A SwiftUI package to quickly build app walkthroughs.
This is some code I extracted from my app Rex Tables — the demo app in this repo is the original Rex Tables walkthrough.
MarkWalkthrough uses a list of images, text and transitions and displays a walkthrough window letting the user navigate through the "slides".
You define the walkthrough slides in Markdown like so:
| image | sticker | stickerOffset | stickerScale | transition | text |
| -------------- | -------- | ------------- | ------------ | ------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Icon_256x256 | | | | swoosh,vanish | Welcome to Rex Tables! Rex allows you to work with ad-hoc spreadsheets generated on-the-fly from your text files. Click the arrows to advance |
| app-window-1 | | | | skid, | This is the Rex Tables window — write a regex at the top, the app finds matches in the source text and displays an interactive spreadsheet at the bottom |
A simple demo app could look like this:
struct DemoAppApp: App {
let viewModel = try! MarkWalkthroughModel(
from: Bundle.main.url(forResource: "Walkthrough", withExtension: "md")!
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
MarkWalkthroughWindow(viewModel: viewModel, closeAction: {})
.frame(width: 650, height: 500, alignment: .top)
MarkWalkthrough builds a view with the given slide image and text and optionally adds a sticker, if defined:
Use the package directly in Xcode or via SwiftPM.
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/icanzilb/MarkWalkthrough", from: "0.6.0"),
MIT License, Marin Todorov (2023)