

An interactive audio waveform made with SwiftUI.


A SwiftUI Package to display an interactive waveform of an audio file.

Zooming Waveform

The project is currently in a very early stage having been created as part of SwiftUI Jam 2021. Code from the end of the Jam will be in the swiftuijam branch.


To include it in your Xcode project click File | Swift Packages | Add Package Dependency… and enter the following url:


For now, you'll need to select Branch and ensure it's set to main until v0.1.0 is released.


Waveform Selection

To use Waveform create a WaveformGenerator object with your audio file:

let audioFile = try! AVAudioFile(forReading: URL))!
let generator = WaveformGenerator(audioFile: audioFile)   // this generator object is observable

And then pass this to a Waveform along with a selection range if you need this:

var body: some View {
    Waveform(generator: generator, selectedSamples: $selection, selectionEnabled: .constant(true))

The colour scheme can be customised via the standard colour modifiers:

Waveform(generator: generator, selectedSamples: $selection, selectionEnabled: .constant(true))


  • More work is required on optimisation for acceptable performance on older devices.
  • Any audio file you use is loaded into memory in the WaveformGenerator. For now it would be worth watching your app's memory usage until this is addressed.


  • Swift Tools 5.3.0
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  • None
Last updated: Wed Nov 13 2024 04:54:01 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)