

A package manager that installs and runs Swift command line tools

Mint 🌱

SPM Git Version Build Status license

A package manager that installs and runs Swift command line tool packages.

$ mint run realm/SwiftLint@0.22.0 swiftlint

This would install and run SwiftLint version 0.22.0

Mint is designed to be used with Swift command line tools that build with the Swift Package Manager. It makes installing, running and distributing these tools much easier.

  • ✅ easily run a specific version of a tool
  • ✅ install a tool globally
  • ✅ builds are cached by version
  • ✅ use different versions of a tool side by side
  • ✅ easily run the latest version of a tool
  • ✅ distribute your own tools without recipes and formulas

Homebrew is a popular method of distributing Swift executables, but that requires creating a formula and then maintaining that formula. Running specific versions of homebrew installations can also be tricky as only one global version is installed at any one time. Mint installs your tool via SPM and lets you run multiple versions of that tool, which are globally installed and cached on demand.

If your Swift executable package builds with SPM, then it can be run with Mint! See Support for details.

Why is it called Mint?

Swift Packager Manager Tools -> SPMT -> Spearmint -> Mint! 🌱😄

Mint: a place where something is produced or manufactured


Make sure Xcode 9.2 is installed first.


$ brew tap yonaskolb/Mint
$ brew install mint


$ git clone
$ cd Mint
$ make

Using Mint itself!

$ git clone
$ cd Mint
$ swift run mint install yonaskolb/mint --global
$ mint install yonaskolb/mint --global

Swift Package Manager


$ git clone
$ cd Mint
$ swift run mint

Use as dependency

Add the following to your Package.swift file's dependencies:

.package(url: "", from: "0.1.0"),

And then import wherever needed: import MintKit


Run mint --help to see usage instructions.

  • install: Installs a package, so it can be run with run later, and also links that version globally
  • run: Runs a package. This will install it first if it isn't already installed, though won't link it globally. It's useful for running a certain version.
  • update: Installs a package while enforcing an update and rebuild. Shouldn't be required unless you are pointing at a branch and want to update it.
  • list: Lists all currently installed packages and versions.
  • uninstall: Uninstalls a package by name.

Run, install and update commands have 1 or 2 arguments:

  • package (required): This can be a shorthand for a github repo install realm/SwiftLint or a fully qualified git path install In the case of run you can also just pass the name of the repo if it is already installed run swiftlint. This will do a lookup of all installed packages. An optional version can be specified by appending @version, otherwise the newest tag or master will be used. Note that if you don't specify a version, the current tags must be loaded remotely each time.
  • command (optional): The command to install or run. This defaults to the the last path in the repo (so for realm/swiftlint it will be swiftlint). In the case of run you can also pass any arguments to the command eg mint run realm/swiftlint swiftlint --path source


$ mint run yonaskolb/XcodeGen@1.2.4 xcodegen --spec spec.yml # pass some arguments
$ mint install yonaskolb/XcodeGen@1.2.4 --global:false # installs a certain version but not globally
$ mint install yonaskolb/XcodeGen # install newest tag
$ mint run yonaskolb/XcodeGen@1.2.4 # run 1.2.4
$ mint run XcodeGen # use newest tag and find XcodeGen in installed tools

Global installs

By default Mint symlinks your installs into usr/local/bin when install or update are used, unless --global:false is passed. This means a package will be accessible from anywhere, and you don't have to prepend commands with mint run. Note that only one global version can be installed at a time though. If you need to run a specific older version use mint run.


If your Swift command line tool builds with the Swift Package Manager than it will automatically install and run with mint! You can add this to the Installing section in your readme:

### [Mint](
$ mint run github_name/repo_name


If your executable name is different from your repo name then you will need to append the name to the above command.


The Swift Package Manager doesn't yet have a way of specifying resources directories. If your tool requires access to resources from the repo you require a custom Package.resources file. This is a plain text file that lists the resources directories on different lines:


If this file is found in you repo, then all those directories will be copied into the same path as the executable.

A list of popular Mint compatible tools 🌱

Feel free to add your own!


  • Swift Tools 4.0.0
View More Packages from this Author


Last updated: Sun Mar 09 2025 19:34:39 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)