

A framework for displaying non intrusive alerts to your users

What's New

Support for left, center and right aligned Rye views


With this release you can now control the horizontal alignment of your Rye view.

To learn how to do so, please refer to this section of the README.

As always, thank you for using Rye and please keep the bugreports and feature suggestions coming 😄

🍞 Rye

Swift Package Manager Carthage Compatible CocoaPods Compatible Platforms GitHub license


Rye allows you to present non intrusive alerts to your users.

You can choose to display the default Rye alert type or go fully custom and display your own UIView.


Custom Rye alert with Image Custom Rye alert with Button Default Rye alert

📝 Requirements

iOS 11.4
Swift 5

📦 Installation

Swift Package Manager

Copy this repository URL, and add the repo into your Package Dependencies:



github "nodes-ios/Rye"


pod 'Rye'

💻 Usage


To display a Rye alert you declare a new RyeViewController and then call:

  • show(): to show the alert
  • dismiss(): to dismiss the alert

Note: Depending on which dismissMode you have selected, you may not need to dismiss the alert yourself, see the section about displayModes below for more information.

At the very minimum you need to consider:

  • which text to show
  • whether to show a standard alert or bring your own custom view to the party
  • where to show the alert (top or bottom)

Show Text

To show a text using a Rye alert you need to create a RyeConfiguration. This is a dictionary allowing you to configure various UI related aspects of your Rye alert. For more information on available keys, please refer to the Possible Rye Configuration Values section.

One of the values you can add to a RyeConfiguration is a text to show in your alert.

let ryeConfiguration: RyeConfiguration = [ Rye.Configuration.Key.text: "Message for the user" ]

Alert Type

You can use the default Rye alert or you can create your own UIView and use that instead. To determine which to use, you use the Rye.ViewType enum defined like so:

public enum ViewType {
    case standard(configuration: RyeConfiguration?)
    case custom(UIView, configuration: RyeConfiguration?)

As you can see, both the standard and the custom ViewType takes an optional RyeConfiguration as a parameter. This means that you don't have to provide a RyeConfiguration in which case default values will be used for all parameters including the text (but you probably don't want an alert showing the text "Add a message", do you?).

Additionally, the custom ViewType takes your custom UIView that you would like to use.

Note that some of the RyeConfiguration keys are not relevant when using a custom view. More specificaly, these are the keys not used when you decide to use a custom view for your message:

  • backgroundColor
  • textColor
  • textFont
  • text
  • cornerRadius

For more on the AnimationType please refer to the section Animation Type below.

Where To Show the Alert?

Where to show a Rye alert is determined by the Rye.Position and Rye.Alignment enums which are defined like so:

public enum Position {
    case top(inset: CGFloat)
    case bottom(inset: CGFloat)
public enum Alignment {
    case leading(inset: CGFloat)
    case center
    case trailing(inset: CGFloat)

If the alignment is not specified at init time, it will default to .center alignment.

For more on Rye.Position and Rye.Alignment, please refer to the section Position & Alignment below.

Display a Default Rye

Following these principles, we are now ready to show our first Rye alert.

import Rye
let ryeConfiguration: RyeConfiguration = [Rye.Configuration.Key.text: "Message for the user"]
let rye = RyeViewController(
   viewType: .standard(configuration: ryeConfiguration),
   at: .bottom(inset: 16)

This will result in a Rye alert with the text "Message for the user" appearing at the bottom of the screen, and then disappearing automatically after 2.5 seconds.

Control the Dismiss Type

If you would like the Rye alert to disappear in a different way, you can pass a dismissMode parameter when creating the RyeViewController

import Rye
let ryeConfiguration: RyeConfiguration = [Rye.Configuration.Key.text: "Message for the user"]
let rye = RyeViewController(
   dismissMode: .gesture,
   viewType: .standard(configuration: ryeConfiguration),
   at: .bottom(inset: 16)

The alert will now stay on the screen until the user taps or swipes at it.

Display Default Rye with Custom Configuration

If you want to have more control over the alert view, you can add keys and values to the RyeConfiguration dictionary as shown below:

import Rye
let ryeConfiguration: RyeConfiguration = [
    Rye.Configuration.Key.text: "Error message for the user",
    Rye.Configuration.Key.backgroundColor: UIColor.red.withAlphaComponent(0.4),
    Rye.Configuration.Key.animationType: Rye.AnimationType.fadeInOut

let rye = RyeViewController(
   viewType: .standard(configuration: ryeConfiguration),
   at: .bottom(inset: 16)

Display Rye with a Custom UIView

For even more control you can create your own subclass of UIView and use .custom for the viewType parameter

import Rye

let customView = YourCustomView()
let rye = RyeViewController(viewType: .custom(customView))


