MADBike app for iOS. Public bike rental service for BiciMAD.
JSONFeed A Swift encoder and decoder for the JSON Feed format
swift-markdown A Swift package for parsing, building, editing, and analyzing Markdown documents.
ULID.swift Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier (ULID) in Swift.
IDPPlanner An Iterative Dynamic Programming Query Planning library
SwiftUIPreviewUtils Starter utilities for using Xcode previews in SwiftUI projects
SDWebImageSVGCoder A SVG coder plugin for SDWebImage, using Apple's built-in framework
RealityUI A Swift Package for creating familiar UI Elements and animations in RealityKit. For both Augmented Reality or Virtual Reality scenes. Now with visionOS support.
kineo-endpoint SPARQL 1.1 Protocol implementation in Swift
RVS_UIKit_Toolbox A Set of Tools To Extend UIKit (Classic iOS Framework)
ZMarkupParser ZMarkupParser is a pure-Swift library that helps you convert HTML strings into NSAttributedString with customized styles and tags.
Sdift Swift diff library
Flint Generate projects and files from template.
CypherPoetSwiftUIReduxUtils A collection utilities for architecting SwiftUI apps in the Redux/Elm style of Reducers, Actions, Side Effects and Middlewares. Now updated for Swift Concurrency.
SwiftUICharts ChartView made in SwiftUI
AMScrollingNavbar Scrollable UINavigationBar that follows the scrolling of a UIScrollView
PetriKit PetriNet toolset for swift
ICCReader Swift definitions for structures, enumerations and functions defined in the [ICC Profile Format Specification]
OAuth2 OAuth2 Implementations with Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Slack, SalesForce and GitHub providers.
swift-nio-ssl TLS Support for SwiftNIO, based on BoringSSL.
StepperView SwiftUI iOS component for Step Indications.
PubliclyVerifiableSecretSharing An implementation of Publicly Verifiably Secret Sharing (PVSS) in Swift.
PusherSwift Pusher Channels websocket library for Swift
typed-notifications A library attaching type-information to NotificationCenter
Dejavu Mocking for Swift network requests
Pendo Pendo captures product usage data, gathers user feedback, and lets you communicate in-app to onboard, educate, and guide users to value
swift-multibase Self identifying base encodings using the Multibase spec
CustomRepeatDate A simple date extension that easily allows you to provide custom repeat date options for the Gregorian calendar.
KyuGenericExtensions Simple extensions to make coding easier.
OpenLDAP OpenLDAP C Library for Swift.
soto-smithy Swift based AWS Smithy loader
CryptoScraper CryptoScraper is a package for generalizing the retrieval of information from crypto block chains
ResourceHelper Enables you to use .bundle and other resources with SPM Unit-tests
Readium A toolkit for ebooks, audiobooks and comics written in Swift
SecretsManager A Swift Package to generate and use encrypted secrets in your app
RxRetroSwift A Reactive way inspired by the simplicity of Retrofit when creating REST API Calls.
BTree Fast sorted collections for Swift using in-memory B-trees
UITextView+Placeholder A missing placeholder for UITextView
GitHubRestAPISwiftOpenAPI Scheduled generated GitHub's REST API Swift code from OpenAPI specification.
BetSwift Swift library for Betfair exchange
quickpose-ios-sdk Quickly add MediaPipe Pose Estimation and Detection to your iOS app. Enable powerful features in your app powered by the body or hand.
AnyLint Lint anything by combining the power of scripts & regular expressions.
LAME-xcframework LAME.xcframework supports all Apple platforms.
Translucent Translucent background helper for widgets in iOS
ReadabilityModifier UIKits readableContentGuide for every SwiftUI View, in the form of a ViewModifier
Ether A Command-Line Interface for the Swift Package Manager
Embassy Super lightweight async HTTP server library in pure Swift runs in iOS / MacOS / Linux
SwiftIndexStore SwiftIndexStore is a IndexStore reader library for Swift.
MKRingProgressView ⭕️ Ring progress view similar to Activity app on Apple Watch
MastodonKit MastodonKit is a Swift Framework that wraps Mastodon's API
PreciseDecimal A Decimal type that plays nicely with literals and Decodable
SnapToScroll Easy-to-use HStack that snaps to elements on scroll.
HTTPClientModule The HTTPClient serves a clean and modern api for http requests. It takes care of main thread dispatching, can take codable objects in as JSON body and provides life-cycle-hooks. It also comes with support for form-data-requests.
MarkdownKit A simple and customizable Markdown Parser for Swift
s3-filesystem-kit Swift File Manager for AWS S3
JavaCoder Swift-Java Encoder Decoder
PanModal An elegant and highly customizable presentation API for constructing bottom sheet modals on iOS.
swiftymocky Framework for automatic mock generation. Adds a set of handy methods, simplifying testing. One of the best and most complete solutions, including generics support and much more.
ed25519swift ed25199 implementation by pure swift
YTags Accessible and customizable tag user interface elements for iOS.
TerraformKit Invoke Terraform directly from your Swift Projects
ChattyCLI A Swift command line application to ask ChatGPT anything directly from the terminal
GenericJSON A simple Swift library for working with generic JSON structures
citron An LALR Parser Generator for Swift
libsass A Swift wrapper around the LibSass C/C++ port of the Sass engine.
SipHash Simple and secure hashing in Swift with the SipHash algorithm
SwiftSemantics Uses SwiftSyntax to parse Swift code into its constituent declarations
KeySender Send key events to any running application.
ApprovalTests.Swift ApprovalTests for Swift, a powerful alternative to assertions
FoundationExtensions Simple, lightweight extensions to Apple's Foundation framework.
CropImage A simple SwiftUI view where user can move and resize an image to a pre-defined size.
aws-lambda-go-api-proxy lambda-go-api-proxy makes it easy to port APIs written with Go frameworks such as Gin ( ) to AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway.
MagickWand Swift wrapper for ImageMagick (MagickWand) for Linux and MacOS
ReadingTime A small and light-weight package to get reading time information from a given markdown file. This is a tool made for writers that want to analyse the time it takes their readers to go through their articles.
EnhancedMirror An experimental Mirror alternative that utilizes Swift Macros for static reflection.
XMLCoder Swift Encoder and Decoder for XML documents
ImagePickerModule The image picker allow to take pictures with the devices camera or select pictures from the library. It takes care of state management and handles the case of no camera access.
MathParser String → Number
SwiftKyber CRYSTALS-Kyber key encapsulation in Swift
ConfigParser A pure-Swift INI Config parser
PerfectRequestLogger SPM module for request logging filters for the Perfect framework for server-side Swift
LocationManagerModule The location manager allows the tracking of user locations and setting of geofences.
NotebookExport Export cells from your Swift for TensorFlow notebooks as Swift packages
ErrNo Swift enum wrapper for C errno values
Render UIKit a-là SwiftUI.framework [min deployment target iOS10]
QRDispenser QR code generator in Swift, with no external dependencies.
SlidingRuler A sliding ruler control for SwiftUI
PerfectSessionMySQL MySQL Driver for Perfect Sessions.
URLImageModule The url image allows you to show graphical content from remote sources via a url. This packe also provides useful http-request-lifecycle-specific content.
SwiftOTP A Swift library for generating One Time Passwords (OTP)
AudioKitEX C-backed AudioKit DSP
BananaKit Bananas, delivered.
SearchView Generic Searchable SwiftUI View, easy to understand and implement using any data model that conforms to Searchable.
NaverThirdPartyLogin NaverThirdPartyLogin
Transcoding Simple video transcoding in Swift
Sketching Collection of sketching algorithms in Swift
PerfectSessionSQLite SQLite driver for Perfect Sessions.
GAppAuth Convenient Wrapper for AppAuth with Google Services written in Swift (>= 4).
swift-log-datadog Send logs to Datadog with Swift
Siren Notify users when a new version of your app is available and prompt them to upgrade.
InsuranceCardScan Health Insurance Card Scanning for iOS
Sass The Swift-Sass repository is a wrapper around the LibSass C/C++ port of the Sass engine.
SwCrypt RSA public/private key generation, RSA, AES encryption/decryption, RSA sign/verify in Swift with CommonCrypto in iOS and OS X
CSQLite SQLite packaged for the Swift Package Manager
Apexy The library for organizing a network layer in your awesome project.
Quantum Library associated with my book on Quantum Mechanics
tree-sitter-xcframework binary build of tree-sitter for apple platforms
fugle-realtime-swift The Swift implementation for Fugle Realtime API client.
SwiftGenPlugin SwiftGen plugin for SPM
Scotty Scotty is a framework designed to make app routing simpler and safer.
CSVImporter Import CSV files line by line with ease
SwiftViz SwiftViz package providing visualization components library inspired by D3
CrudRouter A Rails-inspired extension to Vapor's routing system
AutoLayoutConvenience Convenience Helpers for AutoLayout
PaversParsec Haskell parsec rewritten in Swift.
LeakedViewControllerDetector Warns you about leaked Views and ViewControllers as soon as they occur in your UIKit iOS/tvOS app!
SoulverCore A powerful Swift framework for evaluating natural language math expressions
Plot A DSL for writing type-safe HTML, XML and RSS in Swift.
MulberryDataSource A universal UITableViewDiffableDataSource wrapper that allows to fill your table view with cells in a declarative manner, manage its contents and behavior.
AsyncButton Wrapper view of Button that supports asynchronous code.
PerfectCSQLite3 C module import for sqlite3.
Inotify Swift wrapper around the CInotify library
SporthAudioKit AudioKit Operations (Sporth) extension to AudioKit
Franz A Kafka Client for Swift
SwiftOnSockets Swift on Sockets
Geometry A geometry file providing the repetitious boilerplate needed for your project.
Termios Type-safe Swift wrapper for termios
cmark-gfm CommonMark parsing and rendering library and program in C
Bayes Naive Bayes Classifier in Swift for Mac and iOS
OpenCombineJS OpenCombine helpers for JavaScriptKit/WebAssembly APIs
PaversSugar A collection of extension to facilitate swift programming.
SwiftScanner String Scanner in pure Swift (supports unicode)
SwiftParsec A parser combinator library written in the Swift programming language.
DominoKit Swift library for creating applications with dominoes.
ZendeskChatProvidersSDK Zendesk Chat Providers SDK
BinUtils Swift functions to ease working with binary formats
QRCode A QRCode Generator in Swift
DSFFloatLabelledTextField A macOS Cocoa single-line NSTextField/NSSecureTextField that implements the Float Label Pattern.
Sampleable A lightweight protocol for describing types that can provide samples of themselves.
swift-prelude 🎶 A collection of types and functions that enhance the Swift language.
KL Access my info from Swift code.
WeTransfer-Swift-SDK A Swift SDK for WeTransfer’s public API
CPostgreSQL PostgreSQL C module map
NozeIO Evented I/O streams for Swift
WasmTransformer A Swift package for reading, writing, and transformation of WebAssembly binaries
FingerprintPro Fingerprint Identification SDK for accurate iOS device identification.
PathKit Effortless path operations in Swift
Swime 🗂 Swift MIME type checking based on magic bytes
DLInterval A mathematical abstractions of intervals in Swift
Moat A line of defense for your Vapor application including attack filtering + extras.
AStack The Missing SwiftUI Adaptive and Accessible Stacks Library.
DLSuggestionsTextField An iOS framework to create custom auto complete or suggestions similar to Google Search.
CPIOArchiveKit A simple, 0-dependency Swift package for reading and writing cpio archives.
PerfectZip Perfect Zip compression utility.
MPU6050 A Swift library for the MPU-6050 (and MPU-6000 family) Accelerometer and Gyroscope
Hooks A SwiftUI implementation of React Hooks. Enhances reusability of stateful logic and gives state and lifecycle to function view.
Down Blazing fast Markdown / CommonMark rendering in Swift, built upon cmark.
RefreshableScrollView Add a Pull to Refresh feature to the ScrollView or List
NetworkXI Exquisite networking package for iOS
secp256k1gm Optimized C library for EC operations on curve secp256k1 (Swift Package Manager compatible version)
DSFImageTools Conveniences for handling images and colors in AppKit, UIKit, SwiftUI and CoreGraphics (Swift/Objective-C)
AsyncExtensions AsyncExtensions aims to mimic Swift Combine operators for async sequences.
GlassGem Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS) encoding/decoding package for Swift
LayoutAid Declarative AutoLayout DSL and utilities for iOS, tvOS, and macOS
swift-atproto Swift package that provides a AT Protocol libraries.
Rope Convenient, easy-to-use PostgreSQL for server-side Swift 3
RxEnumKit Reactive extension for the EnumKit framework to enable easy working with observables streams of events as enum cases
Assist App Store Connect API access via CLI written in Swift
Floaty :heart: Floating Action Button for iOS
Unbox [Deprecated] The easy to use Swift JSON decoder
cmark A SwiftPM wrapper around GitHub's fork of cmark, a CommonMark parsing and rendering library and program in C
JSQCoreDataKit A swifter Core Data stack
UserDefaultsStore Why not use UserDefaults to store Codable objects 😉
FanboyKit Search podcasts via proxy
Elephant Elegant SVG animation kit for swift
PerfectTemplate Empty Perfect Starter Project.
SwiftClockUI SwiftUI library to display a clock. You can move the arms to change the time, change the style of the clock and customise some configurations.
Workflow A Swift and Kotlin library for making composable state machines, and UIs driven by those state machines.
AlertToast Create Apple-like alerts & toasts using SwiftUI
WireGuardKit Mirror only. Official repository is at
SwiftTaggedPointer Tagged pointers in Swift
PersistedPropertyWrapper A Swift library to enable easy persistent UserDefaults storage
SwCrypt RSA public/private key generation, RSA, AES encryption/decryption, RSA sign/verify in Swift with CommonCrypto in iOS and OS X
BluetoothMessageProtocol Swift Implementation of Bluetooth Message Protocols. Encode and Decode BLE Characteristics
PerfectCBSON libbson
Encoding Hex strings, endinanness, and bit packing
Notifwift NSNotificationCenter wrapper for Swift
sXPC Use power of Swift to make NSXPCConnection type-bound
Sodium Safe and easy to use crypto for iOS and macOS
QuranEngine QuranEngine is the engine powering the iOS app.
RKPointPin A UIView which points at a RealityKit Entity from screenspace
SVMPrefs A code generation tool enable use of UserDefaults as computed properties in a class.
AdvancedCollectionTableView-iOS Extended UICollectionView, UITableView, Diffable Data Sources, Cells and more.
jQuery-Swift jQuery resources packaged up as a Swift Package Manager Package
xcutility A tool to find and delete files that are missing from Xcode projects
fishhook A library that enables dynamically rebinding symbols in Mach-O binaries running on iOS.
Carthage A simple, decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa
Netable A Swift library for encapsulating network APIs using Codable in a type-oriented way.
AppIcon A simple Swift utility for managing and retrieving app icon details in iOS
TensorFlow Swift high-level API for TensorFlow.
Table The fastest and easiest way to present a UITableView - in 3 lines of code.
SwiftySound SwiftySound is a simple library that lets you play sounds with a single line of code.
SemanticUI-Swift SemanticUI CSS resources packaged up as a Swift Package Manager Package
Bluebird Promise/A+, Bluebird inspired, implementation in Swift 5
CTensorFlow C TensorFlow module for Swift
fileproxy Background downloads
SwiftRater A utility that reminds your iPhone app's users to review the app written in pure Swift.
PerfectCMongo libmongo-c
NiceComponents A collection of useful UI components for SwiftUI
PromotedAIMetricsSDK iOS client library for metrics tracking.
CombineX Open source implementation of Apple's Combine
CustomizableSegmentedControl Customizable segmented control in SwiftUI
RouterService 💉Type-safe Navigation/Dependency Injection Framework for Swift
PerfectICONV A Swif Class Wrapper for ICONV, Inspired by Yasuhiro Hatta
Meow MongoDB object persistence for Swift
ProntoSDK The Swift iOS Pronto SDK
swift-openapi-urlsession URLSession transport for Swift OpenAPI Generator.
SBObjectiveCWrapper Objective-C Wrapper for SwiftyBeaver Logger (Swift 2, 3, 4 & 5!)
HandyUIKit Handy UI features that should have been part of UIKit in the first place.
Aiolos A floating panel for your iOS Apps
SwiftJWT JSON Web Tokens in Swift
SwiftttCamera Swifttty and easy camera framework for iOS.
swift-cross-ui A cross-platform declarative UI framework, inspired by SwiftUI.
OCRHelper A Basic helper to aply Optical Character Recognition process to an image to get the text.
UserCaches A key-value storage cache tool on iOS Platform. Like UserDefaults.
CoverflowKeyboard A customised content view for iOS keyboard
Toybox 🧸 Xcode Playground management made easy
Decomposed CATransform3D manipulation made easy.
CharacteristicKit BLE peripheral modelling library.
Chameleon 🤖 A Slackbot written in Swift for Mac & Linux
AtlasKit A swift library for quickly integrating a location search in your app.
TabStriper TabStriper is a library that switches screens by selecting a tab or swiping the screen Built with SwiftUI
CoreSwiftUI A very simple Swift Package to useful SwiftUI code.
TagLayoutView TagListView: Made with SwiftUI
LanguageServer Language Server Protocol server infrastructure for Swift
Schemata Schemas and Projections with Swift KeyPaths
Shift Shift is a simple, declarative animation library for building complex view controller and view transitions in UIKit.
ClampedPropertyWrapper A Swift Property Wrapper for automatically clamping Comparable values within a closed range.
SgRouter General Swift URI router
Microya Micro version of the Moya network abstraction layer written in Swift.
McuManager A mobile management library for devices running Apache Mynewt and Zephyr (DFU, logs, stats, config, etc.)
DonateViewController A view controller to make donations.
AllCache Instance caching library
CypherPoetStringFormattingUtils Utilities for formatting `String` objects in Swift
LargeLanguageModels The definitive, open-source Swift framework for interfacing with generative AI.
DSFVersion Swift 'Numeric Status Version' class supporting major, minor, patch and build integer values and version parsing.
Splitflap A simple split-flap display for your Swift applications
SwipeMenuViewController Swipable tab and menu View and ViewController.
NativeMarkKit NativeMark is a flavor of Markdown designed to be rendered by native apps.
Controls SwiftUI Knobs, Sliders, X-Y Pads, and more
FluidMenuBarExtra 🖥️ A lightweight tool for building great menu bar extras with SwiftUI.
NetworkMonitor Network Monitor SDK for iOS
Playbook 📘A library for isolated developing UI components and automatically taking snapshots of them.
SwiftyContacts A Swift library for Contacts framework.
Swiftline Swiftline is a set of tools to help you create command line applications.
HAP Swift implementation of the Homekit Accessory Protocol
JSONPatch A Swift μ-framework for creating RFC6902-compliant JSON patch objects
CodeEditor A SwiftUI TextEditor with syntax highlighting using Highlight.js
Web3swift Elegant Web3js functionality in Swift. Native ABI parsing and smart contract interactions.
pdftron-apple-package PDFTron iOS Swift Package
GBig Swift 繁简对照字符串函数
SwiftUICurvedRectangleShape An animatable SwiftUI Shape for drawing a rectangle with curved sides along the horizontal or vertical axis.
Swiftchain A modern wrapper for iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS Keychain.
UnicodeSupplement Unicode Supplement for Swift.
ViewState An extension that provides essential state modifiers to SwiftUI views
PPAnglePicker Enable your users to select angles quickly and easily.
SwiftTypeAdoptionReporter (Primary fork replacing thumbtack/star) Generate reports on how frequently specified Swift types are being used in your iOS codebase
SwiftAsyncAssert Assert functions to evaluate Swift concurrency async expressions in XCTests.
Foil A lightweight property wrapper for UserDefaults done right
WWCaptchaView CAPTCHA - Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart
Navigator Navigation library for SwiftUI
Keychain The easiest way to securely store data in the keychain. It's implementation is really close to the UserDefaults.
