A package that allows you to run shell scripts from your swift code.
Github Repository Documentation
You can include in your project, by using swift package manager.
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/m-housh/swift-shell-client.git", from: "0.1.0"),
targets: [
name: "MyTarget",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "ShellClient", package: "swift-shell-client"),
You access a shell client through the swift-dependencies system.
import ShellClient
func echo() throws {
@Dependency(\.logger) var logger
@Dependency(\.shellClient) var shell
try shell.foreground(["echo", "Foo"])
// Or run in a background process, and capture the output.
let output = try shell.background(
["echo", "world"]
trimmingCharactersIn: .whitespacesAndNewlines
logger.info("Hello \(output)!")
func echoAsync() async throws {
@Dependency(\.logger) var logger
@Dependency(\.asyncShellClient) var shell
try await shell.foreground(["echo", "Foo"])
// Or run in a background process, and capture the output.
let output = try await shell.background(
["echo", "world"],
trimmingCharactersIn: .whitespacesAndNewlines
logger.info("Hello \(output)!")
try echo()
try await echoAsync()
We use swift-log along with swift-log-format-and-pipe to create a basic logger that you have access to. You can also use Rainbow for color text output to the terminal.
The built-in logger will just log messages without any label when built in release and will
log with the label shell-client
when in debug or testing context.
You can create a basic logger with a label by using the following method provided by the library.
import Rainbow
let logger = basicLogger(.showing(label: "log".red))
// log ▸ blob
You can read the full documentation here.