

A wrapper around the `UIKit` Add To Siri button so it can be used in SwiftUI.

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AddToSiriButton provides a wrapper around the UIKit Add To Siri button so it can be used in a SwiftUI project.


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Swift Package Manager (Xcode 11 and above)

  1. In Xcode, select the File > Add Package Dependency… menu item.
  2. Paste in the dialog box.
  3. Follow the Xcode's instruction to complete the installation.

Why not CocoaPods, or Carthage, or blank?

Supporting multiple dependency managers makes maintaining a library exponentially more complicated and time consuming.

Since, the Swift Package Manager is integrated with Xcode 11 (and greater), it's the easiest choice to support going further.

Using AddToSiriButton

AddToSiriButton is very easy to use inside a SwiftUI View:

import SwiftUI
import AddToSiriButton

struct StoreProductList: View {

	var isSiriEnabled:Bool {
        #if os(iOS)
        let status = INPreferences.siriAuthorizationStatus()
        switch status {
        case .notDetermined:
            return false
        case .restricted:
            return false
        case .denied:
            return false
        case .authorized:
            return true
        @unknown default:
            return false
        return false

	var body: some View {
        VStack {
        	#if os(iOS)
	        if isSiriEnabled {
	            VStack {
	                if let voiceShortcut = ShortcutManager.shared.getAddItemVoiceShortcut(for: Store.tableName) {
	                    SiriButtonView(voiceShortcut: voiceShortcut)
	                } else {
	                    SiriButtonView(intent: ShortcutManager.shared.getIntent(for: .addItemIntent, storeName:
	            .frame(height: 50.0)

Would present the following button on iOS if the user hasn't already added a shortcut:

Or it would present this button on iOS if the user had already created a shortcut:

Given the following helper file:

//  ShortcutManager.swift
//  Stuff To Get (iOS)
//  Created by Kevin Mullins on 6/24/21.
//  From:

import UIKit
import Intents

 Class to manage Siri Voice Shortcuts for the your app. It provides function to load all shortcuts for your app, test to see if a shortcut has already been created and to donate a shortcut to Siri, Shortcuts and Spotlight Search.
@available(iOS 12.0, *)
public final class ShortcutManager {
    // MARK: Static Properties
    /// A shared shortcut manager.
    public static let shared = ShortcutManager()
    // MARK: Properties
    /// The list of all shortcuts defined for this app.
    var voiceShortcuts:[INVoiceShortcut] = []
    // MARK: Initializers
    /// Creates a new instant of the object.
    public init() {
        // Initialize
    // MARK: Functions
    /// Loads all predefined shortcuts for the app.
    func loadAllShortcuts() {
        INVoiceShortcutCenter.shared.getAllVoiceShortcuts  { (voiceShortcutsFromCenter, error) in
            guard let voiceShortcutsFromCenter = voiceShortcutsFromCenter else {
                print("Faild to fetch all voice shortcuts: \(String(describing: error))")
            self.voiceShortcuts = voiceShortcutsFromCenter
    /// Donates the given intent to Siri and Spotlight Search.
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - intent: The intent to donate.
    ///   - id: The Group ID of the intent to donate.
    func donate(_ intent: INIntent, id: String? = nil) {
        // create a Siri interaction from our intent
        let interaction = INInteraction(intent: intent, response: nil)
        if let id = id {
            interaction.groupIdentifier = id
        // donate it to the system
        interaction.donate { error in
            // if there was an error, print it out
            if let error = error {
        if let shortcut = INShortcut(intent: intent) {
            let relevantShortcut = INRelevantShortcut(shortcut: shortcut)
            INRelevantShortcutStore.default.setRelevantShortcuts([relevantShortcut]) { error in
                if let error = error {
                    print("Error setting relevant shortcuts: \(error)")
    /// Tests to see if the given store already has an **Add Item** shortcut definted for it.
    /// - Parameter store: The store to check for.
    /// - Returns: `true` if the store already has a shortcut, else returns `false`.
    public func hasAddItemIntent(for store:String) -> Bool {
        // Search all voice shortcuts
        for voiceShorcut in voiceShortcuts {
            if let intent = voiceShorcut.shortcut.intent as? AddItemIntent {
                if == store {
                    // Found
                    return true
        // Not found
        return false
    /// Returns the `INVoiceShortcut` for the given store name if a shortcut has already been defined or returns `nil`.
    /// - Parameter store: The name of the store to search for.
    /// - Returns: The requested `INVoiceShortcut` or `nil` if not found.
    public func getAddItemVoiceShortcut(for store:String) -> INVoiceShortcut? {
        // Search all voice shortcuts
        for voiceShorcut in voiceShortcuts {
            if let intent = voiceShorcut.shortcut.intent as? AddItemIntent {
                if == store {
                    // Found
                    return voiceShorcut
        // Not found
        return nil
    /// Generates an intent of the requested type with the given optional properties.
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - shortcut: The type of shortcut intent to generate.
    ///   - storeName: The optional name of the store to generate the intent for.
    ///   - productName: The optional name of the product to generate the intent for.
    ///   - quantity: The optional quantity to generate the intent for.
    /// - Returns: The requested intent or `nil` if the intent cannot be generated.
    public func getIntent(for shortcut:Shortcut, storeName:String = "", productName:String = "", quantity:Int = 1) -> INIntent? {
        switch shortcut {
        case .addItemIntent:
            let intent = shortcut.intent as! AddItemIntent
            if !storeName.isEmpty {
                intent.suggestedInvocationPhrase = "Add Item To \(storeName)"
       = storeName
            if !productName.isEmpty {
                intent.product = productName
            if quantity > 0 {
                intent.quantity = NSNumber.init(value: quantity)
            return intent
            return nil
    // MARK: - Enumerations
     This enum defines the different types on intent that our app can generate along with properties defining them.
    public enum Shortcut {
        /// The **Add Item** intent.
        case addItemIntent
        /// Returns the unique ID of the intent.
        var intentId: String {
            switch self {
            case .addItemIntent: return "addItemIntentShortcut"
        /// Returns the `INIntent` for the given type.
        var intent: INIntent {
            var intent: INIntent
            switch self {
            case .addItemIntent:
                intent = AddItemIntent()
            intent.suggestedInvocationPhrase = suggestedInvocationPhrase
            return intent
        /// Returns the suggested invocation phrase for the given type.
        var suggestedInvocationPhrase: String {
            switch self {
            case .addItemIntent: return "Add Item"
        /// Returns the short title for the given type.
        var shortTitle: String {
            switch self {
            case .addItemIntent: return "Add Item"
        /// Donates the given type of Intent to Siri and Spotlight Search.
        func donate() {
            // create a Siri interaction from our intent
            let interaction = INInteraction(intent: self.intent, response: nil)
            interaction.groupIdentifier = intentId
            // donate it to the system
            interaction.donate { error in
                // if there was an error, print it out
                if let error = error {
            if let shortcut = INShortcut(intent: intent) {
                let relevantShortcut = INRelevantShortcut(shortcut: shortcut)
                INRelevantShortcutStore.default.setRelevantShortcuts([relevantShortcut]) { error in
                    if let error = error {
                        print("Error setting relevant shortcuts: \(error)")

NOTE: AddItemIntent is a Custom Intent added to a Swift Project in the code above, how to create and implement an intent is beyond the scope of the document. Please see Apple's documentation for assistance.


The Package includes full DocC Documentation for all features.


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Last updated: Sun Feb 02 2025 10:30:37 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)