

Swift Diff

What's New

Multi-section diffing!


The Good News

One of the most common feature requests since Dwifft launched has been the ability to more easily manage UITableView/UICollectionViews with multiple sections. I am beyond pleased to announce that Dwifft 0.6 gains this feature! This is done by modeling your data with a new struct titled SectionedValues<Section, Value>. SectionedValues is akin to an ordered dictionary - it contains an array of tuples, where the first element in the tuple represents the section itself, and the second element is an array of elements that should be contained at that section. If you were mapping this to, say, the Contacts app, you might imagine each Section would be a letter of the alphabet, and the Values for each Section would be the contacts whose name started with that letter. SectionedValues can be a little annoying to construct, so they have some convenience initializers that can make that easier - you should read their documentation for more info.

TableViewDiffCalculator and CollectionViewDiffCalculator have been updated to reflect this. Instead of setting their rows property to an array, you now set their sectionedValues property to a, you guessed it, instance of SectionedValues. This will now make calls to insertSections and deleteSections as well as insert{Rows|Items} and delete{Rows|Items} on your view. If you'd like to see this all in action, look at the example app, which has been updated to use all the new APIs.

There's some other good stuff in this release too. Dwifft is now tested with SwiftCheck, which yields much stronger guarantees around the correctness of the underlying diff algorithm. Dwifft 0.6 is also much faster and memory-efficient (like, an order of magnitude). I've also really beefed up the documentation - it's now autogenerated with jazzy and I'm pleased to say has 100% documentation coverage.

All of this was really hard to accomplish, especially in a way that didn't have garbage performance. I don't know of another diffing library that supports multi-section changes! I want to thank everyone who gave their feedback on the design and implementation.

The Bad News

Dwifft 0.6 has breaking changes. Sorry not sorry, this is a pre-1.0 library (even though it's like 2 years old) and I'm still settling on its shape. Notably, I have removed or slightly changed several types and methods.

  • TableViewDiffCalculator and CollectionViewDiffCalculator now use the aforementioned sectionedValues property instead of rows. If you would like the old behavior back, for the purposes of migrating, use SingleSectionTableViewDiffCalculator/SingleSectionCollectionViewDiffCalculator, which behave ~identically to how TableViewDiffCalculator/CollectionViewDiffCalculator used to work.
  • Array.diff(otherArray) has been deprecated (extensions like that are bad). To do this you should now call Dwifft.diff(array1, array2) instead, which behaves exactly the same way.
  • The Diff struct has been removed - calls to diff now just return an array of DiffSteps (Diff was just a thin wrapper around this array, and is no longer necessary).
  • The LCS methods have been removed (if you don't know what I'm talking about, this doesn't affect you). These were mostly just useful for bootstrapping the original diff algorithm. If you were using them for something (I sort of doubt anyone was), drop me a line and we can spin them off into a separate library.

If you're having trouble migrating, drop me a line and I'll help.

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In 10 seconds

Dwifft is a small Swift library that tells you what the "diff" is between two collections, namely, the series of "edit operations" required to turn one into the other. It also comes with UIKit bindings, to automatically, animatedly keep a UITableView/UICollectionView in sync with a piece of data by making the necessary row/section insertion/deletion calls for you as the data changes.

Longer version

Dwifft is a Swift library that does two things. The first thing sounds interesting but perhaps only abstractly useful, and the other thing is a very concretely useful thing based off the first thing.

The first thing (found in Dwifft.swift) is an algorithm that calculates the diff between two collections using the Longest Common Subsequence method. If this kind of thing is interesting to you, there's a pretty great paper on diffing algorithms: http://www.xmailserver.org/diff2.pdf

The second thing (found in Dwifft+UIKit.swift) is a series of diff calculators for UITableViews and UICollectionViews. Let's say you have a UITableView that's backed by a simple array of values (like a list of names, e.g. ["Alice", "Bob", "Carol"]. If that array changes (maybe Bob leaves, and is replaced by Dave, so our list is now ["Alice, "Carol", "Dave"]), we'll want to update the table. The easiest way to do this is by calling reloadData on it. This has a couple of downsides: the transition isn't animated, and it'll cause your user to lose their scroll position if they've scrolled the table. The nicer way is to use the insertRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation and deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation methods on UITableView, but this requires you to figure out which index paths have changed in your array (in our example, you'd have to figure out that the row at index 1 should be removed, and a new row should be inserted at index 2 should then be added). If only we had a way to diff the previous value of our array with it's new value. Wait a minute.

When you wire up a TableViewDiffCalculator to your UITableView (or a CollectionViewDiffCalculator to your UICollectionView, it'll automatically calculate diffs and trigger the necessary animations on it whenever you change its sectionedValues property. Neat, right? Notably, as of Dwifft 0.6, Dwifft will also figure out section insertions and deletions, as well as how to efficiently insert and delete rows across different sections, which is just so massively useful if you have a multi-section table. If you're currently using a <0.6 version of Dwifft and want to do this, read the 0.6 release notes.

Even longer version

Learn more about the history of Dwifft, and how it works, in this exciting video of a talk recorded at the Brooklyn Swift meetup in March 2017.

Why you should use Dwifft

  • Dwifft is useful - it can help you build a substantially better user experience if you have table/collection views with dynamic content in your app.
  • Dwifft is safe - there is some non-trivial index math inside of this diff algorithm that is easy to screw up. Dwifft has 100% test coverage on all of its core algorithms. Additionally, all of Dwifft's core functionality is tested with SwiftCheck, meaning it has been shown to behave correctly under an exhausting set of inputs and edge cases.
  • Dwifft is fast - a lot of time has been spent making Dwifft considerably (many orders of magnitude) faster than a naïve implementation. It almost certainly won't be the bottleneck in your UI code.
  • Dwifft is small - Dwifft believes (to the extent that a software library can "believe" in things) in the unix philosophy of small, easily-composed tools. It's unopinionated and flexible enough to fit into most apps, and leaves a lot of control in your hands as a developer. As such, you can probably cram it into your app in less than 5 minutes. Also, because it's small, it can actually achieve nice goals like 100% test and documentation coverage.

How to get started

  • First, you should take a look at the example app, to get a feel for how Dwifft is meant to be used.
  • Next, you should just sit down and read the entire documentation - it will take you <10 minutes, and you'll leave knowing everything there is to know about Dwifft.
  • Then, install Dwifft via cocoapods or carthage or whatever people are using these days.
  • Then get to Dwiffing.


Contributions are welcome, with some caveats - please read the contributing guidelines before opening a PR to avoid wasting both our time.

Ok, that's it, there's nothing more here.


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Last updated: Tue Jan 14 2025 07:36:00 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)