

Write RealityKit shaders using Swift

What's New

v2.0.0 - Complete and Correct


This is a major super deluxe release focusing on completeness and correctness. It exposes all 700+ shader graph nodes with much stronger type checking. New SGMatrix types have been added and half (Float16) types and operations are now supported. Texture mapping has been simplified so you can just pass TextureResources right into the graph. Finally, chaining of operations is now supported through extensions to the SGValue types.

All this awesomeness comes at a cost however and the following breaking changes were made:

  1. SGValue.texture2DParameter was renamed SGValue.textureParameter (turns out 1D and 3D textures aren't supported)
  2. SGTexture.sample was split into three functions sampleColor3f, sampleColor4f, and sampleVector4f to determine the output type.
  3. The vector and color operators have moved to be static members of SGValue

I hope you love it!

v2.0 Announcement Poster



Are you building the next great visionOS app? Are you also super tired of drawing shader code with boxes and lines? ShaderGraphCoder is an embedded DSL to write RealityKit shader graphs (USD compatible) in strongly typed Swift.

759 shader graph nodes are made available through 117 operators (math, blends, texture lookups, etc.) and 66 sources (constants, model and view transforms, etc.).

Supported Platforms: visionOS


// Create a solid red material for visionOS
func solidRed() async throws -> ShaderGraphMaterial {
    let color: SGColor = .color3f([1, 0, 0])
    let surface = pbrSurface(baseColor: color)
    return try await ShaderGraphMaterial(surface: surface)

// Create a pulsing blue material for visionOS
func pulsingBlue() async throws -> ShaderGraphMaterial {
    let frequency = SGValue.floatParameter(name: "Frequency", defaultValue: 2)
    let color: SGColor = .color3f([0, 0, 1]) * sin(SGValue.time * frequency * (2*Float.pi))
    let surface = pbrSurface(baseColor: color)
    return try await ShaderGraphMaterial(surface: surface)

// Create a texture mapped material for visionOS
func textureMap(textureLocalURL: URL) async throws -> ShaderGraphMaterial {
    // Create the surface by sampling the texture map
    let surface =
        .texture(contentsOf: textureLocalURL)
        .sampleColor3f(texcoord: SGValue.uv0)
    return try await ShaderGraphMaterial(surface: surface)

Shader Preview using SwiftUI

Thanks to the powerful SwiftUI integration with RealityKit, you can preview your shaders in the Xcode canvas.

Shader previews are made available through the ShaderGraphPreview view. You can either embed it into your existing SwiftUI views or just use the #Preview macro to see the shader in action.

Here is an example of how to embed the preview in your own view:

import SwiftUI
import ShaderGraphCoder

struct MyView: View {
    /// Create a blue surface shader
    let blueSurface = SGValue.color3f([0, 0, 1]).pbrSurface()
    var body: some View {
        // Preview the surface using ShaderGraphPreview
        ShaderGraphPreview(surface: blueSurface)

Or you can just use a preview:

#Preview {
    let blueSurface = SGValue.color3f([0, 0, 1]).pbrSurface()
    return ShaderGraphPreview(surface: blueSurface)

This will show a blue box and a blue sphere in the Xcode canvas:


All 100+ shader operations are supported and it's a really fun environment to play around in.

How it Works

When you write your shader code using the provided SGValue types, each operation on those values builds up a shader graph. The graph starts with source values (parameters, constants, and world info) and each operation extends the graph by adding nodes and edges. Each node in that graph is an operation, and each edge is a value. When you create a ShaderGraphMaterial from this graph, the graph is compiled into a USDA material that is then loaded by RealityKit.


The following value types are supported:

Type Description
SGValue Base value type
SGNumeric: SGValue Base class for numeric types scalar, vector, and color
SGScalar: SGNumeric A single number
SGSIMD: SGNumeric Base class for SIMD types color and vector
SGColor: SGSIMD A vector of color values, with either 3 or 4 elements
SGVector: SGSIMD A vector of values, with either 2, 3, or 4 elements
SGMatrix: SGNumeric A square matrix with either 2, 3, or 4 dimensions
SGTexture: SGValue A 2D texture that can be sampled or read
SGToken: SGValue A surface shader or geometry modifier

Each of these Swift types has an underlying graph data type available as dataType.