Dismiss Completion

If you would like to execute some code when the Rye alert is dismissed you can pass a dismissCompletion code block when calling show like so:

import Rye
let ryeConfiguration: RyeConfiguration = [Rye.Configuration.Key.text: "Message for the user"]
let rye = RyeViewController(
   viewType: .standard(configuration: ryeConfiguration),
   at: .bottom(inset: 16)

rye.show(withDismissCompletion: {
    print("Goodbye from Rye, time to dy..die")  

Dismiss Rye Alerts Manually

If you have selected to show a Rye alert as .nonDismissable you have to dismiss it yourself. Keep a reference to the RyeViewController and call dismiss when you are ready to let go.

import Rye
var rye: RyeViewController?

let ryeConfiguration: RyeConfiguration = [Rye.Configuration.Key.text: "Message for the user"]
rye = RyeViewController(
   dismissMode: .nonDismissable,
   viewType: .standard(configuration: ryeConfiguration),
   at: .bottom(inset: 16)


...at a later point in time

Descriptions of Parameters

Below you can find descriptions of the various parameters used to control a Rye alert.

Display Modes

Rye supports three different displayMode values which can be passed when creating a new RyeViewController:

  • automatic: The alert appears and disappears automatically after a specified interval.
  • gesture: To dismiss the alert you can tap or swipe it.
  • nonDismissable: The alert will stay permanently on the screen until it is dismissed by calling dismiss() on your RyeViewController instance.

If you do not pass this value when creating a new RyeViewController, a default value of automatic with a default interval of 2.5 seconds is used (the default interval is defined in Rye.defaultDismissInterval)

Position and Alignment

You can specify if the Rye alert should be shown at the top or bottom of the screen. This is specified via the position parameter at init time. The position parameter takes an associated value, that allows you to define an inset.

By default Rye will calculate the safe area insets for you, so be sure to specify only the extra desired inset.

Similarly, you can set the alignment of the Rye via the aligned parameter. The .leading and .trailing alignments also take an associated value, that allows you to define an inset. If the aligned parameter is not specified at init time, it will default to .center

Animation Type

Rye provides two animation types:

  • slideInOut: slides the view in from either top or bottom (depending on which Position you have selected). When dismissed the view slides out in the same direction.
  • fadeInOut: fades the view in and out again when dismissed.

To control how long the animation will take, please use the animationDuration key of the RyeConfiguration and provide a TimeInterval value.

If you do not provide a value for animationDuration, a standard value of 0.3 seconds is used.

Ignore Safe Areas

When determining where to show the Rye message you can select whether to include safeLayoutArea insets in the calculation or not.

This is done by setting the .ignoreSafeAreas value in the RyeConfiguration.

The default value is false, meaning that safe area insets will be used in the calculation.

Possible Rye Configuration Values

The following keys can be used in the configuration dictionary:

.backgroundColor (must be a UIColor)
.textColor (must be a UIColor)
.textFont (must be a UIFont)
.text (must be a String)
.cornerRadius (must be a CGFloat)
.animationType (must be a Rye.AnimationType)
.animationDuration (must be a TimeInterval)
.ignoreSafeAreas (must be a bool)

If configuration is set to nil, a default configuration will be used. Any options set, will override the default state.

⚠️ Gotchas

In order to display a Rye message, a parentView is needed to determine in relation to what the Rye message is positioned.

If you try to display a Rye message before a parentView can be obtained, you will see this warning in the console of your IDE.

A parentView could not be found to display the Rye message on. Are you trying to show a Rye message before the view lifecycle is ready to display views?

This can be seen if you try to call show() on a RyeViewController in viewDidLoad() of a UIViewController for instance.

Example Project

To learn more, please refer to the RyeExample project contained in this repository.

⬆️ Updating from v1.x.x to v2.0.0

In version 2.0.0 of Rye we changed the way you display messages.

Gone is the distinction between .toast and .snackBar. Instead, every message is now displayed in a separate UIWindow at the very top level of your view stack and you must decide how to dismiss the message with the previously described displayModes.

This also means that the previous init method: RyeViewController.init(alertType:viewType:at:timeAlive:) has been deprecated. If you use this init method with version 2.0.0 you will receive a deprecation warning during compilation.

You can - if you stubbornly insist - still use the now old init method. Behind the scenes Rye will create a new RyeViewController for you and set the displayMode based on these rules:

If you have added a timeAlive value, that timeAlive will be used to create a displayMode with a value of .automatic(interval: timeAlive)

If you have not added a timeAlive value, the displayMode will be .nonDismissable.

👥 Credits

Made with ❤️ at Nodes.

📄 License

Rye is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


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Last updated: Thu Oct 17 2024 18:04:47 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)