AdaptiveGrid An alternative SwiftUI Grid view for older platforms.
KnuthAlgorithmD Swift implementation of Donald Knuth's multi-precision unsigned integer division Algorithm D, from The Art of Computer Programming, Vol 2: Semi-numerical Algorithms, Chapter 4.3.3
PerfectPCRE2 An express Swift class wrapper for PCRE2
PerfectSQLite A stand-alone Swift wrapper around the SQLite 3 client library.
Hwp-Swift Swift Package for Reading & Writing HWP File
SpotifyAPI A Swift library for the Spotify web API. Supports all endpoints.
INI Swift INI parser based on (NS)Scanner
SwiftErrorHandler Flexible library for handling Swift Errors
Hela Assertions for XCTest which prevent fatal errors causing the process to die.
CRC32 Calculates CRC sums of 32 bit lengths
JOSE Swift implementation of the JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) family of specifications
MimeParser Mime parsing in Swift | Relevant RFCs: RFC 822, RFC 2045, RFC 2046
iTree Binary tree implementation for swift
GLMSwift Maths in swift :)
MVVMLightSwift A light weight architecture package. Easy to integrate and use.
Yams A Sweet and Swifty YAML parser.
CZeroMQ Module to access ZeroMQ library written in C
WolfOSBridge Conveniences for writing code that runs under both iOS and macOS.
terse Infix operators for SwiftNIOs monadic futures
swift-openapi-runtime API package for code generated by Swift OpenAPI Generator.
ArgsToDict Library for Converting CommandLine Arguments To Dictionary
Amplify A declarative library for application development using cloud services.
swift-macro-testing Magical testing tools for Swift macros.
backup Easy full stack backup operations on UNIX-like systems.
CGeodesic A library to solve geodesic problems on an ellipsoid model of the Earth
hummingbird Lightweight, flexible HTTP server framework written in Swift
LNURLDecoder Decode a LNURL and get the URL.
spacetrack Swift package for interaction with
SmartCodable SmartCodable is a data parsing library based on Codable. It is simple to use, with robust compatibility being one of its main features. SmartCodable 是基于Codable实现的数据解析库。简单易用,强悍的兼容性是SmartCodable的主要特点。 表层API和功能几乎和HandyJSON一致,支持快速的迁移。
SwiftTestReporter A Swift library for creating JUnit XML test results that can be interpreted by tools such as Bamboo or Jenkins. Macos and Linux ready.
MangerKit Request podcasts via proxy
VIViewInvalidating A swift PropertyWrapper providing automatic NSView and UIView invalidation when the properties value changes. (Backwards compatible version of @Invalidating)
SDWebImage Asynchronous image downloader with cache support as a UIImageView category
AppStoreConnect-Swift-SDK The Swift SDK to work with the App Store Connect API from Apple.
postgres-kit 🐘 Non-blocking, event-driven Swift client for PostgreSQL.
SigmaSwiftStatistics A collection of functions for statistical calculation written in Swift.
Quick The Swift (and Objective-C) testing framework.
ARKit-SmartHitTest I've put a function found in Apple's ARKit examples into a Swift Package & CocoaPod so it's easy to use.
swift-macro-toolkit A powerful toolkit for creating concise and expressive Swift macros
FixFlex A simple yet powerful Auto Layout library built on top of the NSLayoutAnchor API, a swifty and type-safe reimagination of Visual Format Language
SwiftSummarize Create a summary from any string or text
LittleCMS Swift library for LittleCMS 2
Cully 🏡 A Swift-based DSL to make Auto Layout friendlier.
swift-quic Swift implementation of the quic protocol.
Plugin 🔌 Plug and Play
WebView 🕸 WKWebView wrapped in a SwiftUI View
PSPDFKit Out-of-the-box PDF functionality for your iOS app
Pods 🌱 Cozy pods install.
SGLImage SwiftGL Image Library
Evil Optical Character Recognition in Swift for iOS&macOS. 银行卡、身份证、门牌号光学识别
SwiftNFD Swift wrapper for Native File Dialog, a tiny, neat C library that portably invokes native file open and save dialogs.
SURL 🕸 Swifty URL
swift-argument-parser Straightforward, type-safe argument parsing for Swift. Renamed to avoid dependency conflicts.
APIKeyMiddleware Swift package for adding API Key requirement to vapor backends.
Eraser 📦Swift Package for overwriting and erasing ⌫ Output
Cache 📦 Simple in-memory key-value store
ParserCombinator Simple ParserCombinator framework for Swift
StarView SwiftUI StarView Shape, usable for displaying ratings
TOMLDecoder From TOML to Swift Codable types.
FileMonitor Watch for file changes in a directory with a unified API on Linux and macOS.
EternalFlame [WIP] Give life 😇To Dead 💀Terminal with EternalFlame 🔥
LottieUI Lottie for SwiftUI. It is a library developed to make Lottie easy to implement. It supports iOS and macOS.
AppleGPUInfo Print all known information about the GPU on Apple-designed chips
arm64-to-sim A simple command-line tool for hacking native ARM64 binaries to run on the Apple Silicon iOS Simulator.
TrainInformationService Information services for trains in the UK, using the National Rail open API
Motor Swift cli spinner. Simple and fully customizable.
MarqueeLabel A drop-in replacement for UILabel, which automatically adds a scrolling marquee effect when the label's text does not fit inside the specified frame
CommandLineKit A pure Swift library for creating command-line interfaces
TOMLDeserializer Replaced by
xProcs The resurrection of xProcs in the Swift world ;)
TechTalk_Library This package just research for iOS Tech Talk
Transition Easy interactive interruptible custom ViewController transitions
CUIExpandableButton A SwiftUI button that expands to reveal more content.
DSFAppearanceManager Theme and Appearance handling for macOS Appkit (Swift/Objective-C).
RomanNumeralFormatter A Formatter that formats numbers as Roman numerals.
Work Execute shell command and get output. Simple and robust.
CLI Command Line parser written in and for swift
SwiftSimctl Swift client-server tool to call xcrun simctl from your simulator. Automate push notification testing!
Semver Swift Semantic Versioning library
Crypto 🔑 Hashing (BCrypt, SHA2, HMAC), encryption (AES), public-key (RSA), and random data generation.
Puid Simple, fast, flexible and efficient generation of probably unique identifiers (`puid`, aka random strings) of intuitively specified entropy using pre-defined or custom characters.
PerfectPostgreSQL A stand-alone Swift wrapper around the libpq client library, enabling access to PostgreSQL servers.
queues A queue system for Vapor.
BitArray A space-efficient bit array with RandomAccessCollection conformance in Swift.
ySwiftCodeUpdater This package is just a helper for some of YOCKOW's other packages.
Preferences Add a preferences window to your macOS app in minutes
VideoEditorSDK VideoEditor SDK: A fully customizable video editor for your app.
FreemiumKit Lightweight layer on top of StoreKit 2 + built-in permission engine & built-in UI components for SwiftUI paywalls.
SoulAudioKit A basis for creating AudioKit nodes with SOUL
MMDB-Swift A tiny wrapper for libmaxminddb which allows you to lookup Geo data by IP address.
Swift-AI The Swift machine learning library.
swift-faiss Use Faiss in Swift
FluidMenuBarExtra 🖥️ A lightweight tool for building great menu bar extras with SwiftUI.
DynamicCodableKit Implement dynamic JSON decoding within the constraints of Swift's sound type system by working on top of Swift's Codable implementations.
Android Swift library for Android
WolfWith A Swift implementation of the With-Operator.
swim A command line tool to switch the current input method by identifier for macOS.
Comprehension List Comprehension For Swift
mysqlclient C module import for MySQL client Linux.
SwiftSimpleTree A nested data structure that’s flexible and easy to use
BluetoothLinux Pure Swift Linux Bluetooth Stack
NotarizationAuditLog Decode JSON audit log from notarization process
Flow Flow Layout implemented in SwiftUI
SentryCocoaLumberjack CocoaLumberjack integration for Sentry
swiftui-uikit-presenting UIKit presentation APIs in SwiftUI
DateToolsSwift Dates and times made easy in iOS
PathKit Effortless path operations in Swift
NotarizationInfo Decode info from apple notarization process
SwiftRestClient A easy to use rest api client for swift.
BroadcastWriter Simple wrapper for AVFoundation AVAssetWriter; for writing asset during Broadcast Extension activity
SwiftWeather A Swift package to support multiple weather APIs.
MungoHealer Error Handler based on localized & healable (recoverable) errors without the overhead of NSError.
WasmKit WebAssembly Runtime written in Swift
ShowSomeProgress Progress and Activity Indicators for iOS apps
SwiftEccodes Read GRIB files in swift
SimpleToast SimpleToast is a simple, lightweight, flexible and easy to use library to show toasts / popup notifications inside iOS or MacOS applications in SwiftUI. Because of the flexibility to show any content it is also possible to use the library for showing simple modals.
MoonKit MoonKit is a Swift library which uses math and trigonometry to compute several information about the Moon.
StorifyMe Repository holding Swift package for StorifyMe SDK.
Cairo Swift library for Cairo
Lark Swift SOAP Client
SwiftTor A simple Tor Client with the Tor Framework.
SwiftMath Math library for swift
SwiftOpenAI OpenAI API build with Swift ❤️
Gala Create SwiftUI preview variants for macOS, iOS, tvOS, and watchOS with ease
CommandLine A pure Swift library for creating command-line interfaces
ValidatableKit Composable data validation API in Swift exposing simple DSL for writing validations.
Ola Check reachability of host
AutoFlex A Swift Autolayout Library for iOS & tvOS & macOS.
plcommand Running Command with Swift
Scalar2D Pure Swift implementation of SVG Parsing and Rendering Library (Early Development)
BrilliantHTML5Parser An HTML 5 processor to parse, edit or create HTML5 files in Swift. Designed to be used together with BrilliantTemplate
ValueTransformerKit ValueTransformer toolkit for swift
ApphudSDK Build, Measure and Grow iOS subscription business
Ashton Converts NSAttributedStrings into HTML (and back)
Chary Thread Utility library
EmailLink A SwiftUI component to make the handling of email links better.
LoggingOSLog OSLog (aka Unified Logging) backend for Apple’s SwiftLog
CollectionViewPagingLayout A simple but highly customizable UICollectionViewLayout for UICollectionView -- Simple SwiftUI views that let you make page-view effects.
Patron JSON HTTP client
WebMIDIKit Simplest MIDI Swift library
Shiny Iridescent Effect View (inspired by Apple Pay Cash) ✨
ResilientDecoding This package makes your Decodable types resilient to decoding errors and allows you to inspect those errors.
ProgressX UI library for displaying progress
Pretty Pretty printers in Swift
GenericDataSource A generic small reusable components for data source implementation for UITableView/UICollectionView in Swift.
VIZ VIZ client library for iOS, macOS and Linux written in Swift
NavigationKit Navigation library for SwiftUI apps
SchemaSwift Generate Swift structs from PostgreSQL database schema
AnnotationInject Compile-time Swift dependency injection annotations
LinkerKitIRCBot Talk to LinkerKit components using an IRC bot
SDL Swift library for SDL2
GateEngine Swift Game Engine supporting Windows, Linux, macOS, HTML5, and more 🚂
Regex A simple / light weight / independent regular expression extesion for Swift String. 轻量正则表达式
XcodeProjKit Parse project file and write it to open step format.
SwiftBus A simple and lightweight Event Bus library written in Swift and powered by Combine
SwiftUI Keyboard Observer
EventDrivenSwift The most powerful Event-Driven Observer Pattern solution the Swift language has ever seen!
StripeTerminal Stripe Terminal iOS SDK
Hyphenation Knuth-Liang hyphenation for Swift
CLifeHash A beautiful method of hash visualization based on Conway’s Game of Life: reference library in C/C++
OutputUhooi Uhooi speak the phrase.
SwiftPrompt Convenience utilities to present text and option prompts in a swift CLI
MailerLiteAPIClient A basic Swift SDK for the MailerLite API.
Withable 📐 Declarative UIKit in 10 lines of code.
MadDrivers MadMachine drivers for sensors and other devices based on SwiftIO
RadioTimeKit The Swift SDK for TuneIn
sqlite-kit Non-blocking SQLite client library with SQL builder built on SwiftNIO
SwiftAnalyticsKit A Composable Analytics API for Swift
SwiftyLinkerKit A Swift module to control LinkerKit things in a convenient and easy way.
DSFImageFlipbook A simple 'flipbook' of images that can be presented as flipbook-style animation
swift-configuration-parser Simple configuration file parsing for Swift
Observable The most flexible and easiest to implement Observer Pattern platform for the Swift language (includes fully-functional Observable Thread!)
CoreDataRepository An async library for using CoreData in the background
ODRManager ODRManager makes it easy to add On Demand Resource support to any SwiftUI App
SwiftLoader A simple and beautiful activity indicator written in Swift
Northwind Swift Fork of the SQLite3 version of Microsoft's Northwind Database
RIBs Uber's cross-platform mobile architecture framework.
Frisbee Another network wrapper for URLSession. Built to be simple, small and easy to create tests at the network layer of your application.
CZoneDetect A Swift package for the ZoneDetect C library.
EncryptedAppStorage Secure your sensitive data in SwiftUI project with ease @EncryptedAppStorage("sensitiveData") var sensitiveData = "Sensitive Data"
Logger Simple logging for simples needs.
TMLPersistentContainer Shortest-path multi-step Core Data migrations in Swift
UIx UI extension based on SwiftUI
SmoothGradient Generate buttery smooth gradients.
NetworkS Classic networking package for iOS
VaporBridges 💧Vapor wrapper for Bridges
SwiftGtk SwiftGtk provides a Swift wrapper for Gtk. It is currently in development.
Fortify Making Swift more robust
Storages Browse local storages of your applications.
DSFMenuBuilder A SwiftUI-style DSL for generating `NSMenu` instances for AppKit.
swift-custom-dump A collection of tools for debugging, diffing, and testing your application's data structures.
RouteKit Type-safe URL routing for Swift
MaterialOutlinedTextField A simple Material Design outlined text field implementation in Swift
SerialSwift MacOS Serial solution (Observable & Event-Driven) to make integration of Serial peripherals trivial
autolayout 📏 Incredible autolayout on direct power of CSS3 for SwifWeb
XcodeTargetGraphGen A Swift tool for generating module dependency graphs from your .xcodeproj.
DataCompression Swift libcompression wrapper as an extension for the Data type (GZIP, ZLIB, LZFSE, LZMA, LZ4, deflate, RFC-1950, RFC-1951, RFC-1952)
NSIcon Access app icons in SwiftUI, swiftly.
swift-nio-http2 HTTP/2 support for SwiftNIO
HotReloading Hot reloading as a Swift Package
iOverlay Boolean Operations for 2D Polygons: Supports intersection, union, difference, xor, and self-intersections for all polygon varieties.
SwiftEureka Swift library for working with netflix/spring Eureka
SwiftPM The Package Manager for the Swift Programming Language
RSSwiftNetworking A Swift framework that provides a network communication layer API
Levenshtein Tiny Swift implementation of the Levenshtein algorithm
swift-event-broadcasting Event handling implementation for Swift
ThreadSafeSwift Library of Types and Property Wrappers designed to provide Thread Safety simply and quickly for any Swift project
Anybar A minimal swift package for talking to AnyBar
SwiftGradients Useful extensions for UIViews and CALayer classes to add beautiful color gradients.
JJFloatingActionButton Floating Action Button for iOS
OMHModels Swift data models for IEEE 1752 Open mHealth schemas
SwiftLSPClient A Swift library for interacting with Language Server Protocol implementations
twilio-video-ios Programmable Video SDK by Twilio
ApiCore Core API functionality (users & teams, passwords, emails, etc) for any service built with Vapor 3
TimeKit Type safe, simple, lightweight date components.
SwiftUIDrag A simple, customizable, and intuitive SwiftUI wrapper-view enabling dragging, floating, and/or collapsing for its content.
FlyHUD A lightweight and easy-to-use HUD for iOS and tvOS apps.
XCTestExtensions Extensions for commonly used functionality in UI tests using XCTest.
BaseComponents BaseComponents aims to provide easily reusable and understandable components to increase productivity with UIKit and Foundation APIs
Apple-Inspired-Puller Bottom sheet for iOS that I call puller. It has Apple's native API on iOS 11+, works like in Apple Music app and supports interactive pop gesture like in Telegram app. Supports SwiftUI.
swift-log-slack A logging backend for SwiftLog that sends log messages to Slack.
Expression A cross-platform Swift library for evaluating mathematical expressions at runtime
ShinySwiftUI ✨ Write cleaner, conciser, and more consistent SwiftUI code with a suite of pre-made extensions, view modifiers, and components.
discord A Discord API library written in Swift for creating your own bot.
CubicSpline A performant cubic spline
Conbini Publishers, operators, and subscribers to supplement Combine.
didcore-swift DIDCore is a Swift package that provides the main components to work with Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs), DID URLs, and DID Documents.
SimpleLineChart Simple line charts for iOS 📈
UIOnboarding Apple-esque animated welcome screen for iOS and iPadOS. Configurable.
swift-log-telegram Send SwiftLog messages to any Telegram chat.
UnicodeEmoji iOS Library that loads official Unicode Emoji repositories and make them accessible to your app.
swift-doc A documentation generator for Swift projects
DSFSearchField A simple NSSearchField with a localizable, managed recent searches menu.
SavannaKit A high-performance, protocol oriented, framework for creating native IDEs for iOS and macOS, written in Swift
Neon A Swift library for efficient, flexible content-based text styling
RopeLibpq Module map for PostgreSQL
SwiftSpeech A speech recognition framework designed for SwiftUI.
JSBridge 🔁 Bridge your JavaScript library for usage in Swift
AsyncParsableCommand Drop-in replacement for ParsableCommand to use async/await in swift-argument-parser commands
swift-playground SwiftFiddle is an online playground for creating, sharing and embedding Swift fiddles (little Swift programs that run directly in your browser).
EmailValidator A simple (but correct) Swift library for validating email addresses. Supports mail addresses as defined in rfc5322 as well as the new Internationalized Mail Address standards (rfc653x). Based on
Toml Swift package for parsing TOML documents
Geodesy Geodesy functions in Swift 🌎
DSFSecureTextField NSSecureTextField with a 'visibility' button.
AdaptiveGridLayout Adaptive vertical grid layout for SwiftUI
Playback Play audio and video
swift-nio-transport-services Extensions for SwiftNIO to support Apple platforms as first-class citizens.
Position 🛰 Lightweight location positioning in Swift
MidiParser Read/Write SMF(Standard Midi Files) in Swift for iOS/macOS
CloudKitSyncMonitor Monitor current state of NSPersistentCloudKitContainer sync
Knob Simple knob control for iOS and macOS that depicts its path as an arc using CoreAnimation layers.
JSONDecoder-Keypath Add key path support to the JSONDecoder
D20 🎲 Evaluate dice notation in Swift
SwiftDate Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates, time and timezones in Swift
DSFValueBinders Simple Swift shared value binders
AEExtensionKit AEExtensionKit is a dynamic library which is shared between AuroraEditor and extensions. It allows them to understand one another.
Popen Reading and writing processes and files
Nuke-AVIF-Plugin An AVIF plugin for Nuke
SnapshotPreviews Automatic snapshots from Xcode previews
UIImageViewAlignedSwift A UIImageView subclass which allows you to align the image left/right/top/bottom, even when contentMode is AspectFit. Swift now.
ScreenshotableView ScreenshotableView For SwiftUI
FirebaseJWTMiddleware Vapor 4 Middleware for verifying Firebase ID tokens
JSONParser Elegant, type-safe JSON parsing in Swift
SimpleCache A simple implementation of remote/local resource cache
UIKitViews UIKitViews is a SwiftUI wrapper around UIView and UIViewController
NDArray A Multidimensional Array library for Swift
StringMultiplication Swift Library to multiply a string
URLEncodedForm 📝 Parse and serialize url-encoded form data with Codable support.
