RealityActions brings the popular Cocos2D-style action framework to Entities in RealityKit.
Browse the API Documentation.
To use, reference this module from SwiftPM:
To use the framework, you must first register the Action framework with RealityKit, at your program startup make sure you have something like this:
Then, you can execute one of the many available actions on your entities, this is a snippet that moves an entity in a game:
class SmallPlate: Weapon {
override var reloadDuration: Duration { .milliseconds(450) }
override var damage: Int { 10 }
override func fire (byPlayer: Bool) async {
//let distance: Float = 10
guard let parent = await entity.parent else {
@Sendable func fire (to: SIMD3<Float>) async {
let bullet = await createRigidBullet(byPlayer: byPlayer, size: size)
await bullet.addChild(smallPlateEntity.clone(recursive: true))
await parent.addChild(bullet)
await 3, delta: to))
await bullet.removeAllActions()
await bullet.removeFromParent()
await fire (to: [Float.random(in: -3...3), -2, 0])
This one makes a small airplane rotate every 5 seconds:
airplane.start (RepeatForever (
DelayTime(duration: 5),
RotateBy(duration: 1, deltaAngles: SIMD3<Float> (0, 0, 360)))))
The action framework originated sometime with Cocos2D. Cocos2D sprawled various different efforts, among those a port to .NET, which lead to CocosSharp, and later this was ported to the 3D engine UrhoSharp.
I ported the UrhoSharp codebase that added some 3D capabilities and added various neat features using Async to Swift and RealityKit.