is a Swift microlibrary for macOS that provides an easy way to obtain the MAC address of a device's network interface. This library is especially useful when working with Mac App Store receipt validation, as it implements the Apple's recommended fallback strategy (en0 builtin → en1 builtin → en0 non-builtin).
- Retrieve the MAC address of built-in and non-built-in network interfaces
- Obtain the MAC address as a formatted string
- App Store receipt validation compatible MAC address retrieval
- macOS 10.13+
- Swift 5.3+
Add the following dependency to your Package.swift file:
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")
Then, add MacAddress to your target's dependencies:
targets: [
name: "YourTarget",
dependencies: ["MacAddress"]),
import MacAddress
// Get the MAC address of the built-in "en0" network interface
if let macAddress = MacAddress(.builtIn("en0")) {
print("Built-in MAC address: \(macAddress.stringRepresentation)")
// Get the MAC address of the non-built-in "en0" network interface
if let macAddress = MacAddress(.nonBuiltIn("en0")) {
print("Non-built-in MAC address: \(macAddress.stringRepresentation)")
// Get the MAC address compatible with Mac App Store receipt validation
if let macAddress = MacAddress.appStoreCompatible {
print("App Store compatible MAC address: \(macAddress.stringRepresentation)")