Library for common enhancements to the Swift language developed by Apple
Create a common library of helpful extensions and classes that many developers use. This would allow us to use more advanced features while maintaining readability. You are encouraged to submit pull requests or issues with additional features that we can discuss to see if they should be added.
- Run
git submodle add external/SwiftPlusPlus
- Drag 'SwiftPlusPlus.xcodeproj' into your project
- Add
import SwiftPlusPlus
to the top of any file you would like to use this library in
Note: With this installation you will not be able to access extensions to Array and Dictionary as there is a limitation in Swift that will not allow extensions to generic types from frameworks. To get around this, you can link SwiftPlusPlus files directly into your main target.
Returns a string by repeating it 'times' times
var aString = "Hello ".repeat(3)
println(aString) // "Hello Hello Hello "
Return a new dictionary with mapped values for each key and value
var foods = [
"fruit": ["Apple", "Cantelope", "Strawberry"],
"meat": ["Steak", "Chicken"],
var foodsStartingWithC = { $1.filter { $0.hasPrefix("C") } }
println(foodsStartingWithC) // ["meat": ["Chicken"], "fruit": ["Cantelope"]]
Merge two dictionaries together of the same type
var dict1 = ["Apples": 2, "Oranges": 3]
var dict2 = ["Apples": 3, "Cantaloupe": 1]
dict1.merge(with: dict2, by: +) // ["Oranges": 3, "Cantaloupe": 1, "Apples": 5]
Checks if the array contains a value that passes the given test
var numbers = [1,2,3,4,5]
numbers.containsObjectPassingTest({$0 > 3}) // true
Returns the index of the first element passing the given test or nil if not found
var numbers = [1,2,3,4,5]
numbers.containsObjectPassingTest({$0 > 3}) // 3
numbers.containsObjectPassingTest({$0 > 5}) // nil
A type safe, closure based event center modeled after NSNotificationCenter. Every event is guaranteed
to be unique by the compiler because it is based off of a custom subclass that implements EventType.
That protocol simply requires that the event define a typealias for the parameter to be passed to
registered closures. That type can be void
, a single type, or a multiple types by using a tuple.
Because the EventCenter is type safe, when registering a callback, the types specified by the event
can be inferred and enforced by the compiler.
See the EventCenter.swift file for more details.
Generic class that allows registration of multiple callbacks
See the MultiCallback.swift file for more details.
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