

A powerful SwiftUI text field that handles formatting and retaining number values.


Author: Mike Centers

A powerful SwiftUI text field that handles formatting and retaining number values.




NumberTextField is package for SwiftUI that offers live formatting of a text field. Rather than accepting a string for binding, NumberTextField requires an optional Decimal binding. This allows the developer to only worry about the underlying value of the text field.


macOS(v12), iOS(v15), tvOS(v15), watchOS(v8)

* Still under review. iOS building/testing at this time. *


struct ContentView: View {
    var numberFormatter: NumberFormatter {
        let f = NumberFormatter()
         Setup your formatter.
        f.numberStyle = .percent
        f.maximumFractionDigits = 5
        return f

    @State var value: Decimal? =  1.5

    var body: some View {
        NumberTextField("Enter here...", value: self.$value,
                        formatter: self.numberFormatter,     
                        isActive: self.$textFieldIsActive,
                        onChange: { num in
                            // num is a Decimal? type
                        onCommit: { num in
                            // num is a Decimal? type
            .inputAccessory {
                HStack {
                    Button(action: { submit() }) {


The value parameter for the NumberTextField is a binding to an optional Decimal type. This binding is always updated to the current text field change. The value can also have a value assigned prior to binding to the NumberTextField, for if the developer wants the user to update the value.

value = nil

  • This would indicate an empty string or an underlying nil text property to the UIOpenTextField.
  • In either case, this would indicate no value is assigned to the binding.


The NumberTextField requires a NumberFormatter to operate properly. This parameter allows customization of how numbers are to be displayed and emitted. However the NumberFormatter is setup, the NumberTextField should always respect the attributes set via the developer.

Formatter Setup

var numberFormatter: NumberFormatter {
    let f = NumberFormatter()

     It is recommended to set the following parameters for every formatter.
     These can be of whatever value you choose, just make sure they are set.
    f.numberStyle = .decimal        // Set the style first.
    f.minimumFractionDigits = 3
    f.maximumFractionDigits = 7

    return f

Formatter Attributes



The NumberTextField expects the value to be in a decimal format.

  • 100% would be "value = 1.0"
  • 50% would be "value = 0.5"

Fractional Digits

These attributes have a default value unique to the NumberFormatter.numberStyle attribute. If fractional input is not performing as expected, set the .maximumFractionDigits and .minimumFractionDigits attributes to the desired output.


The .alwaysShowDecimalSeparator attribute is manipulated via the Coordinator. If the developer chooses to not allow fractional input, set the .maximumFractionalDigits attribute to zero. This will also filter the decimal separator from user input.


When using the .keyboardType modifier of a View, the UIKit text field will not receive the modification. The KeyboardType assigned to the text field is the .decimalPad. There will be no button to call the resignFirstResponder() method. To resolve this, a keyboard accessory must be made within SwiftUI to toggle the state of the text field.

View Modifiers

struct ContentView: View {
    var numberFormatter: NumberFormatter { ... }
    @State var value: Decimal? =  1.5
    var body: some View {
        NumberTextField("Enter here...", value: self.$value,
                        formatter: self.numberFormatter,
                        isActive: self.$textFieldIsActive,
                        onChange: { _ in },
                        onCommit: { _ in })
                    .uiFont(.body, weight: .semibold, design: .rounded)
                    .textColor(self.textFieldIsActive ? .primary : .white)


Set the font to be displayed within the text field.

The modifier will accept a UIFont for complete control of the font. It will also accept dynamic text types, including weight and design modification.


Set the text foreground color.


Set the text alignment.


Create an input accessory view that is bound to the keyboard.

Current Issues / Objectives

In no particular order


  • The text field always places the cursor towards the trailing end of the text field on changes.
    • The cursor will remain in bounds.
    • Inserting still works.
    • This does not break the text field; however, the cursor retaining the position is necessary.

Access Control

  • The package needs to be scanned for access control of stuctures and classes prior to major release.


  • Will require a catch to check for changes prior to calling the updateText() method.

    • At current, UpdateText() is called twice on every change.
      • The way updating UITextField.text is designed, the value is formatted and assigned to the text field.
  • A resolution to this would be: When the onChange delegate event is called:

    • Update the text first with proper formatting, then assign the value.
    • When the updateUIView method is called, check for changes in the value and text before calling the updateText() method.
  • updateUIView is required to assign the initial text and update the text field when external changes in value occur.

func updateUIView(_ uiView: UITextField, context: UIViewRepresentableContext<NumberTextFieldViewRep>) {
    // Insert a check for change in uiView.text
    DispatchQueue.main.async {

Change Log


  • Resolved error with the NumberTextField not updating on certain model changes.


  • Added support for the creation of an input accessory view within SwiftUI.
    • Call .inputAccessory and build the view.


  • Fixed bug found with cursor placement.

(Current Build: Will Update tag to reflect the upcoming changes.)

  • Moved View modifiers to the environment.
    • NumberTextField_TextAlignment
    • NumberTextField_TextColor
    • NumberTextField_Font


  • Added support for View modifiers:

    • Multiline Text Alignment
    • Font
      • Only system dynamic fonts(.title, .headline, .body, etc.) work at this time.
      • To display a custom font, set the font within the ViewRepresentable.
  • Resolved view sizing

  • Added the KeyboardType.decimalPad as the keyboard.

  • Added a binding to control the state of the text field.


  • Resolved the issue with cursor not moving correctly within bounds when a whitespace is added via the NumberFormatter. The cursor will now only stay within the range of the first and last number character.
  • All instances of the NumberFormatter.Locale should be supported.
  • All fractional digit settings are supported.
  • Currency values, and those with a .minimumFractionDigits greater than 0, will retain the correct formatting while the text field is not active. While active, the text field allows the end-user to freely stay within the .maximumFractionDigits.


  • Added percent format support.

  • NumberFormatter now assigns the value and text properties.

  • Enhanced tracking of text field changes to refactor unnecessary code.

  • Extended moveCursorWithinBounds() to support percent numbers.

Found Bug:

  • Update text is being called on update of @State value due to the updateUI method of ViewRepresentable.
    • While this is supposed to happen, updateUI method should not update the text if the values are the same.


  • Added currency format support.

  • Fixed issue where input is not allowing trailing zeroes within fractional numbers.


  • Added decimal format support.


  • The initial release.
  • Currently supports percent format for US or similar decimal formats.


  • Swift Tools 5.5.0
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  • None
Last updated: Mon Oct 21 2024 12:35:54 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)