FluentTestUtils makes it easier to quickly setup a Fluent-based Vapor app for library testing purposes. If you have an existing Vapor app that you want to test, see VaporTestUtils.
FluentTestUtils is available through Swift Package Manager. To install, add the following to your Package.swift file.
let package = Package(
name: "YourProject",
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/Appsaurus/FluentTestUtils", from: "0.1.0"),
targets: [
.testTarget(name: "YourApp", dependencies: ["FluentTestUtils", ... ])
1. Import the library
import FluentTestUtils
2. Setup your test case
Create a test case inheriting from FluentTestCase
Registering and configuration of services, databases, and migrations can be done via overriding register(services:)
, configure(databases:)
and configure(migrations:)
open class ExampleAppTestCase: FluentTestCase{
static var allTests = [
("testLinuxTestSuiteIncludesAllTests", testLinuxTestSuiteIncludesAllTests),
("testExample", testExample) //Reference your tests here for Linux check
func testLinuxTestSuiteIncludesAllTests(){
assertLinuxTestCoverage(tests: type(of: self).allTests)
let sqlite: SQLiteDatabase = try! SQLiteDatabase(storage: .memory)
open override func register(_ services: inout Services) throws {
try super.register(&services)
try services.register(FluentSQLiteProvider())
open override func configure(databases: inout DatabasesConfig) throws{
try super.configure(databases: &databases)
databases.add(database: sqlite, as: .sqlite)
open override func configure(migrations: inout MigrationConfig){
super.configure(migrations: &migrations)
migrations.add(model: ExampleModel.self, database: .sqlite)
migrations.add(model: ExampleSiblingModel.self, database: .sqlite)
migrations.add(model: ExampleChildModel.self, database: .sqlite)
migrations.add(model: ExampleModelSiblingPivot.self, database: .sqlite)
func testExample() {
//Implement your test
For futher documentation, see [VaporTestUtils] (https://github.com/Appsaurus/VaporTestUtils) as FluentTestCase
inherits from that package's VaporTestCase
We would love you to contribute to FluentTestUtils, check the CONTRIBUTING file for more info.
FluentTestUtils is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.