Bariloche An argument-parsing library designed for building declarative commandline interfaces in Swift
Guppy iOS pod about a curious fish named Guppy
Serpent A protocol to serialize Swift structs and classes for encoding and decoding.
SwiftletBarcodes Creates a Barcode as a Image representing the given data (as a String) in the given BarcodeFormat.
BottomSheet Bottom Sheet for iOS
Eunomia The team's go-to utilities for iOS and OSX, named for the Greek goddess of green pastures, law and legislation
SwiftEventBus A publish/subscribe EventBus optimized for iOS
SimpleAnalytics A lightweight analytics reporting package for iOS and macOS projects.
AxisContribution A library that expresses a github contribution calendar through an array of dates. Supports iOS and macOS.
Atomic Uses `DispatchQueue` to ensure a value is only read from and written to by one thread at a time
SwiftletData Swiftlet Data is a suite of backend controls designed to quickly and easily add support for several common databases and data formats (such as SQLite, JSON, XML and CloudKit) to your app.
savannakit A high-performance, protocol oriented, framework for creating native IDEs for iOS and macOS, written in Swift
SVGView SVG parser and renderer written in SwiftUI
SwiftUI-Haptics A set of super-light modifiers and functions that adds haptic feedbacks to any SwiftUI View.
DataKit A Swift library to easily read and write binary formatted data using a modern, declarative interface.
web 🧱 Write your website in pure Swift with power of webassembly. DOM, CSS and all the WebAPIs are available out of the box.
QRCode A quick and beautiful macOS/iOS/tvOS/watchOS QR Code generator/detector library for SwiftUI, Swift and Objective-C.
Bow 🏹 Bow is a cross-platform library for Typed Functional Programming in Swift
ZIPFoundation Effortless ZIP Handling in Swift
Bootstrap A Leaf wrapper for Bootstrap 🍃
ConstraintBuilder Convenience Auto Layout methods using result builders
Interstellar Simple and lightweight Functional Reactive Coding in Swift for the rest of us
Bech32 Swift implementation of Bech32 encoding and segwit address format
ColorSwatches Turn an NSColor or UIColor into an image
Swdifft Swdifft is string diff library of longest common subsequence.
SwiftyRedis High-Level Async Redis Library for Swift
CareKit CareKit is an open source software framework for creating apps that help people better understand and manage their health.
AcknowList Acknowledgements screen displaying a list of licenses, for example from CocoaPods and Swift Package Manager dependencies.
DTCollectionViewManager Protocol-oriented UICollectionView management, powered by generics and associated types.
ScreenData Swift implementation of ScreenData
FFCParserCombinator Parser Combinator types and functions in Swift
gausskrueger 🌐 Convert GK4 coordinates to WGS84, and vice versa
Color Simple extensions for working with Color and UIColor.
swift-qrcode-generator QR code generator written in pure Swift
SwiftUIPanoramaViewer A high-performance library that uses SceneKit to display complete spherical or cylindrical panoramas with touch, Gamepad or motion based controls that can be using in SwiftUI projects.
MomXML Create or parse CoreData managed object model XMLs
XServiceLocator Light-weight Service Locator / Dependency Injection library for Swift: providing objects with the dependencies they need throughout your whole iOS app.
SwiftUiSharing Provides a Sharing Sheet on iOS & iPadOS and a Sharing Menu on macOS in a SwiftUI fashion that allows the user to share a piece of data using the Sharing Options available on the device the app is running on.
PerfectMySQL A stand-alone Swift wrapper around the MySQL client library, enabling access to MySQL servers.
RxStore Reactive State Management Tool for Swift
PerfectRepeater A simple library that takes a closure and executes it at the specified interval until the closure returns false or the application is terminated.
AnyPropertyMapping Maps properties of two classes using keypaths
CursorPagination Opaque cursor pagination for Vapor's Fluent.
BinaryCoder An example implementation of Swift.Codable using a simple binary format
XUI XUI makes modular, testable architectures for SwiftUI apps a breeze!
Plister SPM-based helper for working with Plists at the command line
VisualEffects A semi-official SwiftUI wrapper for UIVisualEffectView
CrossKitTypes Some types and extensions for those using AppKit and UIKit in the same project
VaporPostgreSQL PostgreSQL Provider for the Vapor web framework.
Prettier ✨ Wrapper for the Prettier code formatter written in Swift
QuilttConnector Quiltt iOS SDK
swift-jwe Moved to proxyco/swift-jose.
MPUtils Swift utility classes and extensions
MeterReporter Lightweight MetricKit-based diagnostics reporting
Colorful Colorful: iOS color picker built with Swift.
FluentTestApp Easily test Fluent libraries
RePlugin RePlugin - A flexible, stable, easy-to-use Android Plug-in Framework
IDZSwiftCommonCrypto A wrapper for Apple's Common Crypto library written in Swift.
Ariadne Elegant and extensible routing framework in Swift
typokana This command line tool can check spelling and show proposed correction.
JLog Swift logging to Stderr as well as to rotated log file. works on apple and linux platforms.
QRIO Lightweight framework for QR scanning and generation
FinniversKit FINN's iOS UI Components
LaunchAtLogin Add “Launch at Login” functionality to your macOS app in seconds
Commandant Type-safe command line argument handling
swift-log-matrix Send Swift logs directly to a Matrix room
WrapperKit 🌷 Swift Property Wrappers Kit
KippleUI A collection of common SwiftUI and UIKit utilities.
Donut Xcode file template manager
modbus2mqtt Bidirectional Modbus 2 MQTT Bridge with docker container and ready to use json definitions for lambda heatpumps, sma & goodwe inverters, phoenix contact, hm310,...
gis-tools A collection of GIS tools (including a GeoJSON implementation with projection support and WKB/WKT coders)
TweenKit Animation library for iOS in Swift
SwiftInspector SwiftInspector is a command line tool built on top of SwiftSyntax to help inspect usage of Swift code
Morphi Shapes for SwiftUI ♡☾
SLIP Swift package for SLIP protocol (RFC 1055)
Magnet Customize global hotkeys in macOS.
Physical Swift package for physical quantities
FritzBoxKit Swift SDK to communicate with Fritz!Box routers.
XCMetrics XCMetrics is the easiest way to collect Xcode build metrics and improve developer productivity.
SunKit SunKit is a Swift library which uses math and trigonometry to compute several information about the Sun.
Delegate A meta library to provide a better `Delegate` pattern.
AddCaseBoolean Swift macro to generate `isCaseName: Bool` property for enum case that have associated value.
StunClient Stun client written in Swift for exploration of NAT traversal details (iOS/macOs/Linux)
StencilSwiftKit A framework bringing additional nodes & filters to Stencil dedicated to Swift code generation
LineSDK Provides a modern way of implementing LINE APIs.
CatPrint A library for printing to cheap cat thermoprinters written in Swift
Closure Define and chain Closures with Inputs and Outputs
SwiftySass A LibSass wrapper for Swift
ObjectCoder Swift Object Encoder/Decoder
DGElasticPullToRefresh Elastic pull to refresh for iOS developed in Swift
jsonapi-openapi-test-server Server that builds a OpenAPI/JSON:API Swift test suite and runs it.
AgoraRtcKit Agora's Audio SDK Swift Package for iOS 📦
sma2mqtt sma2mqtt - autodiscover and publish SMA inverters and Sunny Home Manager to MQTT. Docker container provided.
Networking Swift HTTP Networking with stubbing and caching support
TweeTextField Lightweight set of text fields with nice animation and functionality 🚀
APISpec Describe your Swift Vapor API using native code, and generate OpenAPI 3.0 JSON
AStar A* pathfinding library in Swift.
PrecisionLevelSlider Like Photos Editing Slider
cmark-gfm CommonMark parsing and rendering library and program in C
swift-quiz ❓Creates quizzes which can be distributed and played with support for a variety of question types and automatic scoring.
Orchard Device identification in Swift and Objective-C for iOS, watchOS, and tvOS.
NumericalAnalysisKit Numerical analysis toolkit for Swift
DitheringEngine iOS and MacCatalyst framework for dithering images and videos.
DrawingTools Some tools to help with drawing in Swift
CypherPoetSwiftUITypographyUtils Utilities for typographic tailoring in SwiftUI
StackableTableView A UITableView subclass that enables setting an array of views for both headers and footers utilizing UIStackView
ColorCompatibility Use iOS 13+ system colors while defaulting to light colors on iOS <=12
OpenCV Swift Package for OpenCV
FigmaPreview Add Figma design to your Xcode Preview
Swifter Tiny http server engine written in Swift programming language.
PubNub PubNub Objective-C based APIs for iOS and OS X
CollectionConcurrencyKit Async and concurrent versions of Swift’s forEach, map, flatMap, and compactMap APIs.
Scribe 📜 Logging all events
RKProgressBar A simple RealityKit Entity class for creating a geometry to show progress in the form of a capsule
NotarizeProcess Utility object to launch `xcrun altool` to get notarization information
SwiftyChords A guitar chord diagram drawing library built in Swift
VaporTestUtils Basic test utils to make testing Vapor apps a little simpler.
swiftui-hooks 🪝 A SwiftUI implementation of React Hooks. Enhances reusability of stateful logic and gives state and lifecycle to function view.
ScrollViewReactiveHeader ScrollView that supports a parallax header image and static overlay.
InstantMock Create mocks easily in Swift
NDArray Float NDArray library for Swift, accelerated with Accelerate Framework
Nunchuck A Swift Library for the I2C Wii Nunchuck controller.
JAYSON 🧱 A JSON decoding/encoding library that handles optimistically or strictly.
SwiftyGPT SwiftyGPT is a simple and lightweight wrapper around OpenAI API which exposes services provided by ChatGPT and DALL-E
KIF Keep It Functional - An iOS Functional Testing Framework
FunctionTools Some tools to make functions easier to use in Swift
WechatOpenSDK An easy-to-use wrapper for WeChatOpenSDK.xcframework with Swift Package Manager.
swifter Tiny http server engine written in Swift programming language.
KindeSDK Kinde SDK for iOS
swift-version-compare Create and compare semantic versions in swift.
Beacon Structured logging in Swift and Objective-C
SystemKit macOS system library in Swift
URLQueryItemEncoder A Swift Encoder for encoding any Encodable value into an array of URLQueryItem.
swift-prelude 🎶 A collection of types and functions that enhance the Swift language.
SimpleMDM-Swift Swift bindings for the SimpleMDM API
SwiftStomp An elegent STOMP client for Swift base on Starscream websocket library
EllipticCurveKeyPair Sign, verify, encrypt and decrypt using the Secure Enclave
catena Catena is a distributed database based on a blockchain, accessible using SQL.
ExtendedError :beetle: Custom error middleware for Vapor
MultiplicativeArithmetic Formalizes an object's ability to be multiplied by something
FCUUID :iphone: :id: iOS UUID / Universally Unique Identifiers library as alternative to UDID and identifierForVendor.
Stencil Stencil is a simple and powerful template language for Swift.
DangerSwiftLint Automated Swift linting on pull requests
Styleable A declarative alternative to Swift UI which uses UIKit instead
FoundationKit Swift framework with Foundation extensions.
citron An LALR Parser Generator for Swift
ImageOCRUI ImageOCRUI is a powerful OCR package developed in SwiftUI, allowing you to seamlessly scan and extract text from images.
KinUtil Utility classes for iOS
Magellan Routing dead simple
SecurityExtensions iOS framework to simplify use of Apple's Security framework APIs from Swift.
FTPropertyWrappers Property wrappers for User Defaults, Keychain, StoredSubject and synchronization.
SwiftArgs ⌨️ A Swift library for parsing command line arguments
InfiniteScrollViews SwiftUI and UIKit infinite ScrollView components, also includes a paged version.
SwiftyReachability SwiftyReachability is a simple and lightweight network interface manager written in Swift
Athena A library for working with JSON in Swift
swiftui-gesture-velocity In SwiftUI, a property-wrapper provides velocity in pt/s from gesture
OptionalTools Some tools to make Optionals easier to use
PeekPop Peek and Pop with backwards-compatibility
elastic-swift Elasticsearch client in swift
KeyboardToolbar ⌨️ Add tools above your keyboard with iOS-like keyboard buttons.
JustNetworking A small architecture library for simplify the networking layer
EasyGeometryProxy SwiftUI extension for effortlessly accessing and monitoring view sizes and safe area insets. Replace traditional GeometryReader usage with a streamlined approach. Requires iOS 17.0, macOS 14.0
swift-release-notes A utility to create a list of links to release notes for Swift package updates.
xcparse Command line tool & Swift framework for parsing Xcode 11+ xcresult
swift_qrcodejs QRCodeSwift: cross-platform/watchOS QRCode generator in Swift (without CIFilter)
RxResource Reactive Resources
Screws My own lib with Swift extensions
swift-multihash Self identifying hashes
Bureau An easy way to use input view to display custom-view on iOS UIKit
Xorswift Xorshift pseudorandom number generator for Swift.
LinkKit Plaid Link iOS SDK
mqtt-nio Non-blocking, event-driven Swift client for MQTT (3.1.1 and 5.0).
CStack Swift wrapper for the C stack library
ItalianFiscalCodeTools An Italian fiscal code validator.
CodableGeoJSON Swift implementation of GeoJSON with Codable objects
ISO639.swift ISO639 languages for swift
WebRTC WebRTC SDK for iOS/mac (Cocopods Specs)
QuickLMDB Write LMDB databases with ease and flexibility.
OptionalAPI Optional extensions for Swift Optional Monad... use it or not... it's optional.
PaperOnboarding :octocat: PaperOnboarding is a material design UI slider. Swift UI library by @Ramotion
Symbols Swift package for accessing SF Symbols in a type safe manner.
Panels Panels is a framework to easily add sliding panels to your application
TypoChecker Typo checker made with swift
Capturer 📸 A wrapper for AVCaptureSession - The way easier to use the Camera.
NeumorphicStyle 🎛 Simple SwiftUI ‘neumorphic’ button style
RangeTools Some tools to help you work with Swift ranges
CBGPromise Simple promises in Swift, inspired by KSPromise
CompositionKit A collection of components to build composed component
Cleanse Lightweight Swift Dependency Injection Framework
MKZoomLevel An implementation of logarithmic zoom level getter & setter missed in MKMapView.
FuntastyKit A collection of Swift utilities and protocols used in our projects
IGListKit A data-driven UICollectionView framework for building fast and flexible lists.
StellarKit A framework for communicating with a Stellar Horizon node
PerfectPython An expressway to import Python 2.7 modules into Server Side Swift
Caesura Modularization Library in Swift - Powered by ReSwift
StubNetworkKit Stub your network requests in Swift
Dependencies Example of how to use SPM v4 to manage iOS dependencies
hive-mind An AI developed to play the Hive board game.
DataObject 📦 DataObject(Any)
Swiftlane 🚀 Build utilities in pure Swift
MaskedUITextField Create Masked TextFields for UIKit.
MemoryLayoutKit Swift structure representation tool kit
Stencil Stencil is a simple and powerful template language for Swift.
Prex 🔁Unidirectional data flow architecture with MVP and Flux combination for Swift
PublisherKit An open source implementation of Apple's Combine framework for processing asynchronous events over time
Bitter A Swift Bits Manipulation/Bitwise Operations Toolkit
AlertReactor A ReactorKit extension for UIAlertController
AgoraRtmKit Agora's Real-time Messaging SDK Swift Package for iOS 📦
JPEG decode, inspect, edit, and encode jpeg images in pure swift
DeckKit DeckKit is a Swift SDK that helps you build deck-based apps in SwiftUI.
Kommander-iOS A lightweight, pure-Swift library for manage the task execution in different threads. Through the definition a simple but powerful concept, Kommand.
ed25519swift ed25199 implementation by pure swift
Aptabase Swift SDK for Aptabase: Open Source, Privacy-First and Simple Analytics for Mobile, Desktop and Web Apps
iosMath Beautiful math equation rendering on iOS and MacOS
GameMath GameMath provides common types, related functions, and operators used for interactive realtime simulations (games).
FreeformJSON Type-safe freeform JSON data structure with Codable support for Swift
HidingViews Custom ViewModifier: `.isHidden(_:)` - Easily hide Views, controlled by a boolean.
Carte 🍴 Open source license notice view generator for Swift
WTV 👀 Where's The Variable?
RxAppState RxSwift extensions for UIApplicationDelegate methods to observe changes in your app's state
KeyboardKit KeyboardKit is a Swift library that helps you create iOS keyboard extensions.
SwiftHooks A little module for plugins, in swift.
BuyMeACoffee Buy Me a Coffee framework for iOS
papyrus A type-safe HTTP client for Swift.
FluentPostGIS Swift PostGIS support for FluentPostgreSQL and Vapor
Intercom The Official Swift Package for Intercom's iOS SDK
HAKit Swift library for communicating with Home Assistant.
CGFloatLiteral CGFloat(10) becomes 10.f
CacheStore 🌳 SwiftUI State Management
CLISpinner Swifty Terminal Spinner
WKCodable Well-Known Binary & Text Encoding/Decoding for Swift
SSCommonCrypto common crypto headers provided for the Swift Package Manager
FirebaseJWTMiddleware Vapor 4 Middleware for verifying Firebase ID tokens
AlertX A library for SwiftUI to create custom alerts with different appearances and animations.
Ricemill 🌾 ♻️ 🍚 Unidirectional Input / Output framework with Combine. Supports both of SwiftUI and UIKit.
VDAnimation Declarative way to create animations
SSCZLib zlib headers provided for the Swift Package Manager
AsyncExtensions Useful extensions built upon Swift Concurrency
AEAccordion Simple and lightweight UITableViewController with accordion effect (expand / collapse cells)
StatKit A collection of statistical analysis tools for your Swift programs.
MetalNanoVG The Metal port of NanoVG.
PMSuperButton 🔥 PMSuperButton is a powerful UIButton coming from the countryside, but with super powers! 😎
SwiftyUserDefaults Modern Swift API for NSUserDefaults
LoggerAPI Logger protocol
IomtFhirClient The IomtFhirClient Swift library simplifies sending IoMT (Internet of Medical Things) data to an IoMT FHIR Connector for Azure endpoint.
Dynamic Call hidden/private API in style! The Swift way.
VDChain Properties chaining
ScanKit A SwiftUI View and View-Model combination for scanning machine readable codes using Vision.
SwiftBluetooth 📲 CoreBluetooth API's for modern Swift
RVS_IPAddress A "Smart Parser" for IPv4 and IPv6 IP addresses. Includes a String extension.
CDMarkdownKit An extensive Swift framework providing simple and customizable markdown parsing.
MonetaryExchange 💱 Provides exchange rates between currencies and converts monetary amounts - Swift Micro Package
ACInteractor Swift Package for a Use Case centric architecture as proposed by Robert C. Martin and others.
MaterialShowcase ✨ An elegant way to guide your beloved users in iOS apps - Material Showcase.
JailbreakDetector A super simple, configurable and (optionally) verbose jailbreak detector for iOS.
Schedule Schedule timing task in Swift using a fluent API. (A friendly alternative to Timer)
VaporFluentDriver Helper library for SwifQL and Vapor
CurrencyConverter A simple currency converter library using the XML data.
AEConicalGradient Conical (angular) gradient for iOS written in Swift
SecureXPC A simple and secure XPC framework for Swift
Atlantis Capture HTTP/HTTPS, and Websocket from iOS app without proxy.
Chroma A comprehensive set of algorithms and datasets for color science with a focus on digital applications written in Swift.
PeekPop Peek and Pop with backwards-compatibility
SwiftPrettyPrint Pretty print for Swift.
WelcomeSheet iOS native-like onboarding sheets
DS18B20 A Swift library for the DS18B20 digital temperature sensor
SemVer A small Swift library that implements SemVer 2.0.0. This is designed to be simple to use and to easily fit into any Swift codebase.
