

Simple BDD for iOS

What's New

The rule of three


Or "every set of three is complete" (read more)

  • [added] Upgrade Kiwi to Xcode 9.2 🎉 (Huge thanks to @SergeyKuryanov 🙇)
  • [changed] Rename any helper to kw_any. This is a breaking change and you will have to update your tests accordingly.
  • [fixed] Release retained resources held by the verifiers (#667)
  • [fixed] Avoid initializing classes when registering matchers (#649)
  • [added] Support assertions from XCTest, Expecta and Nimble (#671, #636)
  • [changed] Rename -[KWNotificationMatcher bePostedWithObject:andUserInfo:] to -bePostedWithObject:userInfo: (#663). This is a breaking change and you will have to update your tests accordingly.
  • [fixed] Other minor fixes and improvements (#647, #610, #661, #663, #628)

Thanks @glentregoning, @samkrishna, @mhallendal, @ericbuehl, @yas375, @aspcartman, @tonyarnold, @sharplet and @orta 👏

Install via CocoaPods or Carthage.


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Kiwi: Simple BDD for iOS

Build Status

Kiwi is a Behavior Driven Development library for iOS development. The goal is to provide a BDD library that is exquisitely simple to setup and use.


The idea behind Kiwi is to have tests that are more readable than what is possible with the bundled test framework.

Tests (or rather specs) are written in Objective-C and run within the comfort of Xcode to provide a test environment that is as unobtrusive and seamless as possible in terms of running tests and error reporting.

Specs look like this:

describe(@"Team", ^{
    context(@"when newly created", ^{
        it(@"has a name", ^{
            id team = [Team team];
            [[ should] equal:@"Black Hawks"];

        it(@"has 11 players", ^{
            id team = [Team team];
            [[[team should] have:11] players];


The Kiwi Wiki is the official documentation source.

Getting it

To install via CocoaPods, add this to your Podfile:

pod "Kiwi"

Or via Carthage, add this to Cartfile.private:

github "kiwi-bdd/Kiwi"


For all the questions / suggestions you have, that aren't bug reports please use our Google Group


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Last updated: Fri Mar 07 2025 08:30:36 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)