

📏 Incredible autolayout on direct power of CSS3 for SwifWeb

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🪄`LivePreview` support


Live preview

To make it work with live preview you need to specify either all styles or exact autolayout's one

With all app styles included

class Welcome_Preview: WebPreview {
    override class var title: String { "Initial page" } // optional
    override class var width: UInt { 440 } // optional
    override class var height: UInt { 480 } // optional

    @Preview override class var content: Preview.Content {
        // add styles if needed
        // add here as many elements as needed

With exact app styles including autoalyout's one

class Welcome_Preview: WebPreview {
    override class var title: String { "Initial page" } // optional
    override class var width: UInt { 440 } // optional
    override class var height: UInt { 480 } // optional

    @Preview override class var content: Preview.Content {
        // add styles if needed
        // add here as many elements as needed


MIT License Swift 5.7 Swift.Stream

This library gives you the powerful autolayout which works on pure CSS3 ❤️

It will help you to easily build your awesome reactive web app in beloved Swift ❤️


Add package to your SwifWeb app's Package.swift

In dependencies section

 dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", from: "1.0.1")

In target section

targets: [
    .executableTarget(name: "App", dependencies: [
        .product(name: "Web", package: "web"),
        .product(name: "Autolayout", package: "autolayout")


Start using it at any view by simply declaring methods listed below.


Breakpoints can be added in the end of any autolayout-method. It is direct full power of CSS3 @media rule.

Classic way to set @media rules is like this


or like this if you need to declare several

.all.maxWidth(575.px), .all.minWidth(576.px).maxWidth(767.px), .all.minWidth(768.px).maxWidth(991.px)

But you can predefine needed breakpoints easily like this

extension MediaRule.MediaType {
    static var extraSmall: MediaRule.MediaType { .init(.all.maxWidth(575.px), label: "xs") }
    static var small: MediaRule.MediaType { .init(.all.minWidth(576.px).maxWidth(767.px), label: "s") }
    static var medium: MediaRule.MediaType { .init(.all.minWidth(768.px).maxWidth(991.px), label: "m") }

So you will be able to use them simply like this

.top(100.px, breakpoints: .extraSmall, .small, .medium)

To save your time there are already predefined breakpoints

.extraSmall       // <576px
.small            // ≥576px and <768px
.medium           // ≥768px and <992px
.large            // ≥992px and <1200px
.extraLarge       // ≥1200px and <1400px
.extraExtraLarge  // ≥1400px


You can declare multiple same methods but with different breakpoints.

Each method also accept @State value


Specifies top position to the first parent element with relative position

Top to top

// will set top to 0px

// will set top to 100px

// will set top to 50px
.top(100.px, multiplier: 0.5)

// will set top to 0px only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.top(breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set top to 50px only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.top(50.px, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set top to 25px only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.top(50.px, multiplier: 0.5, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

Top to center

Simply add side: .center as a second argument and top side will stick to center of the first parent with relative position

// will set top to 0px from the center
.top(side: .center)

// will set top to 100px from the center
.top(100.px, side: .center)

// will set top to 50px from the center
.top(100.px, side: .center, multiplier: 0.5)

// will set top to 0px from the center only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.top(side: .center, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set top to 50px from the center only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.top(50.px, side: .center, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set top to 25px from the center only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.top(50.px, side: .center, multiplier: 0.5, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

Top to bottom

Simply add side: .bottom as a second argument and top side will stick to bottom of the first parent with relative position

// will set top to 0px from the bottom
.top(side: .bottom)

// will set top to 100px from the bottom
.top(100.px, side: .bottom)

// will set top to 50px from the bottom
.top(100.px, side: .bottom, multiplier: 0.5)

// will set top to 0px from the bottom only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.top(side: .bottom, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set top to 50px from the bottom only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.top(50.px, side: .bottom, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set top to 25px from the bottom only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.top(50.px, side: .bottom, multiplier: 0.5, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)


Specifies bottom position to the first parent element with relative position

Bottom to bottom

// will set bottom to 0px

// will set bottom to 100px

// will set bottom to 50px
.bottom(100.px, multiplier: 0.5)

