

Mangopay Checkout iOS SDK

What's New

Checkout Refined


Checkout iOS SDK


  • iOS 13+
  • Xcode 12.2
  • Swift 5.3+


Mangopay Checkout SDK can be installed via SPM(highly recommended) or Cocoapods.


  1. Open your Xcode project and go to File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency

  2. In the prompted dialog, enter the repository URL

  3. Select “checkout-ios-sdk” package by checking the corresponding checkbox

  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation

  5. In your project settings, under “General”, go to “Frameworks, Libraries and Embedded Content” and select the highlighted frameworks in the picture below.

    Screenshot 2023-09-21 at 5.19.23 PM.png

Creating a Card Registration

In your backend, create a Card Registration via the Mangopay API, using the Id of the end user as the UserId .

You must also define the currency and type of the card at this stage.


**POST** /v2.01/`ClientId`/cardregistrations
    "Tag": "Created with the Mangopay Vault SDK",
    "UserId": "142036728",
    "CardType": "CB_VISA_MASTERCARD",
    "Currency": "EUR"

See parameter details →

API response

    "Id": "193020188",
    "Tag": null,
    "CreationDate": 1686147148,
    "UserId": "193020185",
    "AccessKey": "1X0m87dmM2LiwFgxPLBJ",
    "PreregistrationData": "XBDYiG8w9PrylPS01KmupZunmK2QRHKIC-yUF6il3aIpAnKba1TGkR9VJe5lHjHt2ddFLVXdicolcUIkv_kKEA",
    "RegistrationData": null,
    "CardId": null,
    "CardType": "CB_VISA_MASTERCARD",
    "CardRegistrationURL": "",
    "ResultCode": null,
    "ResultMessage": null,
    "Currency": "EUR",
    "Status": "CREATED"

The data obtained in the response will be used in the CardRegistration configuration of of the Checkout.

Initialize the SDK

Initialize the SDK with your ClientId and select your environment (Sandbox or Production).

MangoPayCoreiOS.initialize(clientId: "<client_id>", environment: .sandbox)

Initialization parameters

Argument Type Description
clientId String MGPEnvironment
environment Environment Expected backend environment.

Default value: Environment.SANDBOX

Allowed values:Environment.SANDBOX, Environment.PRODUCTION |

Configure and present the PaymentSheet

  1. Create a Checkout Sheet instance in your ViewController

    var checkout: MGPPaymentSheet!
  2. Create a payment handler/ Callbacks

    let callback = CallBack(
         onPaymentMethodSelected: { paymentMethod in
         onTokenizationCompleted: { cardRegistration in
         }, onPaymentCompleted: {
         }, onCancelled: {
         onError: { error in
         onSheetDismissed: {
🚨 The Checkout has an integrated fraud profiler that performs background checks and collects data on the payer's device to assess transaction risk.

On successful card tokenization, the SDK provides a fraudProfilerId. When making a PayIn request, add this as ProfilingAttemptReference to enable fraud protection.

  1. Create a paymentMethodConfig object
let paymentConfig = PaymentMethodConfig(cardReg: cardRegObj)
  1. Initialize the PaymentSheet
checkout = MGPPaymentSheet.create(
       client: mgpClient,
       paymentMethodConfig: paymentConfig,
       handlePaymentFlow: false,
       branding: PaymentFormStyle(),
       callback: callback
  1. Present the payment Sheet
checkout.present(in: self)

PaymentMethodConfig Parameters

Card configuration parameters

Property Type Description
card MGPCardInfo Card Information Object
cardReg MGPCardRegistration Card Registration Object
applePayConfig MangopayApplePayConfig Apple pay payment configuration

Card Element

The Card Element offers a ready-made component that allows you to create your own card payment experience and tokenize card payment details. With our Card Element, you can easily incorporate a custom pay button and have control over the tokenization process.

When using Card Element, you still benefit from real-time card data validation, and the ability to customize the payment form.

1. Create an instance of the MangoPayCheckoutForm Payment Form

lazy var elementForm: MGPPaymentForm = {
        let form = MGPPaymentForm(
            paymentFormStyle: PaymentFormStyle(),
            supportedCardBrands: [.visa, .mastercard, .maestro]
        return form


Property Type Description
paymentFormStyle PaymentFormStyle Property for styling the payment form.
supportedCardBrands Array The supported card brands listed above the payment form.

2. Add payment form to your parent view and add the appropriate layout constraints


Using MangopayCheckoutForm with card tokenization

2.1 Create card Registration object as stated here

2.2 Call tokenizeCard() when desired (Example when pay button was clicked)

        form: elementForm,
        with: cardRegistration,
        presentIn: <presenting_view_controller>
    ) { respoonse, error in
      if let res = respoonse {
            //do something
      if let err = error {
          //do something


Property Type Description
form MangopayCheckoutForm payment form instance
(with) cardReg MGPCardRegistration Card registration object
viewController UIViewController
callBack typealias MangoPayTokenizedCallBack = ((TokenizedCardData?, MGPError?) -> ()) A callback that handles events of the payment form tokenization process


Property Type Description
card CardRegistration Tokenized Card object
fraud FraudData FraudData object


Property Type Description
provider String Fraud Data provider (usually Nethone)
attemptReference String Attempt Reference provided by Nethone

Handling ApplePay payment |



To use the Mangopay Checkout SDK to accept ApplePay, you’ll need to:

To accept Apple Pay payments with Mangopay PaymentSheet, when creating an instance of the Checkout class, you can optionally include a MangopayApplePayConfig object. This will display the ApplePay button in your payment form and handle the ApplePay tokenization process.

