IBM Security Verify


This repository is for active development of the IBM Security Verify SDK for iOS.

What's New




  • Increment version.
  • Fix MFA FactorType enum accessibility.
  • Support for low entropy OTP generation.


  • Increment version.


  • Increment version


  • Increment version


  • Increment version

IBM Security Verify SDK for iOS

CII Best Practices

This repository is for active development of the IBM Security Verify SDK ("Software Development Kit") for iOS.

Getting started

For your convenience, each component is separate for you to choose from instead of one large IBM Security Verify SDK package. To get started with a specific component, see the file located in each component's project folder.


  • The components are written for Swift 5 which requires Xcode 10.2 or higher
  • To use the multi-factor component a valid IBM Security Verify tenant or IBM Security Verify Access is required.


Releases of all packages are available here: Releases

The following components are currently offered in the package.

Component Description
FIDO2 The FIDO2™ component is a native implementation of attestation and assertion ceremonies. Essentially providing the equivalent of WebAuthn's navigator.credentials.create() and navigator.credentials.get() for native mobile apps.
Adaptive The IBM Security Verify Adaptive SDK provides device assessment. Based on cloud risk policies, authentication and authorization challenges can be evaluated.
Core The IBM Security Verify Core SDK provides common Keychain and networking functionality across the other components in the IBM Security Verify SDK offering.
Authentication The IBM Security Verify Authentication SDK is an implementation of OAuth 2.0 and OIDC targeting mobile use cases.
MFA The IBM Security Verify MFA SDK provides multi-factor authentication support for creating authenticators and processing transactions.


Swift Package Manager is used for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the swift compiler. To depend on one or more of the components, you need to declare a dependency in your Package.swift:

dependencies: [
    .package(name: "IBM Security Verify", url: "", from: "3.0.9")

then in the targets section of the application/library, add one or more components to your dependencies. For example:

// Target for Swift 5.7
.target(name: "MyExampleApp", dependencies: [
    .product(name: "FIDO2", package: "IBM Security Verify")

Alternatively, you can add the package manually.

  1. Select your application project in the Project Navigator to display the configuration window.
  2. Select your application project under the PROJECT heading
  3. Select the Swift Packages tab.
  4. Click on the + button.
  5. Enter as the respository URL and follow the remaining steps for selecting the components to add to your project.


  • Swift Tools 5.7.0
View More Packages from this Author


  • None
Last updated: Fri Mar 21 2025 01:05:02 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)