

GPIO Library for Single Board Computers (Raspberry Pi / Rock 64)

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GPIO Library for Single Board Computers built in Swift.

About the Project

This library is heavily based on SwiftyGPIO, and does share some code with it. The reason for rewriting is to try to improve the readability and maintainability of the code by strengthening type safety when interacting with hardware registers, and streamling the developer interaction. Doing it as a re-write was proving to be faster and easier to test than attempting to refactor it in-place.

Supported Boards

  • Raspberry Pi - GPIO, I²C, PWM


  • Rock 64 and Pine A64 - I²C
  • C.H.I.P. - I²C



A simple example that toggles pin GPIO12/BCM12 on a Raspberry Pi on and off every second:

let gpios = SingleBoard.raspberryPi.gpio

gpios[12].mode = .output

while true {
    gpios[12].value = true
    gpios[12].value = false

Things can go further, say you wanted to do this for 4 pins at the same time. SingleBoard supports the idea of pin sets to interact with a set of pins instead of just a single pin. The interface is different in subtle ways, but very similar:

let gpios = SingleBoard.raspberryPi.gpio

let pins: PinSet = [.p22, .p23, .p24, .p25]


while true {
    gpios[pins].value = true
    gpios[pins].value = false

If you just want a bit of type safety, you can also use pin sets of single pins, but it may be a bit slower in some cases, depending on which board you are targeting, and what operation you are doing. In the case of the Raspberry Pi, reading or writing many pins at once is perfectly fast. So is configuring pullups for many pins at once. However, using pin sets to set input/output modes is convenient, but slower than using pin indexes:

gpios[.p12].value = true
gpios[[.p12, .p18]].setMode(.output)
gpios[[.p12, .p13, .p18, .p19]].setPullup(.down)


This is a brief example that writes to a device at address 0x40, to write a 1 at offset 0x06.

// Get a connection for a device with address 0x40 on the board's primary bus
let i2cDevice = SingleBoard.raspberryPi.i2cMainBus[0x40]

i2cDevice.writeByte(to: 0x06, value: 1)

A board's main bus is considered to be the one that is primarily for use by those developing on the single board computer, and not for the system's use.

On the Raspberry Pi, bus 0 is used by the system for a handful of things including identifying HATs. Bus 1 is exposed on pins 3 & 5 for use by tinkerers, and so bus 1 is considered the main bus. On the Rock 64, it's the opposite. Bus 0 is exposed on pins 3 & 5, while bus 1 is used for HATs and system devices. The Pine A64 is like the Raspberry Pi. By exposing the main bus as a property, it makes it a bit easier to write code that can handle multiple similar boards.

The full set of basic read/write functionality is the following:

    var reachable: Bool { get }

    func readByte() -> UInt8
    func readByte(from: UInt8) -> UInt8
    func readWord(from: UInt8) -> UInt16
    func readByteArray(from: UInt8) -> [UInt8]
    func readData(from command: UInt8) -> Data

    func writeQuick()
    func writeByte(value: UInt8)
    func writeByte(to: UInt8, value: UInt8)
    func writeWord(to: UInt8, value: UInt16)
    func writeByteArray(to: UInt8, value: [UInt8])
    func writeData(to command: UInt8, value: Data)

But in addition to this, there is also support for handling types that conform to RawRepresentable and OptionSet automatically. For example, any RawRepresentable that is backed by a UInt8 can be used to read or write bytes and words:

enum MyDeviceRegisters: UInt8, RawRepresentable { /* ... */ }

i2cDevice.writeByte(to: MyDeviceRegisters.control, value: 0x48)

Taken a step further, you can also use RawRepresentable and OptionSet as the bytes or words themselves if they are backed by UInt8 or UInt16:

enum MyDeviceRegisters: UInt8, RawRepresentable { /* ... */ }
struct MyControlRegister: OptionSet {
	let rawValue: UInt16

	/* ... */

let controlValue: MyControlRegister = [.sleep, .reset]
i2cDevice.write(to: MyDeviceRegisters.control, value: controlValue)

The idea here is to make it a bit easier to use more restrictive types to represent the values to be read and written when interacting with the I2C device. This is demonstrated in the PCA9685 library.


A very simple example here, telling a Raspberry Pi to output on channel 0, using both of its output pins:

let pwmChannel = SingleBoard.raspberryPi.pwm[0]

pwmChannel.enable(pins: pwmChannel.pins)
pwmChannel.start(period: 1_000_000 /* nanoseconds */, dutyCycle: 0.5)

Much like GPIOs, enabling the output on pins can use a pin index, or a pin set:

let pwmChannel = SingleBoard.raspberryPi.pwm[0]

pwmChannel.enable(pin: 12)
pwmChannel.enable(pins: .p18)
pwmChannel.enable(pins: [.p12, .p18])

Built with SingleBoard


  • PCA9685 - A library for the PCA9685 I2C PWM/Servo controller. (Also available for SwiftyGPIO)


  • RPiLight - An aquarium light controller.


  • Swift Tools 4.0.0
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  • None
Last updated: Wed Apr 24 2024 15:19:59 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)