SGFKit is a library for manipulating a SGF FF[4] file in Swift. You can manipulate a SGF in a type-safe manner.
Please refer documents.
SGFKit supports only Swift Package Manager.
.package(url: "", .upToNextMinor(from: "0.4.0"))
You can extract a property from the SGF text in the type-safe manner, when the game is specified,
let go = try Go(input: "(;FF[4]C[root](;B[ab]))")
let rootNode = go.tree.nodes[0] // ;FF[4]C[root]
let fileFormatVersion: Int? = rootNode.propertyValue(of: .fileFormat) // 4
let comment: String? = rootNode.propertyValue(of: .comment) // "root"
let nodeA = rootNode.children[0] // ;B[ab]
let pointA: Go.Point? = nodeA.propertyValue(of: .black) // (1, 2)
You can update a property value and remove a property from a node.
A node is a reference type due to a tree structure.
let go = try Go(input: "(;FF[4];B[ab]C[a];B[ba])")
let rootNode = go.tree.nodes[0]
let node = rootNode.children[0] // ;B[ab]C[a]
let point = GoPoint(column: 4, row: 3)
node.addProperty(point, to: .black) // dc
node.removeProperty(of: .comment)
print(go.tree.convertToSGF()) // "(;FF[4];B[dc];B[ba])"
You can parse the SGF based on the official EBNF. The returned value is non terminal symbols of the EBNF.
let input = "(;FF[4]C[root](;C[a];C[b](;C[c])(;C[d];C[e]))(;C[f](;C[g];C[h];C[i])(;C[j])))"
let collection = try Parser.parse(input: input)
let firstNode = collection.gameTrees[0].sequence.nodes[0] // ;FF[4]C[root]
let firstProperty =[0] // FF[4]
print(firstProperty.identifier.letters) // "FF"
print(firstProperty.values[0].type.first.value ?? "none") // "4"