Audiograph Audio-Feedback on Charts for visually impaired Users
JulianDayNumber Julian date calculations and calendar conversions for Swift
AEConsole Customizable Console UI overlay with debug log on top of your iOS App
Flynn Actor-model programming for Swift
swift-confidential Swift literals obfuscator to defend against static reverse engineering.
Config Extensible configuration generation for projects in swift
Highlightr iOS & OSX Syntax Highlighter.
HD44780LCD A Swift library for 16x2/20x4 Character LCDs with the HD44780(or clones) controller
AzureSDK iOS client SDKs for Microsoft Azure
DefaultCodable A convenient way to handle default values with Swift Codable types
VDDate Robust set of extensions for the Date struct
SpeziScheduler Scheduler Module for the Stanford Spezi Ecosystem
AccountsSDK The iOS Accounts Alviere SDK.
SpeziMedication Medication module of the Stanford Spezi framework
Amplitude Native iOS/tvOS/macOS SDK
Disk 💾 Output and Input for Files
FirebladeMath A dependency free, lightweight, fast math library for 2D and 3D vectors, quaternions and matrices in Swift with (optional) SIMD support.
SwiftyDropbox Swift SDK for the Dropbox API v2.
ObjectivePGP ObjectivePGP is an open-source library for iOS and macOS that provides developers with tools for implementing OpenPGP encryption and decryption, digital signing, and signature verification in their applications, thereby enhancing security and data integrity.
APIManager Framework for abstracting RESTful api requests
StencilSwiftKit A framework bringing additional nodes & filters to Stencil dedicated to Swift code generation
AssociatedTypeRequirementsKit A Swift µFramework for dealing with the classic "Self or associated type requirements" errors
RxExpect RxSwift testing framework
AnyMeasure Swift For Any Measure: Simplified
AsyncTimeout A Swift utility provides timeout for async func
OpenBytesNavigation 📚 Easy-to-use navigation system for SwiftUI apps
Prism Gett's Design System code generator. Use Zeplin Styleguides as your R&D's Single Source of Truth.
ComplimentaryGradientView Create complementary gradients generated from dominant and prominent colors in supplied image. Inspired by Grade.js
SmartQuotes 🗞 Swift String extension for typographically correct quotes & apostrophes
Usabilla Usabilla for Apps - SDK - iOS
AttributedText NSAttributedString rendering for SwiftUI
Test 🧪 Expect and assert
EmceeTestRunner Emcee is a tool that runs Android and iOS tests in parallel using multiple simulators and emulators across many servers
CSProgress A higher-performing, easier-to-use replacement class for Apple's NSProgress, written in Swift.
DynamicColor Yet another extension to manipulate colors easily in Swift and SwiftUI
SerializationTools Some tools to help y'all serialize stuff
openssl-apple A script for compiling OpenSSL for Apple Devices.
SpeziMockWebService A Spezi-based Swift Package to mock the interaction with a web service in a Spezi-based app.
composable-core-motion A library that bridges the Composable Architecture and Core Motion.
Matrix A 100% Swift implementation of matrices.
SwiftTokenizer Tokenizer for Swift
SGLMath SwiftGL Math Library
animagus-swift-example Animagus Swift Example
graphzahl-vapor-support A set of extensions that allow to use GraphZahl with Vapor
SwiftNet Elegant approach on Networking using Combine and Swift Concurrency
NotionSwift Unofficial Notion API SDK for iOS & macOS
fish 🐟 Fish is a small library that providing convenient wrappers for interacting with the file system.
RxViewController RxSwift wrapper for UIViewController and NSViewController
Revolve A lightweight, composable architecture for building SwiftUI applications. It is inspired by Redux and uses Combine to manage app state, actions, and reducers.
RotatingLabel A label component that animates text changes by scrolling characters.
SwiftGraphQLParser A parser for GraphQL written in pure Swift
HandySwift Handy Swift features that didn't make it into the Swift standard library.
SwiftCurses Make terminal applications quickly with ncurses + Swift
Elasticsearch A Vapor/Swift Elasticsearch client
AELog Simple, lightweight and flexible debug logging framework written in Swift
BRUtils General purpose Swift extensions, types, functions etc. Part of the Swiftfire webserver project.
UICollectionViewFlexLayout A drop-in replacement for UICollectionViewFlowLayout
AlamofireLogging HTTP Logging support for Alamofire
SwiftSpinner A beautiful activity indicator and modal alert written in Swift (originally developed for my app DoodleDoodle) Using blur effects, translucency, flat and bold design - all iOS 8 latest and greatest
Lullaby Functional DSP / Audio Framework for Swift
Legatus Combine 🚜 - driven REST API client, based on Alamofire 🔥
Complex Swift Complex Numbers
ShellOut Easily run shell commands from a Swift script or command line tool
Verify A state validation solution with declarative composition and easy reuse.
swiftui-simple-table SwiftUI table view for iOS and macOS
Doubles A quad-double number (QDouble) is an unevaluated sum of four IEEE double precision numbers, capable of representing at least 212 bits of significand. Algorithms for various arithmetic operations (including the four basic operations and various algebraic and transcendental operations) are presented. A Swift implementation of these algorithms is attached, along with its interfaces.
swift-tools-support-core Contains common infrastructural code for both SwiftPM and llbuild.
CountedSet A generic Swift counted set implementation.
swift-ast-explorer AST visualizer for Swift source code
CalendarView Build a Calendar By Pure SwiftUI
SwiftBeanCountModel Model for a ledger in SwiftBeanCount
Relax Declaratively build and send client requests for REST APIs in Swift.
AEViewModel Swift minion for convenient creation of tables and collection views
TTTAttributedLabel A drop-in replacement for UILabel that supports attributes, data detectors, links, and more
SwiftLibModbus Swift wrapper for the libmodbus library (
SPIndicator Floating indicator, mimicrate to indicator which appear when silent mode switched. Can be present from top and bottom. Interactive with gesters.
SwaggerParser Swift library for parsing OpenAPI 2.0 (f.k.a. Swagger) documents into native structures.
RunningPace Swift Package adding .minutesPerMile and .minutesPerKilometer to UnitSpeed, along with operators useful for working with speeds, durations, and distances.
MoyaSugar 🍯 Syntactic sugar for Moya
Crossroad :oncoming_bus: Route URL schemes easily
SKWebAPI Make requests to the Slack Web API
PathToRegex A Swift library translating paths with wildcards into regular expressions
JSONPreview 🎨 A view that previews JSON in highlighted form, it also provides the ability to format and collapse nodes.
GraphiteClient Lightweight Swift framework for feeding data into Graphite and statsD.
SpeziAccount The Spezi Account module to enable login and signup functionality
ReactiveCollectionsKit Data-driven, declarative, reactive, diffable collections (and lists!) for iOS. A thoughtful and flexible wrapper for UICollectionView done right.
GLTFSceneKit glTF loader for SceneKit
ios_system Drop-in replacement for system() in iOS programs
FileBuilder A declarative way to generate files using Swift.
OpenGraphReader Package for reading OpenGraph tags from given URL
RxViewController RxSwift wrapper for UIViewController and NSViewController
ReactorKit A library for reactive and unidirectional Swift applications
Version Represent and compare versions via semantic versioning (SemVer) in Swift
Doggie A Cross-platform Library for Swift
DeviceDNA Device DNA library for iOS SDK
Heimdallr.swift Easy to use OAuth 2 library for iOS, written in Swift.
SwiftkubeClient Swift client for Kubernetes
B9Action Unified interface for target/selector patterns and block calls.
PublisherView A SwiftUI view that subscribes to a Combine publisher to display different views for the values and failure of the publisher.
ChartsUI A SwiftUI charts library
Badonde Automated PR creation, tailored to your project
ShapeScript The ShapeScript 3D modeling app for macOS and iOS
fastfood 🍔🍟 Share Fastfile between projects
CHTTPParser HTTP parser system module package
FDBSwift FoundationDB client for Swift
ReactorKit A library for reactive and unidirectional Swift applications
ContentSecurityPolicy A Swift library for defining Content Security Policy (CSP) header values
XMPP Pure Swift XMPP library
AppCenter Development repository for the App Center SDK for iOS, macOS and tvOS.
Pelican A Telegram Bot API package for making bots in Swift.
FluentPostgreSQL PostgreSQL driver for Fluent
MasonryStack A Pinterest like layout in SwiftUI (horizontal & vertical).
swift-gen 🎱 Composable, transformable, controllable randomness.
VisionFaceAware An extension that gives UIImageView the ability to focus on faces through Vision Framework within an image
YYCache High performance cache framework for iOS.
MulticolorGradient A SwiftUI implementation of multiple color gradient (like mesh gradient) 🌈
MyTrackerSDK ios myTracker sdk for SPM
RxDataSources UITableView and UICollectionView Data Sources for RxSwift (sections, animated updates, editing ...)
SwiftShow swift砖块系列:各种弹出窗口,toast,loading,alert,popview等等,支持暗黑模式
SimpleEncrypter A simple protocol for Data->Data encrypt
Puppy A flexible logging library written in Swift
ReRxSwift ReRxSwift: RxSwift bindings for ReSwift
SyntaxTree Model for building Syntax Trees
Futures Demand-driven asynchronous programming in Swift
TextMate Support for parsing Text Mate Languages
UserDefaultsKey A swift package to specify a Key type for use with UserDefaults.
Taskig An async/await inspired library which makes asynchronous programming in Swift a joy!
StrasbourgParkAPI :parking: A simple swift package used to access the Strasbourg open data related to the parking
SlidingTabView SwiftUI - Sliding Tab View
XcodeGen A Swift command line tool for generating your Xcode project
ContributeWordPress Import your Wordpress site into Publish
DepthNSDictionary Extension to navigate a nested dictionary using separator to search nested keys in a recursive implementation
DSFPagerControl A simple macOS pager control
APIRequest A swift package/android library to interact with a REST API.
IPAddress A tiny, well-tested Swift library for handling IP Addresses.
fluent-sqlite-driver Fluent driver for SQLite
OnboardingKit Easily implement your onboarding flow with a declarative API
Rswift Strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues in Swift projects
Deque A double-ended queue type in pure Swift
Fetch Simple http in swift
SwiftUIPhone An iPhone Simulator "Wrapper" for SwiftUI Apps on macOS
DSFComboButton A drop-in `NSComboButton` replacement with pre macOS 13 support.
querykit-cli QueryKit command line tool to produce type-safe accessors
Perfect Server-side Swift. The Perfect core toolset and framework for Swift Developers. (For mobile back-end development, website and API development, and more…)
SimpleTipJar A simple iOS component for collecting tips via In-App Purchases
Kyu Kyu is persistent queue system written in Swift and inspired by Sidekiq.
IndustrialKit The open source software platform for creating applications that enable the design and control of automated means of production.
RichString The easiest way to work with attributed strings in Swift.
KissFFT Swift Package for Kiss FFT
ReplicantSwift Replicant is Operator's Pluggable Transport that can be tuned for each adversary.
FocusEntity Bringing the scanning box from SceneKit to RealityKit
Spezi Open-source framework for rapid development of modern, interoperable digital health applications.
WrapLayout A custom layout built on top of SwiftUI's Layout API that lays elements out in multiple lines. Similar to flex-wrap in CSS, CollectionViewFlowLayout.
Mockable A Swift macro driven auto-mocking library.
FileKit Simple and expressive file management in Swift
StorageManager Safe and easy way to use FileManager as Database
swift-ansi-picker An interactive selection picker for Swift-based CLI applications.
MPath Another Path library in Swift
Uridium swift metal like api on vulkan
Regex Cross-platform Swift regex library
swm-core Pure Math in Pure Swift.
Puddles A native SwiftUI app architecture
FluxorExplorerInterceptor Intercepting actions and state changes and sending them to FluxorExplorer
AppReview ⭐️ A tiny library to request review on the AppStore. This is wrapper around native SKStoreReviewController.
BMLTiOSLib This is a full-featured iOS communication infrastructure for the BMLT Meeting List Toolbox system.
Benchmark Benchmark running times of Swift code
Args A Swift package that parses command line arguments and returns a hash of the passed flags
Codextended Extensions giving Swift's Codable API type inference super powers 🦸‍♂️🦹‍♀️
PerfectFileMaker A stand-alone Swift wrapper around the FileMaker XML Web publishing interface, enabling access to FileMaker servers.
LNTouchVisualizer Touch visualizing framework for iOS
NerdzValidation Validation Library
ViewInspector Runtime introspection and unit testing of SwiftUI views
Run Run provides a quick, concise way to run an external command and read its standard output and standard error.
ITunesServicesKit Wrapper over software related functions on the iTunes API
IORingSwift A Swift wrapper for io_uring
DrX The Rx doctor is in the house, curing all your ailments with simple-yet-expressive operators and extensions. Includes Cocoa Touch support!
SwiftSyntax SwiftSyntax SwiftPM module
Validate A property wrapper that can validate the property it wraps.
Spek 🎏 Function builder BDD testing framework in Swift
Nuke Image loading system
Slurp A Swift task runner and file watcher with an interface inspired by Gulp.js
FileCheck A standalone Swift version of LLVM's flexible pattern matching file verifier
ImGui Swift wrapper around Dear imgui for macOS, iOS, Linux and Windows
NKDiffable Custom implementation of UITableViewDiffableDataSource and UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource compatible with iOS 12 and lower.
ErrorsCore Errors Core for LiveUI apps
ScreenUI A multi-platform, multi-paradigm routing framework.
Chronometer Best guess date format parsing for Swift
Carbon 🚴 A declarative library for building component-based user interfaces in UITableView and UICollectionView.
Catbird Mock server for UI tests
DotSwift A Swift library to encode graphs to Graphviz DOT graph description language.
MapboxSpeech Natural-sounding text-to-speech in Swift or Objective-C on iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS
ogg-swift Thin wrapper around libogg for Swift 5+
graphiql GraphiQL & the GraphQL LSP Reference Ecosystem for building browser & IDE tools.
LifetimeTracker Find retain cycles / memory leaks sooner.
JavApi⁴Swift JavApi⁴Swift is a pure implementation of Java API in #PureSwift under business friendly license.
SpecialString Ever need a string but also wish it weren't a String type?
APIKit Type-safe networking abstraction layer that associates request type with response type.
RefreshableScrollView SwiftUI ScrollView supporting pull-to-refresh
Pipify A SwiftUI component for launching custom picture-in-picture experiences
DependencyInjectorObjectMapper Dependency injector Swift support ObjectMapper
ServiceAutograph Service generation utility.
EUDCCKit EU Digital COVID Certificate Kit for the Apple Platform  (unofficial)
CloudFoundryEnv Easy access to Cloud Foundry application environment for Swift Packages.
AgoraRtcKit Agora Audio RTC Engine for macOS
XCTAssertAutolayout Provides assert function that check autolayout error in Swift
SwiftPlantUML A command-line tool and Swift Package for generating class diagrams powered by PlantUML
BartyCrouch Localization/I18n: Incrementally update/translate your Strings files from .swift, .h, .m(m), .storyboard or .xib files.
NotificationToast Google toast the Apple way !
PublishedKVO PublishedKVO provides Apples Combine `@Published` for class-types using Key-Value-Observing (KVO requires classes to be NSObject-based).
docs 📖 Documentation markdown for all Vapor packages.
vapor 💧 A server-side Swift HTTP web framework.
SpeechRecognizerButton UIButton subclass with push to talk recording, speech recognition and Siri-style waveform view.
NgNetworkModule iOS Networking Module
AVPlayerItemHomeOutput Coordinate the output of content associated with your HomeKit lightbulbs. #Ambilight
Captain makes easy to manage git hooks for written in Swift products
MultiPeer 📱📲 A wrapper for the MultipeerConnectivity framework for automatic offline data transmission between devices
SwiftTryCatch Adds try-catch support for Swift
TaggerKit 🏷 TaggerKit helps you to quickly implement tags in your UIKit apps, so you can go on and test your idea without having to worry about logic and custom collection layouts.
ServerSecurity :warning: Historical TLS API - please use SwiftNIO instead
ModalView Present Modal view with Swift UI in the same way you would do with NavigationView
Cpng libpng wrapper for Swift Package Manager
DoctorPretty Wadler's "A prettier printer" embedded pretty-printer DSL for Swift
AnimatedCollectionViewLayout A UICollectionViewLayout subclass that adds custom transitions/animations to the UICollectionView without effecting your existing code.
Antlr4 ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a powerful parser generator for reading, processing, executing, or translating structured text or binary files.
BottomSheet BottomSheet lets you add custom bottom sheets to your SwiftUI apps.
DNSClient A DNS Resolver in Swift
EliminationMenu Some kind of dropdown/up menu that eliminates all values which were not selected.
Reeeed reader mode view for SwiftUI, based on the feeeed app
DependencyInjector Dependency injector made in pure Swift
swift-declarative-configuration Declarative configuration for your objects
swift-sf-symbols Type-safe support for SF symbols
Synopsis Swift source code scanner.
AutoGraph A GraphQL Client in Swift
DeallocationChecker Catch leaking view controllers without opening Instruments.
StreamSwiftTestHelpers Test Helpers used by Stream iOS SDKs for testing purposes. Written in Swift.
CoreDataToSwiftUI Rule based CRUD CoreData Frontends for SwiftUI
swift-binary-coder Flat, untagged binary serializer for Codable Swift types
Braintree Braintree SDK for iOS
PathKit Effortless path operations in Swift
StringMetric String metric/similarity functions implemented in Swift.
SwiftyGif High performance GIF engine
DirectToSwiftUI Rule based CRUD Database Frontends for SwiftUI
Frames Frames iOS: making native card payments simple
FluxorExplorerSnapshot A struct to be used when communicating between FluxorExplorerInterceptor and FluxorExplorer
package-histogram Swift port of HdrHistogram
ShipShape A Swift package for generating 2D shapes of ships
ALanguageParser HTTP Accept-Language parser in Swift
Disruptive Client library in Swift for Disruptive Technologies' REST API
VaporRedisClient Adapter to use vapor/redis with reswifq.
Wacro Build Swift Macros with WebAssembly
Moya Network abstraction layer written in Swift.
SSegmentRecordingView View to show recording video segments as Instagram, TikTok, etc
SVGKit Display and interact with SVG Images on iOS / OS X, using native rendering (CoreAnimation)
Ccrypt_blowfish Swift Package wrapping the crypt_blowfish C library.
OpenTracing This is a prototype OpenTracing API for the Swift language. This is intended to explore and validate decisions about implementing the OpenTracing API in Swift.
Existential Graphs Foundation Foundational data structures and operations that support the representation of existential graphs
GoogleMaps Swift Package for Google Maps iOS SDK
Spanker High performance JSON middleware for Swift projects
GAuthSwiftParser Get all the data from the Google Authenticator export data link in one line in Swift.
PersistedValue Solution that makes persisted value API as easy as possible
simple-asn1-reader-writer Simple ASN.1 reader and writer
FFFoundation Some useful additions and classes for Apple's Foundation framework
ErrorHandler Error handling library for Swift
Cryptor Swift cross-platform crypto library using CommonCrypto/libcrypto
Coyote Document Scanning Made Easy for iOS
java_swift Support code for Swift Java Bridge
Crust What sits between the cloud and the core of an app
ErrNo Swift enum wrapper for C errno values
Router 🛣 Simple Navigation for iOS - ⚠️ Deprecated
TMSwiftUtilities Frequently used functions in Swift.
HTTPStatusCodes Swift enum wrapper for easier handling of HTTP status codes.
SoracomAPI An SDK for the Soracom API in Swift. (BETA)
SwiftCoreSymbolication Swift wrappers for CoreSymbolication
Cepoll A Swift package importing the epoll linux headers for other Swift packages to utilize.
pecker CodePecker is a tool to detect unused Swift code.
Closures Swifty closures for UIKit and Foundation
BackedCodable Powerful property wrapper to back codable properties.
