SPX is a Swift script running tool. Easily run Swift packages in a supporting relative dir named SPX

SPX pairs nicely with Sh to run shell commands and process shell output from your Swift scripts.

For a full example of using SPX, Sh, and ShXcrun on your iOS project, please see https://github.com/FullQueueDeveloper/SwishExampleiOSProject


There's currently not a great solution to declare some targets as dev dependencies or support scripts in a Package.swift. So what if we had a subdirectory with our Swift support scripts? $PROJECT_ROOT/support-dir/Package.swift?

But there's currently not a great solution to running Swift packages in another directory. We can type swift run --package-path path/to/dir targetName, but that's a lot for quick scripts. We could store that in a .sh script file, but I would prefer not to get shell scripts involved with Swift tools.

And if we're running this script during an Xcode build for an iOS project, we need to pass along an SDK flag, to build the Swift script for MacOS.

This is all doable. And this becomes repetitive across multiple projects.


SPX is currently available through Homebrew, Mint, or manual installation.


Install with Homebrew

brew install fullqueuedeveloper/fullqueuedeveloper/spx

Or if using a Brewfile, add these lines to it

tap "fullqueuedeveloper/fullqueuedeveloper"
brew "spx"


Install with Mint

mint install FullQueueDeveloper/SPX


git clone https://github.com/FullQueueDeveloper/SPX.git
cd SPX
swift build -c release

And then add .build/release/ to your $PATH.

Getting started

spx --init simple

Will scaffold a new SPX project in the SPX subdirectory of your current working directory. This is what it will look like.

 +- SPX
      +- Package.swift
      +- .gitignore
      +- Sources/date/main.swift

Then you can run spx or spx --list or spx -l to see the current executable targets. Then you can run spx date to run the simple sample script named date.


Regular use

spx <target-name> [arguments...]

- <target-name>  The name of the `executableTarget` in the
                            `Package.swift` in the `scripts`
                            subdirectory of the current working
- [arguments...]  Arguments passed to the target

Available commands

    list the available targets

spx --list
    list the available targets

spx --version
    show version and exit

spx --help
    show this message

spx --init <template-name>
    scaffold a new SPX scripts subdirectory in
    the current directory. The default scripts
    subdirectory is `SPX`.

spx --add <name>
    add a new script named <name> by
    creating a file at path `Sources/<name>/main.swift`,
    & a file at path `Sources/<Name>Lib/<Name>.swift`,
    & adding their targets to `Package.swift`

spx --build
    update & build the scripts package, as a convenience.

iOS template

spx -i ios

This will create a SPX directory with a script to generate an app icon from an SVG (spx appicon) and a script to push to the App Store (spx appstore). Read more about it at templates/ios/SPX/README.md


There is an example project in the demos folder

  • The VaporDemo is a Vapor app. This example is short, but still meaningful. Running spx docker from the demos/VaporDemo directory will build the docker container for this small vapor app.

  • Screenshots. This PR shows the power of using Sh & SPX for scripting. It uses CoreGraphics and AVFoundation along with Sh to take screenshots, and process them for the App Store & for publishing to a website. 0xOpenBytes/ios-base#14

  • Demo iOS project https://github.com/FullQueueDeveloper/SwishExampleiOSProject

Upgrading from Swish

Swish was the previous name of this tool.

  1. Rename your Swish directories to SPX
  2. Untap the previous Homebrew tap: brew untap fullqueuedeveloper/swish
  3. Tap the current Homebrew tap: brew tap fullqueuedeveloper/fullqueuedeveloper
  4. Install SPX: brew install spx


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Last updated: Sun Mar 02 2025 20:10:21 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)