A swift package for interacting with mountebank.
The package currently supports the following:
- Creating Http Imposters
- Removing all created imposters
- Retrieving all created imposters
- Retrieving a Http Imposter including request information
Currently being planned / developed are:
- Creating helpers to make creating request and response bodies easier
- Creating a
to make it easier to track requests.
To add mountebankSwift to an Xcode project, follow the instructions here.
To include mountebankSwift in a swift package, it will need to be set up as a package dependency:
// swift-tools-version: 5.7
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "ExamplePackage",
products: [
name: "ExamplePackage",
targets: ["ExamplePackage"]),
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/dave-t-c/mountebankSwift.git", revision: "0.1")
targets: [
name: "ExamplePackage"),
name: "ExamplePackageTests",
dependencies: [
To create a http imposter, you need to create the http stub as detailed below.
Please note - the request / response bodies need to be passed in as JSON strings for now, however this will be improved in a later version
func createHttpImposter() async throws {
let exampleRequestBody: SimpleRequestBody = SimpleRequestBody(
exampleInt: 2,
exampleBool: false,
exampleString: "test")
let jsonRequestData: Data = try JSONEncoder().encode(exampleRequestBody)
let jsonRequestBodyString = String(data: jsonRequestData, encoding: .utf8)
let predicateHttpFields = HttpFields(
path: "/v1/test",
method: .POST,
body: jsonRequestBodyString)
let equalsPredicate = EqualsPredicate(equals: predicateHttpFields)
let predicates = [equalsPredicate]
let expectedStatusCode: Int = 201
let httpResponseFields = HttpResponseFields(statusCode: expectedStatusCode)
let response = IsResponse(isResponse: httpResponseFields)
let responses = [response]
let httpStub = HttpStub(predicates: predicates, responses: responses)
let httpStubs = [httpStub]
let mountebankClient = MountebankClient(mountebankUrl: "http://localhost:2525")
try await mountebankClient.createHttpImposterAsync(port: 2526, stubs: httpStubs)
This is similar to the above, however you can pass in response headers / response body that are otherwise optional.
func createHttpImposter() async throws {
let predicateHttpFields = HttpFields(
path: "/v1/test",
method: .GET)
let equalsPredicate = EqualsPredicate(equals: predicateHttpFields)
let predicates = [equalsPredicate]
let expectedResponse: [Int] = [1, 2, 3]
let bodyData = try JSONEncoder().encode(expectedResponse)
let bodyJsonString = String(data: bodyData, encoding: .utf8)
let responseHeaders = ["content-Type": "application/json"]
let expectedStatusCode: Int = 200
let httpResponseFields = HttpResponseFields(
statusCode: expectedStatusCode,
headers: responseHeaders,
body: bodyJsonString)
let response = IsResponse(isResponse: httpResponseFields)
let responses = [response]
let httpStub = HttpStub(predicates: predicates, responses: responses)
let httpStubs = [httpStub]
let mountebankClient = MountebankClient(mountebankUrl: "http://localhost:2525")
try await mountebankClient.createHttpImposterAsync(port: 2526, stubs: httpStubs)
To remove all created imposters on a given port, use:
func removeCreatedImposters() async throws {
let mountebankClient = MountebankClient(mountebankUrl: "http://localhost:2525")
try await mountebankClient.deleteImposterAsync(port: 2526)
To retrieve all of the imposters that have been created, use:
func retrieveCreatedImposters() async throws {
let mountebankClient = MountebankClient(mountebankUrl: "http://localhost:2525")
let retrievedImposters = try await mountebankClient.retrieveCreatedImpostersAsync()
For each imposter, this will return the port
, protocol
and numberOfRequests
Please note: requests are not currently recorded but this will be included in a later version.
To retrieve a specifc Http imposter from a given port, use:
func retrieveHttpImposter() async throws {
let mountebankClient = MountebankClient(mountebankUrl: "http://localhost:2525")
let retrievedImposter = try await mountebankClient.retrieveHttpImposterAsync(port: 2526)
This will include detail for all requests made to this imposter.