

Listen to the file system change notifications and raises events when a directory, or file in a directory, changes. 🍵

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swift4.2 Platform License


Ocha can be listen to the file system change notifications and raises events when a directory, or file in a directory, changes.

Ocha means Tea🍵 in Japan.


To use Ocha, first create a Watcher instance with file paths you want to watch.

let watcher = Watcher(paths: [pathString])

And you can call for Watcher.start(_:) method when it start to watch file events. When file removed, you get callback with removed file path infomations.

watcher.start { (events) in ... }


The following example execute git add << REMOVED_FILE_PATH >> and git commit -m << REMOVED_FILE_PATH >> to watch the file path, when it removed.

import Foundation
import Ocha
import SwiftShell
import PathKit

let path = Path(
    #file.components(separatedBy: "/")
        .dropLast() // main.swift
        .dropLast() // GitCommitExample
        .dropLast() // Sources
        .joined(separator: "/")
let pathString = path.absolute().string
main.currentdirectory = pathString

let watcher = Watcher(paths: [pathString])
watcher.start { (events) in
    let removedEventPaths = events
        .filter { $0.flag.contains(.removedFile) }
        .map { $0.path }
    removedEventPaths.forEach { path in
        main.run(bash: "git add \(path)")
        main.run(bash: "git commit -m \"Delete file \(path)\"")


If you execute this swift code, you can confirm removed file git log. $ git log -1

Try it easily

You can easily try Ocha by editing the Playground target.

  1. Clone this repository with git or Download sources.
  2. Open ./Sources/Playground/main.swift .
  3. Add monitored paths and processes.
  4. Run swift run Playground on Terminal.


Ocha is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

Header logo is released CC BY-NC 4.0 license. Original design by noainoue.


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Last updated: Fri Mar 07 2025 08:34:47 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)