

InAppTools is a library written in Swift that let's you easily add mobile users to your mailing lists.

What's New




  • New unsubscribe method added


CocoaPods compatible License: MIT

InAppTools is a library written in Swift that let's you easily add mobile users to your mailing lists.


To use InAppTools, you'll first need to generate an APIKEY. To generate one, sign into and select Profile. Then, under "API Keys", click "New API Key" and follow the instructions.


  • Xcode 14 / Swift 5.7
  • iOS >= 15.0
  • macOS >= 12.0


For all the following examples, import the library beforehand:

import InAppTools

Adding a user to your mailing list

To get the id of your mailing list, sign into and copy the List ID of your mailing list.

Once the user has entered their email address, you can subscribe them to a mailing list with:

let member = try await MailingList(apiKey: apiKey).subscribe(listId: listId, email: email)

If the subscribe method throws an exception, the most likely causes are an incorrect apiKey, or an incorrect listId. Calling subscribe with an email that is already subscribed to your mailing list will not cause an error.

The returned member is a struct with a copy of the saved attributes, along with a uuid attribute. Save this somewhere if you want to later offer the user the ability to unsubscribe

Adding a user with additional attributes

There are a number of optional attributes that you can add to a subscription call:

let member = try await MailingList(apiKey: apiKey).subscribe(listId: listId, email: email, firstName: firstName, lastName: lastName, name: name, fields: fields, tags: tags)
  • firstName, lastName, name: some mailing list platforms deal differently with a first / last name versus a full name. Prompt the user for whatever suits your mailing list platform and omit the rest.
  • fields: a set of key, value pairs that can be used to segment the users later.
  • tags: a set of "tags" that should be associated with this user.

The returned member is a struct with a copy of the saved attributes, along with a uuid attribute. Save this somewhere if you want to later offer the user the ability to unsubscribe

Unsubscribing a user from your mailing list

let member = try await mailingList.unsubscribe(listId: listId, uuid: uuid)

Unsubscribing a user does not delete their record on the server - it simply marks them as 'unsubscribed' on the mailing list platform. To re-subscribe them, call the subscribe function again.


Swift Package Manager

To install InAppTools using Swift Package Manager using Xcode:

  1. In Xcode, select "File" -> "Add Package Dependencies..."
  2. Enter

or you can add the following dependency to your Package.swift:

.package(url: "", from: "0.1.0")


Add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'InAppTools'

Release Notes

See for a list of changes.

Reporting Issues

If you should hit any issues while using InAppTools, we appreciate bug reports on GitHub Issues.


InAppTools is available under the MIT license. See for more info.


  • Swift Tools 5.7.0
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Last updated: Mon Oct 21 2024 18:34:44 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)