An CoreData Storage framework for working with Xcode Server. Depends on the XCServerAPI project for interacting with the API.
This project is being deprecated, and the work is being folded into a new framework. Checkout the 'XcodeServer' framework here
Provided the main interaction with the XCServerCoreData
Using all defaults:
// Reference the MOC
let moc = XCServerCoreData.sharedInstance.managedObjectContext
// Create a server reference
guard let server = XcodeServer(managedObjectContext: moc, fqdn: "test.example.com") else {
// Retrieve the bots
XCServerCoreData.syncBots(forXcodeServer: server, completion: { (error) in
if let e = error {
// Handle the error
// Perform post sync actions; A save() will have been performed on the MOC.
Other methods for the XcodeServer
entity include:
XCServerCoreData.ping(xcodeServer:, completion:)
XCServerCoreData.syncVersionData(xcodeServer:, completion:)
Methods for the Bot
entity include:
XCServerCoreData.syncBot(bot:, completion:)
XCServerCoreData.syncStats(bot:, completion:)
XCServerCoreData.triggerIntegration(bot:, completion:)
XCServerCoreData.syncIntegrations(bot:, completion:)
Methods for the Integration
entity include:
XCServerCoreData.syncIntegration(integration:, completion:)
XCServerCoreData.syncCommits(forIntegration:, completion:)
XCServerCoreData.syncIssues(forIntegration:, completion:)