

Structured logging in Swift and Objective-C

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Structured logging in Swift and Objective-C

Beacon distinguishes itself from conventional logging systems by working with arbitrary values, not just strings, and doing away with severity levels in favor of type-based filtering.

This framework provides all the essentials for logging any value to the console, files and remote services. It also provides a broader support for buffered and stream-based logging, making it easy to implement custom logging facilities.

For more information:


Logging with Beacon happens by starting one or more loggers and emitting some values.

let consoleLogger = ConsoleLogger.starting(name: "Console")
emit("A message")

The above example is equivalent to printing a time-stamped message to the console, à la conventional logging systems. However, you are not limited to emitting strings - any value can be emitted:

do { 
	let result: MyThing = try something()
} catch { 
	emit(error: error) 

There is no need to specify debug levels - simply emit a value you're interested in. Beacon allows you to control what is being logged by means of filters and constraints.

In a nutshell...

let memoryLogger = MemoryLogger(name: "Memory")let consoleLogger = ConsoleLogger.starting(name: "Console") { 
②	$0 is StringSignal 

③ Constraint.activate {
	+ErrorSignal.self ~> memoryLogger

④ emit()

  do {
⑤ {
		let result = try something()
⑥		emit(result, on: [.shared], userInfo: ["detail": "Detail info"])
  catch {
⑦	emit(error: error)
⑧ consoleLogger.stop()
⑨ Constraint.enableAllSignals()

⓪ Creates an instance of MemoryLogger. This logger simply captures signals into an array, available via the recordings property. Notice that this logger isn't running yet.

① Creates and starts a ConsoleLogger. This logger simply prints a time-stamped debugDescription of the emitted value to the console, similar to how a conventional system logs messages. In contrast to the memory logger created in ⓪ - this logger is running and will log emitted signals. See Components for a list of available loggers.

② The console logger is set to filter out anything that is not a StringSignal - this is the object that actually gets logged when we call emit("with a string"). Different types of values are represented by different signal types, falling back to WrapperSignal for capturing arbitrary values. Signals are designed to be portable - meaning, they can be represented by remote systems. This makes it easy to adopt existing technologies. See Components for a list of available signals. You can easily create custom signal types for capturing specific types of values.

③ Control which signals are logged by what facilities by defining constraints. The first constraint disables logging of all types of signals, while the second - enables logging of ErrorSignals but only by the memoryLogger. By default Beacon enables logging of all types of signals - equivalent of +Signal.self as the sole constraint. See Filtering for more information on constraint-based filtering.

④ Calling emit() without a value logs curent context, including the stack trace leading to the call. This happens by creating and emitting an instance of ContextSignal. Beacon provides specialized signals for capturing information to help in symbolication of stack traces.

⑤ It is possible to perform one-shot logging - that is, starting the logger only for the duration of the passed block. It doesn't mean other running loggers won't handle emitted signals. In this example, the memoryLogger won't be doing any more logging outside of the given block.

⑥ Every form of emit() allows passing a list of Beacon objects on which to emit the resulting signal. Not specifying one implies a special shared beacon (accessible via Beacon.shared). It is also possible to pass along userInfo values, similar to how this is done with NSNotifications.

⑦ Emits an ErrorSignal, which captures the given error. Notice that this variant of emit() has a named argument. This is done for convenience as any object can be made to conform to Error. There is a difference between emit(anError) and emit(error: anError) - in the former case - a WrapperSignal is created, while in the latter case - an ErrorSignal is created.

⑧ Since we started the console logger in ①, we should stop it whenever we're done using it.

⑨ Restores constraints back to their defaults.


The framework provides the following building blocks:

Signal Description
ContextSignal Captures execution context at initialization site - e.g. name of containing method and a stack trace
ErrorSignal Captures an error and a stack trace that lead to it
StringSignal Captures a string - à la conventional logging systems
WrapperSignal Captures arbitrary value - be mindful of mutating values as some of the logging facilities may log at a later time
IdentitySignal Captures information about Beacon itself - such as version, current platform, architecture, etc
MachImageImportsSignal Captures addition and removal of MachO images - this is mainly to help with stack symbolication

Custom signals are typically implemented as subclasses of WrapperSignal as it provides some helpful machinery, otherwise subclass Signal itself.

Loggers Description
MemoryLogger Logs signals into an array of fixed size
ConsoleLogger Prints signals onto the console
JRPCLogger Sends signals to a JSON-RPC server (see Beacon-Server for a server implementation in Pharo)
FileLogger Logs signals to a file, with rotation support

Furthermore, there are a couple of abstract loggers:

  • StreamLogger writes out signals on an arbitrary OutputStream (e.g. FileLogger)
  • IntervalLogger provides buffered interface to writing out signals (e.g. JRPCLogger)

Stack Symbolication

A few signals, namely ErrorSignal and ContextSignal, capture stack traces that lead to the emission of the signal. In some cases, the binary may have its symbols stripped, and those stack traces will need to be symbolicated in order to make any sense of them. To help with that, Beacon uses two special signals: IdentitySignal and MachImageImportsSignal. The former captures the current running environment - operating system and processor architecture, while the latter captures insertion and removal of MachO images. Armed with both the architecture and load addresses of the binary and its dependencies it is possible to symbolicate those stack traces with a tool like atos.

Loggers can be configured to emit those signals:

let consoleLogger = ConsoleLogger(name: "Console")

// Will emit IdentitySignal when started
consoleLogger.identifiesOnStart = true

// Will emit MachImageImportsSignal for all loaded MachO images when started 
// and then track subsequently loaded and unloaded images 
consoleLogger.tracksMachImageImports = true



The framework supports both Swift and Objective-C. There are, however, a few language-specific differences between the two. When it comes to emitting signals in Objective-C, the following macros are defined for convenience:

// emit context signal
BeaconEmit(beacons, userInfo);

// emit value
BeaconEmit(someObject, beacons, userInfo);

// emit error
BeaconEmitError(someError, beacons, userInfo);

The beacons argument expects either NSArray<Beacon*>* or nil, implying the shared beacon object.

When it comes to emitting custom signals, you'd have to either provide your own macros, or use this flow:

MySignal *signal = [MySignal new];
BeaconEmitSignal(signal, on: arrayOfBeacons, userInfo: aUserInfoDictionary)

Xcode Goodies

You can find a code snippet to simplify creation of custom signals here. Add it to your existing collection of Xcode snippets, if you're into that sort of thing...


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Last updated: Sat Mar 08 2025 13:41:51 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)