Forked Package
This repository is a fork of another repository. You might be more interested in the parent. rileytestut/Harmony-DriveWhat's New
Initial tvOS and macOS support
tvOS seems to build
macOS may have a linking issue. Patching the GoogleSignin-iOS package for the error'd forward delcared class may fix it.
Includes an example app that subclasses HarmonyExample
Example builds but crashes on boot cause of bundle info.plist issues in SwiftPM.
- Swift Tools 5.7.0
{ "name": "Harmony-Drive", "path": "/usr/src/package", "targets": [ { "name": "Harmony-DriveTests", "path": "Tests/Harmony-DriveTests", "type": "test", "c99name": "Harmony_DriveTests", "sources": [ "Harmony_DriveTests.swift" ], "module_type": "SwiftTarget", "product_dependencies": [ "Harmony" ] }, { "name": "Harmony-DriveExample", "path": "Sources/Harmony-DriveExample", "type": "executable", "c99name": "Harmony_DriveExample", "sources": [ "AppDelegate.swift", "ViewController.swift" ], "module_type": "SwiftTarget", "product_memberships": [ "Harmony-DriveExample" ], "target_dependencies": [ "Harmony-Drive" ], "product_dependencies": [ "HarmonyExample", "RoxasUI", "GoogleAPIClientForRESTCore", "GoogleAPIClientForREST_Drive", "GoogleSignInSwift" ] }, { "name": "Harmony-Drive", "path": "Sources/Harmony-Drive", "type": "library", "c99name": "Harmony_Drive", "sources": [ "DriveService+Files.swift", "DriveService+Records.swift", "DriveService+Versions.swift", "DriveService.swift", "Extensions/RemoteFile+File.swift", "Extensions/RemoteRecord+File.swift", "Extensions/Result+Drive.swift", "Extensions/Version+Revision.swift" ], "module_type": "SwiftTarget", "product_memberships": [ "Harmony-Drive", "Harmony-Drive-Dynamic", "Harmony-Drive-Static", "Harmony-DriveExample" ], "product_dependencies": [ "Harmony", "GoogleAPIClientForRESTCore", "GoogleAPIClientForREST_Drive", "GoogleSignInSwift" ] } ], "products": [ { "name": "Harmony-Drive", "type": { "library": [ "automatic" ] }, "targets": [ "Harmony-Drive" ] }, { "name": "Harmony-Drive-Dynamic", "type": { "library": [ "dynamic" ] }, "targets": [ "Harmony-Drive" ] }, { "name": "Harmony-Drive-Static", "type": { "library": [ "static" ] }, "targets": [ "Harmony-Drive" ] }, { "name": "Harmony-DriveExample", "type": { "executable": null }, "targets": [ "Harmony-DriveExample" ] } ], "platforms": [ { "name": "ios", "version": "13.0" }, { "name": "maccatalyst", "version": "13.0" }, { "name": "tvos", "version": "13.0" }, { "name": "macos", "version": "12.0" } ], "dependencies": [ { "url": "", "type": "sourceControl", "identity": "google-api-objectivec-client-for-rest", "requirement": { "range": [ { "lower_bound": "3.0.0", "upper_bound": "4.0.0" } ] } }, { "url": "", "type": "sourceControl", "identity": "googlesignin-ios", "requirement": { "range": [ { "lower_bound": "7.0.0", "upper_bound": "8.0.0" } ] } }, { "url": "", "type": "sourceControl", "identity": "roxas", "requirement": { "range": [ { "lower_bound": "1.2.0", "upper_bound": "2.0.0" } ] } }, { "url": "", "type": "sourceControl", "identity": "harmony", "requirement": { "range": [ { "lower_bound": "1.2.4", "upper_bound": "2.0.0" } ] } } ], "tools_version": "5.7", "manifest_display_name": "Harmony-Drive", "swift_languages_versions": [ "5" ] }
Package Dump
