

SPM plugin for generating symbolgraphs and cataloging DocC documentation

What's New



version 0.4.0 introduces the blame tool, which can be used to attribute dependencies to their direct consumers.

running blame

To use blame, pass it a list of target names:

$ swift package blame Atomics NIOCore
direct consumers of Atomics:
0. NIOEmbedded (in 'swift-nio')
1. NIOPosix (in 'swift-nio')

direct consumers of NIOCore:
0. NIO (in 'swift-nio')
1. NIOEmbedded (in 'swift-nio')
2. NIOPosix (in 'swift-nio')
3. NIOSSL (in 'swift-nio-ssl')
4. NIOTLS (in 'swift-nio')


swift package index versions swift package index platforms

catalog is a simple but powerful Swift Package Plugin for generating symbolgraphs, collecting snippets, and detecting DocC documentation resources in a project.

It’s like swift-docc-plugin, but it doesn’t actually build the documentation, it only generates and locates the resources required to build the documentation using the Swift Package Manager’s symbolgraph and project scanning capabilities.

catalog emits documentation metadata as JSON with a fairly straightforward format. Its output is designed to be easily transformed by downstream tooling that consumer, relocates, compresses, or otherwise post-processes this metadata.

as of v0.4.0, swift-package-catalog contains two tools:

  1. blame
  2. catalog

getting started

catalog is a normal Swift Package Plugin, and you can use it (like any other plugin) by adding it to your Package.swift dependency list:

let package:Package = .init(name: "example", products: [],
        .package(url: "https://github.com/kelvin13/swift-package-catalog", from: "0.4.0"),
    targets: [])

running blame

blame can be used to discover the direct consumers of a dependency. To use blame, pass it a list of target names:

$ swift package blame Atomics NIOCore
direct consumers of Atomics:
0. NIOEmbedded (in 'swift-nio')
1. NIOPosix (in 'swift-nio')

direct consumers of NIOCore:
0. NIO (in 'swift-nio')
1. NIOEmbedded (in 'swift-nio')
2. NIOPosix (in 'swift-nio')
3. NIOSSL (in 'swift-nio-ssl')
4. NIOTLS (in 'swift-nio')

running catalog

Running catalog with swift package will output all the documentation resources it managed to find, in JSON format. Behind the scenes, it will direct the SPM to generate the relevant symbolgraphs.

$ swift package catalog
Building for debugging...
Build complete! (0.08s)
Building for debugging...
Build complete! (0.07s)
        "catalog_tools_version": 3,
        "package": "swift-grammar", 
                "module": "Grammar",
                "dependencies": [],
        "catalog_tools_version": 3,
        "package": "swift-json", 
                "module": "JSON",
                "dependencies": [{"package": "swift-grammar", "modules": ["Grammar"]}],
                "snippet": "LintingDictionary",
                        "package": "swift-grammar", 
                        "modules": ["Grammar"]
                        "package": "swift-json", 
                        "modules": ["JSON"]
                "snippet": "BasicDecoding",
                        "package": "swift-grammar", 
                        "modules": ["Grammar"]
                        "package": "swift-json", 
                        "modules": ["JSON"]

Note: Relative paths are shown for demonstration purposes. The catalog plugin actually emits absolute paths.

You can filter the modules catalog scans by passing them as positional arguments. The order does not matter.

$ swift package catalog JSON 
Building for debugging...
Build complete! (0.07s)
        "catalog_tools_version": 3,
        "package": "swift-json", 
                "module": "JSON",
                "dependencies": [{"package": "swift-grammar", "modules": ["Grammar"]}],

Snippets are not bound to any module, and will therefore always appear.

Target filtering is case-sensitive.

$ swift package catalog json
error: target 'json' is not a swift source module in this package

Note that multiple modules with the same name can occur in a dependency tree, as long as colliding modules are never combined into the same product. This means that the number of modules cataloged by this tool may be greater than the number of arguments passed to its invocation.


  • Swift Tools 5.6.0
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  • None
Last updated: Tue Feb 25 2025 18:55:42 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)