
Prebuilt Fast-DDS (formerly FastRTPS) library for Apple platforms

What's New



Fast-DDS v2.14.2

Xcode 15.4 Build version 15F31d

Supported platforms and architectures

Platform Architectures
macOS x86_64 arm64
iOS arm64
iOS Simulator x86_64 arm64
Mac Catalyst x86_64 arm64
xrOS arm64
xrOS Simulator arm64


Prebuilt Eprosima Fast-DDS (formerly FastRTPS) library for Apple platforms.

Supported platforms and architectures

Platform Architectures
macOS x86_64 arm64
iOS arm64
iOS Simulator x86_64 arm64
Mac Catalyst x86_64 arm64
xrOS arm64
xrOS Simulator arm64


Add line to you package.swift dependencies:

.package(url: "", from: "2.0.0")

Right now used with the FastRTPSSwift library:

Xcode 12 bug note!

Xcode 12 now has a bug that causes static library .a files to be copied into the app bundle. Add Run Script to your Xcode project with this commands:

# Remove static libs
ls -1 ${CODESIGNING_FOLDER_PATH}/Contents/Frameworks/*.a
rm -f ${CODESIGNING_FOLDER_PATH}/Contents/Frameworks/*.a

Build your own repo from source


  • Xcode 15
  • cmake 3.28
  • github cli. GitHub’s official command line tool.
  • xczip. Create xcframework zip archive for Swift binary package.

Steps for build

  1. Install gh: brew install gh
  2. Install xczip: brew install DimaRU/formulae/xczip
  3. Authorize gh: gh auth
  4. Clone this repo
  5. Checkout script branch git switch script
  6. Make your own repo
  7. Run ./script/ repo_path v2.6.7 commit


  • Swift Tools 5.3.0
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  • None
Last updated: Fri Oct 18 2024 03:02:18 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)