

Postman Provider for Vapor

What's New

Postman Provider 1.1.0



  1. Update initial/current environments
  2. Update environments by replacing the entire environment or by merging

Vapor Postman Provider

Swift Vapor CircleCI MIT License

Postman is a developer tool for making network requests and testing APIs.

Included in Postman is a PostmanClient which you can use to get and update your Postman environment, especially useful for updating environment variables.

Getting Started

In your Package.swift file, add the following:

.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")

Register the configuration and the provider.

let config = PostmanConfig(apiKey: "your-api-key", environmentUID: "your-environment-uid")


try services.register(PostmanProvider())

app = try Application(services: services)

postmanClient = try app.make(PostmanClient.self)

Note: environmentUID is your environment's "uid" and not your environment's "id".

Using the API

Postman's current functionality revolves around environments. Postman's environment model is PostmanEnvironment:

public struct PostmanEnvironment: Content {
    public var name: String
    public var values: [String: String]

There is a distinction between initial and current environment variable values. Initial environment varaible values are synced across workspaces and teams if you share the environment. Current environment variable values are the values that are actually used when making requests. Until they are changed, they assume the initial values. Read more about environment variables here.

Getting Your Environment

Use the PostmanClient to get your environment:

postmanClient.getEnvironment().map { environment in

Note: The values are the initial environment variable values, not the current.

Updating Your Environment

The client provides methods for updating both the initial environment variable values (updateInitialEnvironment(...)) and the current environment variable values by using a workaround, discussed later, (updateCurrentEnvironment(...)). Environments can be updated using two different strategies:

  1. By replacing the environment entirely (update*Environment(byReplacingWith:)
  2. By merging values from a new environment into the existing environment using a merge strategy when duplicate keys are encountered (update*Environment(byMergingWith:strategy:)).

You can update your environment's initial environment variable values by:

let updatedEnvironment = PostmanEnvironment(
    name: "Updated Name",
    values: ["token": updatedToken, "testUserID": newTestUserID]

// ... Replacing the entire environment.
postmanClient.updateInitialEnvironment(byReplacingWith: updatedEnvironment)

// ... Or by merging a new environment into the existing environment.
postmanClient.updateInitialEnvironment(byMergingWith: updatedEnvironment, strategy: .useNewValueForDuplicateKeys)

The same calls existing for updating your environment's current environment variable values.

It is important to note that when you update your environment by replacing, the entire environment will be replaced. So if an existing environment variable is not included in values it will be deleted.

Merge Strategies

There are three different merge strategies to determine which value should be used when a duplicate key is found between the two environments being merged.

Strategy Description
keepCurrentValueForDuplicateKeys Keeps the current value.
useNewValueForDuplicateKeys Uses the new value.
closure((String, String) -> String) Use a closure that accepts two strings, the current and new values respectively, and returns the string to use as the value.

A note on updating the current environment:

The Postman API only allows you to update the initial environment variable values. So if you update and existing environment using the API, the requests you make will have the old "current" value. However, because current values assume initial values when they are first created, if you delete all of the environment variables and then recreate them, initial and current values will be in sync with one another. So the updateCurrentEnvironment variants do exactly that, they create a copy of the environment and its variables, delete the variables, and then recreate them. Kind of hacky, but it works! That said, because environments are being wiped and recreated, make sure you have a backup of your environment just in case anything goes wrong.

Error Handling

If requests to the API fail, a PostmanError is thrown which includes a name and message to help you understand what went wrong.

postmanClient.update(updatedEnvironment).catch { error in
    if let postmanError = error as? PostmanError {


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Last updated: Sat Mar 08 2025 13:20:01 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)