What's New


  • Swift 6 updates
  • Allow to merge tiles with different coordinates, for some weird use cases
  • Various small improvements and tidying up


Mapbox vector tiles (MVT) reader/writer for Swift.


This package requires Swift 5.10 or higher (at least Xcode 14), and compiles on iOS (>= iOS 13), macOS (>= macOS 10.15), tvOS (>= tvOS 13), watchOS (>= watchOS 6) as well as Linux.

Installation with Swift Package Manager

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/Outdooractive/mvt-tools", from: "1.6.1"),
targets: [
    .target(name: "MyTarget", dependencies: [
        .product(name: "MVTTools", package: "mvt-tools"),

This package uses the gis-tools library, and is being used by the mvt-postgis library, please have a look at them as well.

Command line tool

You can install the command line tool mvt locally to /usr/local/bin with

# ./install_mvt.sh

# mvt -h
OVERVIEW: A utility for inspecting and working with vector tiles.

USAGE: mvt <subcommand>

  --version               Show the version.
  -h, --help              Show help information.

  dump (default)          Print the vector tile as GeoJSON
  info                    Print information about the vector tile
  merge                   Merge two or more vector tiles
  query                   Query the features in a vector tile
  export                  Export the vector tile as GeoJSON
  import                  Import some GeoJSONs to a vector tile

  See 'mvt help <subcommand>' for detailed help.


  • Load and write Mapnik Vector Tiles from/to disk or data objects (also handles gzipped input)
  • Export options: Zipped, buffered (in pixels or extents), simplified (in meters or extents)
  • Can dump a tile as a GeoJSON object
  • Supported projections: EPSG:4326, EPSG:3857 or none (uses the tile's coordinate space)
  • Fast search (supports indexing), either within a bounding box or with center and radius
  • Extract selected layers into a new tile
  • Merge two tiles into one
  • Can extract some infos from tiles like feature count, etc.
  • Command line tool



import MVTTools

// Load
let mvtData = Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: "14_8716_8015.vector.mvt"))!
let tile = VectorTile(data: mvtData, x: 8716, y: 8015, z: 14, indexed: .hilbert)!


let tileAsGeoJsonData: Data? = tile.toGeoJson(prettyPrinted: true)

let result = tile.query(at: Coordinate3D(latitude: 3.870163, longitude: 11.518585), tolerance: 100.0)


import MVTTools

var tile = VectorTile(x: 8716, y: 8015, z: 14)!
var feature = Feature(Point(Coordinate3D(latitude: 3.870163, longitude: 11.518585)))
feature.properties = [
    "test": 1,
    "test2": 5.567,
    "test3": [1, 2, 3],
    "test4": [
        "sub1": 1,
        "sub2": 2

tile.setFeatures([feature], for: "test")

// Also have a look at ``VectorTile.ExportOptions``
let tileData = tile.data()


On macOS you can use a Swift Playground to inspect the MVTTools API such as layerNames & projection.

  • Load tile using MVTTools
  • Inspect the properties of the VectorTile

mvt dump

Print the vector tile as GeoJSON.

mvt works with a vector tile from local disk.

Example 1: Print information about the MVTTools test vector tile at zoom 14, at Yaoundé, Cameroon.

mvt dump Tests/MVTToolsTests/TestData/14_8716_8015.vector.mvt

mvt info

mvt info Tests/MVTToolsTests/TestData/14_8716_8015.vector.mvt


Name               | Features | Points | LineStrings | Polygons | Unknown | Version
area_label         | 55       | 55     | 0           | 0        | 0       | 2      
barrier_line       | 4219     | 0      | 4219        | 0        | 0       | 2      
bridge             | 14       | 0      | 14          | 0        | 0       | 2      
building           | 5414     | 0      | 0           | 5414     | 0       | 2      
building_label     | 413      | 413    | 0           | 0        | 0       | 2      
road               | 502      | 1      | 497         | 4        | 0       | 2      
road_label         | 309      | 0      | 309         | 0        | 0       | 2      

mvt works with a vector tile served from a web server.

Example 2: Inspect a MapLibre vector tile at zoom 2, with an extent showing Norway to India.

mvt info https://demotiles.maplibre.org/tiles/2/2/1.pbf


Name      | Features | Points | LineStrings | Polygons | Unknown | Version
centroids | 104      | 104    | 0           | 0        | 0       | 2      
countries | 113      | 0      | 0           | 113      | 0       | 2      
geolines  | 4        | 0      | 4           | 0        | 0       | 2    


Please create an issue or open a pull request with a fix

Dependencies (for development)

brew install protobuf swift-protobuf swiftlint

TODOs and future improvements





Thomas Rasch, Outdooractive


  • Swift Tools 5.10.0
View More Packages from this Author


Last updated: Sat Oct 19 2024 01:45:38 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)