



CellsReloadable provides a streamlined approach to managing table, collection, and stack views in iOS. By eliminating the need for subclassing UITableViewCell or UICollectionViewCell, the library facilitates a more straightforward process for reloading views. With CellsReloadable, developers can directly use UIView or SwiftUI View instances, leading to a more modular and efficient UI implementation.

Some code examples

  • Reload with data and UIView cells:
reloader.reload(with: myData) { _ in
} render: { view, data in
    view.render(with: data)
  • Reload with props and RenderableView:
reloader.reload(with: myData) {
  • Reload with cells builder:
reloader.reload {
  MyCustomUIView.Cell(with: props)
  if someCondition {
reloader.reload(with: myData) { data in
reloader.reload(with: myData) { item in
  switch item.type {
  case let .swiftUICell(props):
      .asViewCell(id: props.id)

  case let .uiKitUICell(props):
    MyCustomUIView.Cell(with: props)
reloader.reload {
  for i in 0..<10 {
    UILabel.Cell(id: i) {
      $0.text = "Item \(i)"
  • Reload with sections builder:
reloader.reload {
  CellsSection(data: myData) {
  .cellsWith(\.height, 72)

  CellsSection(data: myData) {
  .header {


This library provides reloadable functionality for UITableView, UIStackView, and UICollectionView.

It introduces several types:

  • ViewCell: An identifiable struct to represent a cell within a view.

  • UIView.Cell typealias: A helper typealias to create ViewCell inline.

  • UITableViewReloader: A class to bypass the traditional datasource methods when working with a UITableView.

  • UICollectionViewReloader: A class to bypass the traditional datasource methods when working with a UICollectionView.

  • ViewCellsReloadable: A protocol to mark a view as having reloadable cells. Implemented by UITableViewReloader, UIStackView, and UICollectionViewReloader.

  • ViewCellConvertible: An Identifiable struct to represent a cell within a view.

  • ViewCellsBuilder: An enum to assist in building cells.

  • CellsSectionsReloadable: A protocol for views that have reloadable sections. Implemented by UITableViewReloader, UICollectionViewReloader and UIStackView.

  • CellsSection: An identifiable struct to represent a section of cells.

  • CellsSectionConvertable: A protocol to convert custom structs into CellsSection structures.

  • CellsSectionsBuilder: An enum to aid in building sections of cells.

  • RenderableView: A convenince protocol to denote views that are capable of rendering content dynamically.

These elements come together to provide powerful reloading capabilities to your views. These capabilities are provided through several reload functions which take in a closure to generate cells, along with optional parameters to define cell creation, reloading, sizing and identification.

Here are some of the functionalities provided:

  • reload { }: Reloads the cells in a reloadable view using a closure that creates an array of ViewCell, UIView, View orCellsSection.
  • reload(with data:id:create:render:completion:): Reloads the cells in a reloadable view using data, a function to generate unique identifiers, closures for creating and reloading cells, and a closure for sizing cells. completion and id are optional. id parameter is needed only if you want to animate the reload. render parameter can be missied if it's a SwiftUI View or RenderableView view and the data is a collection of its Props.

These reload functions use a variety of parameters to control the reloading of the cells in the view. By utilizing these functions, you can easily manage the cells within your views and ensure they are always up-to-date.

It's recommend to specify an id for sections and cells or use Identifiable items for correct animations. For SwiftUI views there is a asViewCell(id:) method.


UITableViewReloader is a class that eliminates the need to work with the traditional datasource. It allows you to directly deal with the data and the cell that should be displayed. With this feature, you don't have to subclass UITableViewCell. Instead, you can directly use UIView instances and make your codebase simpler and cleaner.

Here’s an example:

lazy var tableSource = UITableViewReloader(tableView)
let tableView = UITableView()

tableSource.reload(with: myData) { _ in
} render: { view, data in
    view.render(with: data)


Similar to UITableViewReloader, UICollectionViewReloader is an extension that allows you to bypass the traditional datasource and delegate methods when working with a UICollectionView. You don't have to subclass UICollectionViewCell. You can directly use UIView instances and simply bind them to the data you want to display.

Here’s an example:

lazy var collectionSource = UICollectionViewReloader(collectionView)
let collectionView = UICollectionView()

collectionSource.reload(with: myData) { _ in
} render: { view, data in
    view.configure(with: data)


ViewCell is a structure that acts as a representation of a cell within a view. The main purpose of ViewCell is to provide an abstraction layer over traditional cells, allowing you to work directly with UIView instances rather than dealing with the overhead of subclassing specific cell classes.


A dynamic container that lets you add custom stored properties to the struct. This can be beneficial for adding extra functionalities like custom layouts, behaviors, or even metadata associated with the cell.
Example of extending ViewCell.Values:

extension ViewCell.Values {
  var style: CellStyle {
    self[\.style] ?? .default

Example of setting the style:

ViewCell {
.with(\.style, .warning)


CellsSection is a structure designed to represent a section of cells within views that support sectioned layouts, like UITableView and UICollectionView.


Similar to the ViewCell.Values, this dynamic container allows you to add custom stored properties to the struct. This could be particularly useful when you want to introduce properties such as headers, footers, or specific layouts for a given section.


The RenderableView protocol is used to denote views that are capable of rendering content dynamically.
Views conforming to this protocol should implement a method to render their content based on the supplied data.


The ViewCellConvertible protocol can be adopted by custom structs to provide a mechanism to convert them into ViewCell structures. This aids in integrating custom structs directly into reloadable views without the need for ViewCell wrapping. Example:

extension MyView.Props: ViewCellConvertible {

  public var asViewCell: ViewCell {
    ViewCell(props: self) {
    .willReuse(MyView.self) {
reloader.reload {
reloader.reload(with: collectionOfProps)


Similar to the ViewCellConvertible protocol, the CellsSectionConvertible protocol allows custom structs representations to be converted directly into CellsSection structures. This can be extremely handy when you have predefined section models that you want to integrate seamlessly into your reloadable views.


  1. Swift Package Manager

Create a Package.swift file.

// swift-tools-version:5.7
import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
  name: "SomeProject",
  dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/dankinsoid/CellsReloadable.git", from: "1.1.1")
  targets: [
    .target(name: "SomeProject", dependencies: ["CellsReloadable"])
$ swift build


dankinsoid, voidilov@gmail.com


CellsReloadable is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


  • Swift Tools 5.7.0
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Last updated: Sat Feb 01 2025 09:40:35 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)