

A mathematical abstractions of intervals in Swift

What's New

DLInterval v1.3.0


Add module documentation to public API.
Minor update to public API.

DLInterval Logo

Carthage compatible CocoaPods compatible Swift Package Manager Swift 4.0

This Swift module aims to provide a solution to easily create mathematical intervals.

Table of contents


Importing the module

You can import this module using:

import DLInterval


Interval has constructors to create intervals using the notations we're used to from mathmatics:

[1, 2] and (1, 2)

let closedClosed = Interval([1..2])    // [1, 2]
let openOpen = Interval((1..2))        // (1, 2)

For convenience, range operators may be used:

let closedClosed = Interval(1...2)    // [1, 2]
let closedOpen = Interval(1..<2)      // [1, 2)

For half open intervals there are some new operators:

  • .>. - first boundary is open
  • .<. - second boundary is open
  • .><. - both boundaries are open
let closedOpen: Interval = 1.<.2       // [1, 2)
let openClosed: Interval = 1.>.2       // (1, 2]
let openOpen: Interval = 1.><.2        // (1, 2)

To create intervals with infinity as boundaries:

let negativeInfinity: Interval = -Double.infinity.>.0 // (-inf, 0]
let positiveInfinity: Interval = 0.><.Double.Infinity // (0, +inf)

Note: Creating an interval with a closed boundary using infinity is ill-formed.


You may check if an interval contains a double value:

let closedOpen: Interval = 1.<.2
closedOpen.contains(1)   // true
closedOpen.contains(2)   // false
closedOpen.contains(1.1) // true

Checking infinity values:

let closedOpen: Interval = 1.<.2
closedOpen.contains(Double.infinity)  // false
closedOpen.contains(-Double.infinity) // false

let positiveInfinity: Interval = 0.><.Double.Infinity
positiveInfinity.contains(Double.infinity)  // true
positiveInfinity.contains(-Double.infinity) // false


Creating a union from 2 intervals:

let firstInterval: Interval = -Double.infinity.>.0   // (-inf, 0]
let secondInterval: Interval = 0.><.1                // (0, 1)
let union = firstInterval.formUnion(secondInterval)  // (-inf, 1)

Note: union is a new data type called UnionInterval.


Find intersection of 2 intervals:

let firstInterval: Interval = -Double.infinity.><.1                 // (-inf, 1)
let secondInterval: Interval = -1.><.5.0                            // (-1, 5)
let intersection = firstInterval.intersection(with: secondInterval) // (-1, 1)

Note: Interval's intersection returns an Interval? and UnionInterval's returns UnionInterval.

Clipping values

Available from v1.1.1.

An interval can clip a value within its boundaries:

let interval = Interval([0..1])
let newValue = interval.clipValue(-0.5) // 0.0

Note: Open boundaries returns the closest value to boundary:

let interval = Interval((-1..1))
let newValue = interval.clipValue(2.0) // 0.99999999


Module requires Swift 4.0.

OS requirements:

  • iOS 10.0 and later.
  • watchOS 3.0 and later.
  • tvOS 10.0 and later.
  • macOS 10.12 and later.
  • Ubuntu - check official site to find which versions support Swift 4.0.

Choose your preferred dependency manager:

Add the dependency in your Cartfile.

github "davidlivadaru/DLInterval"

If you need the framework only for a single OS, then I propose to use --platform [iOS|macOS|watchOS|tvOS] specifier when your perform carthage update.

Add the dependency in your Podfile.

pod 'DLInterval'

Add the the following dependecy in your Package.swift:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/davidlivadaru/DLInterval.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0"))

and update your target's dependencies:

targets: [
            name: "YourTargetName",
            dependencies: ["DLInterval"])),


Module is covered by unit tests, however, bugs always slip through. If you find a bug in the module create an issue.

If you want to contribute on fixing bugs or implementing new features then create a pull request.


DLInterval is released under MIT license. See LICENSE for details.


  • Swift Tools 4.0.0
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  • None
Last updated: Tue Mar 19 2024 00:16:15 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)