

Robust and type-safe date and time calculations for Swift

What's New



Includes two fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where differences in whole values could produce values that were off by one unit
  • Fixed an issue where Fixed values created without an era would crash when attempting to access their .era


Time is a Swift package that makes it easy to perform robust and type-safe date and time calculations.

Working with calendars can be extremely complicated and error-prone. Time solves these problems by clarifying concepts and restricting improper usage through type-safe APIs.


Time can be installed like any other Swift package. Add this to the dependencies section of your Package.swift:

.package(url: "https://github.com/davedelong/time", from: "1.0.0")

Platform Support

Time requires Swift 5.7 or later, as well as macOS 13/iOS 16 (or equivalent) or later. Core parts of the library are built on Swift's Duration type, which was introduced in macOS 13/iOS 16.


Time's extensive documentation is hosted at the Swift Package Index.

Additionally, an "Examples" folder in this repository contains code illustrating how to use core parts of the library.

The Basics

Here's the TL;DR of the documentation:

  • If you want to know what time it is, you need the device's RegionalClock, which you get by using Clocks.system.

  • A RegionalClock tells you the current time. For example, .today will give you the current calendar day. .currentMinute will give you the current time, accurate down to the minute level.

  • Each of these returned values has methods to retrieve more- and less- precise values. For example, today.hours will give you a sequence of all the "Hour" values in the day.

  • These values can be formatted into human-readable strings via their .format(...) methods.

For additional information, refer to the documentation and included examples.


Time is fully open source, available at https://github.com/davedelong/time. If you have feature requests, suggestions, or have discovered a bug, please open a new issue.


Time is licensed under the MIT License. For more information, see the LICENSE file.


  • Swift Tools 5.7.0
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Last updated: Tue Feb 04 2025 01:56:01 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)