

A macro for adding a blank "other" case to any enum.


OrOther is a macro that adds a "blank" .other(_:) case to any enum. All that's needed is to create an empty enum, add a private nested enum called Options with an explicit raw value type, add the explicit cases you want, then tack @OrOther onto the primary enum.

OrOther will automatically synthesize the any enum cases you add to Options, then add an extra .other(_:) case. The .other(_:) case has an associated value of the same type as the Options enum's raw value.

It also automatically synthesizes conformace to RawRepresentable for the attached enum, by adding a synthesized computed rawValue property and init(rawValue:) initializer:

  • rawValue returns the rawValue of the matching case from the nested Options enum, unless it's .other, in which case, the associated value is returned.
  • init(rawValue:) is non-failable, as it first tries to match the rawValue to that of the Options enum and return the matching case. If there isn't a matching case in Options, it returns rawValue as the associated value of an .other case.



enum EnumTest {
    private enum Options: String {
        case a
        case b
        case c, dfjdf, flahfeo, ldjfl

Synthesized Output

enum EnumTest {
    private enum Options: String { ... }
    typealias RawValue = String

    case a, b, c, dfjdf, flahfeo, ldjfl, other(String)

    var rawValue: RawValue {
        switch self {
        case .a:
            return Options.a.rawValue
        case .b:
            return Options.b.rawValue
        case .c:
            return Options.c.rawValue
        case .dfjdf:
            return Options.dfjdf.rawValue
        case .flahfeo:
            return Options.flahfeo.rawValue
        case .ldjfl:
            return Options.ldjfl.rawValue
        case .other(let string):
            return string

    init(rawValue: RawValue) {
        if let this = Options(rawValue: rawValue) {
            switch this {
            case .a:
                self = .a
            case .b:
                self = .b
            case .c:
                self = .c
            case .dfjdf:
                self = .dfjdf
            case .flahfeo:
                self = .flahfeo
            case .ldjfl:
                self = .ldjfl
        } else {
            self = .other(rawValue)


  • Swift Tools 5.9.0
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Last updated: Thu Aug 01 2024 05:25:14 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)