

Redux pattern in SwiftUI

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The structure has changed. Now instead of Action Creators, we can use Effects that can be injected into store initializer.
Also naming convention has changed to avoid the use of the same element names as defined in swift for example Store -> RXStore.

DevTools available: RXLogger.


Swift Package that brings Redux pattern into Swift!


  • Lightweight
  • Code examples withing documentation of package types
  • Support for sub-states
  • Easy to use with SwiftUI
  • Fully tested


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Search for: https://github.com/MatrixMZ/SwiftRX

Add to project.



This defines model for your data that can be access inside the application. States can only be mutated by Reducers.

struct PostState: RXState {
    let posts: [Post] = []


Defines a list of actions that can be used to mutate the State. It is good convention to keep Actions inside one group - struct for particular State. Actions can also have paylaod definition inside - it is constants.

# How to use with enums?
     enum PostAction: RXAction {
        // without payload
         case load
        // with payload
         case loadSuccess([Post])
         case loadFailure(String)
# Or with structs:
    // without payload
    struct LoadPosts: RXAction { }
    // with payload
    struct LoadPostsSuccess: RXAction {
        let posts: [Post]

Actions can be dispatched in Store.

store.dispatch(PostAction.AddOne(post: "New Post"))


Reducer is a pure function, that takes and Action if confroms and State and returns mutated state.

// sub state reducer
// main state reducer
 let appReducer: RXReducer<AppState> = { state, action in
     var state = state
     state.posts = postsReducer(state.posts, action)
     return state

// sub state reducer
 let postsReducer: RXReducer<PostsState> = { state, action in
     var state = state
     switch action as! PostAction {
         case .load:
         case .loadSuccess(let posts):
             state.posts = posts
         case .loadFailure(let error):
     return state


Store keeps the reactively changing data model in your application. Store can be subscribed to many places inside your application, very helpful can be EnvironmentObject for storing our Store. The data inside store can be only updated by dispatching an Action.Action can also provide additional data with its payload.

The key alements are State and its Reducer, they need to be injected inside store during the initialiation. The optional option is to add some Effects that will allow perform async request in your application and update data to your Store.

import SwiftRX

// Create State
 struct AppState: RXState {
     var posts = PostsState()

// Create Reducer
 let appReducer: RXReducer<AppState> = { state, action in
     var state = state
     state.posts = postsReducer(state.posts, action)
     return state

// Create Store instance
let store: RXStore<AppState> = RXStore(reducer: appReducer, state: AppState(), effects: [RXLogger()])

// Subscribing store

struct LoginView: View {
    // Store available in View
    @EnvironmentObject var store: RXStore<AppState>

        var body: some View {
            // Subscribing data from store
             Button("Total posts: \(store.state.posts.posts.count)") {
                // Dispatching an action

                // or with payload
                store.dispatch(PostAction.loadSuccess(Post(id: 10, title: "New Post")))


AppView.swift and its sub views

struct AppView: View {
    @EnvironmentObject var store: RXStore<AppState>


It is optional but helps to create a shortcut path inside Views to access data from particular State in Store. Its a simple computed variable.

struct AppView: View {
    @EnvironmentObject var store: RXStore<AppState>

    // Define selector
    var productState: ProductState {
        return store.state.products

    var body: some View {
        // Use selector to access data
        Text("Total products: \(productState.products.count)")


Helfps to create a function that can be used to dispatch async RXAction. It can be usefull with making async API calls, or with creating middleware functions.

Every efect to be executed needs to be injected into Store initializer.

Effects are executed after the RXAction is dispatched. So you can make RXAction type check inside RXEffect's body to execute special code for partical effects.

func RXLogger() -> RXEffect<AppState> {
    return { state, action, dispatcher in


RXRequest<SuccessType, FailureType>

This enum supports getting and storing data catched from API requests.

struct PostsState: RXState {
    let posts: RXRequest<[Posts], String> = .initial


This DevTool - Effect prints out in terminal all names of dispatched Actions in Store to easly debug Store lifecycle.

var store = RXStore(reducer: appReducer, state: AppState(), effects: [
    RXLogger() // <- Inject logger here


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  • Swift Tools 5.2.0
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Last updated: Tue Nov 08 2022 19:55:26 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)