SolicitReviewLibrary is a Swift package that manages the simple flow of the review solicitation process.
For any new version of your app, it will prompt the user to rate the app whenever it reaches the action threshold.
Currently, it is only enabled for iOS >= 14, and macOS >= 11
( to the Package Dependencies of your iOS or macOS app project. -
, and callSolicitReviewLibrary.appInit()
in the App module.
For example, in the ExampleApp
import SwiftUI
import SolicitReviewLibrary
struct ExampleApp: App {
init() {
SolicitReviewLibrary.appInit() // 0) Init for the app
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
- Call
on the UI where you would like to solicit reviews.
For example, after the user clicks the button 10 times, it will prompt to solicit a review.
import SwiftUI
import SolicitReviewLibrary
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var buttonTapped = false
let solicitReviewLibrary = SolicitReviewLibrary(checkpointCount: 10) // 1) Init
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("Button is \(buttonTapped ? "Tapped" : "Not Tapped")")
Button(action: {
solicitReviewLibrary.requestReview() // 2) Prompt for review
}) {
Text("Tap Me!")
- Build the app and test.
Replace idxxxxxxxxxxxx
with your app ID.
import SwiftUI
import SolicitReviewLibrary
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
if let reviewURL = SolicitReviewLibrary.getReviewURL(appStoreId: "idxxxxxxxxxxxx") {
Link(destination: reviewURL) {
Text("Rate This App 🙏")
It will direct to
In the Xcode console, look for debug lines with the tag [SolicitReviewLibrary]
when testing.
[SolicitReviewLibrary] Reset engagementCounter to 0
[SolicitReviewLibrary] Reset appVersionForStorage to 1.0.2
[SolicitReviewLibrary] count:1 currentVersion:1.0.2 lastVersionPromptedForReview:1.0.3
[SolicitReviewLibrary] count:2 currentVersion:1.0.2 lastVersionPromptedForReview:1.0.3