You will need to pass the ApplePay payment data provided by the Checkout to your Apple PayIn request from your backend.

For more information, please refer to the "PayIn with ApplePay" tutorial in the Mangopay documentation.

let applePayConfig = MangopayApplePayConfig(
          amount: 1,
          delegate: self,
          merchantIdentifier: "<merchant_id>",
          merchantCapabilities: .capability3DS,
          currencyCode: "<currency_code",
          countryCode: "<country_code",
          supportedNetworks: [

let paymentConfig = PaymentMethodConfig(cardReg: cardRegObj, applePayConfig: applePayConfig)

checkout = MGPPaymentSheet.create(
       client: mgpClient,
       paymentMethodConfig: paymentConfig,
       branding: PaymentFormStyle(),
       callback: callback

ApplePay parameters

Property Type Description Required
amount Double The amount being paid. Y
delegate MGPApplePayHandlerDelegate The event handler. Y
merchantIdentifier String The merchant identifier Y
merchantCapabilities PKMerchantCapability A bit field of the payment processing protocols and card types that you support. Y
currencyCode String The three-letter ISO 4217 currency code that determines the currency this payment request uses. Y
countryCode String The merchant’s two-letter ISO 3166 country code. Y
supportedNetworks Array The payment methods that you support. Y
requiredBillingContactFields Set N
billingContact PKContact N
shippingContact PKContact N
shippingType PKShippingType N
shippingMethods Array N
applicationData Data N
requiredShippingContactFields Set N

Handling ApplePay result

extension ViewController: MGPApplePayHandlerDelegate {

    func applePayContext(didSelect shippingMethod: PKShippingMethod, handler: @escaping (PKPaymentRequestShippingMethodUpdate) -> Void) {

    func applePayContext(didCompleteWith status: MangoPayApplePay.PaymentStatus, error: Error?) {

Process the payment

Making card pay-ins

You can use a registered card (CardId) for pay-ins with the following objects:

Making GooglePay pay-ins

Include Google PaymentData provided by the Checkout in your Google PayIn: PayIn with GooglePay

Managing cards

You can use the following endpoints to manage cards:

Related resources

Handle 3D Secure authentication (optional)

When you request a PayIn from your server, the response will contain a SecureModeNeeded field indicating if 3D Secure authentication is required by the payer.

To complete 3D Secure authentication, redirect shoppers to the authentication page using the 3DS Component. When the shopper returns to your app, make a GET **/v2.01/**ClientId**/<payInType>/**PayInId request from your server to verify the status of the payment.

You can find an example of handling 3DS redirect flow using our SDK in the file from the Mangopay iOS SDK examples.

⚠️ It is important that you call GET payIn from your backend (with respect to the payInType) to verify the status of the payment.

The success callback will provide you with a PayIn type and PayIn to make the request.

let _3dsVC = ThreeDSController(
      secureModeReturnURL: <"secure_mode_url">,
      secureModeRedirectURL: "secure_mode_redirect_url",
            transactionType: .cardDirect,
      onComplete: { result in
          switch result.status {
          case .SUCCEEDED:
                            //do something
          case .FAILED:
                            //do something
      }) { error in


3DS handler parameters

Property Type Description
secureModeReturnURL String
secureModeRedirectURL String
transactionType _3DSTransactionType Enum to handle the different types of calling the payin endpoint
onComplete (_3DSResult) -> () The 3DS handler will provide you with a payInId Call ViewPayIn
onError (Error?) -> () Callback that dissipates 3DS errors.


Property Description
cardDirect Direct PayIn endpoint preauthorizations/card/direct
preauthorized Card PreAuth
cardValidated Card Validation cards/{{card_id}}/validation


Property Type Description
status _3DSStatus Values (SUCCEEDED , FAILED)
type _3DSTransactionType
id String PayIn Id

Verify payment result

Present the payment result

Checkout Screen  -> Payment sheet -> Confirmation screen 

checkout = MGPPaymentSheet.create(
           paymentMethodConfig: paymentConfig,
           branding: PaymentFormStyle(),
           callback: CallBack(
               onTokenizationCompleted: { cardRegistration in
                                    **//dismiss the payment sheet**
                                    **//present the confirmation screen**
               onError: { error in
               onSheetDismissed: {

       checkout.present(in: self)

Customizing the Checkout


PaymentFormStyle is responsible for the the styling and customization of the checkout form


  • Swift Tools 5.6.0
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Last updated: Sun Dec 01 2024 05:46:15 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)