ReSwift-Router Declarative Routing in Swift, Extension for ReSwift
PwnedPasswords A small Swift wrapper for HIBP's PwnedPasswords
xc Open your xcode project with Xcode of specific version
DrivenUI DrivenUI is an iOS SDK which makes introducing and building Server Driven UI feature into iOS Applications much more convenient.
Veximoji Swiftly convert country codes and other unique strings to emoji flags
AXSwift Swift wrapper for accessibility clients
xcdiff A tool which helps you diff xcodeproj files.
HiveEngine An engine to maintain the state of a game of Hive.
SheetKit an extension library for SwiftUI sheets.
MenuItemKit UIMenuItem with image and closure(block) action
CocoaAsyncSocket Asynchronous socket networking library for Mac and iOS
StencilSwiftKit A framework bringing additional nodes & filters to Stencil dedicated to Swift code generation
TensorSwift A lightweight library to calculate tensors in Swift, which has similar APIs to TensorFlow's
CLMDB LMDB Source in a Swift Package
ID3TagEditor :musical_note::guitar:A Swift library to read and write ID3 Tag of any mp3 file. Supported ID3 tag version: 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4. Supported platform: iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS, Linux Ubuntu. :musical_note::guitar:
MacPreviewUtils Handy tools for SwiftUI previews on macOS.
ForecastIO-Vapor DarkSky API wrapper for Vapor
AMSMB2 Swift framework to connect SMB2/3 shares
HotKey Simple global shortcuts in macOS
Closures Swifty closures for UIKit and Foundation
QuickJSON Native Swift Encoding and Decoding from ANSI C library yyjson.
CommonMark Create, parse, and render Markdown text according to the CommonMark specification
Breeze A Serverless API Template Generator for Server-Side Swift
SwiftDataKit SwiftDataKit allows SwiftData developers to access Core Data objects corresponding to SwiftData elements.
PropertyTracer 📝 Library for tracing access to properties.
MapNavigationKit Easy & more detailed online routing information for MapKit & other map frameworks
gir2swift A simple GIR parser in Swift for creating Swift types for a .gir file
Konkyo A Foundation Swift Package for my projects
Deli Deli is an easy-to-use Dependency Injection(DI).
rawdog raw binary representation protocol in swift.
InAppPurchase A Simple and Lightweight framework for In App Purchase
Cairo A Swift wrapper around cairo-1.x that is largely auto-generated from gobject-introspection
SwiftBCrypt Swift package wrapping the OpenWall BCrypt hashing algorithm
SwiftTfIdf An ordinary swift package, have a bunch looping of calculating TFIDF
VaporDocC Vapor middleware that serves a DocC archive
MicroInjection A tiny (40 lines or ~100 lines including documentation, comments and whitespace) dependency injection framework that can be used in a similar way to the SwiftUI environment
Tarscape A Swift package for creating and extracting Tar files.
Validated 🛂 A result type that accumulates multiple errors.
AAInfographics-Pro 📈📊👑👑👑AAChartKit-Swift-Pro is a professional version of AAChartKit-Swift, it is an elegant and friendly chart framework for iOS, iPadOS, macOS. AAChartKit-Swift-Pro is a more powerful data visualization framework that supports more types beautiful chart like bellcurve, bullet, columnpyramid, cylinder, dependencywheel, heatmap, histogram, networkgraph, organization, packedbubble, pareto, sankey, series, solidgauge, streamgraph, sunburst, tilemap, timeline, treemap, variablepie, variwide, vector, venn, windbarb, wordcloud, xrange charts and so on.
UITextView+Placeholder A missing placeholder for UITextView
swiftui-interface-orientation Allow interface orientations on a per view basis in SwiftUI
EasyFocus Easier getting and setting of Focus
Pax iOS Drawer/SideMenu/HamburgerMenu
Sugar Sugar for Swift
SwipeableView Simple editActionsForRowAt functionality, written on SWIFTUI
CameraCapture A well-tested iOS framework for displaying a camera preview and taking pictures.
SwiftSlash Concurrent shell scripting framework with deep support for async/await.
JsonKit A Swift library that makes reading and writing JSON data objects in Swift and converting to the appropriate Swift data objects easy.
unstandard A general purpose add-on to the Swift Standard Library & Foundation
Align Intuitive and powerful Auto Layout library
Willow Willow is a powerful, yet lightweight logging library written in Swift.
swift-http-structured-headers A Swift implementation of the HTTP Structured Header Field specification.
DockerSwift A Swift client library for Docker
GdkPixBuf A Swift wrapper around GdkPixbuf-2.x that is largely auto-generated from gobject-introspection
Resolver Swift Ultralight Dependency Injection / Service Locator framework
RaLog 🧙 A lightweight, highly customizable , protocol-oriented logging framework.
llbuild A low-level build system, used by Xcode and the Swift Package Manager
Clang A Swift wrapper for the libclang C API (version 4.0.x)
Future Streamlined Future<Value, Error> implementation
BytePattern A pattern finder for bytes
SwiftHook ⚓️ A Swift Library for hooking swift methods and functions.
MadDisplay The graphic library for SwiftIO
SwiftOpenAPI Swift library which can generate output compatible with OpenAPI 3.1.0
Meridian Meridian is a web server written in Swift that lets you write your endpoints in a declarative way.
Player ▶️ video player in Swift, simple way to play and stream media on iOS/tvOS
SwiftUIMKMapView SwiftUI wrapper for MapKit's MKMapView (UIKit).
CircuitBreaker A Swift Circuit Breaker library – Improves application stability and reliability.
APNGKit High performance and delightful way to play with APNG format in iOS.
Action Abstracts actions to be performed in RxSwift.
FrameLayoutKit A super fast and easy-to-use layout library for iOS. FrameLayoutKit supports complex layouts, including chaining and nesting layout with simple and intuitive operand syntax.
JSONAPI Swift Codable JSON:API framework
TigaseSwiftOMEMO OMEMO support for Tigase Swift XMPP library
Swiftgger OpenAPI support for server side Swift projects.
VaporToOpenAPI OpenAPI specification generator for Vapor based Swift projects.
SwiftUIWebKit WKWebView in SwiftUI
Paseto Platform-Agnostic Security Tokens implementation in Swift
PalicoEngine Metal-Based Game Engine in Swift 🐑
HTTP Response Date An extension that adds a “date" property to HTTPURLResponse.
Shuffle 🔥 A multi-directional card swiping library inspired by Tinder
PermissionsKit Universal API for request permission and get its statuses.
PackageBuildInfo Automated Swift Package version and build numbering via Git. A Swift Package Manager build plugin.
Splitflap A simple split-flap display for your Swift applications
Configuration Hierarchical configuration manager for Swift applications
PageView SwiftUI view enabling navigation between pages of content, imitating the behaviour of UIPageViewController for iOS and watchOS
Canopy A library that helps you isolate CloudKit dependency and write testable code using CloudKit.
DateStrings A Swift 5 Date extension library that adds helpful string accessors and a string based initialiser. With new methods and properties that make getting a string from a Date easy.
LSM303 LSM303 Accelerometer access through Swift on Raspberry Pi
VDPin Convenience pin methods for constraints creation
DateHelper A Swift Date extension helper
TTTAttributedLabel A drop-in replacement for UILabel that supports attributes, data detectors, links, and more
SwiftyModbus Swift wrapper for the libmodbus library with promises
TimelaneCore Timelane + Core
KMMViewModel Library to share Kotlin ViewModels with SwiftUI
SwiftUIFlux A very naive implementation of Redux using Combine BindableObject to serve as an example
CliRunnable Create and parse command line options for your cli application
rabbitmq-nio A Swift implementation of AMQP 0.9.1 protocol: decoder + encoder and non-blocking client
Health An application health library for Swift.
Tree A hierarchical tree structure for Swift
YBottomSheet An easy-to-use bottom sheet controller for iOS.
klaviyo-swift-sdk SDK that allows users to incorporate Klaviyo's event and person tracking functionality within iOS applications. Written in Swift.
Partial Type-safe wrapper mirroring the wrapped type's properties, making each property optional
Segment The hassle-free way to add Segment analytics to your Swift app (iOS/tvOS/watchOS/macOS/Linux).
EmojiText 😃 Render Custom Emoji in Text
VersionTracker Versions tracker for your iOS, macOS, and tvOS app
JSONPatch JSON Patch RFC6902 implementation in Swift
RxAppKit RxSwift for macOS
Promissum A promises library written in Swift featuring combinators like map, flatMap, whenAll, whenAny.
DomainParser A Full Swift Lightweight Framework that uses the Public Suffix list to Parse URLs
SwiftProcessManager Swift package to manage running a binary using Process().
SwiftFixture A tool to help you in writing clean and concise unit tests by standardizing the creation of fixture values.
SwiftXml Swift XML Util
PostgresBridge 🐘 Pure SwifQL+NIO bridge to Postgres
PriorityQueue Swift implementation of a priority queue.
SpeziFHIRToFirestoreAdapter FHIR to Firestore Adapter for the CardinalKit Framework
Versionator Swift build plugin that auto-generates version information for the package you are building
MeecoHolderWalletApiSdk PUBLIC REPO for Swift Package Index: MeecoHolderWalletApiSdk
music-notation Music Notation Library in Swift
argtree Command line argument parser package in Swift.
LiquidSwipe Example of using SwiftUI to create a beautiful Liquid Swipe control
Nine41 Automate overriding the status bars for all running iOS simulators
GoogleAnalyticsProvider Google Analytics for Vapor
FelinePine Easy to use API for setting up logging and log categories across your architecture
SplunkOtel iOS RUM library and instrumentation
MoRegex Regular Expression for Swift
Pango A Swift wrapper around pango-1.x that is largely auto-generated from gobject-introspection
Combinatorics Combinatorics in Swift
WindowKit 🪟 Easily present SwiftUI views in their own UIWindow
SwiftyNotifications Highly configurable iOS UIView for presenting notifications that doesn't block the UI.
SwiftttCamera Swifttty and easy camera framework for iOS.
S3Kit S3 v4 URL Signer to upload files to s3
Diagnostics Allow users to easily share Diagnostics with your support team to improve the flow of fixing bugs.
FtxConnector Swift bindings for the FTX API
Complex Complex numbers in Swift
CoreDataPlus A collection of extensions and helpers for working with Core Data.
Custom-SegmentView created customised segment control in SwiftUI.
PerfectCRUD CRUD is an object-relational mapping (ORM) system for Swift 4+.
IOSSecuritySuite iOS platform security & anti-tampering Swift library
routing-kit 🚍 High-performance trie-node router.
GoogleStaticMapsKit GoogleStaticMapsKit provides a full swift API for dealing with Google Static Maps API.
WindowReader 📱 Access UIWindow/NSWindow in SwiftUI
PartialSheet A SwiftUI Partial Sheet fully customizable with dynamic height
TraktKit Swift wrapper for API.
FWApplication iOS应用框架,方便iOS开发,兼容OC和Swift。
AttributedTextUI Attributed text builder.
CodeScanner A SwiftUI view that is able to scan barcodes, QR codes, and more, and send back what was found.
swift-service-lifecycle Cleanly startup and shutdown server application, freeing resources in order before exiting.
aws-xray-sdk-swift Unofficial AWS X-Ray SDK for Swift.
DynuREST A IP Update API wrapper.
ReactiveStreams An interpretation of Reactive Streams in Swift
TranslationCatalog Swift toolkit for managing app localization & internationalization.
Logg Logger for swift
YoutubeEngine Swift ReactiveCocoa lib for Youtube api
HotSoda HotSoda is Ability Management Utility for Vapor Applications.
CQRS The Command and Query Responsibility Segregation
swift-argument-parser Straightforward, type-safe argument parsing for Swift
Zip Swift framework for zipping and unzipping files.
DeviceGuru DeviceGuru is a simple lib (Swift) to know the exact type of the device, e.g. iPhone 6 or iPhone 6s. Please ⭐️ this repo on the top right corner to make this repo popular.
IPAPI Geolocation API client written in Swift.
DIAttribute Introduce dependency injection attribute (@Inject)
UnityBuildKit A command line tool that generates an iOS application with an embedded Unity scene
Cncurses A system library wrapper for ncurses to be used in Swift
CLISpinner Swifty Terminal Spinner
MoreCodable MoreCodable expands the possibilities of `Codable`.
FloatingPointMath Protocol-Oriented Math Functions for Swift
Randomizable Any type random value generator to reduce boilerplates for unittest
swift-cairo Swift library for Cairo
MultiModal Use multiple .sheet, .alert, etc. modifiers in the same SwiftUI View
WindowSceneReader 📱 Access UIWindowScene in SwiftUI
Replacer An easy-to-use library to stub HTTP requests using URLSession and to swizzle methods
MultipartForm The missing multipart form support for URLSession.
SwiftAdditions Madd's Swift wrappers and extensions
swift-biome serve versioned, multi-package swift documentation, at scale
AnyCodable This is private working repository. Please go to the parent repository where I am a collaborator.
Nifty Dice Roller Library for rolling dice.
AutoGraphParser Swift GQL Parser
AnimatableGradients A collection of SwiftUI View Modifiers for creating animated color gradients.
Zippy Overloads for different Zip functions.
Kitura-NIO A networking library for Kitura, based on SwiftNIO
PrivacyManifestUtil Privacy manifest tooling
AugmentedButton UIButton subclass with augmented functionality
KMPNativeCoroutines Library to use Kotlin Coroutines from Swift code in KMP apps
Interval Interval Arithmetic in Swift with Interval Type
EonilFSEvents An unofficial wrapper around FSEvent tailored for Swift 5.
WebView A SwiftUI component to use WKWebView
CwlDemangle An implementation of Swift mangled symbol parsing and demangled printing in Swift.
MMBAlertsPickers Advanced usage of UIAlertController with TextField, DatePicker, PickerView, TableView and CollectionView.
Echo A complete reflection library for Swift
Sliders :rocket: SwiftUI Sliders with custom styles
JSON Even Swiftier JSON Handler
FHDiffableViewControllers UITableViewController and UICollectionViewController based on a DiffableDataSource.
Windless Windless makes it easy to implement invisible layout loading view.
FHExtensions Some useful Foundation and UIKit Extensions.
PeriodDuration The ISO 8601 period/duration APIs missing in Foundation
OCMock Mock objects for Objective-C
TAP Test Anything Protocol for Swift
BooleanExpressionEvaluation Evaluate a string boolean expression with variables
AVFoundationCombine Combine extensions for AVFoundation
swift-multipart-formdata Build multipart/form-data type-safe in Swift.
DVB 🚆 Query Dresden's public transport system for current bus- and tramstop data in swift
LookingGlassUI Shimmering SwiftUI Views using device orientation.
MetalView A wrapper for MTKView that works on iOS and macOS.
SwiftCSP A Constraint Satisfaction Problem Solver in Pure Swift
CSVEncoder Swift CSV Encoder
ZegoExpressEngine 📦 ZEGO Express Video Swift Package for iOS
AsyncExtensions 🚰 Extension for async retrieval of values or results from a Combine publisher
swift-hash hashes, checksums, and hextools for server applications
pwa-template ⚾️ Progressive web application template for SwifWeb
Lux A Swift library with a dedicated command-line tool to highlight plain code (e.g. for terminal output), HTML files code blocks or attributed strings (e.g. for macOS or iOS apps)
WasmKit [fork] WebAssembly Runtime written in Swift
Anchorage A collection of operators and utilities that simplify iOS layout code.
Solar A Swift micro library for generating Sunrise and Sunset times.
Sliders-SwiftUI Collection of unique fully customizable SwiftUI sliders, joysticks, trackpads and more!
GPX Small library for generating GPX files.
SwiftDependencyUpdater A tool to update swift package manager dependencies
Atom The lightweight & delightful networking library.
TextFieldAlert A SwiftUI alert with text field(s) for iOS/tvOS 13 and greater.
Downpour ☔️ Get TV & Movie info from downloaded file names
FFProbe A Swift library for processing output from the ffprobe utility
Kingfisher A lightweight, pure-Swift library for downloading and caching images from the web.
llbuild A low-level build system, used by Xcode and the Swift Package Manager
MenuBuilder Swift Function Builder for creating NSMenuItems
swift-mongodb use BSON and MongoDB in pure Swift
CwlPreconditionTesting A Mach exception handler that allows Swift precondition failures to be caught and tested.
LStXML2Code Quelltextgenerator für die deutsche Lohnsteuerberechnung aus den Programmablaufplänen vom BMF
LockSmith Swift Process, File, and Thread locking utilities
pyTanks.SwiftPlayer A Swift Client for Joel Eager's pyTanks Server
SDL Swift wrapper around Simple Direct Media Layer (SDL2) for macOS, iOS, Linux and Windows
TCACoordinators Powerful navigation in the Composable Architecture via the coordinator pattern
QKMRZParser Parse MRZ (Machine Readable Zone) from identity documents using Swift.
Transmission A Combine powered Transmission RPC API client.
d3-async-location Corelocation swift async await streamer Corelocation map swift tracker geolocation and geocoding swiftui map example using MapKit address decoder Corelocation based service in swift Async stream pattern that can be applied to CoreBluetooth (bluetooth data), CoreMotion (motion data) etc
swift-package-factory compiler-driven, structured, type-safe source generation. never use gyb again!
EasyTCP A simple and easy TCP Client in Swift.
Janus An argument-parsing library for Swift.
CircleMenu :octocat: ⭕️ CircleMenu is a simple, elegant UI menu with a circular layout and material design animations. Swift UI library made by @Ramotion
SwiftUIRules Dynamic, Rule based @EnvironmentKeys for SwiftUI
TactileSlider UIControl slider that can be dragged from any point within its bounds, similar to those in Control Center and
Mu Minimalist HTTP request library via async / await
TapTempoButton SwiftUI View to easily add tap tempo functionality to music apps.
Cwebp Swift bridge to WebP
Kitura-TemplateEngine Kitura Template Engine protocol
SwiftHooks A little module for plugins, in swift.
SwiftUIKit SwiftUIKit is a Swift SDK that adds extra functionality to Swift & SwiftUI.
SwiftyDijkstra Simple objective implementation of Dijkstra algorithm (shortest path search) written in Swift
SwiftString A comprehensive, lightweight string extension for Swift
SwiftTranslate Easy to use Swift language translation
LeftPad This is not a real Package, it's just for testing package metadata.
SwiftDocCPlugin Swift Package Manager command plugin for Swift-DocC
EFAutoScrollLabel A label which can scroll when text length beyond the width of label.
WebSocketCompression A WebSocket compression library based on SwiftNIO
TextBufferKit Swift TextBuffer
Quick The Swift (and Objective-C) testing framework.
PotentCodables 🧪 PotentCodables - A potent set of implementations and extensions to the Swift Codable system
HKDFKit Simple HKDF utility with Objective-C interface
swift-case-paths 🧰 Case paths extends the key path hierarchy to enum cases.
Marshal Marshaling the typeless wild west of [String: Any]
ASCKit The backbone of my App Store Connect related software
CTColorPicker HSB ColorPicker for SwiftUI
swift-async-queue A queue that enables ordered sending of events from synchronous to asynchronous code
BFKit BFKit-Swift is a collection of useful classes, structs and extensions to develop Apps faster.
mimiq A Simple Xcode Simulator Recoder
RoundedCorners RoundedCorners for SwiftUI.
swiftxml A lightweight xml parser written in pure swift
NSAttributedStringBuilder Composing NSAttributedString with SwiftUI-style syntax
SwiftDB A modern database abstraction layer + runtime, batteries included [WIP].
aws-signer-v4 Generate a signed URL or Request headers for submitting to Amazon Web Services.
Argon2Kit An Argon2 wrapper written in Swift.
SwiftCommonMark Parse and create CommonMark documents in Swift.
Fakery :alien: Swift fake data generator
IrregularGradient Create animated irregular gradients in SwiftUI.
langserver-swift A Swift implementation of the open Language Server Protocol.
OpenSSL Swift modulemaps for libSSL and libcrypto
swift-log-file A simple file logger based on swift-log
FMZDropInMinimalFacebookLogin iOS near drop in replacement for Facebook SDK if you only need Facebook Login and no other features (SPM).