For more details see Values.swift.


There are over 100 operators that combine SGScalar, SGVector, SGColor, and SGMatrix values in varied and wonderful ways. From simple arithmetic to complex blends, a bit of everything is available.

The ifGreaterOrEqual and ifLess operators are conditional operators that take a condition, a value if true, and a value if false. The mix operator is a linear interpolation operator that takes two values and a weight. Since runtime conditionals are not supported in RealityKit, the ifGreaterOrEqual and ifLess operators are the best way to implement runtime logic.

The following operators are supported:

Operator Description
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
% Modulo
&& Logical And
|| Logical Or
^^ Logical Xor
abs(in1) Abs
acos(in1) Acos
add(in1, in2) Add
ambientOcclusion(coneangle, maxdistance) Ambient Occlusion
asin(in1) Asin
atan2(iny, inx) Atan2
blur(in1, size, ...) Blur
burn(fg, bg, ...) Burn
ceil(in1) Ceiling
cellNoise2D(texcoord) Cellular Noise 2D
cellNoise3D(position) Cellular Noise 3D
clamp(in1, min, ...) Clamp
contrast(in1, amount, ...) Contrast
cos(in1) Cos
cross(in1, in2) Cross Product
determinant(in1) Determinant
difference(fg, bg, ...) Difference
disjointover(fg, bg, ...) Disjoint Over
divide(in1, in2) Divide
dodge(fg, bg, ...) Dodge
dot(in1, in2) Dot Product
exp(in1) Exp
extract(in1, index) Extract
floor(in1) Floor
fract(in1) Fractional
fractal3D(amplitude, octaves, ...) Fractal Noise 3D
geometryModifier(modelPositionOffset, color, ...) Geometry Modifier
geometrySwitchCameraIndex(mono, left, ...) Camera Index Switch
heightToNormal(in1, scale) Height To Normal
hsvAdjust(in1, amount) HSV Adjust
hsvToRGB(in1) HSV to RGB
ifEqual(value1, value2, ...) If Equal
ifGreater(value1, value2, ...) If Greater
ifGreaterOrEqual(value1, value2, ...) If Greater Or Equal
image(file, defaultValue, ...) Image
inside(in1, mask) Inside
invertMatrix(in1) Invert Matrix
length(in1) Magnitude
log(in1) Natural Log
logicalAnd(in1, in2) And
logicalNot(in1) Not
logicalOr(in1, in2) Or
logicalXor(in1, in2) XOR
luminance(in1, lumacoeffs) Luminance
mask(fg, bg, ...) Mask
matte(fg, bg, ...) Matte
max(in1, in2) Max
min(in1, in2) Min
minus(fg, bg, ...) Subtractive Mix
mix(fg, bg, ...) Mix
mixColor(fg, bg, ...) In
modulo(in1, in2) Modulo
multiply(in1, in2) Multiply
noise2D(amplitude, pivot, ...) Noise 2D
noise3D(amplitude, pivot, ...) Noise 3D
normalMap(in1, space, ...) Normal Map
normalMapDecode(in1) Normal Map Decode
normalize(in1) Normalize
oneMinus(in1) One Minus
out(fg, bg, ...) Out
outside(in1, mask) Outside
over(fg, bg, ...) Over
overlay(fg, bg, ...) Overlay
pbrSurface(baseColor, emissiveColor, ...) PBR Surface
pixel(file, uWrapMode, ...) Image 2D Pixel
pixelGradient(file, uWrapMode, ...) Image 2D Gradient Pixel
pixelLOD(file, uWrapMode, ...) Image 2D LOD Pixel
place2D(texcoord, pivot, ...) Place 2D
plus(fg, bg, ...) Additive Mix
pow(in1, in2) Power
premult(in1) Premultiply
ramp4(valuetl, valuetr, ...) Ramp 4 Corners
ramplr(valuel, valuer, ...) Ramp Horizontal
ramptb(valuet, valueb, ...) Ramp Vertical
range(in1, inlow, ...) Range
read(file, defaultValue, ...) Image 2D Read
reflect(in1, normal) Reflect
refract(in1, normal, ...) Refract
remap(in1, inlow, ...) Remap
rgbToHSV(in1) RGB to HSV
rotate2D(in1, amount) Rotate 2D
rotate3D(in1, amount, ...) Rotate 3D
round(in1) Round
safePow(in1, in2) Safe Power
sample(file, uWrapMode, ...) Image 2D
sampleCube(file, uWrapMode, ...) Cube Image
sampleCubeGradient(file, uWrapMode, ...) Cube Image Gradient
sampleCubeLOD(file, uWrapMode, ...) Cube Image LOD
sampleGradient(file, uWrapMode, ...) Image 2D Gradient
sampleLOD(file, uWrapMode, ...) Image 2D LOD
saturate(in1, amount, ...) Saturate
screen(fg, bg, ...) Screen
sign(in1) Sign
sin(in1) Sin
smoothStep(in1, low, ...) Smooth Step
splitlr(valuel, valuer, ...) Split Horizontal
splittb(valuet, valueb, ...) Split Vertical
sqrt(in1) Square Root
step(in1, edge) Step
subtract(in1, in2) Subtract
switchValue(in1, in2, ...) Switch
tan(in1) Tan
tiledImage(file, defaultValue, ...) Tiled Image
transformMatrix(in1, mat) Transform Matrix
transformNormal(in1, fromspace, ...) Transform Normal
transformPoint(in1, fromspace, ...) Transform Point
transformVector(in1, fromspace, ...) Transform Vector
transpose(in1) Transpose
triplanarProjection(filex, filey, ...) Triplanar Projection
unlitSurface(color, opacity, ...) Unlit Surface
unpremult(in1) Unpremultiply
worleyNoise2DFloat(texcoord, jitter) Worley Noise 2D
worleyNoise2DVector2(texcoord, jitter) Worley Noise 2D
worleyNoise2DVector3(texcoord, jitter) Worley Noise 2D
worleyNoise3DFloat(position, jitter) Worley Noise 3D
worleyNoise3DVector2(position, jitter) Worley Noise 3D
worleyNoise3DVector3(position, jitter) Worley Noise 3D

