

SwiftUI view displaying a circular progress with an integrated cancel functionality.

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CancelableCircularProgressView for SwiftUI

CancelableCircularProgressView is a SwiftUI view that combines a circular progress indicator with a cancel (stop) icon overlay. This can be useful in scenarios where you want to indicate an ongoing process that the user has the option to stop or cancel.


  • Customizable line width of the progress circle.
  • Customizable size for the cancel (stop) icon.
  • Supports changing the background and foreground colors of the progress circle.
  • Built with native SwiftUI components for smooth integration and animations.


  • iOS 13.0 or later
  • SwiftUI


@State private var progress: Double = 0.0

CancelableCircularProgressView(value: progress)

This initializes a CancelableCircularProgressView with a 50% progress. The view will use default parameters for line width, icon size, and colors.

See Preview for CancelableCircularProgressView for actual use case.


You can customize the CancelableCircularProgressView by using the following parameters:

  • value: The progress value which ranges from 0.0 (no progress) to 1.0 (full progress).
  • lineWidth: The thickness of the progress circle line.
  • iconSize: The size for the cancel (stop) icon.
  • backgroundColor: The color of the base circle (which shows the max possible progress).
  • foregroundColor: The color of the actual progress.

For example:

    value: 0.75, 
    lineWidth: 10, 
    iconSize: 50, 
    backgroundColor: .red, 
    foregroundColor: .blue

Implementation Details

The component is made up of two primary views:

  1. CircularProgressView: This view is responsible for rendering the actual circular progress. It uses the SwiftUI Circle shape, combined with modifiers and animations to achieve the desired progress effect.

  2. CancelableCircularProgressView: This is the main view that combines CircularProgressView with an overlay of a cancel (stop) icon. It utilizes a ZStack to layer the progress circle and the stop icon.


  • Swift Tools 5.9.0
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Last updated: Sat Mar 16 2024 05:48:54 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)