π¨. PixelColor is a pixel color extension with Swift and SwiftUI.
iOS Target | macOS Target | Xcode Version | Swift Version |
iOS 10.0+ | macOS 10.13+ | Xcode 10.0+ | Swift 5.0+ |
Creation (Hex String)
Firstly, Provides useful initializers to create colors using hex strings or values:
let color = UIColor.init(hex: "#3498DB")
// equivalent to
// color = UIColor.init(hex: 0x3498DB)
To be platform independent, the typealias CrossPlatformColor
can also be used:
let color = CrossPlatformColor.init(hex: "#3498DB")
// On iOS, WatchOS or tvOS, equivalent to
// color = UIColor.init(hex: "#3498DB")
// On OSX, equivalent to
// color = NSColor.init(hex: "#3498DB")
You can also retrieve the RGBA value and components very easily using multiple methods like toHex
, toRGBA
, etc.
From the v5, Also support basic methods to create and manipulate colors with SwiftUI.
let color = Color.init(hex: "#3498DB")
Darken & Lighten
These two create a new pixel color by adjusting the lightness of the receiver.
let pixel = PixelColor.init(hex: "#C0392B")
let lighter = pixel.lighter()
// equivalent to
// lighter = pixel.lighter(amount: 0.2)
let darker = pixel.darkened()
// equivalent to
// darker = pixel.darker(amount: 0.2)
Saturate, Desaturate & Grayscale
These will adjust the saturation of the pixel color object, much like darkened
and lighter
adjusted the lightness.
Again, you need to use a value between 0 and 1.
let pixel = PixelColor.init(hex: "#C0392B")
let saturated = pixel.saturated()
// equivalent to
// saturated = pixel.saturated(amount: 0.2)
let desaturated = pixel.desaturated()
// equivalent to
// desaturated = pixel.desaturated(amount: 0.2)
// equivalent to
// let grayscaled = pixel.grayscaled(mode: .weighted)
let grayscaled = pixel.grayscaled()
Adjust Hue & Complement
These adjust the hue value of the color in the same way like the others do. Again, it takes a value between 0 and 1 to update the value.
let pixel = PixelColor.init(hex: "#C0392B")
// Hue values are in degrees
let adjustHue = pixel.adjustedHue(amount: 45)
let complemented = pixel.complemented()
// equivalent to
// complemented = pixel.adjustedHue(amount: 180)
Tint & Shade
A tint is the mixture of a pixel color with white and a shade is the mixture of a pixel color with black.
Again, it takes a value between 0 and 1 to update the value.
let pixel = PixelColor.init(hex: "#C0392B")
let tinted = pixel.tinted()
// equivalent to
// tinted = pixel.tinted(amount: 0.2)
let shaded = pixel.shaded()
// equivalent to
// shaded = pixel.shaded(amount: 0.2)
This can invert the pixel color object. The red, green, and blue values are inverted, while the opacity is left alone.
let pixel = PixelColor.init(hex: "#C0392B")
let inverted = pixel.inverted()
This can mix a given pixel color with the receiver.
It takes the average of each of the RGB components, optionally weighted by the given percentage (value between 0 and 1).
let pixel = PixelColor.init(hex: "#C0392B")
let mixed = pixel.mixed(other: .blue)
// equivalent to
// mixed = pixel.mixed(weight: 0.5, other: .blue)
// or
// mixed = pixel.mixed(in: .rgb, weight: 0.5, other: .blue)
- If you want to import PixelColor module, you need in your Podfile:
pod 'PixelColor'
Swift Package Manager
Swift Package Manager is a tool for managing the distribution of Swift code. Itβs integrated with the Swift build system to automate the process of downloading, compiling, and linking dependencies.
Xcode 11+ is required to build PixelColor using Swift Package Manager.
To integrate PixelColor into your Xcode project using Swift Package Manager, add it to the dependencies value of your Package.swift
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/yangKJ/PixelColor.git", branch: "master"),
The general process is almost like this, the Demo is also written in great detail, you can check it out for yourself.π·
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About the author
- π· E-mail address: yangkj310@gmail.com π·
- πΈ GitHub address: yangKJ πΈ
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PixelColor is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.