

Straightforward Core Data integration for SwiftUI.


Straightforward Core Data integration and usage with SwiftUI.

What's with the name?

A bunker is a place where you stockpile a bunch of stuff, kind of like a chipmunk or a squirrel.


Because of the complexities of Core Data Models inside of app bundles, you can install this package manually or in the same target as your data model using Swift Package Manager.

To manually install, simply add the contents of the Sources folder to your target. To install via SPM, add the .git URL to your Xcode Project's "Swift Packages" list.


Additional documentation coming soon.

Thank You

A huge thank you to @Whiffer, who originally wrote the base of most of the code in this repository (see the original project here). This project is slightly different in that it aims to modularize the codebase, make it extensible, and more usable for others.


  • Swift Tools 5.3.0
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Last updated: Fri Mar 07 2025 04:25:54 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)