


What's New



What's Changed

  • Move package-dependencies related code to separate SpeziLicense package by @NikolaiMadlener in #1

New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/StanfordSpezi/SpeziLicense/commits/0.1.0


Build and Test

Provides a view that renders a list of all package dependecies used in the project.

Screenshot showing the ContributionsList. Screenshot showing the ContributionsList.
A ContributionsList rendered in the Spezi Template Application.


The Spezi License module provides a quick way to inform users about the tools and packages you have leveraged in your project including their license information. You use the ContributionsList abstraction within your views to visualize a list of all Swift package dependecies used in your Xcode project.

This package builds on Felix Hermann's' SwiftPackageList library under the hood.


1. Add Spezi License and Swift Package List as a Dependency.

You need to add the SpeziLicense and SwiftPackageList Swift package to your app in Xcode or Swift package.

2. Add the SwiftPackageListPlugin to your Xcode Project

Add the SwiftPackageListPlugin to the "Run Build Tool Plug-ins" in your Build Phases settings of your Xcode project as described in the SwiftPackageList documentation.


Contributions List

The ContributionsList allows you to render a list containing all used Swift packages in your Xcode project including license infromation. The code example below showcases how to render a simple list view with all used package dependencies.

import SpeziLicense
import SwiftUI

struct ExamplePackageDependenciesView: View {

    var body: some View {
        ContributionsList(projectLicense: .mit)


Contributions to this project are welcome. Please make sure to read the contribution guidelines and the contributor covenant code of conduct first.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See Licenses for more information.

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  • Swift Tools 5.9.0
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Last updated: Fri Feb 21 2025 11:00:08 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)