

Swift micro-package for loading .env environment files

What's New

Release 2.0.0


Release 2.0.0 of SwiftDotenv! 🚀🚀🚀

This major release is a vast simplification of the API, making the interface less confusing and easier to use.


  • environment fallbacks
  • Environment structure


  • Moved all functionality to Dotenv

See the README for more information and documentation.


A one-stop shop for working with environment values in a Swift program.


SwiftDotenv is a small and compact Swift package that allows you to load and save .env files at runtime and query for those values as well as system provided environemntal values via ProcessInfo. It's a single abstraction for dealing with environment variables at runtime as well as a handy mechanism keeping your secrets and private keys safe in a local configuration file that doesn't get committed to version control, rather than hardcoding secret strings into your app or framework.

What is a .env file?

.env files are used, most often in server-side applications, to inject environment variables into an application during active development. They can contain api keys, secrets, and other sensitive information and therefore should not be committed to version control. An environment file should only exist locally on a development machine; on a continuous integration system like TravisCI or CircleCI, environment variables are added via the respective UI in lieu of a .env file.


SwiftDotenv supports Swift Package Manager and can be added by adding this entry to your Package.swift manifest file:

.package(url: "https://github.com/thebarndog/swift-dotenv.git", .upToNextMajor("2.0.0"))


import SwiftDotenv

// load in environment variables
try Dotenv.configure()

// access values


To configure the environment with values from your environment file, call Dotenv.configure(atPath:overwrite:):

try Dotenv.configure()

It can optionally be provided with a path:

try Dotenv.configure(atPath: ".custom-env")

and the ability to not overwrite currently existing environment variables:

try Dotenv.configure(overwrite: false)

To read values:

let key = Dotenv.apiKey // using dynamic member lookup
let key = Dotenv["API_KEY"] // using regular subscripting

To set new values:

Dotenv.apiKey = .string("some-secret")
Dotenv["API_KEY"] = .string("some-secret")

// set a value and turn off overwriting 
Dotenv.set(value: "false", forKey: "DEBUG_MODE", overwrite: false)

The Dotenv structure can also be given a custom delimeter, file manager, and process info:

Dotenv.delimeter = "-" // default is "="
Dotenv.processInfo = ProcessInfo() // default is `ProcessInfo.processInfo`
Dotenv.fileManager = FileManager() // default is `FileManager.default`


If you find a bug, have an idea for a feature request, or want to help out, please open an issue describing your problem or a pull request with your feature. Please follow the Code of Conduct at all times.

Made with Swift and ❤️.


  • Swift Tools 5.7.0
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Last updated: Thu Mar 06 2025 14:13:15 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)