// will set bottom to 0px only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.bottom(breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set bottom to 50px only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.bottom(50.px, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set bottom to 25px only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.bottom(50.px, multiplier: 0.5, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

Bottom to center

Simply add side: .center as a second argument and bottom side will stick to center of the first parent with relative position

// will set bottom to 0px from the center
.bottom(side: .center)

// will set bottom to 100px from the center
.bottom(100.px, side: .center)

// will set bottom to 50px from the center
.bottom(100.px, side: .center, multiplier: 0.5)

// will set bottom to 0px from the center only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.bottom(side: .center, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set bottom to 50px from the center only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.bottom(50.px, side: .center, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set bottom to 25px from the center only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.bottom(50.px, side: .center, multiplier: 0.5, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

Bottom to top

Simply add side: .top as a second argument and bottom side will stick to top of the first parent with relative position

// will set bottom to 0px from the top
.bottom(side: .top)

// will set bottom to 100px from the top
.bottom(100.px, side: .top)

// will set bottom to 50px from the top
.bottom(100.px, side: .top, multiplier: 0.5)

// will set bottom to 0px from the top only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.bottom(side: .top, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set bottom to 50px from the top only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.bottom(50.px, side: .top, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set bottom to 25px from the top only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.bottom(50.px, side: .top, multiplier: 0.5, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)


Specifies left position to the first parent element with relative position

Left to left

// will set left to 0px

// will set left to 100px

// will set left to 50px
.left(100.px, multiplier: 0.5)

// will set left to 0px only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.left(breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set left to 50px only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.left(50.px, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set left to 25px only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.left(50.px, multiplier: 0.5, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

Left to center

Simply add side: .center as a second argument and left side will stick to center of the first parent with relative position

// will set left to 0px from the center
.left(side: .center)

// will set left to 100px from the center
.left(100.px, side: .center)

// will set left to 50px from the center
.left(100.px, side: .center, multiplier: 0.5)

// will set left to 0px from the center only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.left(side: .center, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set left to 50px from the center only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.left(50.px, side: .center, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set left to 25px from the center only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.left(50.px, side: .center, multiplier: 0.5, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

Left to right

Simply add side: .right as a second argument and left side will stick to right of the first parent with relative position

// will set left to 0px from the right
.left(side: .right)

// will set left to 100px from the right
.left(100.px, side: .right)

// will set left to 50px from the right
.left(100.px, side: .right, multiplier: 0.5)

// will set left to 0px from the right only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.left(side: .right, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set left to 50px from the right only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.left(50.px, side: .right, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set left to 25px from the right only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.left(50.px, side: .right, multiplier: 0.5, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)


Specifies right position to the first parent element with relative position

Right to right

// will set right to 0px

// will set right to 100px

// will set right to 50px
.right(100.px, multiplier: 0.5)

// will set right to 0px only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.right(breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set right to 50px only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.right(50.px, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set right to 25px only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.right(50.px, multiplier: 0.5, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

Right to center

Simply add side: .center as a second argument and right side will stick to center of the first parent with relative position

// will set right to 0px from the center
.right(side: .center)

// will set right to 100px from the center
.right(100.px, side: .center)

// will set right to 50px from the center
.right(100.px, side: .center, multiplier: 0.5)

// will set right to 0px from the center only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.right(side: .center, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set right to 50px from the center only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.right(50.px, side: .center, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set right to 25px from the center only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.right(50.px, side: .center, multiplier: 0.5, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

Right to left

Simply add side: .left as a second argument and right side will stick to left of the first parent with relative position

// will set right to 0px from the left
.right(side: .left)

// will set right to 100px from the left
.right(100.px, side: .left)

// will set right to 50px from the left
.right(100.px, side: .left, multiplier: 0.5)

// will set right to 0px from the left only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.right(side: .left, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set right to 50px from the left only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.right(50.px, side: .left, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set right to 25px from the left only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.right(50.px, side: .left, multiplier: 0.5, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)