Checksum Checksum calculation extensions for Swift
Plex-Monitr Plex media management made easy!
GlueKit Type-safe observable values and collections in Swift
swift-collections-benchmark A benchmarking tool for Swift Collection algorithms
lmdb Read-only mirror of official repo on Issues and pull requests here are ignored. Use OpenLDAP ITS for issues.
ScrollViewLoader SwiftUI View extension to assist with infinite scrolling
DifferenceKit 💻 A fast and flexible O(n) difference algorithm framework for Swift collection.
CocoaAsyncSocket Asynchronous socket networking library for Mac and iOS
language-detector Detect language from a text string in Swift!
Polyline Polyline encoder / decoder in swift
SwiftKuerySQLite An SQLite plugin for the Swift-Kuery framework
IncrementableLabel Incrementable UILabel for iOS and tvOS
ColorCalculation A color extension library for calculating hex, brightness, etc.
UIKitEssentials Essentials for development using UIKit.
AsyncObjects Several synchronization primitives and task synchronization mechanisms introduced to aid in modern swift concurrency.
Carthage A simple, decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa
Sync Real-time Apps the SwiftUI way
AAInfographics 📈📊📱💻🖥️An elegant modern declarative data visualization chart framework for iOS, iPadOS and macOS. Extremely powerful, supports line, spline, area, areaspline, column, bar, pie, scatter, angular gauges, arearange, areasplinerange, columnrange, bubble, box plot, error bars, funnel, waterfall and polar chart types. 极其精美而又强大的现代化声明式数据可视化图表框架,支持柱状图、条形图、折线图、曲线图、折线填充图、曲线填充图、气泡图、扇形图、环形图、散点图、雷达图、混合图等各种类型的多达几十种的信息图图表,完全满足工作所需.
Graphics Helpful tools for creating graphical objects
peertalk iOS and Mac Cocoa library for communicating over USB
Math Helpful mathematical tools for music and graphics
MyHTML A Swift wrapper for MyHTML, a fast, pure-C, HTML 5 parsing library
Rexy :dragon_face: POSIX Regular Expressions in Swift
SwiftTrace Trace Swift and Objective-C method invocations
SwiftStack A Swift wrapper for the Stack Exchange API
SwiftKafka Swift SDK for Apache Kafka
RCGPX A library for reading/writing GPX files in Swift
Saga A static site generator written in Swift
libdav1d A wrapper for libdav1d + Xcode project. Support Carthage && CocoaPods.
FuzzyFind A Swift package to perform fuzzy search queries on strings
JDStatusBarNotification Highly customizable & feature rich notifications. Interactive dismiss. Custom Views. SwiftUI. Tap-to-hold. Progress. Written in Swift, compatible for ObjC!
BigInt Arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic in Swift
NotPaid Client did not pay? Add opacity to your environment and decrease it every day until their app completely fades away. Inspired by @kleampa.
Observable The easiest way to observe values in Swift.
Observable A generic ObservableObject for every property!
nanopb Protocol Buffers with small code size
Clibwebsockets A Swift system module for libwebsockets
swift-format Formatting technology for Swift source code
swift-web Web server serving local files
swift-dependencies-additions More dependencies for `swift-dependencies`
Appwrite [READ-ONLY] Official Appwrite Swift SDK 🦅🍎
Trap Touch and sensor data collector iOS and iPadOS library for the Cursor Insight trap server.
Either Swift Telegram Bot API and Telegram Bot API Generator
AmiiboService Ready-to-use service that retrieves data as decoded models from any of the Amiibo API available endpoints.
AsyncNetwork Asynchronous Network support for Swift. UDP, Multicast UDP
KYLogger A local system logger for Apple platforms.
openssl All inclusive Swift package to use OpenSSL 1.1.1d from Swift (include Mac arm)
swift-http-types Version-independent HTTP currency types for Swift
Dona Declarative UIKit
SPLarkController Custom transition between controllers. Settings controller for your iOS app.
Archery Declare all your project's metadata and what you can do with it in one single place.
swift-libs A collection of reusable patterns, protocols, classes, structs, and extensions we have been using in our Swift code from some time now, grouped into libraries based on purpose.
HeadlessTabView TabView alternative, no tab bar included
users A small, useful user manager made for production application setups.
FrameSpy A family of objects that can be used to "spy" on a SwiftUI `View` and collect its `frame` (a `CGRect` describing position and size) relative to a coordinate space.
Adwaita A framework for creating user interfaces for GNOME with an API similar to SwiftUI
ContextKit A Public Basic API for providing a Compositable Type Safe Dict
Mappy The Mappy SDK is hosted here.
MacSettings Mac Settings SwiftUI View
CSwift C Module for Swift, Swift Script and Dynamic Library Call;Swift中直接调用C语言源程序的展示程序
Shield 🛡Security library covering Cryptography, Hashing, HMAC, Random, PBKDF, PKCS, X509, PKCS10
RosSwift ROS Robotic Operating System - Swift implementation of core client libraries and rosmaster. Based on roscpp.
PerfectSquishy Swift extension of HTML
KKBOXOpenAPISwiftPromises Use KKBOX's Swift SDK in a promising way.
PXGoogleDirections Google Directions API helper for iOS, written in Swift
teco Community-supported Swift SDK for Tencent Cloud. / 适用于 Swift 的腾讯云非官方 SDK。
Swinject XCFramework version of Swinject (
Vim Fast, typesafe, Vim plugins with the power of Swift!
Zip Swift framework for zipping and unzipping files.
SwiftKit Collection of Swift Helper and Utilities
RelatedDB RelatedDB is a lightweight Swift wrapper around SQLite.
Resting A REST client for Swift
swift-past-ten A Swift framework that telling the time passing a given time format (HH:mm) into "British"
FilesProvider FileManager replacement for Local, iCloud and Remote (WebDAV/FTP/Dropbox/OneDrive) files -- Swift
NotationModel Structures for describing music notational elements
NotationView Structures for displaying music notation
SwiftCLI A powerful framework that can be used to develop a CLI in Swift
Ranges `SwiftRanges` provides some kinds of range that are not implemented in Swift Standard Library.
Timely A tiny timing library in Swift
AnimatedSwipeCard AnimatedSwipeCard is a custom swipe card with animation and can be used with confirmationDialog or alert
PerformanceTesting Structures for testing performance characteristics of data structures and algorithms
XCTHealthKit An XCTest Framework to test the creation of HealthKit samples using the Health App
RingProgressViewStyle RingProgressViewStyle is a library that adds a ring style to SwiftUI's ProgressViewStyle.
SpeziHealthKitToFHIRAdapter HealthKit to FHIR Adapter for the CardinalKit Framework
SwiftProtobuf Plugin and runtime library for using protobuf with Swift
B9Condition Maintains a set of states that allows it to perform observation actions when the specific states are satisfied.
generative-ai-swift Google AI SDK for Swift
Forever A ridiculously simple persistence library.
mountebankSwift A swift client for interacting with mountebank
Trigonometry A small package to calculate values in an right angled triangle.
IsNotEmpty A Boolean value for Collections that returns true if they are not empty.
swift-format Formatting technology for Swift source code
CornerStacks Layout SwiftUI views in corners with ease.
docc2html A static site generator for DocC documentation archives
FirebladePAL Fireblade platform abstraction layer
PMJSON Pure Swift JSON encoding/decoding library
SwipeButton SwipeButton for SwiftUI
Hylo The Hylo programming language
SwiftSyntax SwiftPM package for SwiftSyntax library.
iLineChart ChartView made in SwiftUI
sort-swift-imports Sort import statements in your Swift source code.
Lingua A unified localization management tool for iOS & Android
Math Modular arithmetic and bitwise operations
combine-schedulers ⏰ A few schedulers that make working with Combine more testable and more versatile.
swift-dropbox-client Basic Dropbox HTTP API client that does not depend on Dropbox's SDK
steamworks-swift Steamworks API in Swift
VisionKeyboardKit Full sized keyboard for visionOS
WWScratchCard Imitation Scratch Card function.
ocmock Mock objects for Objective-C
Regex A pure Swift NFA implementation of a regular expression engine
CalendarView UICalendarView for SwiftUI
swiftui-tabs-view SwiftUI tabbed interface. Customizable replacement for `SwiftUI.TabView`.
XCConfig xcconfig file parsing and evaluation
TinkCore Tink SDK Core iOS
FontSystemKit A shortcut for setting custom fonts for UIKit apps on iOS
SwipeCellKit Swipeable UITableViewCell/UICollectionViewCell based on the stock, implemented in Swift.
swift-extras-json JSON encoding and decoding without the use of Foundation in pure Swift.
SwiftStreamManager Run a binary backend using a native macOS SwiftUI frontend.
swift-doc-coverage Documentation coverage command-line utility for Swift files.
VecLab Swift Real/Complex Vector DSP Library
SkeletonView ☠️ An elegant way to show users that something is happening and also prepare them to which contents they are awaiting
Either An `Either` type to use in Swift, allowing two different types to represent the same field
FractionFormatter Swift FractionFormatter, like NumberFormatter, but outputs fractions.
TinkMoneyManager Give your customers tools and personalised insights to better control their financial lives with Tink Money Manager iOS SDK.
RectangleTools A set of Swift utilities for dealing with rectangles, including a way to generically build your own!
PostgresWireServer Postgres wire protocol server in Swift
RediStack Non-blocking, event-driven Swift client for Redis.
SwizzleSwift Swizzle selectors with just one clean and elegant API
ResearchKitOnFHIR HL7 FHIR Structured Data Capture with ResearchKit on iOS
PopupBridge Enable your web view to open pages in a Safari View Controller
SimpleLogging For when you need something more advanced than print, but not a whole heavy system
BlackBox Library for logs and measurements
LocalizedStringKit Generate .strings files directly from your code
Phantomlike Typesafe numeric typealiases
Restofire Restofire is a protocol oriented networking client for Alamofire
ZoomableImageView Simple SwiftUI ImageView that enables dragging and zooming.
MultipeerKit MultipeerConnectivity + Codable = ❤️
cometblue macOS command line tool for Comet Blue, Cygonix, Eurotronic thermostats
SwipeCell Swipe Left2Right & Right2Left, pure SwiftUI implementation
LNPreviewToContextMenu LNPreviewToContextMenu is a framework for automatically transforming your existing 3D Touch Peek&Pop preview controllers and actions into the new UIContextMenu system in iOS 13.
FHIR These are Swift classes for data models of FHIR elements and resources
macos-trash Move files and folders to the trash
Syft A library for parsing your own PEG grammars in Swift.
async-http-client HTTP client library built on SwiftNIO
StringIntegerAccess I hate how Swift `String`s don't let you access their characters with `Int`s. This package lets you do just that.
DSFSparkline A lightweight sparkline component for macOS, iOS and tvOS
BitcoinKit Bitcoin protocol toolkit for Swift
SimpleCalendar The Simplest calendar
SVGWebView A SwiftUI View to display SVGs using WKWebView
llama Spezi LLM inference in C/C++
MothECS Simple Entity Component System in Swift 📦
octahe Evolve your application by devolving the stack.
PersistentCacheKit A Swift package for caching items to the filesystem (using SQLite by default).
coinbase-ios-sdk Integrate bitcoin into your iOS application with Coinbase
SwifterSockets A collection of socket utilities in Swift.
swift-gif Cross-platform GIF encoder and decoder for Swift
swiftui-snap-dragging-modifier An essential component for making fluid interface with SwiftUI.
SwiftGUI A SwiftUI GUI for browsing and editing pure Swift objects
Yaml Load YAML and JSON documents using Swift
FoundationExtensions Useful extensions for Swift Foundation library
MusadoraKit The ultimate companion to MusicKit.
Termios Type-safe Swift wrapper for termios
SymbolMacro Compile-time checked SF Symbol names using Swift Macros
SwiftMetrics Swift Application Metrics instruments the Swift runtime for performance monitoring, providing the monitoring data programatically via an API or visually with an Eclipse Client.
Wrap [DEPRECATED] The easy to use Swift JSON encoder
SimpleNetworking Scalable and composable API Clients using Swift Combine
Weakify Provides a way use a method on a class as a closure value that would be referenced by some other component without causing memory leaks.
Bradel Simple framework to manage a TableView in an MVVM environment
Options Easily create OptionSets from enums in Swift.
HUD A simple SwiftUI Head Up Display (HUD).
ObservableArray Utility package with implementation of Swift Combine-enabled ObservableArray
examples TensorFlow examples
AdvancedSwiftDataStructures Contains advanced custom data structures which are not in-built available in swift.
OpenAPIDiff Diffing Library for OpenAPI documentation.
Zoomy Adds seamless scrollView and instagram like zooming to UIImageViews in any view hierarchy.
Ra9rKit Utility of reuseable goodies used across my projects
InputMask User input masking library repo.
When :alarm_clock: A lightweight implementation of Promises in Swift
swift-graphics Cross-platform 2D graphics library for Swift
Unlocker A tool to unlock your macbook from the command line
SwiftGit2 Swift bindings to libgit2
ReactiveKit A Swift Reactive Programming Kit
DayPeriodFormatter A formatter for localized day periods (morning, afternoon, night, etc.)
Sextant High performance JSONPath queries for Swift
xml-coding Swift based XML Encoder/Decoder for Codable classes
SheetPresentation SheetPresentation for SwiftUI.
SwiftQueue Job Scheduler for IOS with Concurrent run, failure/retry, persistence, repeat, delay and more
UIExtensions A collection of SwiftUI components (views) and helper extensions.
SKQueue Monitor changes to files and directories using kernel event notifications (kqueue) in Swift
EraCalculator Last library of 平成.
SwiftCheck QuickCheck for Swift
NetTime RFC 3339 compliant date/time data types.
KeychainAccess XCFramework version of KeychainAccess (
KochavaTracking Improves install measurement and attribution through the use of cross-site tracking features— An optional module which extends the KochavaMeasurement SDK
OfficeModel This is the model of the API of officectl.
Vaux A HTML DSL library for Swift
SwiftPackageAcknowledgement Third-party acknowledgement plist from SPM Packages
Masonry Harness the power of AutoLayout NSLayoutConstraints with a simplified, chainable and expressive syntax. Supports iOS and OSX Auto Layout
VHX Vapor Extensions + HTMX
OpenAPIReflection Additional support for turning Swift Types into OpenAPISchema
NWWebSocket XCFramework version of NWWebSocket (
ImageUtility Helpers functions performing image operations for iOS
Runes Infix operators for monadic functions in Swift
UnifiedLogHandler SwiftLog unified logging backend
RecordingOverlay Add a border layer of the color of your choise around the device screen. Perfect to show an active state, or a recording state.
MultipartFormDataParser Testing tool for `multipart/form-data`
DLAngle Provides an abstraction for mathematical angle written in Swift 4.
Zip Swift framework for zipping and unzipping files.
swift-openapi-async-http-client AsyncHTTPClient transport for Swift OpenAPI Generator.
LightChart SwiftUI charts
SwiftkubeClient Swift client for Kubernetes
CGPointVector Makes it easy to use CGPoint as vectors in Swift
SafeTypes Swift Library to improve type safety in Swift.
A11yUITests Accessibility tests for XCUI Testing.
ALSA Swift wrapper for ALSA linux library
UIRotationEffect A SwiftUI modifier that wraps UIKit rotation animation behavior.
MyLibrary A swift package made to aid learning XCTest
XcodeProject Xcode utility for reading and writing pbxproj file format.
RSKPlaceholderTextView A light-weight UITextView subclass that adds support for placeholder.
ResultK Result suitable to Swift's untyped throws
KituraMustache Adapter of GRMustache Template Engine to Kitura Template Engine
Hash 🔐Lightweight generation of message digests & HMACs with support for popular cryptographic algorithms.
Lindenmayer A swift library that implements a parametric Lindenmayer system and related SwiftUI views for presentation of the results of your systems.
CodableCSV Read and write CSV files row-by-row or through Swift's Codable interface.
PusherSwift XCFramework version of PusherSwift (
OTCore Useful extensions on Swift standard library types.
Stipop 150,000+ stickers API & SDK for iOS Apps.
Futures Lightweight promises for iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS, and Linux
Loaf 🍞 A Swifty Framework for Easy iOS Toasts
DCSettings A Swift package that simplifies the configuration of user preferences with an easy-to-use result builder syntax and a drop-in SwiftUI user interface.
SCRecorder iOS camera engine with Vine-like tap to record, animatable filters, slow motion, segments editing
swift-blake2 Pure Swift implementation of the BLAKE2 hash function based on RFC7693 without sacrificing performance
LaunchDarkly LaunchDarkly Client-side SDK for iOS (Swift and Obj-C)
Geodesic CLLocationCoordinate2D extensions for geodesic calculations.
SwiftGraphs Graphs in Swift
DeltaLogger A logging backend for swift-log.
TMDb The Movie Database Swift Package
VaporNotifications APNS and Firebase Notification support for Vapor framework
GoogleCloudLogging Swift (Darwin) library for logging application events in Google Cloud.
CommandLine Parse arguments and use command-line tools from Swift
Eval Eval is a lightweight interpreter framework written in Swift, evaluating expressions at runtime
AppContainer 🧳 Library that makes it easy to create multiple environments within a single app. You can switch environments without deleting the application.
RxSpriteKit :space_invader: Reactive Extensions for SpriteKit
IGListKit A data-driven UICollectionView framework for building fast and flexible lists.
SwiftResult A `Result` type for Swift compatible with SE-0235
TypeDecoder A Swift library to allow the runtime inspection of Swift language native and complex types.
ScreenNavigatorKit Framework that provide convenient environment for manage navigation in SwiftUI
BRPageControl A Bordered UIPageControl
swift-termina Terminal rendering driver.
swift-openapi-hummingbird Hummingbird transport for OpenAPI generator
CombineValidate 🚦 Validation library depends on SwiftUI & Combine. Reactive and fully customizable.
TINURecovery macOS Swift library, from TINU, to detect: Recovery Mode, SIP, Sandbox and Current User. Also providing NVRAM functions.
RestApi RestApi
SwiftGraph A Graph Data Structure in Pure Swift
Hash Hashing algorithms
SimilaritySearchKit 🔎 SimilaritySearchKit is a Swift package providing on-device text embeddings and semantic search functionality for iOS and macOS applications.
XMLParsing XMLEncoder & XMLDecoder using the codable protocol in Swift 4
SwiftNormalisation Sometimes data needs to be normalised. Use those functions for that.
HungarianAlgorithm Efficient implementation of the Hungarian Algorithm (also known as the Munkres assignment algorithm) in Swift.
MMBAlertsPickers Advanced usage of UIAlertController with TextField, DatePicker, PickerView, TableView and CollectionView.
FlatBuffers FlatBuffers: Memory Efficient Serialization Library
Zip Swift framework for zipping and unzipping files.
LocaleManager Changing iOS locale and language on the fly without exiting. RTL supported.
Cobalt The E-sites Swift iOS API Client used for standard restful API's
Spinetail Swift package for interfacing with your Mailchimp account, audiences, campaigns, and more.
approle 🖇 CLI to set defalut application for UTIs and Extensions
Sworm CoreData based Swift ORM
SwiftyVector Vector types for Swift
MacroApp A SwiftUI-like, declarative way to setup MacroExpress Endpoints
InjectPropertyWrapper Swift @Inject Property Wrapper
trash 🗑 CLI to move objects to the trash in the same manner as the Finder
CoreDataModelDescription Declarative way to describe a Core Data model in code.
Aether 60 fps swift UI framework powered by metal/vulkan
Neumorphic 🚀Neumorphic is a SwiftUI utility to build Neumorphism Soft UI (supports both *outer shadow and *inner shadow)
Atlas Testing out swift package manager by importing Atlas as a library
swift-test-codecov Simple executable to produce code coverage numbers from the output of `swift test --enable-code-coverage`
LoggerKit Swift framework to log messages in a colorful and clear way.
