This library provides very simple and Swiftly way to fetch feeds from iTunes Store:
- Most Played Songs.
- Top Free or Paid Books.
- Top Free or Paid Apps.
- Most Played Albums/Music Videos/Playlists (Coming Soon).
- Top Podcasts/Podcast Episodes (Coming Soon).
- Top Audio Books (Coming Soon).
- Pass region code as parameter.
- Pass result limit (10, 25, 50) as parameter.
- Pass
top free
ortop paid
enum for books or apps feed - Swift Async Await Interface
A detailed guide for installation can be found in Installation Guide.
- File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency
- Add
- Select "Main" branch
First of all, you need to initalize the FeedRepository
let repository = FeedRepository()
// Fetch top 50 most played songs in Indonesia
let songs = try await repository.getMostPlayedSongsFeed(region: "id", resultLimit: .limit50)
// Fetch top 10 free apps in Great Britain
let topPaidApps = try await repository.getTopAppsFeed(region: "gb", type: .topFree, resultLimit: .limit10)
// Fetch top 25 paid apps in Singapore
let topPaidApps = try await repository.getTopAppsFeed(region: "sg", type: .topPaid, resultLimit: .limit25)
// Fetch top 10 free books in Great Britain
let topPaidApps = try await repository.getTopBooksFeed(region: "gb", type: .topFree, resultLimit: .limit10)
// Fetch top 25 paid books in United States
let topPaidApps = try await repository.getTopBooksFeed(region: "us", type: .topPaid, resultLimit: .limit25)
You can get the list of all supported region code parameters from this GitHub Gist. Kudos to Marcus Stöhr/daFish
I also created a library that provide SwiftUI Views to display song/book/app and ObservableObjects to fetch the data using phase state mechanism (loading, success, failure). You can check it out at ITunesFeedSwiftUI