Convenience setter for all sides: top, right, bottom, left

All edges

// Will set top, right, bottom, and left to 0px

// Will set top, right, bottom, and left to 10px

// Will set top, right, bottom, and left to 5px only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.edges(5.px, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

Horizontal edges

// Will set left and right to 0px
.edges(h: 0.px)

// Will set left and right to 10px
.edges(h: 10.px)

// Will set left and right to 5px only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.edges(h: 5.px, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

Vertical edges

// Will set top and bottom to 0px
.edges(v: 0.px)

// Will set top and bottom to 10px
.edges(v: 10.px)

// Will set top and bottom to 5px only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.edges(v: 5.px, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

Horizontal and vertical edges

// Will set left and right to 0px, and top and bottom to 0px
.edges(h: 0.px, v: 0.px)

// Will set left and right to 0px, and top and bottom to 10px
.edges(h: 0.px, v: 10.px)

// Will set left and right to 2px, and top and bottom to 4px only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.edges(h: 2.px, v: 4.px, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

Center X

Specifies the horizontal center position to the first parent element with relative position

Center to center

// will set centerX to 0px

// will set centerX to 100px

// will set centerX to 50px
.centerX(100.px, multiplier: 0.5)

// will set centerX to 0px only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.centerX(breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set centerX to 50px only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.centerX(50.px, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set centerX to 25px only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.centerX(50.px, multiplier: 0.5, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

Center to left

Simply add side: .left as a second argument and centerX side will stick to left of the first parent with relative position

// will set centerX to 0px of the left
.centerX(side: .left)

// will set centerX to 100px of the left
.centerX(100.px, side: .left)

// will set centerX to 50px of the left
.centerX(100.px, side: .left, multiplier: 0.5)

// will set centerX to 0px of the left only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.centerX(side: .left, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set centerX to 50px of the left only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.centerX(50.px, side: .left, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set centerX to 25px of the left only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.centerX(50.px, side: .left, multiplier: 0.5, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

Center to right

Simply add side: .right as a second argument and centerX side will stick to right of the first parent with relative position

// will set centerX to 0px of the right
.centerX(side: .right)

// will set centerX to 100px of the right
.centerX(100.px, side: .right)

// will set centerX to 50px of the right
.centerX(100.px, side: .right, multiplier: 0.5)

// will set centerX to 0px of the right only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.centerX(side: .right, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set centerX to 50px of the right only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.centerX(50.px, side: .right, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set centerX to 25px of the right only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.centerX(50.px, side: .right, multiplier: 0.5, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

Center Y

Specifies the vertical center position to the first parent element with relative position

Center to center

// will set centerY to 0px

// will set centerY to 100px

// will set centerY to 50px
.centerY(100.px, multiplier: 0.5)

// will set centerY to 0px only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.centerY(breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set centerY to 50px only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.centerY(50.px, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set centerY to 25px only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.centerY(50.px, multiplier: 0.5, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

Center to top

Simply add side: .top as a second argument and centerY side will stick to top of the first parent with relative position

// will set centerY to 0px of the top
.centerY(side: .top)

// will set centerY to 100px of the top
.centerY(100.px, side: .top)

// will set centerY to 50px of the top
.centerY(100.px, side: .top, multiplier: 0.5)

// will set centerY to 0px of the top only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.centerY(side: .top, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set centerY to 50px of the top only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.centerY(50.px, side: .top, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set centerY to 25px of the top only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.centerY(50.px, side: .top, multiplier: 0.5, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

Center to bottom

Simply add side: .bottom as a second argument and centerY side will stick to bottom of the first parent with relative position

// will set centerY to 0px of the bottom
.centerY(side: .bottom)

// will set centerY to 100px of the bottom
.centerY(100.px, side: .bottom)

// will set centerY to 50px of the bottom
.centerY(100.px, side: .bottom, multiplier: 0.5)

// will set centerY to 0px of the bottom only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.centerY(side: .bottom, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set centerY to 50px of the bottom only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.centerY(50.px, side: .bottom, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set centerY to 25px of the bottom only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.centerY(50.px, side: .bottom, multiplier: 0.5, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

Center X+Y

Specifies both vertical and horizontal center position to the first parent element with relative position

