

A stand-alone Swift wrapper around the FileMaker XML Web publishing interface, enabling access to FileMaker servers.

Perfect - FileMaker Server Connector

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This project provides access to FileMaker Server databases using the XML Web publishing interface.

This package builds with Swift Package Manager and is part of the Perfect project. It was written to be stand-alone and so does not need to be run as part of a Perfect server application.

Ensure you have installed and activated the latest Swift 4.1.1 tool chain.

Linux Build Notes

Ensure that you have installed curl and libxml2.

sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev libxml2-dev


Add this project as a dependency in your Package.swift file.

.package(url: "", from: "3.0.0")


To utilize this package, import PerfectFileMaker.

List Available Databases

This snippet connects to the server and has it list all of the hosted databases.

let fms = FileMakerServer(host: testHost, port: testPort, userName: testUserName, password: testPassword)
fms.databaseNames {
	result in
	do {
		// Get the list of names
		let names = try result()
		for name in names {
			print("Got a database name \(name)")
	} catch FMPError.serverError(let code, let msg) {
		print("Got a server error \(code) \(msg)")
	} catch let e {
		print("Got an unexpected error \(e)")

List Available Layouts

List all of the layouts in a particular database.

let fms = FileMakerServer(host: testHost, port: testPort, userName: testUserName, password: testPassword)
fms.layoutNames(database: "FMServer_Sample") {
	result in
	guard let names = try? result() else {
		return // got an error
	for name in names {
		print("Got a layout name \(name)")

List Field On Layout

List all of the field names on a particular layout.

let fms = FileMakerServer(host: testHost, port: testPort, userName: testUserName, password: testPassword)
fms.layoutInfo(database: "FMServer_Sample", layout: "Task Details") {
	result in
	guard let layoutInfo = try? result() else {
		return // error
	let fieldsByName = layoutInfo.fieldsByName
	for (name, value) in fieldsByName {
		print("Field \(name) = \(value)")

Find All Records

Perform a findall and print all field names and values.

let query = FMPQuery(database: "FMServer_Sample", layout: "Task Details", action: .findAll)
let fms = FileMakerServer(host: testHost, port: testPort, userName: testUserName, password: testPassword)
fms.query(query) {
	result in
	guard let resultSet = try? result() else {
		return // error
	let fields = resultSet.layoutInfo.fields
	let records = resultSet.records
	let recordCount = records.count
	for i in 0..<recordCount {
		let rec = records[i]
		for field in fields {
			switch field {
			case .fieldDefinition(let def):
				let fieldName =
				if let fnd = rec.elements[fieldName], case .field(_, let fieldValue) = fnd {
					print("Normal field: \(fieldName) = \(fieldValue)")
			case .relatedSetDefinition(let name, _):
				guard let fnd = rec.elements[name], case .relatedSet(_, let relatedRecs) = fnd else {
				print("Relation: \(name)")
				for relatedRec in relatedRecs {
					for relatedRow in relatedRec.elements.values {
						if case .field(let fieldName, let fieldValue) = relatedRow {
							print("\tRelated field: \(fieldName) = \(fieldValue)")

Find All Records With Skip & Max

To add skip and max, the query above would be amended as follows:

// Skip two records and return a max of two records.
let query = FMPQuery(database: "FMServer_Sample", layout: "Task Details", action: .findAll)

Find Records Where "Status" Is "In Progress"

Find all records where the field "Status" has the value of "In Progress".

let qfields = [FMPQueryFieldGroup(fields: [FMPQueryField(name: "Status", value: "In Progress")])]
let query = FMPQuery(database: "FMServer_Sample", layout: "Task Details", action: .find)
let fms = FileMakerServer(host: testHost, port: testPort, userName: testUserName, password: testPassword)
fms.query(query) {
	result in
	guard let resultSet = try? result() else {
		return // error
	let fields = resultSet.layoutInfo.fields
	let records = resultSet.records
	let recordCount = records.count
	for i in 0..<recordCount {
		let rec = records[i]
		for field in fields {
			switch field {
			case .fieldDefinition(let def):
				let fieldName =
				if let fnd = rec.elements[fieldName], case .field(_, let fieldValue) = fnd {
					print("Normal field: \(fieldName) = \(fieldValue)")
					if name == "Status", case .text(let tstStr) = fieldValue {
						print("Status == \(tstStr)")
			case .relatedSetDefinition(let name, _):
				guard let fnd = rec.elements[name], case .relatedSet(_, let relatedRecs) = fnd else {
				print("Relation: \(name)")
				for relatedRec in relatedRecs {
					for relatedRow in relatedRec.elements.values {
						if case .field(let fieldName, let fieldValue) = relatedRow {
							print("\tRelated field: \(fieldName) = \(fieldValue)")


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Last updated: Sat Oct 19 2024 23:16:04 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)