RxStore is a fully reactive state management tool built on top of Apple's Combine framework. It is a naive implementation of Redux inspired by @ngrx/store.
// Define your app store, it can have multiple sub states
class AppStore: RxStore {
var counterState = RxStore.State(0)
// Define actions
enum CounterAction {
struct Increment: RxStore.Action {}
struct Decrement: RxStore.Action {}
// Create a reducer
let reducer : RxStore.Reducer<Int> = {state, action in
switch action {
case _ as CounterAction.Increment:
return state + 1
case _ as CounterAction.Decrement:
return state - 1
return state
// Register the reducer and initialize the app store
let appStore = AppStore()
.registerReducer(for: \.counterState, reducer)
// You are ready to go
let cancellable = appStore
.sink(receiveValue: {print($0)}) // 0, 1
appStore.dispatch(action: CounterAction.Increment)
// Define your app store, it can have multiple sub states
class AppStore: RxStore {
var counterState = RxStore.State(0)
var loadingState = RxStore.State(false)
// Define actions
enum CounterAction {
struct Increment: RxStoreAction {}
struct Decrement: RxStoreAction {}
enum LoadingAction {
struct Loading: RxStoreAction {}
struct Loaded: RxStoreAction {}
// Reducer for counter state
let counterReducer : RxStore.Reducer<Int> = {state, action in
switch action {
case _ as CounterAction.Increment:
return state + 1
case _ as CounterAction.Decrement:
return state - 1
return state
// Reducer for loading state
let loadingReducer: RxStore.Reducer<Bool> = {state, action in
switch action {
case _ as LoadingAction.Loading:
return true
case _ as LoadingAction.Loaded:
return false
return state
// Register the reducer and initialize the app store
let appStore = AppStore()
.registerReducer(for: \.counterState, counterReducer)
.registerReducer(for: \.loadingState, loadingReducer)
// You are ready to go
let cancellable = appStore
.sink(receiveValue: {print($0)}) // 0, 1
let cancellable2 = appStore
.sink(receiveValue: {print($0)}) // false, true
appStore.dispatch(action: CounterAction.Increment())
appStore.dispatch(action: LoadingAction.Loaded())
struct Todo {
let id: Int
let text: String
typealias TodosState = Dictionary<Int, Todo>
class AppStore: RxStore {
var todosState = RxStore.State<TodosState>([:])
var loadingState = RxStore.State(false)
enum Action: {
struct LoadTodos: RxStoreAction {}
struct LoadTodosSuccess: RxStoreAction {
let payload: [Todo]
struct LoadTodosFailure: RxStoreAction {
let error: Error
let todoReducer: RxStore.Reducer = {state, action -> TodosState in
switch action {
case let action as Action.LoadTodosSuccess:
var newState = state
action.payload.forEach {
newState[$0.id] = $0
return newState
return state
let loadTodosEffect = AppStore.createEffect(Action.LoadTodos.self) { store, action in
.map { Action.LoadTodosSuccess($0) }
.catch {Just(Action.LoadTodosFailure(error: $0))}
let store = AppStore()
.registerReducer(for: \.todosState, reducer: todoReducer)
.registerReducer(for: \.loadingState, reducer: loadingReducer)
let cancellable = store.todosState.sink(receiveValue: {state in
print(state) // [], ["mock-todo-id": MockTodo]
store.dispatch(Action.LoadTodos) // This will fetch the todos from the server
Selectors allow you to combine sub states and convert them into expected result.
Below is an example of how a selector can be used:
let todoList = [mockTodo, mockTodo2]
let userTodoIds: Dictionary<Int, [Int]> = [userId:[mockTodo.id], userId2: [mockTodo2.id]]
class AppStore: RxStore {
var todos = RxStore.State(todoList)
var userTodos = RxStore.State(userTodoIds)
let store = AppStore().initialize()
func getTodosForSelectedUser(_ userId: Int) -> AppStore.Selector<[Todo]> {
AppStore.createSelector(path: \.todos, path2: \.userTodoIds) { todos, userTodoIds -> [Todo] in
let todoIds = userTodoIds[userId] ?? []
let userTodos = todos.filter { todo in todoIds.contains(todo.id) }
return userTodos
let _ = store.select(getTodosForSelectedUser(userId2)).sink { userTodos in
print(userTodos) // [mockTodo2]