{ "name": "Harmony-Drive", "targets": [ { "name": "Harmony-Drive", "type": "regular", "exclude": [], "settings": [], "resources": [], "dependencies": [ { "byName": [ "Harmony", null ] }, { "product": [ "GoogleAPIClientForRESTCore", "google-api-objectivec-client-for-rest", null, null ] }, { "product": [ "GoogleAPIClientForREST_Drive", "google-api-objectivec-client-for-rest", null, null ] }, { "product": [ "GoogleSignInSwift", "GoogleSignIn-iOS", null, { "platformNames": [ "macos", "ios", "maccatalyst", "tvos" ] } ] } ] }, { "name": "Harmony-DriveExample", "type": "executable", "exclude": [], "settings": [ { "kind": { "linkedFramework": { "_0": "UIKit" } }, "tool": "linker", "condition": { "platformNames": [ "ios", "tvos", "maccatalyst" ] } }, { "kind": { "linkedFramework": { "_0": "AppKit" } }, "tool": "linker", "condition": { "platformNames": [ "macos" ] } }, { "kind": { "linkedFramework": { "_0": "Cocoa" } }, "tool": "linker", "condition": { "platformNames": [ "macos" ] } }, { "kind": { "linkedFramework": { "_0": "CoreData" } }, "tool": "linker" } ], "resources": [], "dependencies": [ { "byName": [ "Harmony-Drive", null ] }, { "product": [ "HarmonyExample", "Harmony", null, null ] }, { "product": [ "RoxasUI", "Roxas", null, { "platformNames": [ "ios", "tvos", "maccatalyst" ] } ] }, { "product": [ "GoogleAPIClientForRESTCore", "google-api-objectivec-client-for-rest", null, null ] }, { "product": [ "GoogleAPIClientForREST_Drive", "google-api-objectivec-client-for-rest", null, null ] }, { "product": [ "GoogleSignInSwift", "GoogleSignIn-iOS", null, null ] } ] }, { "name": "Harmony-DriveTests", "type": "test", "exclude": [], "settings": [], "resources": [], "dependencies": [ { "byName": [ "Harmony", null ] } ] } ], "products": [ { "name": "Harmony-Drive", "type": { "library": [ "automatic" ] }, "targets": [ "Harmony-Drive" ] }, { "name": "Harmony-Drive-Dynamic", "type": { "library": [ "dynamic" ] }, "targets": [ "Harmony-Drive" ] }, { "name": "Harmony-Drive-Static", "type": { "library": [ "static" ] }, "targets": [ "Harmony-Drive" ] }, { "name": "Harmony-DriveExample", "type": { "executable": null }, "targets": [ "Harmony-DriveExample" ] } ], "pkgConfig": null, "platforms": [ { "options": [], "version": "13.0", "platformName": "ios" }, { "options": [], "version": "13.0", "platformName": "maccatalyst" }, { "options": [], "version": "13.0", "platformName": "tvos" }, { "options": [], "version": "12.0", "platformName": "macos" } ], "providers": null, "packageKind": { "root": [ "/usr/src/package" ] }, "dependencies": [ { "sourceControl": [ { "identity": "google-api-objectivec-client-for-rest", "location": { "remote": [ "" ] }, "requirement": { "range": [ { "lowerBound": "3.0.0", "upperBound": "4.0.0" } ] }, "productFilter": null } ] }, { "sourceControl": [ { "identity": "googlesignin-ios", "location": { "remote": [ "" ] }, "requirement": { "range": [ { "lowerBound": "7.0.0", "upperBound": "8.0.0" } ] }, "productFilter": null } ] }, { "sourceControl": [ { "identity": "roxas", "location": { "remote": [ "" ] }, "requirement": { "range": [ { "lowerBound": "1.2.0", "upperBound": "2.0.0" } ] }, "productFilter": null } ] }, { "sourceControl": [ { "identity": "harmony", "location": { "remote": [ "" ] }, "requirement": { "range": [ { "lowerBound": "1.2.4", "upperBound": "2.0.0" } ] }, "productFilter": null } ] } ], "toolsVersion": { "_version": "5.7.0" }, "cLanguageStandard": null, "cxxLanguageStandard": null, "swiftLanguageVersions": [ "5" ] }
- GoogleAPIClientForREST3.0.0
- GoogleSignIn7.0.0
- Roxas1.2.0
- Harmony1.2.4
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