CCairo Swift C Module Cairo
SwiftyRequest SwiftyRequest is an HTTP networking library built for Swift.
CFontConfig Swift C module for FontConfig
B9MulticastDelegate MulticastDelegate in a satisfied implementation.
EmptyPage An empty state control to give visually appealing context when building iOS applications.
Changeable Follow in details changes in an object.
SwiftyPSCore Swift interface for the PowerSchool API
PalindromCheck A swift library to check if a string is palindrom
RxAlamofire RxSwift wrapper around the elegant HTTP networking in Swift Alamofire
Tuxedo Tuxedo is a template language for Swift.
RxContacts RxContacts is a RxSwift wrapper around the Contacts Framework.
ShaderView ShaderView: Seamless Metal Shader Integration in SwiftUI
VaporTypedRoutes Typed Routes extension to the Vapor framework.
SwiftfulLoadingIndicators A collection of lightweight SwiftUI loading animations.
CommonMarkAttributedString Create NSAttributedStrings from Markdown Text
PrettyColors Styles and colors text in the Terminal with ANSI escape codes. Conforms to ECMA Standard 48.
Fuse A lightweight fuzzy-search library, with zero dependencies
publish-sdk-android TIKI SDK (Android) - Consumer Data Licensing
ECUICollectionViewMultiDelegate Adds the ability for a collection view to have multiple delegates.
SwiftDocCPlugin Swift Package Manager command plugin for Swift-DocC
RxWebSocket Reactive WebSockets
CFreeType swift freetype2
LottieUI LottieUI is a SwiftUI wrapper for Lottie Animations for iOS
Bitmap A Swift-y convenience for loading, saving and manipulating bitmap images.
CCommonCrypto A Swift package manager module wrapper for CommonCrypto
DBNetworkStack DBNetworkStack is a network abstraction for fetching request and mapping them to model objects
swift-cluster-membership Distributed Membership Protocol implementations in Swift
CPango A wrapper around pango-1.x for Swift
SchafKit An open kit providing useful functionality across iOS, watchOS, macOS and tvOS, taking advantage of Swifts rich feature set.
L10n-swift Localization of the application with ability to change language "on the fly" and support for plural form in any language.
Cpng libpng wrapper for Swift Package Manager
vgsl Very Good Swift Library
Gormsson Harald "Bluetooth" Gormsson was a king of Denmark and Norway.
SimulatorServices Swift Interface into simctl
libtess libtess swift package
Lotsawa A Swift implementation of the MARPA algorithms
SimpleForm An easy way to build forms and return data in SwiftUI.
StockCharts A library to display interactive charts in SwiftUI
SwiftRex Swift + Redux + (Combine|RxSwift|ReactiveSwift) -> SwiftRex
SimpleCoders Simple protocols to write custom Encoders and Decoders
UDAExplainer Sensitive user data access explainer, such as for Photo Library, Face ID, App Tracking Transparency, etc.
XCStringsTool A plugin to generate Swift constants for your Strings Catalogs.
GradientMaker SwiftUI Gradient Control
kubrick 🎥 Swift library for creating media processing pipelines using AVFoundation
Vulkan Swift package for Vulkan
Weakable An easy way to hold weak references in Swift.
X11 Swift Package for X11
SwiftDotEnv Swift library that loads environment variables from .env files into the environment
ConfigCat ConfigCat SDK for Swift. ConfigCat is a hosted feature flag service: Manage feature toggles across frontend, backend, mobile, desktop apps. Alternative to LaunchDarkly. Management app + feature flag SDKs.
HexavilleFramework An Application Framework Layer for Hexaville
ExtractCaseValue A Swift macro that extracts associated values from enum cases
Bootstrap Test repo for auto generated docs
xcb swift package for xcb
msgpack msgpack for objective-C
ShapeBuilder A result builder that allows to define shape building closures
HarfBuzz A Swift wrapper around harfbuzz-4.x that is largely auto-generated from gobject-introspection.
Appcues The Appcues iOS SDK
BinaryCoder An example implementation of Swift.Codable using a simple binary format
BitVector A wrapper around CFBitVector and CFMutableBitVector.
AMF An AMF decoder and encoder
BioSwift An attempt to create a set of freely available tools for biological computation written in pure Swift
Superhighway As big a networking library as you'll need
morsel 📇 Swift library for creating HLS playlists and fragmented mp4 files. Works on Linux and iOS.
DataURI A pure Swift parser for Data URIs.
SecureSockets A Swift framework for secure connections using openSSL.
penny penny v 2
CopyOnWrite A helper library to make it easier to implement copy-on-write.
HtmlText SwiftUI View to present formatted html content with clickable links, that fits content size.
Pulley A library to imitate the iOS 10 Maps UI.
SwifterLog A framework in Swift to create log entries in up to 5 different types of destinations and at 8 different levels.
ImageScrollView Scrollable and zoomable image view for iOS in Swift
Typology Swift type checking and semantic analysis for developer tools
DecreeServices Declarations for popular services for use with Decree
KrakenKit TensorFlow ToolKit for Swift.
JASON Fast JSON parsing for Swift
Menu The most customizable menu for macOS apps.
B9Action Unified interface for target/selector patterns and block calls.
BerkananSDK Bluetooth mesh messaging SDK for apps
FCM ⚡️ PushNotifications through FireBase for Vapor 3 and 4.
ZIM 📦 ZEGO ZIM Swift Package for iOS
FinanceKit FinanceKit is a Framework for iOS and Mac to build apps working with financial data, like money, currencies, stocks, portfolio, transactions and other concepts.
bugsnag Report errors with Bugsnag 🐛
DurationParseStrategy A parser that converts strings like "1 hour 5 minutes" to DateComponents
swift-openapi-vapor Vapor Bindings for the OpenAPI Generator
Bridges 🌉 SwifQL+NIO provider to Postgres and MySQL
Flare In-app purchases and subscriptions made easy. Support for iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, and Mac.
PerfectThread Core threading library for Perfect Server Side Swift. Includes support for serial and concurrent thread queues, locks, read/write locks and events.
VerbalExpressions Swift Port of VerbalExpressions
InAnyCase Convert between programmer case styles, e.g., inAnyCase → in_any_case
ScrollStackController 🧩 Easy scrollable layouts in UIKit - an UIStackView which scroll and uses root views of child view controllers.
Gpx Swift package that implements the GPS Exchange Format (GPX) as a struct that is Codable
libcmark_gfm Swift compatible framework for cmark-gfm
TooMuchTheme tmTheme (TextMate syntax highlighting theme) support library for Swift
swift-numerics Numerical APIs for Swift
DNS Swift implementation of DNS Records / RR
DisplayLink Per-frame actions for SwiftUI
PredictionBuilder A library for machine learning that builds predictions using a linear regression.
Wrap `&>` A tiny library that enables us to describe operations in method-chain.
d3-network-service Lightweight rest api crud combine swift reactive library. SwiftUI request chaining, in parallel
ComposableRequest A Swift library to abstract API clients.
Expression A cross-platform Swift library for evaluating mathematical expressions at runtime
SyndiKit Swift Package for Decoding RSS Feeds.
CopyOnWrite μframework encapsulating the `CopyOnWrite` type, to make implementing value semantics easy!
HCSlider A multi-thumb slider control for iOS.
ObservedOptionalObject Observe objects in SwiftUI Views which may be nil
InAppPurchaseLib An easy-to-use Swift library for In-App Purchases, using Fovea.Billing for receipts validation.
Parsey Swift Parser Combinators
TNGradientPickerSlider TNGradientPickerSlider is a ready-to-use AppKit component which lets your users select multiple colors to build a gradient for your macOS application.
ASN1 Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN1) subset in Swift
SwiftTryCatch Adds try-catch support for Swift
PMKFoundation Promises for Swift & ObjC
GraphPoint A swift library for using the Cartesian Coordinate System in CGRect.
TransistorPublishPlugin A Publish plugin that makes it easy to embed Transistor podcasts in your posts on any Publish website.
SwiftMarkdownBuilder `resultBuilder` support for `swift-markdown`
RiskifiedBeacon to publish a ios mobile beacon for merchants
VJson A framework in Swift to read/write & parse the JSON Format.
swift-nio-transport-services Extensions for SwiftNIO to support Apple platforms as first-class citizens.
AnimatedGradientView 🎞 Powerful gradient animations made simple for iOS.
ScrollingContentViewController A Swift library that simplifies making a view controller's view scrollable
Docopt A command-line interface description language and parser that will make you smile
Rasterize Create rasterized versions of SwiftUI views
VaporMonitoring Monitoring for Vapor
LRUCache LRUCache is an open-source replacement for NSCache that behaves in a predictable, debuggable way
SwiftArgs A minimal, pure Swift library for making command-line tools / interfaces.
FrameUp Reframing SwiftUI Views. A collection of tools to help with layout.
CredentialsToken Token authentication plugin for the Kitura Credentials system
LingoVapor Vapor provider for Lingo - the Swift localization library
swift-custom-dump A collection of tools for debugging, diffing, and testing your application's data structures.
KochavaMacros Macros plugin designed for the KochavaNetworking SDK
DictionaryDecoder A Swift library for serializing Codable types to and from [String: Any].
RVS_Spinner A Fancy "Popup Prize-Wheel Spinner" UIControl
ZIPFoundation Effortless ZIP Handling in Swift
TelegramBotSDK Telegram Bot SDK for Swift (unofficial)
DictionaryCoding Codable / [String:Any] bridge
Guise An elegant, flexible, type-safe dependency resolution framework for Swift
SwiftPM The Package Manager for the Swift Programming Language
Parsimonious A parsimonious little parser combinator framework for Swift
SwiftyXMLParser Simple XML Parser implemented in Swift
ReactiveSSE Server Sent Events (SSE) parser operators for ReactiveSwift
JellyfinAPI Swift SDK for Jellyfin
MusicTheory Universal music theory library for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS in Swift
Atem Blackmagic Design Atem network protocol implementation in swift 5.1 using NIO 2
Nanoseconds Simple high-resolution timing for Swift
VatNumberKit VatNumberKit - A Swift VAT validation library for iOS & macOS
MultilineTextField Multiline Text Field - UITextField with multiple lines or UITextView with placeholder
OpenGL pure swift OpenGL function loading
ShamirSecretShare A swift implementation of Shamir's Secret Sharing over GF(2^8)
AppStoreReviewManager Simple App Store review Swift Package for iOS and macOS
AgoraRtcKit Agora Video RTC Engine for macOS
FlowKit A declarative type-safe framework for building fast and flexible list with Tables & Collection
UIKobeKit 🎨 Swift library that creates colors quickly and easily using HEX values.
XcodeServer A swift framework for interacting with, and persisting data from an "Xcode Server".
ModifiedCopy A Swift macro for making inline copies of a struct by modifying a property.
Marathon Marathon makes it easy to write, run and manage your Swift scripts 🏃
Pharos Pharos is an Observer pattern framework for Swift that utilizes propertyWrapper. It could help a lot when designing Apps using reactive programming
DonateToUkraine 🇺🇦 Implement "donate to Ukraine" inside your app, with Apple Pay
WWNetworking This is a simple integration of HTTP transmission, upload and download functions. It is a rare and good tool for iOS engineers.
KeyPathKit KeyPathKit is a library that provides the standard functions to manipulate data along with a call-syntax that relies on typed keypaths to make the call sites as short and clean as possible.
swift-extras-base64 Base64 encode and decode without the use of Foundation in pure Swift.
Light 🕊 Super thin networking layer built on top of Shallows
DockerClient A lightweight Swift client for the Docker Remote API.
Immutable Missing non-mutating functions in Swift
Paginator Offset pagination for Vapor 🗂
KYNearbyService A service for nearby discovery and communication.
AppIcon AppIcon generates *.appiconset contains each resolution image for iOS
Hitch High performance strings for Swift
d3-stories-instagram Swiftui onboarding Instagram Stories library, insta story Stories swift, Instagram style stories Onboarding swiftui
Monolith A Swift package for dealing with binary network protocols
LocalNotificationEditor A SwiftUI view for easily displaying, adding, and editing local notifications for debugging.
ScheduledNotificationsViewController See all your scheduled local notifications in one place
AENetwork Simple and lightweight networking in Swift
pointfreeco 🎬 The source for, a video series on functional programming and the Swift programming language.
SwiftIndexStore SwiftIndexStore is a IndexStore reader library for Swift.
BVSwift Bazaarvoice's Swift SDK
FaunaDB Swift driver for FaunaDB
CryptorRSA RSA public/private key encryption, private key signing and public key verification in Swift using the Swift Package Manager. Works on iOS, macOS, and Linux (work in progress).
Bagel a little native network debugging tool for iOS
Instant Enable document collaboration in your app
swift-composable-architecture-extras Library to make swift-composable-architecture more useful
swift-docker-cli Build & test your swift packages using docker - `swift docker test`
swift-nio-irc A Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol implementation for SwiftNIO
GzipSwift Swift package that enables gzip/gunzip Data using zlib
swift-composable-fullscreen-popup A library optimized for Composable Architecture, enabling easy presentation of customizable popups above the NavigationBar.
openai-async-image-swiftui OpenAI swift async text to image for SwiftUI app using open ai api Just type in a text description, diffusion model, swift image chatgpt generator chat gpt asyncimage swiftui
BBLayoutKit A simple and lightweight Auto-Layout Kit that makes you feels laying out views as a fun game. BBLayaoutKit supports UIKit on iOS & tvOS and AppKit on MacOS so you wouldn't have to worry about using different solutions on different platforms. BBLayoutKit is compiled on Xcode 11.4 using Swift 5.2 and will be updated for all future releases.
iPaymentButton Quickly implement the Apple Pay button in SwiftUI
SendbirdUIKit Sendbird UIKit for iOS is a development kit with a user interface, offering a simplified integration into chat.
CodableWrappers A Collection of PropertyWrappers to make custom Serialization of Swift Codable Types easy
jpeg decode, inspect, edit, and encode jpeg images in pure swift
SwiftMath SwiftMath provides a full Swift implementation of iosMath for displaying beautifully rendered math equations in iOS and MacOS applications. It typesets formulae written using LaTeX in a UILabel equivalent class.
retry-policy-service Retry policies for network requests in swift DispatchTimeInterval to Duration swift retry swift Retry strategies library Retry policies for network requests Retry strategies for API calls Configurable retry strategies for REST Exponential backoff algorithm
GameKitUI GameKit (GameCenter) for SwiftUI
LoadableViews Easiest way to load view classes into another XIB or storyboard.
ReusableKit Generic reusables for UICollectionView and UITableView
SwiftCLI A powerful framework for developing CLIs in Swift
JSONUtilities Easily load JSON objects and decode them into structs or classes
MuslimData Best Muslim library that provides: Prayer Times, Offline Geocoder, Names of Allah, and Azkars
swift-persistable-timer Persistent timers and stopwatches ensuring seamless state restoration
tableschema-swift A Swift library for working with Table Schema.
Nantes Swift TTTAttributedLabel replacement
Kitura-Session-Kuery Kitura-Session store using Swift-Kuery (SQL database abstraction layer) as the backing store
SelectionList Simple single-selection or multiple-selection checklist, based on UITableView
SMosquitto Lightweight Swift wrapper around libmosquitto client library.
Reductio Automatic summarizer text in Swift
PopUp SwiftUI library of simple pop up view implementation.
swiftui-loop-videoplayer SwiftUI loop video player tips Swift looping video background iOS wallpaper hint tip tooltip
SenseHat Swift package for Raspberry Pi Sense Hat
SAPCAI Swift package as module for interfacing with SAP Conversational AI in native iOS apps.
Optimizely Swift SDK for Optimizely Feature Experimentation and Optimizely Full Stack (legacy)
IceCream Sync Realm Database with CloudKit
L10nLint Lint tool for Localizable.strings
KituraWebSocket A SwiftNIO based implementation of WebSocket for Kitura
AsyncRequest Useful classes to handle asynchronous code
BytesParser A simple byte-oriented parser/writer. Read and write formatted values to/from binary blobs/files with ease!
SQLele A wrapper around C SQLite to use or build upon.
Then :clapper: Tame async code with battle-tested promises
PSPDFKitOCR Convert scanned documents to searchable text
Kuri Automatically generates from template and imports it into Xcode project.
PubFactory PubFactory provides class `Create` to build custom publishers which are fully cancellable and which can emit a stream of items.
SteamPress A Blogging Engine and Platform written in Swift.
PorscheConnect An unofficial Porsche Connect API library written in Swift
ElegantPages The elegant full screen page view missed in SwiftUI
Beton An enhancement built on top of Foundation Framework and XCTest. Performance test assertions and the magic ?! operator among many. We primarily use it for server-side engineering.
KeychainStore Swift 5 Framework to access the Keychain in iOS
ACDD Acceptance criteria driven development provides simple types for structuring scenario-oriented tests (given, when, then) to make following behavior-driven development in Swift easier.
Chronicle High-performance Swift logging for the rest of us
CodeEditLanguages A Collection of Tree-Sitter Parsers for Syntax Highlighting
SwiftExif Swift wrapper around libexif
ShallowPromises A Promises Library for Swift 5
watch-date-picker A customizable date picker for watchOS and SwiftUI.
swiftui-search-field-shell-line SwiftUI field custom search field with animation effect SwiftUI field, custom styling and theming, search bar implementation
HTTP Client A barebones Swift HTTP client with automatic JSON response parsing.
OpenAI Swift package to interact with OpenAI API
app-icon-resize-machine A command-line tool to generate .appiconset file from one .png file.
ASEnterprise An Objective C collection of useful functions for iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS apps
SwiftyProfiler Simple profiler for compilation time of your Swift project, written in Swift.
Defaults 💾 Swifty and modern UserDefaults
SheetPresentation A UIPresentationController and attendant clases for iOS to present a view controller pinned to the bottom of the screen like an action sheet.
Devices Swift package that contains all devices from Useful when needing to parse machine/device identifier (i.e. iPhone10,1) to device name (iPhone 8).
soto-elasticsearch-nio-client An AWS wrapper around Elasticsearch NIO Client
SwiftLocation ⚓️ Async/Await CLLocationManager Wrapper for Apple Platforms
DeviceDetector Detecting Apple devices
Difference Simple way to identify what is different between 2 instances of any type. Must have for TDD.
Invalidating Backports the new @Invalidating property wrapper to older platforms
YMFF Feature management made easy.
Injector A Swift package for simple dependency injection that also supports Swift UI previews.
CalendarDate Naive date and time for Swift
Once A property wrapper to enforce that closures are called exactly once!
Cron Cron for Swift
clutch Run Swift scripts that depend on packages
AlamoFuzi Fuzi support for Alamofire
Navigation Navigation is a framework that provides an another look on iOS app screens navigation
R.swift.Library Library containing types used by the R.swift project
Aesthete A Swift package for working with aesthetic concepts
MarkdownChildrenKit Swift package for generating a markdown list of files and folders and saving it to a markdown file.
Chord A concurrency, parallelism, and distributed computing library for Swift
Name4RGB Open Source Library to Find the Nearest Color Name in Swift
Trellis A lightweight, event-driven architectural framework
SwiftUIToast An Android Toast replicate for iOS SwiftUI
PPMKit Simple read/write PPM files (P3/P6) in Swift (macOS, iOS, tvOS, watchOS, macCatalyst, Linux)
datapackage-swift A Swift library for working with Data Package.
XCTest-watchOS XCTest-watchOS provides an implementation of XCTest that can run on watchOS
Ragnarok Remake of destiny.
snapshotino A lightweight, low-barrier-to-entry snapshot testing library for iOS
Async Syntactic sugar in Swift for asynchronous dispatches in Grand Central Dispatch
FlexLayout FlexLayout adds a nice Swift interface to the highly optimized facebook/yoga flexbox implementation. Concise, intuitive & chainable syntax.