For more details see Operations.swift and Operations.g.swift.


The following sources are supported:

Source Description
SGValue.color3f A constant RGB color with an optional color space
SGValue.color3fParameter An RGB color parameter that can be set by later mutating the material
SGValue.color4f A constant RGBA color with an optional color space
SGValue.color4fParameter An RGBA color parameter that can be set by later mutating the material
SGValue.surfaceCustomAttribute A value passed from the geometry modifier to the surface shader
SVValue.float A constant floating point number
SGValue.floatParameter A parameter that can be set by later mutating the material
SGValue.modelNormal The model normal of the vertex or fragment being processed
SGValue.modelPosition The model position of the vertex or fragment being processed
SGValue.objectNormal The object normal of the vertex or fragment being processed
SGValue.objectPosition The object position of the vertex or fragment being processed
SGValue.textureParameter A 2D texture parameter that can be set by later mutating the material
SGValue.uv(index) UV coordinate of the vertex or pixel
SGValue.uv0 The first UV coordinate of the vertex or pixel
SGValue.uv1 The second UV coordinate of the vertex or pixel
SGValue.vector2f A constant 2D vector
SGValue.vector2fParameter A 2D vector parameter that can be set by later mutating the material
SGValue.vector3f A constant 3D vector
SGValue.vector3fParameter A 3D vector parameter that can be set by later mutating the material
SGValue.vector4f A constant 4D vector
SGValue.vector4fParameter A 4D vector parameter that can be set by later mutating the material
SGValue.worldCameraPosition The world position of the camera
SGValue.worldNormal The world normal of the vertex or fragment being processed
SGValue.worldPosition The world position of the vertex or fragment being processed
SGValue.bitangent(space, index) Bitangent
SGValue.cameraPosition(space) Camera Position
SGValue.frame Frame
SGValue.geomcolorColor3(index) Geometry Color
SGValue.geomcolorColor4(index) Geometry Color
SGValue.geomcolorFloat(index) Geometry Color
SGValue.geometryModifierCustomAttribute Geometry Modifier Custom Attribute
SGValue.geometryModifierCustomAttributeHalf20 Geometry Modifier Custom Attribute 0
SGValue.geometryModifierCustomAttributeHalf21 Geometry Modifier Custom Attribute 1
SGValue.geometryModifierCustomAttributeHalf40 Geometry Modifier Custom Attribute 0
SGValue.geometryModifierCustomAttributeHalf41 Geometry Modifier Custom Attribute 1
SGValue.geometryModifierCustomAttributeHalf42 Geometry Modifier Custom Attribute 2
SGValue.geometryModifierCustomAttributeHalf43 Geometry Modifier Custom Attribute 3
SGValue.geometryModifierCustomParameter Geometry Modifier Custom Parameter
SGValue.geometryModifierModelPositionOffset Geometry Modifier Model Position Offset
SGValue.geometryModifierModelToView Geometry Modifier Model To View
SGValue.geometryModifierModelToWorld Geometry Modifier Model To World
SGValue.geometryModifierNormalToWorld Geometry Modifier Normal To World
