

⌨️ Add tools above your keyboard with iOS-like keyboard buttons.

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Use KeyboardToolbar to add tools as an input accessory view to a UITextField, UITextView, or any other view conforming to UITextInput.

KeyboardToolbar creates buttons with an iOS-like appearance and behavior.


The public interface is documented in the Swift files and can be found in KeyboardToolbar/Sources/KeyboardToolbar. The framework also has DocC documentation that can be built by opening the Swift package in Xcode and selecting Product -> Build Documentation in the menu bar.


KeyboardToolbar is distributed using the Swift Package Manager. Install it in a project by adding it as a dependency in your Package.swift manifest or through “Package Dependencies” in project settings.

let package = Package(
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "", from: "0.1.0")

Getting Started

The best way to understand how KeyboardToolbar is integrated into your project is by having a look at the Example project in this repository.

At a high level there are two steps required to setting up the keyboard toolbar.

  1. Create an instance of KeyboardToolbarView and assign it to inputAccessoryView on a UITextField, UITextView, or any other view that conforms to the UITextInput protocol.
  2. Assign an array of KeyboardToolGroup items to the groups property on your instance of KeyboardToolbarView.

The below code snippet shows how the two steps can be performed.

/// Create our instance of KeyboardToolbarView and pass it to an instance of UITextView.
let keyboardToolbarView = KeyboardToolbarView()
textView.inputAccessoryView = keyboardToolbarView
// Setup our tool groups.
let canUndo = textView.undoManager?.canUndo ?? false
let canRedo = textView.undoManager?.canRedo ?? false
keyboardToolbarView.groups = [
    // Tools for undoing and redoing text in the text view.
    KeyboardToolGroup(items: [
        KeyboardToolGroupItem(style: .secondary, representativeTool: BlockKeyboardTool(symbolName: "arrow.uturn.backward") { [weak self] in
        }, isEnabled: canUndo),
        KeyboardToolGroupItem(style: .secondary, representativeTool: BlockKeyboardTool(symbolName: "arrow.uturn.forward") { [weak self] in
        }, isEnabled: canRedo)
    // Tools for inserting characters into our text view.
    KeyboardToolGroup(items: [
        KeyboardToolGroupItem(representativeTool: InsertTextKeyboardTool(text: "(", textView: textView), tools: [
            InsertTextKeyboardTool(text: "(", textView: textView),
            InsertTextKeyboardTool(text: "{", textView: textView),
            InsertTextKeyboardTool(text: "[", textView: textView),
            InsertTextKeyboardTool(text: "]", textView: textView),
            InsertTextKeyboardTool(text: "}", textView: textView),
            InsertTextKeyboardTool(text: ")", textView: textView)
        KeyboardToolGroupItem(representativeTool: InsertTextKeyboardTool(text: ".", textView: textView), tools: [
            InsertTextKeyboardTool(text: ".", textView: textView),
            InsertTextKeyboardTool(text: ",", textView: textView),
            InsertTextKeyboardTool(text: ";", textView: textView),
            InsertTextKeyboardTool(text: "!", textView: textView),
            InsertTextKeyboardTool(text: "&", textView: textView),
            InsertTextKeyboardTool(text: "|", textView: textView)
        KeyboardToolGroupItem(representativeTool: InsertTextKeyboardTool(text: "=", textView: textView), tools: [
            InsertTextKeyboardTool(text: "=", textView: textView),
            InsertTextKeyboardTool(text: "+", textView: textView),
            InsertTextKeyboardTool(text: "-", textView: textView),
            InsertTextKeyboardTool(text: "/", textView: textView),
            InsertTextKeyboardTool(text: "*", textView: textView),
            InsertTextKeyboardTool(text: "<", textView: textView),
            InsertTextKeyboardTool(text: ">", textView: textView)
        KeyboardToolGroupItem(representativeTool: InsertTextKeyboardTool(text: "#", textView: textView), tools: [
            InsertTextKeyboardTool(text: "#", textView: textView),
            InsertTextKeyboardTool(text: "\"", textView: textView),
            InsertTextKeyboardTool(text: "'", textView: textView),
            InsertTextKeyboardTool(text: "$", textView: textView),
            InsertTextKeyboardTool(text: "\\", textView: textView),
            InsertTextKeyboardTool(text: "@", textView: textView),
            InsertTextKeyboardTool(text: "%", textView: textView),
            InsertTextKeyboardTool(text: "~", textView: textView)
    KeyboardToolGroup(items: [
        // Tool to present the find navigator.
        KeyboardToolGroupItem(style: .secondary, representativeTool: BlockKeyboardTool(symbolName: "magnifyingglass") { [weak self] in
            self?.textView.findInteraction?.presentFindNavigator(showingReplace: false)
        // Tool to dismiss the keyboard.
        KeyboardToolGroupItem(style: .secondary, representativeTool: BlockKeyboardTool(symbolName: "keyboard.chevron.compact.down") { [weak self] in


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Last updated: Mon Dec 23 2024 00:34:24 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)