HandyOperators a tiny collection of operators to help clean up your code
Slab Swift package to convert a HTML table into an array of dictionaries.
Cinotify inotify module for swift
Money A precise, type-safe representation of a monetary amount in a given currency
Theo Open Source Neo4j driver for iOS, tvOS, Linux and macOS
SwiftfulRouting Programmatic navigation for SwiftUI applications.
SGCircuitBreaker A Swift implementation of the Circuit Breaker design pattern
swift-distributed-tracing Instrumentation library for Swift server applications
CountdownView SwiftUI View to display sequence of views
KeyValueCoder A Swift library for serializing Codable types to and from UserDefaults.
swift-fullscreen-popup Library that can display popup above NavigationBar in SwiftUI
OTPKit A Swift Package (SPM) implementation of ANSI E1.59 - 2021, Entertainment Technology - Object Transform Protocol (OTP)
pixivswift A port of upbit's pixivpy library.
SGSwiftyBind A light weight approach to event based programming
SPMDemo Swift package manager demo
TypographyKit 📰 Consistent & accessible visual styling on iOS with support for Dynamic Type.
CanProceed A small, tested, no-frills parser of robots.txt files in Swift.
async-http-client Async http swift client new concurrency in swift
Dribble STUN/TURN Client in Swift
SafeCollection Safe Collection for Swift
Lista A simple, fast, and Codable-compliant linked-list in Swift
DNS Swift implementation of DNS Records / RR
MockUserDefaults Mocking UserDefaults for tests
STTextKitPlus Collection of TextKit 2 helpers used to build STTextView.
LetMeWatch Protect your content by using client certificate authentication in Swift
SectionReactor A ReactorKit extension for managing table view and collection view sections with RxDataSources
ImgSize SPM which retrieves of an image without loading the entire file into memory
ChromaColorPicker :art: An intuitive iOS color picker built in Swift.
Stubber A minimal method stub for Swift
SexagenaryCycle1924 Swift Package that tells your Chinese Zodiac animal based on your birthdate. JSON file available.
XCSnippets Xcode snippet manager
d3-scrollable-menu-list swift app food component swiftui
Maintini A friendly and efficient wrapper to protect iOS app operations for a short time when backgrounded.
Bedrock What's deeper than the foundation?
AppDevUtils Helpers and extensions for app development
DataCompression Swift libcompression wrapper as an extension for the Data type (GZIP, ZLIB, LZFSE, LZMA, LZ4, deflate, RFC-1950, RFC-1951, RFC-1952)
CodableCode Swift Package that allows you to convert JSON Strings into Swift structs.
XMLCoder Easy XML parsing using Codable protocols in Swift
InfomaniakDI Minimalist dependency injection mechanism
CollectionConcurrencyKit Async and concurrent versions of Swift’s forEach, map, flatMap, and compactMap APIs.
swift-zpl A declarative ZPL library.
MessagePack It's like JSON, but fast and small…and Swift! –[Swift]
VFont iOS Variable Font Integration
Makros Collection of Swift Macros
SwiftTreeSitter Swift API for the tree-sitter incremental parsing system
PopTimer That debouncing timer that we've written 50 times already, in one place.
SwCrypt RSA public/private key generation, RSA, AES encryption/decryption, RSA sign/verify in Swift with CommonCrypto in iOS and OS X
Kiri Yet another network abstruction layer on top of Alamofire. Background story is ->
XcodeHelperKit Some tools to help in the process of build cross-platform swift through xcode
AdvancedPageControl A simple yet powerful animated page control indicator for iOS.
Semalot An elementary counting semaphore for async tasks in Swift
SwiftShortcuts An iOS 14 Shortcuts creator written in Swift, inspired by SwiftUI.
swift-pm-repo Public repo to host swift packages
Umbrella ☂️ Analytics abstraction layer for Swift
MongoDB A MongoDB client compatible with Swift Cloud and Fastly Compute@Edge
BMO Backed Managed Objects – Linking any local database (CoreData, Realm, etc.) to any API (REST, SOAP, etc.)
Swim Cross platform image library for Swift
WMATA WMATA.swift is a Swift interface to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority API
swift-openapi-generator Generate Swift client and server code from an OpenAPI document.
mysql-kit 🐬 Pure Swift MySQL client built on non-blocking, event-driven sockets.
Semver Swift implementation of the Semantic Versioning.
OAuthenticator OAuth 2.0 request authentication
swift-xdg Implementation of the XDG Base Directory Specification in Swift
FPTF Swift types for working with the friendly-public-transport-format
Subtweak Subtitle editing library and CLI tool
PlayButton An animated play button written in Swift
Inferno Metal shaders for SwiftUI.
KeychainLinux A Linux friendly keychain for storing P256 keys.
CoreImageExtensions Useful extensions for Apple's Core Image framework
Antlr4 ANTLR4 runtime for the SwiftyBibtex library.
ReactiveSwift Streams of values over time
Endpoints Type-Safe Swift Networking
RiveRuntime iOS runtime for Rive
MyLibrary animateDemo
SwiftyBibtex A Swift library for parsing BibTeX files.
StatefulTabView A SwiftUI TabView that retains the state of each tab as well as some other goodies.
SwiftyDropbox Swift SDK for the Dropbox API v2.
Xcresultparser Parse the binary xcresult bundle from Xcode builds and testruns
DiffableUI Write your UICollectionViews in a SwiftUI-like way
swift-signal A Swift package that provides reactivity computation inspired by Solid.
SectionKit 动态表单框架
DITranquillity Dependency injection for iOS (Swift)
fd Swift file descriptor / socket library
CollectionLoader Loading collections of objects by page, coming from arbitrary data sources.
msg2swift Generate Swift model for ROS message, service or action file.
Async ⏱ Promises and reactive-streams in Swift built for high-performance and scalability.
OMJoystick This is the JoyStick UI library for SwiftUI.
HandySwiftUI Handy SwiftUI features that didn't make it into SwiftUI (yet).
Keychain Focused subset of Keychain Services in Swift.
OneWay A Swift library for state management with unidirectional data flow.
SwiftlierCLI Command-Line Swift Enhancements
DiceKit A Swift module for simulating dice both real and unreal
Scout Reading and writing in JSON, Plist, YAML and XML data made simple when the data format is not known at build time. Swift library and command-line tool.
Epoxy Epoxy is a suite of declarative UI APIs for building UIKit applications in Swift
SwiftyHolidays A swifty library to determine whether a date is a holiday in a given country.
StyleDecorator Easy string decoration with styles
WWCropViewController Crop picture widget
swiftui-navigation-transitions Pure SwiftUI Navigation transitions ✨
MainThreadPropertyAccessor Syntactic sugar for setting properties on an ObservableObject on the main thread from within a Task.
swift-reachability Network reachability based on Apple's "NWPathMonitor"
SourceKitLSP Language Server Protocol implementation for Swift and C-based languages
ThemePark A Swift library for working with syntax highlighting/IDE themes
AppFolder 🗂 Never use NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains again
Spectre BDD Framework and test runner for Swift projects and playgrounds
FRZSwizzling A method-swizzling that works.
MaterialColor Provides a default color palette, similar to Tailwind CSS, consisting of slate, gray, zinc, neutral, stone, red, orange, amber, yellow, lime, green, emerald, teal, cyan, sky, blue, indigo, violet, purple, fuchsia, pink, and rose. Each color includes 11 different saturations, ranging from light to dark. 一个山寨了 Tailwind CSS 的 swift package。
ApesterKit iOS Apester Kit
SwiftSpellbook Swift Must Have Tools
EmailValidation Swift macro framework for validating email addresses
PureMVC PureMVC MultiCore Framework for Swift
AppStoreConnect-Swift-SDK The Swift SDK to work with the App Store Connect API from Apple.
PureMVC PureMVC Standard Framework for Swift
ScreenCorners Check the display corner radius of an iOS device
PanModal An elegant and highly customizable presentation API for constructing bottom sheet modals on iOS.
SwiftySHT20 :zap: A Swift library for the I2C SHT20 Humidity and Temperature Sensor.
ANSIEscapeCode ANSI Escape Code. Build modern, interactive command line tool with colorful and dynamic output strings.
URLRouter Provides an easy way to manage namespace of multiple URL endpoints in Swift.
HDF5Kit HDF5 for iOS and OS X
AmplifyUtilsNotifications This repository serves as a dependency package for amplify-swift, providing valuable functionalities to handle push notifications on iOS and macOS platforms.
Nimble A Matcher Framework for Swift and Objective-C
Firefly An iOS syntax highlighter based on Savanna Kit, Sourceful and originally Highlightr
AmplifyMapLibreAdapter An adapter to leverage Amplify Geo with the map rendering of MapLibre.
Pipes PureMVC Swift MultiCore Utility: Pipes
SwiftKeys Global macOS key commands
Einsteinium A collection of swift extensions
Shallows 🛶 Your lightweight persistence toolbox
Luminous Luminous provides you a lot of information about the system and a lot of handy methods to quickly get useful data on the iOS platform.
swifty-holidays A holiday calculator written in Swift
SFSymbols Swift Enumeration for SFSymbols
JWT Swift implementation of JSON Web Token (JWT).
GEOSwiftMapKit Add-on to GEOSwift that provides MapKit-related features
Instantiate Type-safe and constructor injectable InterfaceBuilder protocols.
DigiMeSDK DigiMe SDK for iOS
FTPopOverMenu FTPopOverMenu_Swift, swift version of FTPopOverMenu. FTPopOverMenu is a pop over menu for iOS which is maybe the easiest one to use. Supports both portrait and landscape. It can show from any UIView, any UIBarButtonItem and any CGRect.
Lottie An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations
Connection A path-finding library powered by GameplayKit 👾
ThemeManager The most lightweight, powerful, convenient and easiest way to manage and change your app themes, languages(and so on) dynamically.
Container A general purpose Container ViewController
AppsView AppsView is a simple SwiftUI view for displaying apps from the App Store in a similar UI/UX.
SwissEphemeris The Swiss Ephemeris available through Swift Package Manager
GitBuddy Your buddy in managing and maintaining GitHub repositories, and releases. Automatically generate changelogs from issues and merged pull-requests.
SemiSingleton Simple thread-safe uniquing of objects
SpeziHealthKit HealthKit module of the Stanford Spezi framework
URITemplate Swift implementation of URI Template (RFC6570)
abseil Binary distribution of the Abseil library.
ReduxUI 💎 Redux like architecture for SwiftUI
Crayon 🎨 Color Utility
Placement Layout protocol & ViewThatFits backport for iOS 14-15
HackMan 🤖🔜🤯 Stop writing boilerplate code yourself. Let hackman do it for you via the command line.
SwiftyTailwind 💇 A Swift Package to pull and run Tailwind from a Swift process
swift-log A Logging API for Swift
SwiftCubicSpline Swift implementation of cubic spline interpolation (
Sword Discord library for Swift
VaporDynamoDBSessions A DynamoDB integration for Vapor's Sessions
iForm iForm is a Swift framework made to make the process of building form easier with it sets of built in methods
IQAPIClient Model-driven REST API Client
Artisan Artisan is an MVVM framework for Swift using the bonding features from Pharos and constraints builder from Draftsman.
PoliceDataKit A Swift Package for UK Police data providing a rich data source for information about crime and policing in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Builder Builder is Swift builder pattern library that utilize dynamicCallable and dynamicMemberLookup as its core.
GLib A Swift wrapper around glib-2.x that is largely auto-generated from gobject-introspection
OhhAuth Pure Swift implementation of the OAuth 1.0 protocol as an easy to use extension for the URLRequest type. (RFC-5849)
sort-state-university A Swift package that provides stateful implementations of sorting algorithms.
TwitterVapor Easy Tweeting from a Vapor
Yaap Yet Another (Swift) Argument Parser
swift-unidoc scalable, multi-package documentation engine for the swift language
OpenAISwift This is a wrapper library around the ChatGPT and OpenAI HTTP API
ModelGen 🎰 A CLI to generate Models for many languages, based on a JSON Schema and a template.
ClippingBezier ClippingBezier calculates intersection points, paths, and shapes between two UIBezierPaths
Alloy Make usage of Metal API a pleasure
PathTemplate Turn path strings like "/user/:name" into regular expressions, and more
Trails Trails of values over time in SwiftUI
Disk Delightful framework for iOS to easily persist structs, images, and data
IndexStoreDB Index database library for use with sourcekit-lsp
Lifx A modern Swift library for controlling LIFX smart lights
APIota APIota is a lightweight Swift library for defining REST API clients for use in iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS and Linux apps.
MicroExpress A micro web server framework on top of the official Swift HTTP API
Shell Module exposing Unix command line tools as Swift 5 @dynamicCallable functions
SwiftUIContacts SwiftUI wrapper of CNContactPickerViewController.
SwiftyWasmer A Swift API for the Wasmer WebAssembly Runtime
AEPRulesEngine A simple, generic, extensible Rules Engine in Swift
swiftui-drag-and-drop A Drag-and-Drop library in pure SwiftUI.
GraduatedSlider A UISlider-like control with graduations (e.g. like sliders on DJ decks), can be used vertically or horizontally, optional haptic feedback
TTProgressHUD TTProgressHUD is a light weight HUD written in SwiftUI meant to display the progress of an ongoing task on iOS.
SwiftShell A Swift framework for shell scripting.
OpenAIKit A library that makes it easy to use ChatGPT API
swift-mmio Define and operate on type safe MMIO
BigNumber A lightweight, high performance bignum Library for Swift!
Graphiti The Swift GraphQL Schema framework for macOS and Linux
CorePersistence A protocol-oriented foundation for your app's persistence layer.
Toast A Swift extension that adds toast notifications to the UIView object class.
webauthn-swift A Swift library for implementing the WebAuthn spec
ScrollEdgeControl ♻️ Replacement of UIRefreshControl, and more functions.
Signals Generic Cross Platform Signal Handler
HeliumLogger A lightweight logging framework for Swift
Gryphon The Swift to Kotlin translator.
Stencil Stencil is a simple and powerful template language for Swift.
OpenAI Swift community driven package for OpenAI public API
Moya Network abstraction layer written in Swift.
FloatingPanel A clean and easy-to-use floating panel UI component for iOS
Kitura-WebSocket WebSocket support for Kitura
ColorPopoverWell An advanced NSColorWell replacement based on iWork (Pages,Numbers,Keynote)
Smtp :email: SMTP protocol support for the Vapor web framework.
DependencyInjection Microframework for dependency injection in Swift based on PropertyWrappers.
ApproximateEquality Swift ApproximateEquality protocol & macros
Mocker Mock Alamofire and URLSession requests without touching your code implementation
MultiSlider UISlider clone with multiple thumbs and values, range highlight, optional snap intervals, optional value labels, either vertical or horizontal.
Carbon 🚴 A declarative library for building component-based user interfaces in UITableView and UICollectionView.
Screeen Observe user screen shot event in macOS.
cmark-gfm GitHub's fork of cmark, a CommonMark parsing and rendering library and program in C
Swawsh Sign AWS Signature Version 4 requests
BreezeLambdaAPIClient iOS API Client for Breeze CRUD Serverless API
swift-api-client Comprehensive and modular Swift library for API design.
Interstellar Simple and lightweight Functional Reactive Coding in Swift for the rest of us
SwiftWhisper 🎤 The easiest way to transcribe audio in Swift
OpenSSL OpenSSL package for SPM, CocoaPod, and Carthage, for iOS and macOS
SwiftyTextTable A lightweight library for generating text tables.
Runtime A Swift Runtime library for viewing type info, and the dynamic getting and setting of properties.
JSQCoreDataKit A swifter Core Data stack
SwiftKuery SQL database abstraction layer
TDLibKit Native Swift wrapper for Telegram's TDLib. Available on iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS and visionOS.
CoreStore Unleashing the real power of Core Data with the elegance and safety of Swift
swift-scru64 SCRU64 Swift Implementation
BreezeLambdaDynamoDBAPI Implement a CRUD API based on AWS Lambda, APIGateway, DynamoDB
yoga Yoga is a cross-platform layout engine which implements Flexbox. Follow for updates.
Swim This is a simple library for extending the Swift Standard Library.
VDLayout Declarative wrapper on UIKit
Splash A fast, lightweight and flexible Swift syntax highlighter for blogs, tools and fun!
AgoraRtmKit Agora's Real-time Messaging for macOS
ProcedureKit Advanced Operations in Swift
OpenSSL-for-iPhone A script for compiling OpenSSL for iOS Devices (iPhone, iPad, Watch, iPod Touch, AppleTV, MacCatalyst)
BreezeLambdaWebHook Adapt the Swift AWS Lambda Runtime to interact with AWS APIGateway V2
CircularReveal CircularReveal is a SwiftUI modifier that allows presenting views with a circular animation
ImageSlideshow Swift image slideshow with circular scrolling, timer and full screen viewer
SwiftyJSON The better way to deal with JSON data in Swift
SwipeActions Add customizable swipe actions to any view.
ElegantColorPalette The elegant color picker missed in UIKit and SwiftUI
MqttCocoaAsyncSocket Asynchronous socket networking library for Mac and iOS
CIFilterFactory Swift and Objective-C generated classes for built-in CIFilter types and functional interface for applying filters to an image. Type safe, auto-complete friendly and (mostly) documented.
Spine Unofficial Spine runtime Swift library, allows you to play animations created in the Spine app (
CircularSlider A SwiftUI view that can be interacted with by dragging a knob over a circular path to select a value
JSONUtilities Easily load JSON objects and decode them into structs or classes
AxisSegmentedView A library that allows you to easily create various styles of segmented views. Supports iOS, macOS and tvOS.
AlgoliaSearchClient ⚡️ A fully-featured and blazing-fast Swift API client to interact with Algolia.
FLAnimatedImage Performant animated GIF engine for iOS
composable-effect-identifier A library that helps managing `Effect` identifiers when using "The Composable Architecture" (TCA)
swift-certificates An implementation of X.509 for Swift
TGLXLSXWriter A very lightweight XLSX (Excel 2007+) file generator
FishHook Re-implementation of fishhook with Swift using MachOKit
swift-log A Logging API for Swift
Lottie Swift Package Manager support for Lottie, an iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations
SwiftGen The Swift code generator for your assets, storyboards, Localizable.strings, … — Get rid of all String-based APIs!
DunneAudioKit Sampler and Synth Instruments as well as Chorus, Flanger and Stereo Delay Effects for AudioKit
swift-google-drive-client Basic Google Drive HTTP API client that does not depend on Google's SDK.
AudioProcessor AudioProcessor - Swift Package designed for seamless audio recording on iOS devices
ASN1Swift ASN.1 Decoder in swift.
swift-utilities Common utilities for swift based projects
Layout High Fidelity Auto Layout Result Builder Syntax for UIKit
swift-transformers Swift Package to implement a transformers-like API in Swift
EmojiPicker A macOS-style popover to select emojis in your iOS apps
gatekeeper Rate limiting middleware for Vapor 👮
S3 S3 Client written in Swift
SwiftFFmpeg A Swift wrapper for the FFmpeg API
FSPagerView FSPagerView is an elegant Screen Slide Library. It is extremely helpful for making Banner View、Product Show、Welcome/Guide Pages、Screen/ViewController Sliders.
StringZilla Up to 10x faster strings for C, C++, Python, Rust, and Swift, leveraging SWAR and SIMD on Arm Neon and x86 AVX2 & AVX-512-capable chips to accelerate search, sort, edit distances, alignment scores, etc 🦖
ScrollViewController Wraps your custom view and presents it on the screen in the way it fills visible area
GPUImage An open source iOS framework for GPU-based image and video processing
SPX NPX for Swift
SwiftKueryMySQL MySQL plugin for Swift-Kuery framework
Swift Grammar debuggable parsing tools for performance-sensitive libraries
TabBar 📱 TabBar – highly customizable tab bar (i.e. TabView) for your SwiftUI application.
ActivityIndicatorView A number of preset loading indicators created with SwiftUI
Tonic Swift library for music theory