SGValue.geometryModifierProjectionToView Geometry Modifier Projection To View
SGValue.geometryModifierUV0Offset Geometry Modifier uv0 Offset
SGValue.geometryModifierUV0Transform Geometry Modifier uv0 Transform
SGValue.geometryModifierUV1Offset Geometry Modifier uv1 Offset
SGValue.geometryModifierUV1Transform Geometry Modifier uv1 Transform
SGValue.geometryModifierVertexId Geometry Modifier Vertex ID
SGValue.geometryModifierViewToProjection Geometry Modifier View To Projection
SGValue.geometryModifierWorldToModel Geometry Modifier World To Model
SGValue.materialParametersBaseColorTint Material Parameter Base Color Tint
SGValue.materialParametersClearcoatRoughnessScale Material Parameter Roughness Scale
SGValue.materialParametersClearcoatScale Material Parameter Clearcoat Scale
SGValue.materialParametersEmissiveColor Material Parameter Emissive Color
SGValue.materialParametersMetallicScale Material Parameter Metallic Scale
SGValue.materialParametersOpacityScale Material Parameter Opacity Scale
SGValue.materialParametersOpacityThreshold Material Parameter Opacity Threshold
SGValue.materialParametersRoughnessScale Material Parameter Roughness Scale
SGValue.materialParametersSpecularScale Material Parameter Specular Scale
SGValue.normal(space) Normal
SGValue.position(space) Position
SGValue.surfaceBaseColor Surface Base Color
SGValue.surfaceClearcoat Surface Clearcoat
SGValue.surfaceClearcoatRoughness Surface Clearcoat Roughness
SGValue.surfaceCustomAttribute Surface Custom Attribute
SGValue.surfaceCustomAttributeHalf20 Surface Custom Attribute 0
SGValue.surfaceCustomAttributeHalf21 Surface Custom Attribute 1
SGValue.surfaceCustomAttributeHalf40 Surface Custom Attribute 0
SGValue.surfaceCustomAttributeHalf41 Surface Custom Attribute 1
SGValue.surfaceCustomAttributeHalf42 Surface Custom Attribute 2
SGValue.surfaceCustomAttributeHalf43 Surface Custom Attribute 3
SGValue.surfaceCustomParameter Surface Custom Parameter
SGValue.surfaceEmissiveColor Surface Emissive Color
SGValue.surfaceMetallic Surface Metallic
SGValue.surfaceModelToView Surface Model To View
SGValue.surfaceModelToWorld Surface Model To World
SGValue.surfaceOpacity Surface Opacity
SGValue.surfaceProjectionToView Surface Projection To View
SGValue.surfaceRoughness Surface Roughness
SGValue.surfaceScreenPosition Surface Screen Position
SGValue.surfaceSpecular Surface Specular
SGValue.surfaceViewDirection Surface View Direction
SGValue.surfaceViewToProjection Surface View To Projection
SGValue.surfaceWorldToView Surface World To View
SGValue.tangent(space, index) Tangent
SGValue.texcoordVector2(index) Texture Coordinates
SGValue.texcoordVector3(index) Texture Coordinates
SGValue.time Time
SGValue.upDirection(space) Up Direction
SGValue.viewDirection(space) View Direction

For more details see Sources.swift and Sources.g.swift.

Building on the Command Line


xcodebuild -scheme ShaderGraphCoder -destination 'platform=visionOS Simulator,OS=1.0,name=Apple Vision Pro'


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Last updated: Sat Feb 08 2025 01:33:13 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)