Voximplant iOS SDK Swift PM
This repository provides the access to the Voximplant iOS SDK for Swift Package Manager.
Voximplant iOS SDK is distributed as a binary packages (XCFramework) since 2.38.0.
Supported architectures:
- iphoneos: armv7, arm64
- iphonesimulator: i386, x86_64, arm64
Add Voximplant to your app in Xcode
- Open the project in Xcode
- Go to Files > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency
- Add this github repository ( .... )
- Select the SDK version
More information can be found in Apple Developer documentation
Add Voximplant to your package
To add Voximplant iOS SDK as a dependency of your package, declare it in dependencies
section of your Package.swift
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/voximplant/ios-sdk-releases.git", .upToNextMinor(from: "2.38.0"))
Version notice
Voximplant iOS SDK version does not fully conform to semantic versioning.
The backward compatibility is only garanteed for the patch version. Minor version change may include the API changes or a dependency update.
Check the Voximplant iOS SDK changelog before selecting a version requirement. It is recommended to use exact
or upToNextMinor