Search iTunes with FanboyKit. This Swift package provides a client for fanboy-http, a caching proxy for the iTunes Search API. FanboyKit is used in the Podest podcast app.
Querying for suggestions matching the term "crook"
limiting the result to 10.
import Foundation
import Patron
import Fanboy
let url = URL(string: "https://your.endpoint")!
let s = URLSession(configuration: .default)
let p = Patron(URL: url, session: s)
let svc = Fanboy(client: p)
try! svc.suggestions(matching: "crook", limit: 10) { result, error in
print(error ?? result)
Please refer to fanboy-http for details.
enum FanboyError: Error {
case unexpectedResult(result: AnyObject?)
case cancelledByUser
case invalidTerm
protocol FanboyService {
var client: JSONService { get }
@discardableResult func version(
completionHandler cb: @escaping (_ version: String?, Error?) -> Void
) -> URLSessionTask
@discardableResult func search(
term: String,
completionHandler cb: @escaping (
_ podcasts: [[String : AnyObject]]?, _ error: Error?) -> Void
) throws -> URLSessionTask
@discardableResult func lookup(
guids: [String],
completionHandler cb: @escaping (
_ podcasts: [[String : AnyObject]]?, _ error: Error?) -> Void
) -> URLSessionTask
@discardableResult func suggestions(
matching: String,
limit: Int,
completionHandler cb: @escaping (
_ terms: [String]?, _ error: Error?) -> Void
) throws -> URLSessionTask
var client: JSONService { get }
The client property of the FanboyService
object gives access to the underlying Patron client, providing hostname and status of the remote service.
With fanboy-http running, do:
$ swift test
📦 Add
to your package manifest.