// will set centerX and centerY to 0px

// will set centerX and centerY to 100px

// will set centerX and centerY to 50px
.center(100.px, multiplier: 0.5)

// will set centerX and centerY to 0px only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.center(breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set centerX and centerY to 50px only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.center(50.px, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set centerX and centerY to 25px only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.center(50.px, multiplier: 0.5, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)


Sets width of an element

// will set width to 0px

// will set width to 100px

// will set width to 100%

// will set width to 50px
.width(100.px, multiplier: 0.5)

// will set width to 0px only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.width(breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set width to 50px only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.width(50.px, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set width to 25px only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.width(50.px, multiplier: 0.5, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

Width to parent

Sets width of an element to fit first parent element with relative position

// will set width to 100% of first parent element with relative position

// will set width to 100% of first parent element with relative position only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.widthToParent(breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set width to 100% + 100px of first parent element with relative position
.widthToParent(extra: 100.px)

// will set width to 100% + 100px of first parent element with relative position
// only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.widthToParent(extra: 100.px, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set width to (100% + 100px) * 0.5 of first parent element with relative position
.widthToParent(extra: 100.px, multiplier: 0.5)

// will set width to (100% + 100px) * 0.5 of first parent element with relative position
// only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.widthToParent(extra: 100.px, multiplier: 0.5, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set width to 50% of first parent element with relative position
.widthToParent(multiplier: 0.5)

// will set width to 50% of first parent element with relative position
// only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.widthToParent(multiplier: 0.5, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)


Sets height of an element

// will set height to 0px

// will set height to 100px

// will set height to 100%

// will set height to 50px
.height(100.px, multiplier: 0.5)

// will set height to 0px only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.height(breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set height to 50px only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.height(50.px, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set height to 25px only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.height(50.px, multiplier: 0.5, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

Height to parent

Sets height of an element to fit first parent element with relative position

// will set height to 100% of first parent element with relative position

// will set height to 100% of first parent element with relative position only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.heightToParent(breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set height to 100% + 100px of first parent element with relative position
.heightToParent(extra: 100.px)

// will set height to 100% + 100px of first parent element with relative position
// only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.heightToParent(extra: 100.px, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set height to (100% + 100px) * 0.5 of first parent element with relative position
.heightToParent(extra: 100.px, multiplier: 0.5)

// will set height to (100% + 100px) * 0.5 of first parent element with relative position
// only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.heightToParent(extra: 100.px, multiplier: 0.5, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

// will set height to 50% of first parent element with relative position
.heightToParent(multiplier: 0.5)

// will set height to 50% of first parent element with relative position
// only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.heightToParent(multiplier: 0.5, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)


Specifies the type of positioning method used for an element static, relative, absolute or fixed

// will set position to absolute

// will set position to absolute only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.position(.absolute, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)


Specifies how a certain HTML element should be displayed

// will set display to block

// will set display to block only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.display(.block, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)


Specifies whether or not an element is visible

// will set visibility to visible

// will set visibility to hidden only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.visibility(.hidden, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)


Sets the opacity level for an element

// will set opacity to 0.8

// will set opacity to 0.5 only for extra-small, small and medium screens
.opacity(0.5, breakpoints: .xs, .s, m)

Live preview

To make it work with live preview you need to specify either all styles or exact autolayout's one

With all app styles included

class Welcome_Preview: WebPreview {
    override class var title: String { "Initial page" } // optional
    override class var width: UInt { 440 } // optional
    override class var height: UInt { 480 } // optional

    @Preview override class var content: Preview.Content {
        // add styles if needed
        // add here as many elements as needed

With exact app styles including autoalyout's one

class Welcome_Preview: WebPreview {
    override class var title: String { "Initial page" } // optional
    override class var width: UInt { 440 } // optional
    override class var height: UInt { 480 } // optional

    @Preview override class var content: Preview.Content {
        // add styles if needed
        // add here as many elements as needed


  • Swift Tools 5.7.0
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  • web1.0.0-beta.3.3.2
Last updated: Wed Jun 19 2024 11:56:20 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)