

Take control over SwiftUI view shrinkage.


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Take control over SwiftUI view shrinkage.

SwiftUI views will by default change size instantly whenever their contents dictate. This can lead to very visually noisy behaviour with visual content jittering and shifting about unpleasantly. This package provides two simple view modifiers to address that.


Views to which this is applied never shrink while visible. They may enlarge at any time and in any dimensions. e.g.:


This is great for views where you don't want any unnecessary layout changes (resulting from the contents shrinking) and don't mind potentially wasting some space (at times when the modified view is smaller than its maximum).


This view modifier does allow the view to eventually shrink, but only after a delay, and only at a certain rate (effectively animating the reduction in size). e.g.:


You can customise the delay and speed from their defaults of three seconds and 30 pixels per second, e.g.:

    .shrinkSlowly(delay: .seconds(5),
                  speed: 10)

This is good for views which may need to expand temporarily, but which generally are smaller than their peak. Allowing them to eventually shrink ensures you don't waste space for long, while still preventing ugly sensitivity to size changes.

Demo app

A demo application is included (in the "Demo" subfolder) showing some basic use-cases.


Notice in particular the subtle but lovely difference in even a simple text view showing a numeric value - by default jittery and unsure of itself, applying Viagra makes the text view confident and consistent.


  • Swift Tools 5.10.0
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Last updated: Thu Jun 27 2024 02:08:23 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)