

Language Server Protocol (LSP) client for Swift

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  • Update refactoring of removed param label by @koliyo in #13

Full Changelog: 0.7.1...0.8.0

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This is a Swift library for abstracting and interacting with language servers that implement the Language Server Protocol. It is built on top of the LanguageServerProtocol library.

General Design

This library is all based around the ServerConnection protocol from LanguageServerProtocol. The idea is to wrap up and expose progressively more-complex behavior. This helps to keep things manageable, while also offering lower-complexity types for less-demanding needs. It was also just the first thing I tried that worked out reasonably well.

Because all the types here conform to ServerConnection, lots of their functionality is covered by LanguageServerProtocol's documentation. This includes getting access to server events via eventSequence.


The raw communication between server and client is handled by the DataChannel type from the JSONRPC package. This package includes two that may already suit your needs:

  • DataChannel.localProcessChannel: running a server locally on the same machine
  • DataChannel.userScriptDirectory: uses NSUserUnixTask for user application script support to better integrate with sandboxed processes

When making a custom DataChannel, its really important to ensure that all data passes in both directions, including the LSP-specific framing information. The framing looks like HTTP headers, and can seem out of place.


Setting correct environment variables is often critical for a language server. An executable on macOS will not inherent the user's shell environment. Capturing shell environment variables is tricky business. Despite its name, ProcessInfo.processInfo.userEnvironment captures the process environment, not the user's.

If you need help here, check out ProcessEnv.

Message Ordering

The Language Server protocol is stateful. Some message types are order-dependent. This is something you must be aware of when working with async methods. I have found a queue to be essential. Here's one, if you find yourself looking.


Local Process

This is how you run a local server with not extra functionality. It uses an extension on the JSONRPC DataChannel type to start up and communicate with a long-running process.

// Set up parameters to launch the server process
let params = Process.ExecutionParameters(
    path: "/path/to/server-executable",
    arguments: [],
    environment: ProcessInfo.processInfo.userEnvironment

// create a DataChannel to handle communication
let channel = try DataChannel.localProcessChannel(
    parameters: params,
    terminationHandler: { print("terminated") }

// finally, make a server you can interact with
let server = JSONRPCServerConnection(dataChannel: channel)


Server wrapper that provides automatic initialization. This takes care of the protocol initialization handshake, and does so lazily, on first message.

import LanguageClient
import LanguageServerProtocol
import Foundation

let executionParams = Process.ExecutionParameters(
    path: "/usr/bin/sourcekit-lsp",
    environment: ProcessInfo.processInfo.userEnvironment

let channel = try DataChannel.localProcessChannel(
    parameters: executionParams,
    terminationHandler: { print("terminated") }

let localServer = JSONRPCServerConnection(dataChannel: channel)

let docURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/path/to/your/test.swift")
let projectURL = docURL.deletingLastPathComponent()

let provider: InitializingServer.InitializeParamsProvider = {
    // you may need to fill in more of the textDocument field for completions
    // to work, depending on your server
    let capabilities = ClientCapabilities(workspace: nil,
                                          textDocument: nil,
                                          window: nil,
                                          general: nil,
                                          experimental: nil)

    // pay careful attention to rootPath/rootURI/workspaceFolders, as different servers will
    // have different expectations/requirements here
    return InitializeParams(processId: Int(ProcessInfo.processInfo.processIdentifier),
                            locale: nil,
                            rootPath: nil,
                            rootUri: projectURL.path(percentEncoded: false),
                            initializationOptions: nil,
                            capabilities: capabilities,
                            trace: nil,
                            workspaceFolders: nil)

let server = InitializingServer(server: localServer, initializeParamsProvider: provider)

Task {
    let docContent = try String(contentsOf: docURL)

    let doc = TextDocumentItem(
        uri: docURL.absoluteString,
        languageId: .swift,
        version: 1,
        text: docContent

    let docParams = DidOpenTextDocumentParams(textDocument: doc)

    try await server.textDocumentDidOpen(params: docParams)

    // make sure to pick a reasonable position within your test document
    let pos = Position(line: 5, character: 25)
    let completionParams = CompletionParams(
        uri: docURL.absoluteString,
        position: pos,
        triggerKind: .invoked,
        triggerCharacter: nil

    let completions = try await server.completion(params: completionParams)

    print("completions: ", completions)


Server wrapper that provides transparent server-side state restoration should the underlying process crash. It uses InitializingServer internally. Using this type is the most-involved, because it needs to be able to query the current state of the project editor to do its state restoration.

import LanguageClient
import LanguageServerProtocol
import JSONRPC

typealias MyRestartingServer = RestartingServer<JSONRPCServerConnection>

let executionParams = Process.ExecutionParameters(
    path: "/usr/bin/sourcekit-lsp",
    environment: ProcessInfo.processInfo.userEnvironment

let projectURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "path/to/open/project")

let serverProvider: MyRestartingServer.ServerProvider = {
    let channel = try DataChannel.localProcessChannel(
        parameters: executionParams,
        terminationHandler: { print("terminated") }

    return JSONRPCServerConnection(dataChannel: channel)

let openDocumentProvider: MyRestartingServer.TextDocumentItemProvider = { uri in
    // you will have to use the provided uri to look up the actual content of the real document
    return TextDocumentItem(
        uri: uri,
        languageId: "swift",
        version: 1,
        text: "contents of file"

let paramProvider: InitializingServer.InitializeParamsProvider = {
    // most of these are placeholders, you will probably need more configuration
    let capabilities = ClientCapabilities(
        workspace: nil,
        textDocument: nil,
        window: nil,
        general: nil,
        experimental: nil

    return InitializeParams(
        processId: Int(ProcessInfo.processInfo.processIdentifier),
        locale: nil,
        rootPath: nil,
        rootUri: projectURL.path(percentEncoded: false),
        initializationOptions: nil,
        capabilities: capabilities,
        trace: nil,
        workspaceFolders: nil

let config = MyRestartingServer.Configuration(
    serverProvider: serverProvider,
    textDocumentItemProvider: openDocumentProvider,
    initializeParamsProvider: paramProvider

let server = MyRestartingServer(configuration: config)


An AsyncSequence that uses FS events and glob patterns to handle DidChangeWatchedFiles. It is available only for macOS.

Responding to Events

You can respond to server events using eventSequence. Be careful here as some servers require responses to certain requests. It is also potentially possible that not all request types have been mapped in the ServerRequest type from LanguageServerProtocol.

Task {
    for await event in server.eventSequence {
        print("receieved event:", event)
        switch event {
        case let .request(id: id, request: request):
            print("dropping notification/error")

Suggestions or Feedback

We'd love to hear from you! Get in touch via an issue or pull request.

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.


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Last updated: Mon Mar 03 2025 11:31:44 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)